Removed rpms

 - ColPack-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-nouveau-32bit
 - Mesa-libGL1-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit
 - atkmm1_6-devel-32bit
 - augeas-devel-32bit
 - bison-32bit
 - bluez-devel-32bit
 - clang9-devel-32bit
 - compat-libpthread-nonshared-32bit
 - coolkey-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop-32bit
 - dapl-devel-32bit
 - dirac-devel-32bit
 - ecryptfs-utils-devel-32bit
 - enchant-1-backend-zemberek-32bit
 - evolution-data-server-32bit
 - fcitx-gtk3-32bit
 - fltk-devel-32bit
 - fontconfig-devel-32bit
 - gconf2-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit
 - glibc-locale-base-32bit
 - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit
 - grub2-arm64-efi-debug
 - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275-debug
 - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit
 - gstreamer-32bit
 - gstreamer-devel-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-good-extra-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-good-jack-32bit
 - gtk2-devel-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-clearlooks-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-wayland-32bit
 - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit
 - ibus-gtk-32bit
 - grub2-arm64-efi
 - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libGL-devel-32bit
 - NetworkManager-devel-32bit
 - adolc-devel-32bit
 - alsa-devel-32bit
 - alsa-topology-devel-32bit
 - attica-qt5-devel-32bit
 - audiofile-devel-32bit
 - binutils-devel-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-crammd5-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-otp-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit
 - dbus-1-devel-32bit
 - device-mapper-devel-32bit
 - enchant-2-backend-voikko-32bit
 - file-devel-32bit
 - fontconfig-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit
 - glib2-tools-32bit
 - glibc-32bit
 - glibc-devel-32bit
 - gnome-keyring-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-farstream-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - intel-media-driver-32bit
 - jack-32bit
 - kauth-devel-32bit
 - kcodecs-devel-32bit
 - keyutils-devel-32bit
 - kguiaddons-devel-32bit
 - kio-core-32bit
 - kio-devel-32bit
 - kitemviews-devel-32bit
 - krb5-32bit
 - krb5-devel-32bit
 - kservice-devel-32bit
 - kwallet-devel-32bit
 - libColPack0-32bit
 - libFLAC8-32bit
 - libFS6-32bit
 - libGLU1-32bit
 - libGLwM1-32bit
 - libHX28-32bit
 - libIlmImf-2_2-23-32bit
 - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23-32bit
 - libKF5Auth5-32bit
 - libKF5Codecs5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigCore5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigGui5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigWidgets5-32bit
 - libKF5CoreAddons5-32bit
 - libKF5IconThemes5-32bit
 - libKF5Solid5-32bit
 - libKF5SonnetUi5-32bit
 - libKF5WidgetsAddons5-32bit
 - libLTO11-32bit
 - libLTO13-32bit
 - libMrm4-32bit
 - libOSMesa-devel-32bit
 - libOpenCL1-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickExtras5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickRender5-32bit
 - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit
 - libQt5Gui5-32bit
 - libQt5Help5-32bit
 - libQt5Network-devel-32bit
 - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit
 - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit
 - libQt5PrintSupport5-32bit
 - libQt5Svg5-32bit
 - libQt5WaylandClient5-32bit
 - libQt5WaylandCompositor5-32bit
 - libQt5Xml-devel-32bit
 - libQtQuick5-32bit
 - libSDL-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_image-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL_Pango1-32bit
 - libSDL_net-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDLmm-0_1-8-32bit
 - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit
 - libXau-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d6-32bit
 - libXaw8-32bit
 - libXcomposite-devel-32bit
 - libXdmcp-devel-32bit
 - libXevie-devel-32bit
 - libXevie1-32bit
 - libXfont-devel-32bit
 - libXft2-32bit
 - libXi-devel-32bit
 - libXpm-devel-32bit
 - libXprintUtil-devel-32bit
 - libXrandr-devel-32bit
 - libXss-devel-32bit
 - libXv1-32bit
 - libXvMC_r600-32bit
 - libXxf86dga1-32bit
 - libaa1-32bit
 - libacl1-32bit
 - libarchive13-32bit
 - libasm1-32bit
 - libatkmm-1_6-1-32bit
 - libatopology2-32bit
 - libaudiofile1-32bit
 - libaudit1-32bit
 - libauparse0-32bit
 - libavfilter7_110-32bit
 - libbabl-0_1-0-32bit
 - libbasicobjects0-32bit
 - libblas3-32bit
 - libbonoboui-32bit
 - libboost_date_time_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_fiber1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_graph_parallel1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_iostreams_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_locale1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_locale_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_program_options1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_system_legacy-32bit
 - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit
 - libcap-ng0-32bit
 - libcddb2-32bit
 - libcheck0-32bit
 - libchromaprint1-32bit
 - libclang11-32bit
 - libclang5-32bit
 - libclucene-shared1-32bit
 - libcmocka0-32bit
 - libcolord-gtk1-32bit
 - libcolord2-32bit
 - libcom_err-devel-32bit
 - libcorosync_common4-32bit
 - libcryptopp8_6_0-32bit
 - libcsync0-32bit
 - libcupsimage2-32bit
 - libcupsppdc1-32bit
 - libcurl-devel-32bit
 - libdbi3-32bit
 - libdc1394-22-32bit
 - libdconf1-32bit
 - libdirac_decoder0-32bit
 - libdrm2-32bit
 - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit
 - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit
 - libdvbv5-0-32bit
 - libdvdread4-32bit
 - libdw1-32bit
 - libdwarves-devel-32bit
 - libecryptfs1-32bit
 - libedata-book-1_2-26-32bit
 - libenca0-32bit
 - libenchant1-32bit
 - libexif12-32bit
 - libfabric1-32bit
 - libfdisk1-32bit
 - libfdk-aac2-32bit
 - libfontconfig1-32bit
 - libfontenc1-32bit
 - libgbm-devel-32bit
 - libgcr-3-1-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-32bit
 - libgd3-32bit
 - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgif7-32bit
 - libglib-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgmp10-32bit
 - libgnome-32bit
 - libgnutls30-32bit
 - libgpgme11-32bit
 - libgpgmepp6-32bit
 - libgpm2-32bit
 - libgsm-devel-32bit
 - libgssdp-1_2-0-32bit
 - libgstallocators-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstgl-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstplayer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstrtsp-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstwebrtc-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit
 - libguess1-32bit
 - libgypsy0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit
 - libhdf5-103-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5-103-openmpi4-32bit
 - libhdf5_cpp103-32bit
 - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi4-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-mvapich2-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi4-32bit
 - libibmad5-32bit
 - libibverbs1-32bit
 - libical-glib3-32bit
 - libicu-devel-32bit
 - libidn11-32bit
 - libidn2-0-32bit
 - libigdgmm11-32bit
 - libinfinipath4-32bit
 - libjack-devel-32bit
 - libjackserver0-32bit
 - libjasper4-32bit
 - libkms-devel-32bit
 - libkms1-32bit
 - libldac2-32bit
 - liblilv-0-0-32bit
 - liblmdb-0_9_17-32bit
 - liblz4-1-32bit
 - liblzo2-2-32bit
 - libmad0-32bit
 - libmikmod3-32bit
 - libmms0-32bit
 - libmng2-32bit
 - libmp3lame0-32bit
 - libmpcdec6-32bit
 - libmpfr6-32bit
 - libmspack0-32bit
 - libmunge2-32bit
 - libnetfilter_conntrack3-32bit
 - libnettle8-32bit
 - libnewt0_52-32bit
 - libnghttp2_asio1-32bit
 - libnm0-32bit
 - libnotify-devel-32bit
 - libnscd1-32bit
 - libnsssharedhelper0-32bit
 - liboauth0-32bit
 - libodbc2-32bit
 - libofa0-32bit
 - libopenal0-32bit
 - libopenmpt0-32bit
 - libopensm9-32bit
 - libopenssl1_0_0-32bit
 - libout123-0-32bit
 - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit
 - libpath_utils-devel-32bit
 - libpcrecpp0-32bit
 - libpinyin13-32bit
 - libplist++-2_0-3-32bit
 - libpng12-0-32bit
 - libpng16-compat-devel-32bit
 - libpoppler89-32bit
 - libpostproc54-32bit
 - libprotobuf20-32bit
 - libproxy1-networkmanager-32bit
 - libpwquality1-32bit
 - libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit
 - libqt5-qtwayland-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-imports-32bit
 - libquorum5-32bit
 - librav1e0-32bit
 - librdf0-32bit
 - librdmacm1-32bit
 - libreadline-java-32bit
 - libref_array-devel-32bit
 - libreiserfs-devel-32bit
 - libserd-0-0-32bit
 - libsodium23-32bit
 - libsoup-3_0-0-32bit
 - libsoup-devel-32bit
 - libsoxr0-32bit
 - libsrtp2-1-32bit
 - libswscale5_9-32bit
 - libtalloc2-32bit
 - libtdb1-32bit
 - libtelepathy-glib0-32bit
 - libtheora0-32bit
 - libtheoraenc1-32bit
 - libtiff-devel-32bit
 - libtss2-sys1-32bit
 - libtss2-tcti-cmd0-32bit
 - libtss2-tcti-mssim0-32bit
 - libunistring2-32bit
 - libusb-0_1-4-32bit
 - libutempter0-32bit
 - libv4l-32bit
 - libv4l1-0-32bit
 - libva-gl-devel-32bit
 - libvcdinfo0-32bit
 - libvdpau_r600-32bit
 - libvdpau_radeonsi-32bit
 - libvotequorum8-32bit
 - libvpx7-32bit
 - libvulkan1-32bit
 - libwebpmux2-32bit
 - libwoff2common1_0_2-32bit
 - libwpe-1_0-1-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_net-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_media-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libxcb-cursor0-32bit
 - libxcb-ewmh2-32bit
 - libxcb-present0-32bit
 - libxcb-render0-32bit
 - libxcb-sync1-32bit
 - libxcb-xf86dri0-32bit
 - libxcb-xvmc0-32bit
 - libxcrypt-devel-32bit
 - libxkbcommon0-32bit
 - libxkbui-devel-32bit
 - libxkbui1-32bit
 - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit
 - libxshmfence1-32bit
 - libzimg2-32bit
 - libzio1-32bit
 - libzzip-0-13-32bit
 - llvm11-LTO-devel-32bit
 - llvm13-LTO-devel-32bit
 - lzo-devel-32bit
 - mozilla-nspr-32bit
 - mpc-devel-32bit
 - mpg123-devel-32bit
 - mpg123-jack-32bit
 - mpg123-portaudio-32bit
 - net-snmp-devel-32bit
 - nss-mdns-32bit
 - ocl-icd-devel-32bit
 - openmpi4-libs-32bit
 - pam-extra-32bit
 - pipewire-alsa-32bit
 - python3-talloc-32bit
 - rsocket-32bit
 - samba-client-32bit
 - samba-libs-32bit
 - solid-devel-32bit
 - termcap-32bit
 - unixODBC-devel-32bit
 - wxWidgets-3_0-devel-32bit
 - kernel-obs-build
 - isl-devel-32bit
 - kconfig-devel-32bit
 - kcoreaddons-devel-32bit
 - kdoctools-devel-32bit
 - ki18n-devel-32bit
 - kio-32bit
 - kjobwidgets-devel-32bit
 - knotifications-devel-32bit
 - kservice-32bit
 - kxmlgui-devel-32bit
 - ladspa-32bit
 - libFLAC++6-32bit
 - libGeoIP-devel-32bit
 - libIex-2_2-23-32bit
 - libKF5GlobalAccel5-32bit
 - libKF5I18n5-32bit
 - libKF5SonnetCore5-32bit
 - libKF5WindowSystem5-32bit
 - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit
 - libLLVM7-32bit
 - libLLVM9-32bit
 - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit
 - libQt53DAnimation5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickAnimation5-32bit
 - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit
 - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit
 - libQt5Core-devel-32bit
 - libQt5Core5-32bit
 - libQt5Network5-32bit
 - libQt5Nfc5-32bit
 - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit
 - libQt5Positioning5-32bit
 - libQt5PositioningQuick5-32bit
 - libQt5Script5-32bit
 - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit
 - libQt5Sql5-32bit
 - libQt5Test-devel-32bit
 - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit
 - libQt5WebChannel5-32bit
 - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit
 - libSDL2-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_mixer-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_net-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_Pango-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx15-32bit
 - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSM6-32bit
 - libSoundTouch0-32bit
 - libUil4-32bit
 - libX11-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d7-32bit
 - libXaw6-32bit
 - libXcomposite1-32bit
 - libXcursor-devel-32bit
 - libXdamage1-32bit
 - libXdmcp6-32bit
 - libXfontcache-devel-32bit
 - libXft-devel-32bit
 - libXinerama1-32bit
 - libXm4-32bit
 - libXprintUtil1-32bit
 - libXrandr2-32bit
 - libXrender1-32bit
 - libXxf86vm-devel-32bit
 - libXxf86vm1-32bit
 - libZXing1-32bit
 - liba52-0-32bit
 - libacl-devel-32bit
 - libaio-devel-32bit
 - libao-plugins4-32bit
 - libapparmor1-32bit
 - libaspell15-32bit
 - libassuan0-32bit
 - libaugeas0-32bit
 - libavahi-client3-32bit
 - libavahi-glib1-32bit
 - libavc1394-0-32bit
 - libavcodec57-32bit
 - libblkid-devel-32bit
 - libbluetooth3-32bit
 - libbluray2-32bit
 - libboost_coroutine1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_date_time1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_filesystem1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_filesystem1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_math1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_mpi1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_mpi1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_python-py3-1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_random1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_random_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_regex1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_stacktrace1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_test1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_wave_legacy-32bit
 - libbox2d-devel-32bit
 - libbrotlicommon1-32bit
 - libbrotlienc1-32bit
 - libcaca0-plugins-32bit
 - libcairo-gobject2-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit
 - libcares2-32bit
 - libcdio16-32bit
 - libcdio19-32bit
 - libcfg6-32bit
 - libcgroup1-32bit
 - libclang13-32bit
 - libclang7-32bit
 - libclucene-core1-32bit
 - libcmocka-devel-32bit
 - libcogl20-32bit
 - libcollection-devel-32bit
 - libconfig11-32bit
 - libcppunit-1_14-0-32bit
 - libcroco-0_6-3-32bit
 - libcupscgi1-32bit
 - libcupsmime1-32bit
 - libdatrie1-32bit
 - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit
 - libdns_sd-32bit
 - libdouble-conversion3-32bit
 - libdrm-devel-32bit
 - libdrm_intel1-32bit
 - libdwarves1-32bit
 - libebl-plugins-32bit
 - libebook-contacts-1_2-3-32bit
 - libecal-2_0-1-32bit
 - libecpg6-32bit
 - libedit0-32bit
 - libelf-devel-32bit
 - libelf1-32bit
 - libev4-32bit
 - libevdev2-32bit
 - libexiv2-26-32bit
 - libexpat-devel-32bit
 - libext2fs-devel-32bit
 - libfabric-devel-32bit
 - libfam0-gamin-32bit
 - libfdt1-32bit
 - libfftw3_mpi3-32bit
 - libfl2-32bit
 - libfluidsynth3-32bit
 - libfontenc-devel-32bit
 - libfreebl3-32bit
 - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit
 - libfuse2-32bit
 - libgck-devel-32bit
 - libgcr-devel-32bit
 - libgdal28
 - libgdata22-32bit
 - libgdbm4-32bit
 - libgee-0_8-2-32bit
 - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit
 - libgeocode-glib0-32bit
 - libgimp-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgiomm-2_4-1-32bit
 - libgnome-desktop-3-18-32bit
 - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit
 - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgpg-error0-32bit
 - libgphoto2-devel-32bit
 - libgraphene-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgraphite2-3-32bit
 - libgsm1-32bit
 - libgstaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstinsertbin-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstrtp-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstsctp-1_0-0-32bit
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 - libgtkmm-2_4-1-32bit
 - libgupnp-igd-1_0-4-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-icu0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz0-32bit
 - libhdf5_fortran102-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl100-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhogweed4-32bit
 - libib_util-32bit
 - libiec61883-0-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-glue-1_0-0-32bit
 - libini_config-devel-32bit
 - libjacknet0-32bit
 - libjbig2-32bit
 - libjpeg62-32bit
 - libjpeg62-devel-32bit
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 - libkwalletbackend5-5-32bit
 - libldb2-32bit
 - liblirc_client0-32bit
 - liblirc_driver0-32bit
 - liblqr-1-0-32bit
 - libm17n0-32bit
 - libmanette-0_2-0-32bit
 - libmarisa0-32bit
 - libmount-devel-32bit
 - libmpeg2-0-32bit
 - libmpg123-0-32bit
 - libmplex2-2_0-0-32bit
 - libncurses5-32bit
 - libnetcdf18-openmpi2-32bit
 - libnetcdf18-openmpi4-32bit
 - libnetcontrol0-32bit
 - libnetpbm11-32bit
 - libnettle-devel-32bit
 - libnss_nis2-32bit
 - libopagent1-32bit
 - libopenjpeg1-32bit
 - libopenssl1_0_0-steam-32bit
 - libp11-kit0-32bit
 - libpango-1_0-0-32bit
 - libpapi-32bit
 - libparted0-32bit
 - libpcre2-16-0-32bit
 - libpcre2-32-0-32bit
 - libpcscspy0-32bit
 - libpgm-5_2-0-32bit
 - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit
 - libpixman-1-0-32bit
 - libpkcs11-helper1-32bit
 - libpng16-16-32bit
 - libpng16-devel-32bit
 - libpoppler-qt5-1-32bit
 - libpopt0-32bit
 - libprotobuf-lite20-32bit
 - libproxy1-config-gnome3-32bit
 - libpspell15-32bit
 - libpulse-devel-32bit
 - libqrencode4-32bit
 - libqt5-qtremoteobjects-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtscript-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtsvg-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit
 - libraw20-32bit
 - libreadline7-32bit
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 - librsvg-2-2-32bit
 - libsamplerate0-32bit
 - libsbc1-32bit
 - libscalapack2-mvapich2-32bit
 - libschroedinger-1_0-0-32bit
 - libsemanage1-32bit
 - libsensors4-32bit
 - libsigc-3_0-0-32bit
 - libsnappy1-32bit
 - libsndfile1-32bit
 - libsoftokn3-32bit
 - libsord-0-0-32bit
 - libspeechd2-32bit
 - libspeex1-32bit
 - libsqlite3-0-32bit
 - libsrt1-32bit
 - libssh2-1-32bit
 - libssh4-32bit
 - libsuperlu5-32bit
 - libsvrcore0-32bit
 - libswresample2-32bit
 - libtasn1-6-32bit
 - libtasn1-devel-32bit
 - libthai0-32bit
 - libtheoradec1-32bit
 - libtss2-mu0-32bit
 - libtwolame0-32bit
 - libuchardet0-32bit
 - libudf0-32bit
 - libunistring-devel-32bit
 - libunwind-32bit
 - liburcu6-32bit
 - libusb-1_0-0-32bit
 - libustr-1_0-1-32bit
 - libuuid-devel-32bit
 - libv4l2-0-32bit
 - libv4lconvert0-32bit
 - libva-devel-32bit
 - libva-drm2-32bit
 - libva-wayland2-32bit
 - libva2-32bit
 - libvdpau1-32bit
 - libverto-devel-32bit
 - libverto-glib1-32bit
 - libverto-tevent1-32bit
 - libverto1-32bit
 - libvmaf1-32bit
 - libvorbis0-32bit
 - libvorbisenc2-32bit
 - libvpd2-devel-32bit
 - libvulkan_radeon-32bit
 - libwavpack1-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libwebp7-32bit
 - libwebpdecoder3-32bit
 - libwebpmux3-32bit
 - libwlroots5
 - libwmf-gnome-32bit
 - libwrap0-32bit
 - libwx_baseu-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_net-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_gl-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse3-32bit
 - libxcb-damage0-32bit
 - libxcb-icccm4-32bit
 - libxcb-record0-32bit
 - libxcb-res0-32bit
 - libxcb-xinerama0-32bit
 - libxcb-xtest0-32bit
 - libxml2-devel-32bit
 - libyajl-devel-32bit
 - libyajl2-32bit
 - libzhuyin13-32bit
 - llvm5-devel-32bit
 - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit
 - motif-devel-32bit
 - mozilla-nss-certs-32bit
 - ncurses5-devel-32bit
 - openldap2-devel-32bit
 - openslp-32bit
 - opensm-devel-32bit
 - orbit2-32bit
 - pam_krb5-32bit
 - pam_kwallet-32bit
 - pam_ldap-32bit
 - pam_mount-32bit
 - pam_pkcs11-32bit
 - pam_radius-32bit
 - papi-devel-32bit
 - perl-core-DB_File-32bit
 - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit
 - python3-32bit
 - python3-base-32bit
 - python3-ldb-32bit
 - qemu-ipxe
 - qemu-seabios
 - rdma-core-devel-32bit
 - readline-devel-32bit
 - readline5-devel-32bit
 - rtw89-firmware
 - rtw89-kmp-64kb
 - rtw89-kmp-default
 - rtw89-ueficert
 - samba-libs-python3-32bit
 - samba-winbind-libs-32bit
 - sane-backends-32bit
 - systemd-32bit
 - systemd-mini-container
 - tcl-32bit
 - tk-32bit
 - tslib-devel-32bit
 - typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0-32bit
 - vegastrike
 - vegastrike-data
 - vegastrike-extra
 - vegastrike-music
 - vegastrike-speech
 - viewvc
 - wayland-devel-32bit
 - wine-devel-32bit
 - wxWidgets-3_0-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_0-32bit
 - xen-libs-32bit
 - xf86-video-intel-32bit
 - xz-devel-32bit
 - yum-aliases
 - yum-allowdowngrade
 - yum-basearchonly
 - yum-changelog
 - yum-downloadonly
 - yum-fastestmirror
 - yum-filter-data
 - yum-list-data
 - yum-merge-conf
 - yum-priorities
 - yum-protect-packages
 - yum-protectbase
 - yum-refresh-updatesd
 - yum-tmprepo
 - yum-tsflags
 - yum-upgrade-helper
 - yum-utils
 - yum-verify
 - yum-versionlock
 - zlib-devel-32bit

Added rpms

 - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libGL-devel-32bit
 - NetworkManager-devel-32bit
 - adolc-devel-32bit
 - alsa-devel-32bit
 - alsa-topology-devel-32bit
 - attica-qt5-devel-32bit
 - audiofile-devel-32bit
 - binutils-devel-32bit
 - brightnessctl
 - corepack14
 - cyrus-sasl-crammd5-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-otp-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit
 - dbus-1-devel-32bit
 - device-mapper-devel-32bit
 - enchant-2-backend-voikko-32bit
 - enlightenment-theme-Flat
 - enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-oliveleaf
 - enlightenment-x-Flat-icon-theme
 - fcft-devel
 - file-devel-32bit
 - fontconfig-32bit
 - foot
 - foot-extra-terminfo
 - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit
 - glib2-tools-32bit
 - glibc-32bit
 - glibc-devel-32bit
 - gnome-keyring-32bit
 - grub2-arm64-efi
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-farstream-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - grub2-arm64-efi-debug
 - ColPack-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-nouveau-32bit
 - Mesa-libGL1-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit
 - atkmm1_6-devel-32bit
 - augeas-devel-32bit
 - bison-32bit
 - bluez-devel-32bit
 - clang9-devel-32bit
 - compat-libpthread-nonshared-32bit
 - coolkey-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit
 - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop-32bit
 - dapl-devel-32bit
 - dirac-devel-32bit
 - ecryptfs-utils-devel-32bit
 - enchant-1-backend-zemberek-32bit
 - evolution-data-server-32bit
 - fcitx-gtk3-32bit
 - fltk-devel-32bit
 - fontconfig-devel-32bit
 - gconf2-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit
 - glibc-locale-base-32bit
 - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit
 - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit
 - gstreamer-32bit
 - gstreamer-devel-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-good-extra-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-good-jack-32bit
 - gtk2-devel-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-clearlooks-32bit
 - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-wayland-32bit
 - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit
 - ibus-gtk-32bit
 - isl-devel-32bit
 - kconfig-devel-32bit
 - kcoreaddons-devel-32bit
 - kdoctools-devel-32bit
 - ki18n-devel-32bit
 - kio-32bit
 - kjobwidgets-devel-32bit
 - knotifications-devel-32bit
 - kservice-32bit
 - kxmlgui-devel-32bit
 - ladspa-32bit
 - libFLAC++6-32bit
 - libGeoIP-devel-32bit
 - libIex-2_2-23-32bit
 - libKF5GlobalAccel5-32bit
 - libKF5I18n5-32bit
 - libKF5SonnetCore5-32bit
 - libKF5WindowSystem5-32bit
 - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit
 - libLLVM7-32bit
 - libLLVM9-32bit
 - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit
 - libQt53DAnimation5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickAnimation5-32bit
 - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit
 - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit
 - libQt5Core-devel-32bit
 - libQt5Core5-32bit
 - libQt5Network5-32bit
 - libQt5Nfc5-32bit
 - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit
 - libQt5Positioning5-32bit
 - libQt5PositioningQuick5-32bit
 - libQt5Script5-32bit
 - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit
 - libQt5Sql5-32bit
 - libQt5Test-devel-32bit
 - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit
 - libQt5WebChannel5-32bit
 - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit
 - libSDL2-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_mixer-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_net-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_Pango-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx15-32bit
 - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSM6-32bit
 - libSoundTouch0-32bit
 - libUil4-32bit
 - libX11-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d7-32bit
 - libXaw6-32bit
 - libXcomposite1-32bit
 - libXcursor-devel-32bit
 - libXdamage1-32bit
 - libXdmcp6-32bit
 - libXfontcache-devel-32bit
 - libXft-devel-32bit
 - libXinerama1-32bit
 - libXm4-32bit
 - libXprintUtil1-32bit
 - libXrandr2-32bit
 - libXrender1-32bit
 - libXxf86vm-devel-32bit
 - libXxf86vm1-32bit
 - libZXing1-32bit
 - liba52-0-32bit
 - libacl-devel-32bit
 - libaio-devel-32bit
 - libao-plugins4-32bit
 - libapparmor1-32bit
 - libaspell15-32bit
 - libassuan0-32bit
 - libaugeas0-32bit
 - libavahi-client3-32bit
 - libavahi-glib1-32bit
 - libavc1394-0-32bit
 - libavcodec57-32bit
 - libblkid-devel-32bit
 - libbluetooth3-32bit
 - libbluray2-32bit
 - libboost_coroutine1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_date_time1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_filesystem1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_filesystem1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_math1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_mpi1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_mpi1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_python-py3-1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_random1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_random_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_regex1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_stacktrace1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_test1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_wave_legacy-32bit
 - libbox2d-devel-32bit
 - libbrotlicommon1-32bit
 - libbrotlienc1-32bit
 - libcaca0-plugins-32bit
 - libcairo-gobject2-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit
 - libcares2-32bit
 - libcdio16-32bit
 - libcdio19-32bit
 - libcfg6-32bit
 - libcgroup1-32bit
 - libclang13-32bit
 - libclang7-32bit
 - libclucene-core1-32bit
 - libcmocka-devel-32bit
 - libcogl20-32bit
 - libcollection-devel-32bit
 - libconfig11-32bit
 - libcppunit-1_14-0-32bit
 - libcroco-0_6-3-32bit
 - libcupscgi1-32bit
 - libcupsmime1-32bit
 - libdatrie1-32bit
 - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit
 - libdns_sd-32bit
 - libdouble-conversion3-32bit
 - libdrm-devel-32bit
 - libdrm_intel1-32bit
 - libdwarves1-32bit
 - libebl-plugins-32bit
 - libebook-contacts-1_2-3-32bit
 - libecal-2_0-1-32bit
 - libecpg6-32bit
 - libedit0-32bit
 - libelf-devel-32bit
 - libelf1-32bit
 - libev4-32bit
 - libevdev2-32bit
 - libexiv2-26-32bit
 - libexpat-devel-32bit
 - libext2fs-devel-32bit
 - libfabric-devel-32bit
 - libfam0-gamin-32bit
 - libfdt1-32bit
 - libfftw3_mpi3-32bit
 - libfl2-32bit
 - libfluidsynth3-32bit
 - libfontenc-devel-32bit
 - libfreebl3-32bit
 - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit
 - libfuse2-32bit
 - libgck-devel-32bit
 - libgcr-devel-32bit
 - libgdata22-32bit
 - libgdbm4-32bit
 - libgee-0_8-2-32bit
 - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit
 - libgeocode-glib0-32bit
 - libgimp-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgiomm-2_4-1-32bit
 - libgnome-desktop-3-18-32bit
 - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit
 - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgpg-error0-32bit
 - libgphoto2-devel-32bit
 - libgraphene-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgraphite2-3-32bit
 - libgsm1-32bit
 - libgstaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstinsertbin-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstrtp-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstsctp-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgtk-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgtk-4-1-32bit
 - libgtkhtml-editor-4_0-0-32bit
 - libgtkmm-2_4-1-32bit
 - libgupnp-igd-1_0-4-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-icu0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz0-32bit
 - libhdf5_fortran102-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl100-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhogweed4-32bit
 - libib_util-32bit
 - libiec61883-0-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-glue-1_0-0-32bit
 - libini_config-devel-32bit
 - libjacknet0-32bit
 - libjbig2-32bit
 - libjpeg62-32bit
 - libjpeg62-devel-32bit
 - libkate1-32bit
 - libkwalletbackend5-5-32bit
 - libldb2-32bit
 - liblirc_client0-32bit
 - liblirc_driver0-32bit
 - liblqr-1-0-32bit
 - libm17n0-32bit
 - libmanette-0_2-0-32bit
 - libmarisa0-32bit
 - libmount-devel-32bit
 - libmpeg2-0-32bit
 - libmpg123-0-32bit
 - libmplex2-2_0-0-32bit
 - libncurses5-32bit
 - libnetcdf18-openmpi2-32bit
 - libnetcdf18-openmpi4-32bit
 - libnetcontrol0-32bit
 - libnetpbm11-32bit
 - libnettle-devel-32bit
 - libnss_nis2-32bit
 - libopagent1-32bit
 - libopenjpeg1-32bit
 - libopenssl1_0_0-steam-32bit
 - libp11-kit0-32bit
 - libpango-1_0-0-32bit
 - libpapi-32bit
 - libparted0-32bit
 - libpcre2-16-0-32bit
 - libpcre2-32-0-32bit
 - libpcscspy0-32bit
 - libpgm-5_2-0-32bit
 - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit
 - libpixman-1-0-32bit
 - libpkcs11-helper1-32bit
 - libpng16-16-32bit
 - libpng16-devel-32bit
 - libpoppler-qt5-1-32bit
 - libpopt0-32bit
 - libprotobuf-lite20-32bit
 - libproxy1-config-gnome3-32bit
 - libpspell15-32bit
 - libpulse-devel-32bit
 - libqrencode4-32bit
 - libqt5-qtremoteobjects-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtscript-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtsvg-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit
 - libraw20-32bit
 - libreadline7-32bit
 - libref_array1-32bit
 - librsvg-2-2-32bit
 - libsamplerate0-32bit
 - libsbc1-32bit
 - libscalapack2-mvapich2-32bit
 - libschroedinger-1_0-0-32bit
 - libsemanage1-32bit
 - libsensors4-32bit
 - libsigc-3_0-0-32bit
 - libsnappy1-32bit
 - libsndfile1-32bit
 - libsoftokn3-32bit
 - libsord-0-0-32bit
 - libspeechd2-32bit
 - libspeex1-32bit
 - libsqlite3-0-32bit
 - libsrt1-32bit
 - libssh2-1-32bit
 - libssh4-32bit
 - libsuperlu5-32bit
 - libsvrcore0-32bit
 - libswresample2-32bit
 - libtasn1-6-32bit
 - libtasn1-devel-32bit
 - libthai0-32bit
 - libtheoradec1-32bit
 - libtss2-mu0-32bit
 - libtwolame0-32bit
 - libuchardet0-32bit
 - libudf0-32bit
 - libunistring-devel-32bit
 - libunwind-32bit
 - liburcu6-32bit
 - libusb-1_0-0-32bit
 - libustr-1_0-1-32bit
 - libuuid-devel-32bit
 - libv4l2-0-32bit
 - libv4lconvert0-32bit
 - libva-devel-32bit
 - libva-drm2-32bit
 - libva-wayland2-32bit
 - libva2-32bit
 - libvdpau1-32bit
 - libverto-devel-32bit
 - libverto-glib1-32bit
 - libverto-tevent1-32bit
 - libverto1-32bit
 - libvmaf1-32bit
 - libvorbis0-32bit
 - libvorbisenc2-32bit
 - libvpd2-devel-32bit
 - libvulkan_radeon-32bit
 - libwavpack1-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libwebp7-32bit
 - libwebpdecoder3-32bit
 - libwebpmux3-32bit
 - libwmf-gnome-32bit
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 - libwx_baseu-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_net-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_gl-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse3-32bit
 - libxcb-damage0-32bit
 - libxcb-icccm4-32bit
 - libxcb-record0-32bit
 - libxcb-res0-32bit
 - libxcb-xinerama0-32bit
 - libxcb-xtest0-32bit
 - libxml2-devel-32bit
 - libyajl-devel-32bit
 - libyajl2-32bit
 - libzhuyin13-32bit
 - llvm5-devel-32bit
 - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit
 - motif-devel-32bit
 - mozilla-nss-certs-32bit
 - ncurses5-devel-32bit
 - openldap2-devel-32bit
 - openslp-32bit
 - opensm-devel-32bit
 - orbit2-32bit
 - pam_krb5-32bit
 - pam_kwallet-32bit
 - pam_ldap-32bit
 - pam_mount-32bit
 - pam_pkcs11-32bit
 - pam_radius-32bit
 - papi-devel-32bit
 - perl-core-DB_File-32bit
 - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit
 - python3-32bit
 - python3-base-32bit
 - python3-ldb-32bit
 - rdma-core-devel-32bit
 - readline-devel-32bit
 - readline5-devel-32bit
 - samba-libs-python3-32bit
 - samba-winbind-libs-32bit
 - sane-backends-32bit
 - systemd-32bit
 - tcl-32bit
 - tk-32bit
 - tslib-devel-32bit
 - typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0-32bit
 - wayland-devel-32bit
 - wine-devel-32bit
 - wxWidgets-3_0-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_0-32bit
 - xen-libs-32bit
 - xf86-video-intel-32bit
 - xz-devel-32bit
 - zlib-devel-32bit
 - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275-debug
 - qemu-ipxe
 - qemu-seabios
 - intel-media-driver-32bit
 - jack-32bit
 - kauth-devel-32bit
 - kcodecs-devel-32bit
 - kernel-livepatch-5_14_21-150400_11-default
 - keyutils-devel-32bit
 - kguiaddons-devel-32bit
 - kio-core-32bit
 - kio-devel-32bit
 - kitemviews-devel-32bit
 - krb5-32bit
 - krb5-devel-32bit
 - kservice-devel-32bit
 - kwallet-devel-32bit
 - libColPack0-32bit
 - libFLAC8-32bit
 - libFS6-32bit
 - libGLU1-32bit
 - libGLwM1-32bit
 - libHX28-32bit
 - libIlmImf-2_2-23-32bit
 - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23-32bit
 - libKF5Auth5-32bit
 - libKF5Codecs5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigCore5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigGui5-32bit
 - libKF5ConfigWidgets5-32bit
 - libKF5CoreAddons5-32bit
 - libKF5IconThemes5-32bit
 - libKF5Solid5-32bit
 - libKF5SonnetUi5-32bit
 - libKF5WidgetsAddons5-32bit
 - libLTO11-32bit
 - libLTO13-32bit
 - libMrm4-32bit
 - libOSMesa-devel-32bit
 - libOpenCL1-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickExtras5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit
 - libQt53DQuickRender5-32bit
 - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit
 - libQt5Gui5-32bit
 - libQt5Help5-32bit
 - libQt5Network-devel-32bit
 - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit
 - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit
 - libQt5PrintSupport5-32bit
 - libQt5Svg5-32bit
 - libQt5WaylandClient5-32bit
 - libQt5WaylandCompositor5-32bit
 - libQt5Xml-devel-32bit
 - libQtQuick5-32bit
 - libSDL-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_image-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL_Pango1-32bit
 - libSDL_net-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDLmm-0_1-8-32bit
 - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit
 - libXau-devel-32bit
 - libXaw3d6-32bit
 - libXaw8-32bit
 - libXcomposite-devel-32bit
 - libXdmcp-devel-32bit
 - libXevie-devel-32bit
 - libXevie1-32bit
 - libXfont-devel-32bit
 - libXft2-32bit
 - libXi-devel-32bit
 - libXpm-devel-32bit
 - libXprintUtil-devel-32bit
 - libXrandr-devel-32bit
 - libXss-devel-32bit
 - libXv1-32bit
 - libXvMC_r600-32bit
 - libXxf86dga1-32bit
 - libaa1-32bit
 - libacl1-32bit
 - libarchive13-32bit
 - libasm1-32bit
 - libatkmm-1_6-1-32bit
 - libatopology2-32bit
 - libaudiofile1-32bit
 - libaudit1-32bit
 - libauparse0-32bit
 - libavfilter7_110-32bit
 - libbabl-0_1-0-32bit
 - libbasicobjects0-32bit
 - libblas3-32bit
 - libbonoboui-32bit
 - libboost_date_time_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_fiber1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_graph_parallel1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_iostreams_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_locale1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_locale_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_program_options1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization1_75_0-32bit
 - libboost_serialization_legacy-32bit
 - libboost_system_legacy-32bit
 - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit
 - libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit
 - libcap-ng0-32bit
 - libcddb2-32bit
 - libcheck0-32bit
 - libchromaprint1-32bit
 - libclang11-32bit
 - libclang5-32bit
 - libclucene-shared1-32bit
 - libcmocka0-32bit
 - libcolord-gtk1-32bit
 - libcolord2-32bit
 - libcom_err-devel-32bit
 - libcorosync_common4-32bit
 - libcryptopp8_6_0-32bit
 - libcsync0-32bit
 - libcupsimage2-32bit
 - libcupsppdc1-32bit
 - libcurl-devel-32bit
 - libdbi3-32bit
 - libdc1394-22-32bit
 - libdconf1-32bit
 - libdirac_decoder0-32bit
 - libdrm2-32bit
 - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit
 - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit
 - libdvbv5-0-32bit
 - libdvdread4-32bit
 - libdw1-32bit
 - libdwarves-devel-32bit
 - libecryptfs1-32bit
 - libedata-book-1_2-26-32bit
 - libenca0-32bit
 - libenchant1-32bit
 - libexif12-32bit
 - libfabric1-32bit
 - libfcft4
 - libfdisk1-32bit
 - libfdk-aac2-32bit
 - libfontconfig1-32bit
 - libfontenc1-32bit
 - libgbm-devel-32bit
 - libgcr-3-1-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-32bit
 - libgd3-32bit
 - libgdal30
 - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgif7-32bit
 - libglib-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgmp10-32bit
 - libgnome-32bit
 - libgnutls30-32bit
 - libgpgme11-32bit
 - libgpgmepp6-32bit
 - libgpm2-32bit
 - libgsm-devel-32bit
 - libgssdp-1_2-0-32bit
 - libgstallocators-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstgl-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstplayer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstrtsp-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstwebrtc-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit
 - libguess1-32bit
 - libgypsy0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit
 - libhdf5-103-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5-103-openmpi4-32bit
 - libhdf5_cpp103-32bit
 - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi2-32bit
 - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi4-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-mvapich2-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi3-32bit
 - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi4-32bit
 - libibmad5-32bit
 - libibverbs1-32bit
 - libical-glib3-32bit
 - libicu-devel-32bit
 - libidn11-32bit
 - libidn2-0-32bit
 - libigdgmm11-32bit
 - libinfinipath4-32bit
 - libjack-devel-32bit
 - libjackserver0-32bit
 - libjasper4-32bit
 - libkms-devel-32bit
 - libkms1-32bit
 - libldac2-32bit
 - liblilv-0-0-32bit
 - liblmdb-0_9_17-32bit
 - liblz4-1-32bit
 - liblzo2-2-32bit
 - libmad0-32bit
 - libmikmod3-32bit
 - libmms0-32bit
 - libmng2-32bit
 - libmp3lame0-32bit
 - libmpcdec6-32bit
 - libmpfr6-32bit
 - libmspack0-32bit
 - libmunge2-32bit
 - libnetfilter_conntrack3-32bit
 - libnettle8-32bit
 - libnewt0_52-32bit
 - libnghttp2_asio1-32bit
 - libnm0-32bit
 - libnotify-devel-32bit
 - libnscd1-32bit
 - libnsssharedhelper0-32bit
 - liboauth0-32bit
 - libodbc2-32bit
 - libofa0-32bit
 - libopenal0-32bit
 - libopenmpt0-32bit
 - libopensm9-32bit
 - libopenssl1_0_0-32bit
 - libout123-0-32bit
 - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit
 - libpath_utils-devel-32bit
 - libpcrecpp0-32bit
 - libpinyin13-32bit
 - libplist++-2_0-3-32bit
 - libpng12-0-32bit
 - libpng16-compat-devel-32bit
 - libpoppler89-32bit
 - libpostproc54-32bit
 - libprotobuf20-32bit
 - libproxy1-networkmanager-32bit
 - libpwquality1-32bit
 - libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit
 - libqt5-qtwayland-devel-32bit
 - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-imports-32bit
 - libquorum5-32bit
 - librav1e0-32bit
 - librdf0-32bit
 - librdmacm1-32bit
 - libreadline-java-32bit
 - libref_array-devel-32bit
 - libreiserfs-devel-32bit
 - librttopo-devel
 - librttopo1
 - libseat1
 - libserd-0-0-32bit
 - libsodium23-32bit
 - libsoup-3_0-0-32bit
 - libsoup-devel-32bit
 - libsoxr0-32bit
 - libsrtp2-1-32bit
 - libswscale5_9-32bit
 - libtalloc2-32bit
 - libtdb1-32bit
 - libtelepathy-glib0-32bit
 - libtheora0-32bit
 - libtheoraenc1-32bit
 - libtiff-devel-32bit
 - libtss2-sys1-32bit
 - libtss2-tcti-cmd0-32bit
 - libtss2-tcti-mssim0-32bit
 - libunistring2-32bit
 - libusb-0_1-4-32bit
 - libutempter0-32bit
 - libv4l-32bit
 - libv4l1-0-32bit
 - libva-gl-devel-32bit
 - libvcdinfo0-32bit
 - libvdpau_r600-32bit
 - libvdpau_radeonsi-32bit
 - libvotequorum8-32bit
 - libvpx7-32bit
 - libvulkan1-32bit
 - libwebpmux2-32bit
 - libwlroots9
 - libwoff2common1_0_2-32bit
 - libwpe-1_0-1-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_net-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3-32bit
 - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_media-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3_0_5-32bit
 - libxcb-cursor0-32bit
 - libxcb-ewmh2-32bit
 - libxcb-present0-32bit
 - libxcb-render0-32bit
 - libxcb-sync1-32bit
 - libxcb-xf86dri0-32bit
 - libxcb-xvmc0-32bit
 - libxcrypt-devel-32bit
 - libxkbcommon0-32bit
 - libxkbui-devel-32bit
 - libxkbui1-32bit
 - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit
 - libxshmfence1-32bit
 - libzimg2-32bit
 - libzio1-32bit
 - libzzip-0-13-32bit
 - llvm11-LTO-devel-32bit
 - llvm13-LTO-devel-32bit
 - lzo-devel-32bit
 - mako
 - man-pages-el
 - man-pages-fi
 - man-pages-hu
 - man-pages-id
 - man-pages-nb
 - man-pages-sr
 - man-pages-sv
 - man-pages-vi
 - mod_spatialite
 - mozilla-nspr-32bit
 - mpc-devel-32bit
 - mpg123-devel-32bit
 - mpg123-jack-32bit
 - mpg123-portaudio-32bit
 - multiload-ng-base
 - multiload-ng-xfce4
 - net-snmp-devel-32bit
 - nss-mdns-32bit
 - nvme-stas
 - ocaml-pyml
 - ocaml-pyml-devel
 - ocaml-stdcompat
 - ocaml-stdcompat-devel
 - ocl-icd-devel-32bit
 - openSUSE-e-X-Dark-Icons
 - openSUSE-e-X-Oliveleaf-Icons
 - openmpi4-libs-32bit
 - pam-extra-32bit
 - pipewire-alsa-32bit
 - python3-Sphinx_4_2_0
 - python3-Sphinx_4_2_0-latex
 - python3-lxml-doc
 - python3-pip-test
 - python3-synr
 - python3-talloc-32bit
 - rpi-imager
 - rsocket-32bit
 - samba-client-32bit
 - samba-libs-32bit
 - seatd
 - seatd-devel
 - solid-devel-32bit
 - sway-branding-upstream
 - sway-contrib
 - swaybg
 - termcap-32bit
 - terminology-theme-Flat
 - tllist-devel
 - unixODBC-devel-32bit
 - waybar
 - waybar-branding-upstream
 - wl-clipboard
 - wl-clipboard-bash-completion
 - wl-clipboard-zsh-completion
 - wofi
 - wofi-devel
 - wxWidgets-3_0-devel-32bit

Package Source Changes

+- fixes bsc#1196425
+- jsc#SLE-22585 - Support running with bare uid/gid (non-root) in containers.
+- Update to version 2.0.14~git12.d04ffd4b6:
+  * Issue 5102 - BUG - container may fail with bare uid/gid (#5140)
+  * Issue 5137 - RFE - improve sssd conf output (#5138)
+  * Issue 5145 - Fix covscan errors
+  * Issue 4721 - UI - attribute uniqueness crashes UI when there are no configs
+  * Issue 5155 - RFE - Provide an option to abort an Auto Member rebuild task
+  * Issue 4299 - UI - Add Role funtionality (#5163)
+  * Issue 5050 - bdb bulk op fails if fs page size > 8K (#5150)
+  * Issue 4775 - Add entryuuid CLI and Fixup (#4776)
+  * Issue 5142 - CLI - dsctl dbgen is broken
+  * Issue 4299 - UI - fix minor issues with ldap editor (table view)
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 91.6.1 ESR
+  * Fixed: Security fix
+- Mozilla Firefox ESR 91.6.1
+  MFSA 2022-09 (bsc#1196809)
+  * CVE-2022-26485 (bmo#1758062)
+    Use-after-free in XSLT parameter processing
+  * CVE-2022-26486 (bmo#1758070)
+    Use-after-free in WebGPU IPC Framework
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 91.6.0 ESR
+  * Fixed: Various stability, functionality, and security fixes
+  MFSA 2022-05 (bsc#1195682)
+  * CVE-2022-22753 (bmo#1732435)
+    Privilege Escalation to SYSTEM on Windows via Maintenance
+    Service
+  * CVE-2022-22754 (bmo#1750565)
+    Extensions could have bypassed permission confirmation during
+    update
+  * CVE-2022-22756 (bmo#1317873)
+    Drag and dropping an image could have resulted in the dropped
+    object being an executable
+  * CVE-2022-22759 (bmo#1739957)
+    Sandboxed iframes could have executed script if the parent
+    appended elements
+  * CVE-2022-22760 (bmo#1740985, bmo#1748503)
+    Cross-Origin responses could be distinguished between script
+    and non-script content-types
+  * CVE-2022-22761 (bmo#1745566)
+    frame-ancestors Content Security Policy directive was not
+    enforced for framed extension pages
+  * CVE-2022-22763 (bmo#1740534)
+    Script Execution during invalid object state
+  * CVE-2022-22764 (bmo#1742682, bmo#1744165, bmo#1746545,
+    bmo#1748210, bmo#1748279)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 97 and Firefox ESR 91.6
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 91.5.1 ESR (bsc#1195230)
+  * Fixed: Fixed an issue that allowed unexpected data to be
+    submitted in some of our search telemetry (bmo#1752317)
+- Add CVE-2019-13616.patch: fix heap buffer overflow when reading
+  a crafted bmp file (boo#1141844 CVE-2019-13616).
+- Add CVE-2019-7636.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7636, boo#1124826, CVE-2019-7638, boo#1124824).
+- Add CVE-2019-7635.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7635, boo#1124827).
+- Add CVE-2019-7578.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7578, boo#1125099, CVE-2019-7576, boo#1124799
+  CVE-2019-7573, boo#1124805).
+- Add CVE-2019-7572.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue
+  (CVE-2019-7572, boo#1124806).
+- Add CVE-2019-7574.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7574, boo#1124803).
+- Add CVE-2019-7575.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow
+  issue (CVE-2019-7575, boo#1124802).
+- Add CVE-2019-7577.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue
+  (CVE-2019-7577, boo#1124800).
+- Add CVE-2019-7637.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow
+  issue (CVE-2019-7637, boo#1124825).
+- libspe2 doesn't exist any more
+- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64
+- Avoid bs_sched computation failure by expanding %power64
+- Drop old soundserver support (also arts, after esound).
+  Remove --with-pic, building defaults to PIC anyway.
+  Use pkgconfig names to slurp in packages.
+- Remove gpg-offline leftovers
+- Add sdl2-surface-pitch-overflow.patch: fix overflow in surface
+  pitch calculation (boo#1181201 boo#1181202 CVE-2020-14410
+  CVE-2020-14409).
+-  sdl2-khronos.patch
+  * fixes build on i586 (boo#1158176)
+- Add CVE-2019-13616.patch: fix heap buffer overflow when reading
+  a crafted bmp file (boo#1141844 CVE-2019-13616).
+- Add CVE-2019-13626.patch: add safeguards to the wav parser to
+  prevent crashes (boo#1142031 CVE-2019-13626).
+- Drop CVE-2019-7572.patch, CVE-2019-7574.patch,
+  CVE-2019-7575.patch, CVE-2019-7577.patch, and
+  CVE-2019-7578.patch: these are handled by the new code added in
+  CVE-2019-13626.patch.
+- Remove CVE-2019-7637.patch, the modification of function
+  SDL_CalculatePitch is only suit for SDL not SDL2.
+- Add CVE-2019-7636.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7636, boo#1124826, CVE-2019-7638, boo#1124824).
+- Add CVE-2019-7635.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7635, boo#1124827).
+- Add CVE-2019-7578.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7578, boo#1125099, CVE-2019-7576, boo#1124799
+  CVE-2019-7573, boo#1124805).
+- Add CVE-2019-7572.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue
+  (CVE-2019-7572, boo#1124806).
+- Add CVE-2019-7574.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read
+  issue (CVE-2019-7574, boo#1124803).
+- Add CVE-2019-7575.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow
+  issue (CVE-2019-7575, boo#1124802).
+- Add CVE-2019-7637.patch to fix a heap-base buffer overflow
+  issue (CVE-2019-7637, boo#1124825).
+- Add CVE-2019-7577.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue
+  (CVE-2019-7577, boo#1124800).
+- Build with Wayland support
+- Update to new upstream release 2.0.8
+  * Added SDL_fmod() and SDL_log10().
+  * Each of the SDL math functions now has the corresponding
+    float version.
+  * Added SDL_SetYUVConversionMode() and
+    SDL_GetYUVConversionMode() to control the formula used when
+    converting to and from YUV colorspace. The options are JPEG,
+    BT.601, and BT.709.
+    control whether the X server should skip the compositor for
+    the SDL application. This defaults to "1".
+  * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DOUBLE_BUFFER to control
+    whether the Raspberry Pi and KMSDRM video drivers should use
+    double or triple buffering (the default).
+- Add sdl2-symvers.patch.
+- update to 2.0.7
+  * Added audio stream conversion functions.
+  * Added functions to query and set the SDL memory allocation
+    functions.
+  * Added locking functions for multi-threaded access to
+    the joystick and game controller APIs.
+  * Some functions are now thread-safe.
+- removed patches, merged upstream
+  * dbus.diff
+  * SDL2-ppc64-declaration-after-statement.patch
+  * SDL-bnc1062784-check-overflow-xcf-props.patch
+- Add SDL-bnc1062784-check-overflow-xcf-props.patch. CVE-2017-2888
+- Disable SSE3 (and also SSE2 on ix86) to prevent crashes on older
+  CPUs that don't support these instructions
+- Add dbus.diff
+- Enable KMS/DRM video driver
+- Update to new upstream release 2.0.6
+  * Added Vulkan graphics support in SDL_vulkan.h.
+  * Added SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode() to create custom blend
+    modes for 2D rendering.
+  * Added support for many game controllers, including the
+    Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.
+  * Added support for inverted axes and separate axis directions
+    in game controller mappings.
+  * Added functions to return information about joysticks and
+    open game controllers.
+  * Added SDL_GameControllerNumMappings() and
+    SDL_GameControllerMappingForIndex() to be able to enumerate
+    the built-in game controller mappings.
+  * Added SDL_LoadFile() and SDL_LoadFile_RW() to load a file
+    into memory.
+  * Added SDL_DuplicateSurface() to make a copy of a surface.
+  * Added an experimental JACK audio driver.
+  * Implemented non-power-of-two audio resampling.
+  * Added the hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_RESAMPLING_MODE to control the
+    quality of resampling.
+  * Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_LOGICAL_SIZE_MODE to control
+    the scaling policy for SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize().
+  * Added the hints SDL_HINT_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALE and
+    SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALE to scale the mouse speed
+    when being read from raw mouse input.
+  * Added the hint SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS to control whether
+    SDL will synthesize mouse events from touch events.
+  * Added an experimental KMS/DRM video driver for embedded
+    development.
+- Remove dbus-ime.diff (no longer needed)
+- Do not BuildRequires pkgconfig(fcitx) on SLE (not shipped anymore
+  since SLE12 SP2).
+- libspe2 doesn't exist any more
+- Add dbus-ime.diff and build with fcitx [boo#1025413]
+- Backported commit 5184186d4366 and fbf9b0e3589a as
+  SDL2-ppc64-declaration-after-statement.patch to fix build
+  on ppc64/ppc64le
+- Update to 2.0.5
+  General:
+  * Implemented audio capture support for some platforms
+  * Added SDL_DequeueAudio() to retrieve audio when buffer
+    queuing is turned on for audio capture
+  * Added events for dragging and dropping text
+  * Added events for dragging and dropping multiple items
+  * By default the click raising a window will not be
+    delivered to the SDL application. You can set the hint
+    SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH to "1" to allow that click
+    through to the window.
+  * Saving a surface with an alpha channel as a BMP will use a
+    newer BMP format that supports alpha information. You can
+    set the hint SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT to "1" to use
+    the old format.
+  * Added SDL_GetHintBoolean() to get the boolean value of a
+    hint
+  * Added SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() to set whether to
+    smoothly scale or use integral multiples of the viewport
+    size when scaling the rendering output
+  * Added SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() and
+    SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() to create an SDL
+    surface with a specific pixel format
+  * Added SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds() which returns the area
+    usable for windows. For example, on Mac OS X, this subtracts
+    the area occupied by the menu bar and dock.
+  * Added SDL_GetWindowBordersSize() which returns the size of
+    the window's borders around the client area
+  * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST when a
+    window had a hit test that wasn't SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL (e.g.
+    in the title bar or window frame)
+  * Added SDL_SetWindowResizable() to change whether a window
+    is resizable
+  * Added SDL_SetWindowOpacity() and SDL_GetWindowOpacity() to
+    affect the window transparency
+  * Added SDL_SetWindowModalFor() to set a window as modal for
+    another window
+  * Added support for AUDIO_U16LSB and AUDIO_U16MSB to
+    SDL_MixAudioFormat()
+  * Fixed flipped images when reading back from target
+    textures when using the OpenGL renderer
+  * Fixed texture color modulation with SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE
+    when using the OpenGL renderer
+  * Fixed bug where the alpha value of colorkeys was ignored
+    when blitting in some cases
+  Linux:
+  * Added support for the Fcitx IME
+  * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS when a
+    window manager asks the SDL window whether it wants to take
+    focus.
+  * Refresh rates are now rounded instead of truncated, e.g.
+    59.94 Hz is rounded up to 60 Hz instead of 59.
+  * Added initial support for touchscreens on Raspberry Pi
+- Make building more verbose
+- Enable udev support
+- update to version 2.0.4
+  General:
+  * Added support for web applications using Emscripten, see
+    docs/ for more information
+  * Added support for web applications using Native Client (NaCl), see
+    docs/ for more information
+  * Added an API to queue audio instead of using the audio callback:
+    SDL_QueueAudio(), SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(), SDL_ClearQueuedAudio()
+  * Added events for audio device hot plug support:
+  * Added SDL_PointInRect()
+  * Added SDL_HasAVX2() to detect CPUs with AVX2 support
+  * Added SDL_SetWindowHitTest() to let apps treat parts of their SDL window
+    like traditional window decorations (drag areas, resize areas)
+  * Added SDL_GetGrabbedWindow() to get the window that currently has input
+    grab, if any
+  * Added SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled() to tell whether clipping is currently
+    enabled in a renderer
+  * Added SDL_CaptureMouse() to capture the mouse to get events while the
+    mouse is not in your window
+  * Added SDL_WarpMouseGlobal() to warp the mouse cursor in global screen
+    space
+  * Added SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() to get the current mouse state outside of
+    an SDL window* Added a direction field to mouse wheel events to tell
+    whether they are flipped (natural) or not
+  * Added GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR GL attribute (maps to
+    [WGL|GLX]_ARB_context_flush_control extension)
+  * Added EGL_KHR_create_context support to allow OpenGL ES version selection
+    on some platforms* Added NV12 and NV21 YUV texture support for OpenGL and
+    OpenGL ES 2.0 renderers
+  * Added a Vivante video driver that is used on various SoC platforms
+  * Added an event SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET that is sent from the D3D
+    renderers when the D3D device is lost, and from Android's event loop when
+    the GLES context had to be recreated
+  * Added a hint SDL_HINT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to disable SDL's built in signal
+    handling* Added a hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE to set the stack size of
+    SDL's threads
+  * Added SDL_sqrtf(), SDL_tan(), and SDL_tanf() to the stdlib routines
+  * Improved support for WAV and BMP files with unusual chunks in them
+  * Renamed SDL_assert_data to SDL_AssertData and SDL_assert_state to
+    SDL_AssertState
+    window interaction while cursor is hidden
+  * Added SDL_GetDisplayDPI() to get the DPI information for a display* Added
+    SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel() to get the battery level of a joystick
+  * Added SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the
+    SDL_Joystick* that an event is referring to.
+  * Added SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get
+    the SDL_GameController* that an event is referring to.
+- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64
+- Drop old arts/esound soundserver support.
+- Remove SDL2 obsoletes (we never had packages of that name).
+  Copy current Provides to baselibs.conf.
+- fix build with newer ld
+- BuildRequire gpm-devel
+- package baselibs.conf
+- fix aalib-1.4.0-477.9: possible missing call to fclose [bnc#523344]
+- remove static libraries and "la" files
+- fix -devel package dependencies
+- fix aalib-config so it only returns needed libraries
+- test: Add helper library to fake passwd/group files
+- quote: escape literal backslashes (bsc#953659).
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-test-Add-helper-library-to-fake-passwd-group-files.patch
+  * 0002-quote-escape-literal-backslashes.patch
+- refresh acl-2.2.52-tests.patch to work with perl 5.26
+- BuildRequires gettext-tools-mini instead of gettext-tools: as
+  acl is part of the bootstrap, we want to try to keep the dep
+  chain as small as possible.
+- Remove --with-pic that's just for static libraries.
+- Replace %__-type macro indirections.
+  Replace old $RPM_ by their macro equivalents for consistency.
+  Make the macro style consistent across the file again.
+- reenable full Larg File Support for i586
+- Make it possible to disable tests (for Ring0)
+- Add BuildRequires: system-user-daemon for the testsuite
+- Add BuildRequires for system user bin needed by test suite
+- Update to git snapshot dated 21 Sep 2015.
+  - Added:
+  * 0001-Install-the-libraries-to-the-appropriate-directory.patch
+  * 0002-setfacl.1-fix-typo-inclu-de-include.patch
+  * 0003-test-fix-insufficient-quoting-of.patch
+  *
+  * 0005-Bad-markup-in-acl.5-page.patch
+  *
+  * 0007-Use-autoreconf-rather-than-autoconf-to-regenerate-th.patch
+  * 0008-libacl-Make-sure-that-acl_from_text-always-sets-errn.patch
+  * 0009-libacl-fix-SIGSEGV-of-getfacl-e-on-overly-long-group.patch
+  * 0010-punt-debian-rpm-packaging-logic.patch
+  * 0011-move-gettext-logic-into-misc.h.patch
+  * 0012-test-make-running-parallel-out-of-tree-safe.patch
+  * 0013-modernize-build-system.patch
+  * 0014-po-regenerate-files-after-move.patch
+  * 0015-build-drop-aclincludedir-use-pkgincludedir.patch
+  * 0016-build-make-use-of-an-aux-dir-to-stow-away-helper-scr.patch
+  * 0017-build-ship-a-pkgconfig-file-for-libacl.patch
+  * 0018-read_acl_-comments-seq-rename-line-to-lineno.patch
+  * 0019-read_acl_-comments-seq-switch-to-next_line.patch
+  * 0020-telldir-return-value-and-seekdir-second-parameters-a.patch
+  * 0021-mark-libmisc-funcs-as-hidden-so-they-are-not-exporte.patch
+  * 0022-add-__acl_-prefixes-to-internal-symbols.patch
+  * 0023-cp.test-Check-permissions-of-the-right-file.patch
+  * 0024-libacl-acl_set_file-Remove-unnecesary-racy-check.patch
+  * 0025-fix-compilation-with-latest-xattr-git.patch
+  * 0026-getfacl-Fix-memory-leak.patch
+  * 0027-Fix-the-display-block-nesting-in-acl.5.patch
+  * 0028-setfacl-man-page-Minor-wording-improvements.patch
+  * 0029-getfacl-Fix-minor-resource-leak.patch
+  * 0030-Do-not-export-symbols-that-are-not-supposed-to-be-ex.patch
+  * 0031-walk_tree-mark-internal-variables-as-static.patch
+  * 0032-ignore-configure.lineno.patch
+- Signficant spec file restructuring due to 0013-modernize-build-system.patch
+- removed
+- Reduce size of filelist by using wildcards;
+  remove %doc (some locations are always %doc),
+  remove %attr (files already have proper permissions)
+- add acl-2.2.52-tests.patch and enable tests, check section taken
+  from Fedora package
+- remove gpg-offline calls from bootstrap package
+- Update to new upstream release 2.2.52
+  * This release fixes a few build system issues that were found and
+  merges in a tree walking bug fix.
+- Remove acl-fiximplicit.patch (merged upstream),
+  config-guess-sub-update.diff (no longer applies)
+- Sync baselibs.conf with in-.spec obsoletes/provides.
+- add gpg checking
+- use source url
+- Add config-guess-sub-update.diff:
+  update config.guess/sub to latest state for AArch64
+- Use OS byteswapping routines, application already Includes
+  "endian.h" but then goes ahead defining ad-hoc equivalent
+  functionality (0001-Use-OS-byteswapping-macros.patch)
+- remove useless automake deps
+- patch license to follow standard
+- license update: GPL-2.0+;LGPL-2.1+
+  SPDX format
+- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
+- Fix provides/Obsoletes
+- Implement shlib package (libacl1)
+- Enable libacl-devel on all baselib arches
+- upgrade to 2.2.51
+  - Test fixes
+- upgrade to 2.2.50
+  - OPTIONS in man pages should be a section heading, not a subsection heading
+  - Fix a typo in the setfacl man page
+  - setfacl: Clarify that removing a non-existent acl entry is not an error
+  - Prevent setfacl --restore from SIGSEGV on malformed restore file
+  - setfacl: make sure that -R only calls stat(2) on symlinks when it needs to
+  - libacl: fix potential null pointer dereference
+  - setfacl: fix restore crash on malformed input
+  - setfacl: print useful error from read_acl_comments
+  - setfacl: changing owner and when S_ISUID should be set --restore fix
+- use %_smp_mflags
+- add baselibs.conf as a source
+- adjust baselibs.conf for SPARC
+- readded incorrectly removed libattr-devel requires in -devel
+- fixed implicit strchr() usage.
+- do not package static libraries
+- fix -devel package dependencies
+- Version bump to 2.2.48
+  - Document the new flags comments
+  - Include the S_ISUID, S_ISGID, S_ISVTX flags in the getfacl output, and restore them with "setfacl --restore=file".
+  - Make sure that getfacl -R only calls stat(2) on symlinks when it needs to
+  - Stop quoting nonprintable characters in the getfacl output
+  - Avoid unnecessary but destructive chown calls
+  - Clarify license notice
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix build on Windows
+  * Make sure helper apps we start are in path
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Use exec variable
+  * Check executables exist in PATH before passing them to QProcess
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix bug 450650: URL encoded chars in feed-entry-link-href become
+    invalid (kde#450650)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2021-44224 [bsc#1193943], NULL dereference or SSRF in forward proxy configurations
+  + apache2-CVE-2021-44224.patch
+  fix CVE-2021-44790 [bsc#1193942], buffer overflow when parsing multipart content in mod_lua
+  + apache2-CVE-2021-44790.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix multivolume archive creation (kde#448065)
+  * zip: Fix setting un-initialized access time (kde#450125)
+  * Fix build when libzip is missing
+  * libzip: Implement proper cancelation, using libzip 1.6
+  * CreateJob: Clean up temp file after cancellation
+  * libzipplugin: Prevent crash when canceling archive creation (kde#446926)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- security update
-- modified patches
-  % aspell-quotes.patch (p1)
-  % aspell-strict-aliasing.patch (p1)
-- added patches
-  fix CVE-2019-25051 [bsc#1188576], heap-buffer-overflow in acommon:ObjStack:dup_top
-  + aspell-CVE-2019-25051.patch
-- recommend aspell-en also from the library [bsc#1177523]
-- Remove/replace old specfile constructs.
-- version update to 0.60.8
-  * Prevent a potentially unbounded buffer over-read by no longer
-  supporting null-terminated UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings with the
-  original C API. @xref{Upgrading from Aspell 0.60.7}.
-  * Ensure that possible typos are listed before other suggestions when
-  typo analysis is used.  Also fix a bug so that suggestions that split
-  a word using a space or hyphen are not always first.
-  * Add Markdown filter.
-  * Add new @option{wordlists} option, which is a list of UTF-8 files that
-  contain additional words to accept.
-  * Add new @option{camel-case} option, which enables support for checking
-  camelCase words.
-  * Sort personal and replacement dictionaries.
-  * Change @code{ultra} suggestion mode to only find words that are within
-  one-edit distance or have the same soundslike.
-  * Implement the @code{aspell filter} command.
-  * Fix a bug in @code{AspellDocumentChecker} that prevented it from
-  working with UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings.
-  * Remove unused @option{sug-edit-dist} option.
-  * @code{AspellDocumentChecker} now expects the document a line at a time
-  in order to work with the new Markdown filter.  If the document is
-  split on white space characters instead, nothing will break, but new
-  filters such as the Markdown filter may give incorrect results.
-  * The @option{clean} option and command will no longer split a word.
-  * Various documentation improvements.
-  * Removal of several outdated appendices that don't really belong in the
-  main manual.  Parts that are still relevent may eventually be moved
-  elsewhere, but for now they are available online at
-  @uref{}.
-  * Fix various crashes and other problems found by Google's OSS-Fuzz.
-  * Add partial support for recognizing the Unicode apostrophe (') in
-  words.  In particular Aspell will accept the Unicode apostrophe when
-  the language uses an ISO Latin charset that doesn't already have a
-  Unicode apostrophe.  For now, Aspell will still use the ASCII version
-  in suggestions.
-  * Detect when a dictionary compiled on a 32-bit machine is used on a
-  64-bit one (and vise versa), as due to an oversight, compiled
-  dictionaries depend on more than the endianness.  Also added a compile
-  time option to remove this dependency, but at the cost of breaking
-  compatibility with already compiled dictionaries on 64-bit systems.
-  * Fix a bug which caused Aspell to crash when passing in a null string
-  to almost any of the C API functions.  This should not happen if the
-  size is also zero as the pointer should never be derefrenced.
-  * Fix a bug that caused Aspell to crash with a SEGFAULT when built with
-  mingw-w64.
-  * In addition to outputting a warning when building with NDEBUG defined,
-  also include NDEBUG in the version string.
-  * Various compile fixes for newer version of Gcc and Clang.
-  * Fix VPATH builds.
-  * Use utf-8 encoding for manual instead of iso-8859-1.
-  * Other minor updates and bug fixes.
-- deleted patches
-  - aspell-automake-1.13.patch (upstreamed)
-  - aspell-epmty_file.patch (upstreamed, bsc#266130 does not exhibit)
-  - gcc7-fix-warnings.patch (upstreamed)
-- Compact descriptions
-- gcc7-fix-warnings.patch - Fix warnings reported by GCC7.
-- Add gpg signature
-- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes
-- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
-- baselibs.conf: libaspell15
-  obsoletes "aspell-<targettype> <= <version>"
-  provides "aspell-<targettype> = <version>"
-- license GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and SUSE-BSD-Mark-Modifications
-  [bnc#777131]
-- license update: GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and BSD-3-Clause
+- Add 0008-CVE-2018-13440.patch to return AF_FAIL
+  in that case instead of causing NULL pointer
+  dereferences later (bsc#1100523, CVE-2018-13440).
+- Add 0007-set-the-output-chunk-to-the-amount-of-frames.patch to
+  set the output chunk to the amount of frames we pulled so that
+  the next module in the chain has the correct frame count (
+  boo#1111586, CVE-2018-17095 ).
+- Add 0001-Always-check-the-number-of-coefficients.patch to put in code
+  an assert that was removed when building the code for a release
+  which checks the number of coeficients in WAVE.cpp .
+- Add 0002-Check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-MSADPCM-decodeS.patch
+  to check for a multiplication overflow in MSADPCM.cpp .
+- Add 0003-Check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-sfconvert.patch to
+  check that a multiplication doesn't overflow when calculating a
+  buffer size and reduce it if necessary.
+- Add 0004-clamp-index-values-to-fix-index-overflow-in-IMA.cpp.patch
+  to clamp index values to fix an index overflow in IMA.cpp .
+- Add 0005-Actually-fail-when-error-occurs-in-parseFormat.patch
+  so when there's an unsupported number of bits per sample or an invalid
+  number of samples per block, don't only print an error message using
+  the error handler, but actually stop parsing the file.
+- Add 0006-Check-for-division-by-zero-in-BlockCodec-runPull.patch to
+  check for division by zero in BlockCodec::runPull
+- These patches fix boo#1026978 (CVE-2017-6837, CVE-2017-6838,
+  CVE-2017-6839), boo#1026979 (CVE-2017-6827),
+  boo#1026980 (CVE-2017-6828), boo#1026981 (CVE-2017-6829),
+  boo#1026982 (CVE-2017-6830), boo#1026983 (CVE-2017-6831),
+  boo#1026984 (CVE-2017-6832), boo#1026985 (CVE-2017-6833),
+  boo#1026986 (CVE-2017-6834), boo#1026987 (CVE-2017-6836),
+  boo#1026988 (CVE-2017-6835).
+- Add audiofile-gcc6.patch to fix compile errors with GCC 6.
+- Fix overflow when changing both number of channels and sample
+  format (bsc#949399, CVE-2015-7747,
+  audiofile-CVE-2015-7747.patch).
+- Add Obsoletes audiofiles-32bit to baselibs.conf
+- Fix unresolvable dependencies for SLE11:
+  + add RPM conditional tests for sles_version
+- Fix compilation error on SLE11: permission denied:
+  + add $DESTDIR to make install
+- Update to version 0.3.6:
+  + Implement FLAC and ALAC encoding and decoding.
+  + Update license to LGPL 2.1.
+- Remove audiofile-0.3.5-without_examples.patch
+- Add pkgconfig(flac) BuildRequires
+- Update to version 0.3.5:
+  + Implement IMA ADPCM encoding and decoding for AIFF-C, CAF, and WAVE files.
+  + Implement Microsoft ADPCM encoding for WAVE files.
+  + Fix calculation of IRCAM frame size.
+  + Record marker comments in WAVE files.
+  + Improve validation of compressed audio formats.
+  + Add support for building without documentation.
+- Add audiofile-0.3.5-without_examples.patch
+- Remove audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch
+- Remove Obsoletes: audiofile-64bit
+- update license to new format
+- Update to version 0.3.4:
+  + Use hidden visibility for internal symbols.
+  + Add support for Sample Vision format.
+  + Update license for extended-precision floating-point conversion
+    routines.
+- Update to version 0.3.3:
+  + Update library's soname version.
+  + Link against libm.
+- Drop audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Rebase audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch.
+- Remove call to autoreconf: it was only there for
+  audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch.
+- Move man pages from libaudiofile0 subpackage to audiofile
+  subpackage, where the binaries live.
+- Rename libaudiofile0 subpackage to libaudiofile1, following
+  upstream soversion change.
+- Update to version 0.3.2:
+  + Fix initialization of byte order in Creative Voice File format.
+  + Fix calculation of frame count in NIST SPHERE sound files.
+  + Remove duplicate definition of AFvirtualfile.
+  + Don't treat compiler warnings as errors by default.
+- Clean spec file using spec-cleaner.
+- Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a
+  xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See
+  bnc#697467 for more details.
+- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
+- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
+- Fix a typo in %_smp_mflags
+- Implement shlib policy
+- Update to version 0.3.1:
+  + Support u-law and A-law compression in Core Audio Format files
+  + Add support for Creative Voice File format
+  + Define AFframecount and AFfileoffset as 64-bit signed integers
+  + Add support for extensible WAVE format
+- Added audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch for -Werror
+- Added audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch to fix build error
+- Drop audiofile-oldstyle.patch, fixed by upstream in a different way.
+- Split documentation of the library into doc package
+- Removed Obsoletes/Provides audiofil, seems outdated
+- Update to version 0.2.7:
+  + Fix decoding of multi-channel ADPCM WAVE files.
+  + Reduce unshared data in library.
+  + Fix handling of audio files with more than 2^24 frames.
+  + Add support for writing double-precision floating-point WAVE
+    files.
+  + Add support for reading certain uncompressed AIFF-C files
+    created by Mac OS X.
+  + Write fact chunk in floating-point WAVE files.
+- Drop bnc_463220.patch, fixed by upstream in a different way.
+- Drop audiofile-0.2.6.patch, audiofile-m4_quote_fix.diff and
+  audiofile-fiximplicit.patch.
+- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides
+- add baselibs.conf as a source
+- fixed implicit functions
+- Properly handle the "dopackages" option in the openFile
+  method of the AyastSetup module (bsc#1196566).
+- 4.4.35
+- Avoid login while running AutoYaST init-scripts (bsc#1196594 and
+  related to bsc#1195059).
+- 4.4.34
+- Consider user selected packages as optional to not block the
+  installation (bsc#1195747).
+- 4.4.33
+- add yast namespace to merge.xslt to fix CDATA handling (bsc#1195910)
+- 4.4.32
+- Modified init-scripts service dependencies fixing a root login
+  systemd timeout when installing with ssh (bsc#1195059)
+- 4.4.31
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- updated translations
-- Fix build: [bsc#1183777]
-  * Adjust to the glibc removal of libio.h in 2.28+
-- Add bison-glibc-libio.patch
-- gcc7-fix.patch: Add forward declaration to compile with GCC7.
-- Update keyring file to not be 38 MB large...
-- Set the installinfo in preun rather than postun to avoid ugly
-  warning about file not being present.
-- Remove the Obsolete for old ppc64 support that won't get triggered
-- Add gpg signature
-- Update to 3.0.4:
-  * Fix a compiler warning when no %destructor use $$.
-  * Several portability issues in tests were fixed.
-- Update to version 3.0.3
-  Bug fixes
-  * C++ with Variants (
-    Problems with %destructor and '%define parse.assert' have been fixed.
-  * Named %union support (yacc.c, glr.c)
-    Bison 3.0 introduced a regression on named %union such as
-    %union foo { int ival; };
-    The possibility to use a name was introduced "for Yacc compatibility".
-    It is however not required by POSIX Yacc, and its usefulness is not clear.
-  * %define api.value.type union with %defines (yacc.c, glr.c)
-    The C parsers were broken when %defines was used together with "%define
-    api.value.type union".
-  * Redeclarations are reported in proper order
-  Documentation
-  * Bison now installs various files in its docdir (which defaults to
-    '/usr/local/share/doc/bison'), including the three fully blown examples
-    extracted from the documentation:
-  - rpcalc
-    Reverse polish calculator, a simple introductory example.
-  - mfcalc
-    Multi-function Calc, a calculator with memory and functions and located
-    error messages.
-  - calc++
-    a calculator in C++ using variant support and token constructors.
-- Split out translation files
-- Pass "--docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}" and do not perform %doc anymore
-- Update to version 3.0.2
-  + Generated source files when errors are reported
-  + %empty is used in reports
-  + When C++ variant support is enabled, an error triggered via YYERROR,
-    but not caught via error recovery, resulted in a double deletion.
-- Remove location-eof-check.patch; merged on upstream release
-- location-eof-check.patch: Fix broken EOF check
-- Update to bision 3.0
-  * deep overhaul/improvements of the diagnostics
-  * more versatile means to describe semantic value types,
-  including the ability to store genuine C++ objects in C++ parsers
-  * push-parser interface extended to Java
-  * parse-time semantic predicates for GLR parsers.
-  * This is a major update, please see
-  for all details and backward incompatible changes.
-- Override broken configure checks
+- Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- Update bmake-env-script-interpreter.diff to switch to interpreter
+  to python3.
+- Updated allow-overriding-compiler-variables.patch.
+- Update to version 20200606:
+  * make.1: cleanup
+  * Makefile: fix depends for main.o which broke MAKE_VERSION
+  * dir.c: cached_stats - don't confuse stat and lstat results.
+  * var.c: add :Or for reverse sort.
+  * add AC_PROG_CC_C99 for mipspro compiler
+    also if --with-filemon= specifies path to filemon.h
+    set use_filemon=dev
+  * dirname.c: remove include of namespace.h
+  * modified dollar tests to avoid shell dependencies
+  * new tests for .INCLUDEFROM
+  * unit-tests/ tweak  '1 dollar literal' test
+    to not depend so much on shell behavior
+  * unit test for dollar handling
+  * str.c: empty string does not match % pattern
+    plus unit-test changes
+  * var.c: import handling of old sysV style modifier using '%'
+  * str.c: refactor brk_string
+  * unit-tests: add test case for lazy conditions
+  * use_makefile=no for cygwin et al.
+    case insensitive filesystems just don't work if both
+    makefile and Makefile exist.
+  * meta.c: meta_oodate, CHECK_VALID_META is too aggressive for CMD
+    a blank command is perfectly valid.
+  * make.h: extern debug_file
+  * meta.c: meta_oodate, check for corrupted meta file
+    earlier and more often.
+  * boot-strap: unset MAKEFLAGS
+  * meta.c: meta_compat_parent check for USE_FILEMON
+    patch from Soeren Tempel
+  * meta.c: fix compat mode, need to call meta_job_output()
+  * job.c: extra fds for meta mode not needed if using filemon_dev
+  * meta.c: avoid passing NULL to filemon_*() when meta_needed()
+    returns FALSE.
+  * filemon/filemon_{dev,ktrace}.c: allow selection of
+    filemon implementation.  filemon_dev.c uses the kernel module
+    while filemon_ktrace.c leverages the fktrace api available in
+    NetBSD.  filemon_ktrace.c can hopefully form the basis for
+    adding support for other tracing mechanisms such as strace on
+    Linux.
+  * meta.c: when target is out-of-date per normal make rules
+    record value of .OODATE in meta file.
+  * parse.c: don't pass NULL to realpath(3)
+    some versions cannot handle it.
+  * parse.c: ParseDoDependency: free paths rather than assert
+  * add --without-makefile to avoid generating
+    makefile and
+  * include if it exists
+  * Use Makefile and in unit-tests
+    so we can use just: make obj && make && make test
+    when bmake is already available.
+    We add --without-makefile to CONFIGURE_ARGS in this case.
+  * tweak (captures Makefile.config etc
+    after import to FreeBSD for example) to cope with all the above.
+  * parse.c: ParseVErrorInternal use .PARSEDIR
+    and apply if relative, and then use .PARSEFILE
+    for consistent result.
+  * parse.c: ParseVErrorInternal use .CURDIR if .PARSEDIR
+    is relative
+  * var.c: avoid SEGFAULT in .unexport-env
+    when MAKELEVEL is not set
+  * fix for unit-tests/ on Debian
+  * var.c: add :q
+  * dir.c: cleanup caching of stats
+  * use += where it makes sense.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Remove extra files that should never be shipped as part of the
-  legacy compatibility library (still bsc#1175886, SLE-17304)
-- disable python and MPI build as those are not for compatibility
-- Build with legacy version of ICU (bsc#1175886, SLE-17304)
-- Remove duplicate license package that we get from original Boost
-- libreoffice_compat_backports.patch: add a backport of
-  Boost.Optional::has_value() for LibreOffice
-- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]
-- Multibuild requires versioned Name: tag and doesn't seem to do
-  this automatically. (bnc#1076640)
-- Update to version 1.66.0
-  + Beast: new portable HTTP, WebSocket and network operations
-    using Boost.Asio. Header-only library.
-  + Callable Traits: new library and successor to
-    Boost.FunctionTypes. Header-only library.
-  + Mp11: new metaprogramming library
-  + Asio:
-  * implemented interface changes to reflect the Networking TS
-    (N4656)
-  * functions and classes that have been superseded by
-    Networking TS functionality have been deprecated.
-  * added support for customized handler tracking
-  * removed previously deprecated functions
-  + Atomic: improved compatibility with GCC 7. 128-bit operations
-    on x86_64 no longer require linking with compiled library.
-  + DateTime: Fixed an integral overflow that could cause incorrect
-    results when adding or subtracting many years from a date.
-  + Format: New format specifiers added and volatile arguments
-    can not be safely used with operator%
-  + Fusion:
-  * fix compile error with std::array
-  * remove circular preprocessor include
-  + PolyCollection: backported to GCC 4.8 and 4.9 with some
-    limitations
-  + Uuid: added RTF-4122 namespaces in boost::uuids::ns
-  + for complete changelog, see
-- refreshed patches: boost-rpmoptflags-only.patch
-- re-enable Python 2 by default. It's still conditional, but
-  remains enabled by default. This can be disabled in project
-  config.
-- build Python 2 conditionally
-- Use multibuild setup - build no-dependency libraries in the
-  base package and build the rest of the compiled libraries in
-  the main variant. This should speed up bootstrapping.
-- boost-devel not built by default anymore.
-- libboost_headers-devel now provides boost-devel for legacy
-  dependencies. If you need compiled boost libraries depend on
-  the current compiled devel subpackage.
-- run %fdupes only on the header files and documentation
-- drop build dependencies on gcc-fortran, chrpath.
-- Setup MPI environment prior to building boost.
-- Switch to OpenMPI2 as OpenMPI1 is becoming deprecated.
-- New upstream version 1.65.1
-  + config, fiber - Return a continuation from functions executed
-    by resume_with.
-  + stacktrace - Change preprocessor file extensions to work with
-    the installation system.
-- Changes in version 1.65.0
-  + stacktrace - new library providing call sequence in human
-    readable format.
-  + polycollection - new library providing fast containers of
-    polymorphic objects, from Joaquín M López Muñoz.
-  + For full list of changes, see
-- 1d862615.patch: upstreamed and removed
-- gcc_path.patch: obsolete, tr1 module is removed
-- mpi_upstream.patch: upstreamed and removed
-- boost-1.57.0-python-abi_letters.patch: refreshed
-- python_library_name.patch: refreshed and reverted upstream
-  changes to mpi/build/Jamfile as we are building python2 and
-  python3 versions of MPI separately.
-- baselibs.conf
-  + add libboost_stracktrace
-  + update to version 1.65.1
-- 1d862615.patch: Fix regression caused by refactoring of
-  serialization code (bnc#1038083)
-- make python-numpy optional build dependency
-- fix building of mpi python3 plugin
-- New upstream version 1.64.0
-  + process - new library providing cross platform methods to
-  - create child processes
-  - setup stream for child processes
-  - sync and async communication streams with children
-  - sync and async wait
-  - process termination
-  + geometry library had some breaking changes,
-  - ublas_transformer is renamed to matrix_transformer
-  - explicit modifier is added to constructors of rtree
-    index::dynamic_* parameters
-  - strategy::area::huiller replaced by strategy::area::spherical
-  + context library updates
-  - deprecated API:execution-context
-  - fixed bad assembly for fcontext on ppc64/sysv/elf
-  + Updated libraries: any, atomic, config, container, context,
-    conversion, core, coroutine2, fiber, hash, interprocess,
-    intrusive, lexicalcast, math, multi-index containers,
-    multiprecision, predef, program options, regex, smart pointers,
-    test ,typeindex, typetraits, unordered, variant
-  + for details, see
-- Build PyNumpy module
-  + add build requires on python-numpy
-- test_lowcase.patch: upstreamed
-- refreshed patches: boost-strict_aliasing.patch, gcc_path.patch,
-  python_mpi.patch
-- mpi_upstream.patch: pending upstream fixes to OpenMPI build
-- python_library_name.patch: we are building python versions in
-  different stagings so drop library renames.
-- python_numpy_retfunc.patch: rpmlint fixes
-- update python macros
-- baselibs.conf: (re)add python 2.7 and 3.x libraries
-- Fix dependency typos.
-- test_lowcase.patch: downcase Boost::Test usage of uppercase
-  variables. VERSION was clashing with GNU Autotools define
-  resulting in compilation errors of various packages.
-- recombine headers from various devel subpackages under the
-  libboost_headers-devel package. Not all usage of headers that
-  have compiled parts pull in their associated compiled symbols.
-- general cleanup of the spec file from old, commented stuffs
-- remove non-existent dependency in the boost mpi python package
-- update to version 1.63.0
-  * updated libraries: atomic, container, context, fiber,
-    fusion, geometry, hash, interprocess, intrusive, lexical cast,
-    log, metaparse, move, optional, phoenix, python, test,
-    typeindex, units, unordered
-  * see
-    for complete list of changes
-- refresh patches
-  * boost-1.55.0-python-test-PyImport_AppendInittab.patch
-  * boost-strict_aliasing.patch, and enable -fno-strict-aliasing
-    for python module
-- baselibs.conf:
-  * add libboost_locale
-  * rename python to include new soname
-- remove python-2059618.patch, not needed
-- make build condition --without buil_mpi work
-- allow building without python3 bindings, for SLE11SP4
-- remove versioned build dependency on libicu-devel, apparently
-  not needed.
-- split out the boost-devel package into individudal compiled
-  libraries and their -devel subpackages and libboost_headers-devel
-  package for header-only libraries.
-- remove all the symlinks, probably not needed anymore.
-- ship MPI python bindings for both Python 2.7 and 3.x
-  * add python_mpi.patch to allow proper compiled library loading
-- dynamic_linking.patch: first attempt to remove static library
-  generation during build process.
-- Revert upstream change that set default python version and
-  ignored user configuration.
-  python-2059618.patch (boo#1006584)
-- Rectify groups and description
-- package boost-jam
-- add missing ldconfig for libboost_type_erasure
-- fix EOL encoding for documentation files
-- update to version 1.62.0
-  * new library: fiber: framework for userland-threads/fibers
-  * new library: QVM: library for working with quaternions,
-    vectors and matrices of static size
-  * see
-    for complete changelog
-- remove boost-fix_include_config.patch - upstreamed
-- gcc_path.patch - fix GCC search paths (bnc#996917)
-  Boost assumes /usr/include/c++/x.y.z/ existence for GCC 4.x
-  onward while our version of GCC only has /usr/include/c++/x.y
-  for 4.x GCC and /usr/include/c++/x/ for 5.x onward.
-- migrate to using %bcond_ instead of hardcoding macros
-  for different Boost features
-- better way to limit max number of compilation units than
-  by reading /proc/meminfo and guesstimating.
-- Fix boo#994378, boo#994381, boo#994382 boo#994383:
-  Fix build issues when optional_fwd.hpp is used before
-  including boost/config.hpp
-- Add boost-fix_include_config.patch from
-  gh#boostorg/optional#19
-- build it from "boost.spec", but create versioned "boost-1_61-devel"
-  packages
-- build quickbook also in versioned package
-- update to version 1.61.0
-  Details on
-  Obsolete patches:
-  * boost-1.59-test-fenv.patch
-  * boost-deprecated-type_traits.patch
-- rename package to boost-1_60 to allow multiple versions
-- Fix build on systems with GCC4
-- Added libboost_python3 to the dependency macro.
-  * boost-devel will now correctly requires libboost_python3.
-- Add boost-deprecated-type_traits.patch to fix deprecated
-  type_traits usage in boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp header.
-- Add the following patches from Fedora to fix underlinking in
-  boost::python code
-  * boost-1.57.0-python-abi_letters.patch
-  * boost-1.57.0-python-libpython_dep.patch
-  * boost-1.55.0-python-test-PyImport_AppendInittab.patch
-- Updated to version 1.60.0
-  * New library: VMD.
-  * Updated libraries: Atomic, Chrono, Container, Context, Core,
-    Filesystem, Flyweight, Fusion, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical
-    Cast, Locale, log, Move, Multi-index Containers, odeint,
-    Optional, Predef, Test, Thread, UUID
-  * See for
-    complete changelog.
-- Modified patch:
-  * boost-disable-pch-on-aarch64.patch
-  - rediff to a new context
-- Removed patch:
-  * boost-1.59-python-make_setter.patch
-  - integrated upstream
-- Add libboost_type_erasure subpackage
-- Add support to Boost:Python3 (boo#951902)
-  * New library: python3
-- Add boost-visibility.patch to make members of basic_xml_grammar<char>
-  visible (boo#958150).
-- Fix redefinition of _docdir.
-- coroutine2 depends on context, disable it if context is not built
-- Updated to version 1.59.0:
-  * New libraries: Convert, Coroutine2
-  * Updated Libraries: Container, Context, Coroutine, Fusion,
-    Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Move,
-    Multi-index Containers, Predef, Program Options, Property Tree,
-    Boost.Test v3, TypeIndex, Variant
-  * See for
-    complete changelog.
-- context now builds on aarch64
-- Import two patches from Fedora: boost-1.59-python-make_setter.patch,
-  boost-1.59-test-fenv.patch
-- Drop 0001-Fix-exec_file-for-Python-3-3.4.patch,
-  0002-Fix-a-regression-with-non-constexpr-types.patch,
-  boost-uuid-comparison.patch, boost-unrecognized-option.patch.
-  Fixed upstream.
-- Remove unneeded dependency on xorg-x11-devel
-- boost-unrecognized-option.patch: remove unrecognized option -m32
-- update to 1.58.0:
-  boost docs remain at 1.56 since upstream hasn't updated yet
-  * New Libraries: Endian, Sort.
-  * Updated Libraries: Asio, Chrono, Container, Context, Conversion,
-  DateTime, Flyweight, Function, Functional/Factory, Fusion, Geometry,
-  Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Move,
-  Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Optional, Phoenix,
-  Predef, Random, Thread, TypeErasure, TypeIndex, Units,
-  Unordered, Variant.
-  See
-- add 0001-Fix-exec_file-for-Python-3-3.4.patch ,
-  0002-Fix-a-regression-with-non-constexpr-types.patch: Fixes regressions
-  in 1.58
-- drop bjam-alignment.patch, boost-gcc5.patch: Already fixed upstream
-  differently
-- add boost-rpmoptflags-only.patch: Build only with optflags
-- add boost-aarch64-flags.patch: Avoid using -m64
-- add boost-uuid-comparison.patch: Fix regression in UUID operator<
-- add boost-disable-pch-on-aarch64.patch: Disable pch on math library
-  to avoid compiler segfault
-- Add quickbook subpackage
-- Use $RPM_OPT_FLAGS for building, force use of the GCC toolset.
-  Be more verbose and fail building with the first error.
-- Add boost-gcc5.patch to use -std=c++11 when building the coroutines
-  module which fixes build with GCC 5.
-- Revert the python3 building: it resulted in BOTH libboost_python
-  libraries to be using python 3 instructions, resulting in
-  failures of all Py2 related packages.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Fix CVE-2020-8927, decoder: integer overflow when input chunk
-  is larger than 2GiB. (CVE-2020-8927, bsc#1175825)
-  * fix-cve-2020-8927.patch
-- Add brotli_Verbose-CLI+Shared-Brotli.patch: Verbose CLI + start
-  pulling "Shared-Brotli".
-  * verbose CLI output; fix gh#google/brotlie#666.
-  * pull `SHIFT` transforms; currently this is semantically dead
-    code; later it will be used by "Shared-Brotli".
-- Add brotli_Ensure-decompression-consumes-all-input.patch: Ensure
-  decompression consumes all input. If not, it's a corrupt stream.
-- Tweak spec slightly.
-- Avoid bashisms, install manpages without +x bit, get rid of
-  wrap descriptions, feed through cleaner.
-- brotli 1.0.7:
-  * faster decoding on ARM
-  * improved precision of window size calculation in CLI
-- includes changes from 1.0.6:
-  * fix unaligned 64-bit accesses on AArch32
-  * add ASAN/MSAN unaligned read specializations
-  * fix JDK 8<->9 incompatibility
-- Add baselibs.conf, build 32bit library support.
-- Use cmake macros for building and tests
-- Update to version 1.0.5:
-  * improve q=1 compression on small files
-  * inverse Bazel workspace tree
-  * add rolling-composite-hasher for large-window mode
-  * add tools to download and transform static dictionary data
-- Changes for version 1.0.4:
-  * fix unaligned access for aarch64-cross-armhf build
-  * fix aarch64 target detection
-  * allow CLI to compress with enabled "large window" feature
-  * add NPOSTFIX / NDIRECT encoder parameters
-  * automatic NDIRECT/NPOSTFIX tuning (better compression)
-  * fix "memory leak" in python tests
-  * fix bug in durchschlag
-  * fix source file lists (add params.h)
-  * fix Bazel/MSVC compilator options
-  * fix "fall though" warnings
-- Add missing libbrotlicommon%%{sover} and libbrotlidec%%{sover}
-  Requires to devel subpackage.
-- Update to new upstream release 1.0.3
-  * New "Large Window Brotli" feature
-  * New dictionary generator
-- Merge devel subpackages as libbrotli-devel
-- Avoid shipping duplicate files.
-  Avoid shipping, this just contains the description -
-  and build instructions.
-- Drop duplicate Requires on -devel.
-- build for SLE_12 and SLE_12_SP1
-- update to Brotli 1.0.2
-  + Major chnages
-  * added Autotools build files
-  * switched shared library version to libtool scheme
-  + Minor changes
-  * BrotliDictionary members are not const now
-  * ZopfliNode distance could be up to 128MiB
-  * fixed API documentation typos
-  * total_out is always set by decoder
-  * fixed BROTLI_ENSURE_CAPACITY macro; no-op in preprocessed output
-  + Other changes
-  * fixed scripts for oss-fuzz, test them with Travis
-  * made Bazel JNI tests less messy
-  * fixed linter warnings in JS decoder
-  * fixed permissions of various files
-  * added Bazel build to Appveyor matrix
-  * added Sieve dictionary generator
-- update to Brotli 1.0.1
-  + updated
-  + fixed parallel exeuction of CMake "compatibility" tests
-- update to Brotli 1.0.0
-  + new CLI; bro -> brotli; + man page
-  + remove "custom dictionary" support
-  + add ability to side-load brotli RFC dictionary
-  + add decoder API to avoid ringbuffer reallocation
-  + PY streaming decompression support
-  + PY wrapper accepts memview
-- spec file changes
-  + improve descriptions
-  + add man pages
-- spec file changes
-  + improve package description
-- update to Brotli 0.6.0
-  + better compression on 1MiB+ files
-  + update "common" API to make dictionary fetching more flexible
-  + fix decoder bug #502
-  + faster compression on mid-low quality levels
-  + fix encoder q10-11 slowdown after long copy #468
-  + introduce Brotli*TakeOutput API
-- now build shared libraries and development files in the following
-  new packages:
-  + libbrotlicommon0_6_0
-  + libbrotlicommon-devel
-  + libbrotlidec0_6_0
-  + libbrotlidec-devel
-  + libbrotlienc0_6_0
-  + libbrtolienc-devel
-- initial package
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.5:
+  * Fixed: Fallback to less accurate UTF8 char count if conversion to
+    wstring fails
+  * Fixed: Small ui fixes for mem and disks
+  * Added: New theme HotPurpleTrafficLight, by @pallebone
+  * Fixed: title_left symbol between auto and zero in the net box is
+    not displayed, by @mrdotx
+  * Fixed: Mouse mappings for net box
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.4:
+  * Optimization: Proc::draw()
+  * Fixed: Ignore duplicate disks with same mountpoint
+  * Changed: Restrict command line for processes to 1000 characters to fix
+    utf8 conversion errors
+  * Added: add "g" and "G" to vim keys, by @mohi001
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.3:
+  * Changed: floating_humanizer() now show fractions when shortened and value
+    is < 10
+  * Fixed: Process tree not redrawing properly
+  * Fixed: string to wstring conversion crash when string is too big
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.2:
+  * Changed: Reverted uncolor() back to using regex to fix delay in opening
+    menu when compiled with musl
+  * Added: Toggle for showing free disk space for privileged or normal users
+  * Added: Clarification on signal screen that number can be manually entered
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.1:
+  * Added: Arrow only after use of "f" when filtering processes, by @NavigationHazard
+  * Fixed: Fx::uncolor not removing all escapes
+  * Fixed: Text alignment for popup boxes
+  * Fixed: Terminal resize warning getting stuck
+  * Removed: Unnecessary counter for atomic_lock
+  * Added: Percentage progress to Makefile
+  * Fixed: Alignment of columns in proc box when wide UTF8 characters are used
+  * Fixed: Battery meter draw fix
+- Update to upstream release 1.2.0:
+  * Added: Support for FreeBSD, by @joske and @aristocratos
+  * Fixed (again): Account for system rolling over net speeds in Net::collect()
+  * Added: Theme gruvbox_material_dark, by @marcoradocchia
+  * Added: Option for base 10 bytes/bits
-- 5c995d5.patch: augment input validation on hostnames to allow _
-  as part of DNS response (bsc#1190225)
-- Version update to git snapshot 1.17.1+20200724:
-  * fixes missing input validation on hostnames returned by DNS
-    servers (bsc#1188881, CVE-2021-3672)
-  * If ares_getaddrinfo() was terminated by an ares_destroy(),
-    it would cause crash
-  * Crash in sortaddrinfo() if the list size equals 0 due to
-    an unexpected DNS response
-  * Expand number of escaped characters in DNS replies as
-    per RFC1035 5.1 to prevent spoofing
-  * Use unbuffered /dev/urandom for random data to prevent early startup
-    performance issues
-- missing_header.patch: upstreamed
-- add BR for pkg-config to get the provides in the devel package
-- ares_dns.h, missing_header.patch: re-add missing header in last release
-- Version update to 1.17.0
-  Security:
-  * avoid read-heap-buffer-overflow in ares_parse_soa_reply found during
-    fuzzing
-  * Avoid theoretical buffer overflow in RC4 loop comparison
-  * Empty hquery->name could lead to invalid memory access
-  * ares_parse_{a,aaaa}_reply() could return a larger *naddrttls than was
-    passed in (bsc#1178882, CVE-2020-8277)
-  Changes:
-  * Update help information for adig, acountry, and ahost
-  * Test Suite now uses dynamic system-assigned ports rather than hardcoded
-    ports to prevent failures in containers
-  * Detect remote DNS server does not support EDNS using rules from RFC 6891
-  * Source tree has been reorganized to use a more modern layout
-  * Allow parsing of CAA Resource Record
-  Bug fixes:
-  * readaddrinfo bad sizeof()
-  * Test cases should honor HAVE_WRITEV flag, not depend on WIN32
-  * FQDN with trailing period should be queried first
-  * ares_getaddrinfo() was returning members of the struct as garbage values if
-    unset, and was not honoring ai_socktype and ai_protocol hints.
-  * ares_gethostbyname() with AF_UNSPEC and an ip address would fail
-  * Properly document ares_set_local_ip4() uses host byte order
-  For details, see
-- add missing upstream sources, to be removed for next release
-- remove unnecessary BuildRequires
-- fix building on SLE12 systems
-- simplify conditions bit to make it tad more readable
-- Implement multibuild specfile to split out tests into its own
-  flavor; this way we can build and run tests, which require
-  static lib, as well as avoid packaging the latter without issues
-  with the installed cmake file..
-- Version update to 1.16.1
-  Security:
-  * Prevent possible use-after-free and double-free in ares_getaddrinfo() if
-    ares_destroy() is called prior to ares_getaddrinfo() completing.
-  Reported by Jann Horn at Google Project Zero.
-  Changes:
-  * Allow TXT records on CHAOS qclass. Used for retriving things like
-    version.bind, version.server, authoris.bind, hostname.bind, and id.server. [3]
-  Bug fixes:
-  * Fix Windows Unicode incompatibilities with ares_getaddrinfo() [1]
-  * Silence false cast-align compiler warnings due to valid casts of struct
-    sockaddr to struct sockaddr_in and struct sockaddr_in6.
-  * MacOS should use libresolv for retrieving DNS servers, like iOS
-  * CMake build system should populate the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of
-    installed targets [2]
-  * Correct macros in use for the ares_getaddrinfo.3 man page
-- Changes in version 1.16.0
-  Changes:
-  * Introduction of ares_getaddrinfo() API which provides similar output
-    (including proper sorting as per RFC 6724) to the system native API, but
-  utilizes different data structures in order to provide additional
-  information such as TTLs and all aliases. Please reference the respective
-  man pages for usage details.
-  * Parse SOA records from ns_t_any response
-  * CMake: Provide c-ares version in package export file
-  * CMake: Add CPACK functionality for DEB and RPM
-  * CMake: Generate PDB files during build
-  * CMake: Support manpage installation
-  Bug fixes:
-  * Fix bad expectation in IPv6 localhost test.
-  * AutoTools: use XC_CHECK_BUILD_FLAGS instead of XC_CHECK_USER_FLAGS to
-    prevent complaints about CPPFLAGS in CFLAGS.
-  * Fix .onion handling
-  * Command line usage was out of date for adig and ahost.
-  * Typos in manpages
-  * If ares_getenv is defined, it must return a value on all platforms
-  * If /etc/resolv.conf has invalid lookup values, use the defaults.
-  * Tests: Separate live tests from SetServers* tests as only live tests
-    should require internet access.
-  * ares_gethostbyname() should return ENODATA if no valid A or AAAA record
-    is found, but a CNAME was found.
-  * CMake: Rework library function checking to prevent unintended linking
-    with system libraries that aren't needed.
-  * Due to use of inet_addr() it was not possible to return
-    from ares_gethostbyname().
-  * CMake: Fix building of tests on Windows
-- Drop regression.patch which have been fixed upstream
-- Refresh disable-live-tests.patch
-- Remove static lib since its required when doing tests and we dont want it
-  included in package
-- Run spec-cleaner
-- Upgrade to latest snapshot from 2020-01-17
-- disable-live-tests.patch: refreshed
-- regression.patch: fix a regression in DNS results that contain
-  both A and AAAA answers.
-- Add netcfg as the build requirement and runtime requirement.
-  ares_getaddrinfo function uses the getservbyport_r function which
-  requires the /etc/services file to function properly. That config
-  file is provided by the netcfg package. Unit tests rely on it
-  too, hence it has to be a build dependency as well.
-- Switch to cmake-based build.
-  Some packages need the cmake build files.
-- Fix version number of the snapshot to not be downgrade:
-  bsc#1156601
-- Update to upstream snapshot 20191108
-  * getaddrinfo - avoid infinite loop in case of NXDOMAIN
-  * ares_getenv - return NULL in all cases
-  * implement ares_getaddrinfo
-- onion-crash.patch: removed, upstreamed.
-- removed upstream patches that are part of the snapshot:
-  0001-Add-initial-implementation-for-ares_getaddrinfo-112.patch
-  0002-Remaining-queries-counter-fix-additional-unit-tests-.patch
-  0003-Bugfix-for-ares_getaddrinfo-and-additional-unit-test.patch
-  0004-Add-ares__sortaddrinfo-to-support-getaddrinfo-sorted.patch
-  0005-getaddrinfo-avoid-infinite-loop-in-case-of-NXDOMAIN-.patch
-  0006-getaddrinfo-callback-must-be-called-on-bad-domain-24.patch
-  0007-getaddrinfo-enhancements-257.patch
-  0008-Add-missing-limits.h-include-from-ares_getaddrinfo.c.patch
-  0010-Disable-failing-test.patch
-- disable-live-tests.patch - updated
-- Add upstream patches with the ares_getaddrinfo function:
-  * 0001-Add-initial-implementation-for-ares_getaddrinfo-112.patch
-  * 0002-Remaining-queries-counter-fix-additional-unit-tests-.patch
-  * 0003-Bugfix-for-ares_getaddrinfo-and-additional-unit-test.patch
-  * 0004-Add-ares__sortaddrinfo-to-support-getaddrinfo-sorted.patch
-  * 0005-getaddrinfo-avoid-infinite-loop-in-case-of-NXDOMAIN-.patch
-  * 0006-getaddrinfo-callback-must-be-called-on-bad-domain-24.patch
-  * 0007-getaddrinfo-enhancements-257.patch
-  * 0008-Add-missing-limits.h-include-from-ares_getaddrinfo.c.patch
-  *
-- Add a patch which disables test failing on OBS (but passing in
-  local environment):
-  * 0010-Disable-failing-test.patch
-- Version update to 1.15.0:
-  * Add ares_init_options() configurability for path to resolv.conf file
-  * Ability to exclude building of tools (adig, ahost, acountry) in CMake
-  * Report ARES_ENOTFOUND for .onion domain names as per RFC7686
-    (bsc#1125306)
-  * Apply the IPv6 server blacklist to all nameserver sources
-  * Prevent changing name servers while queries are outstanding
-  * ares_set_servers_csv() on failure should not leave channel in a
-    bad state
-- enable unit tests
-- disable-live-tests.patch: disable tests to live servers
-- onion-crash.patch: backport fix for a crash affecting .onion TLD
-- Remove ineffective --with-pic.
-- Version update to 1.14.0:
-  * Fix patch for CVE-2017-1000381 to not be overly aggressive
-  * gethostbyaddr should fail with ECANCELLED not ENOTFOUND when ares_cancel is called
-  * ares_gethostbyname.3: fix callback status values
-  * docs: Document WSAStartup requirement
-  * Fix a typo in init_by_resolv_conf
-- Rename everything to c-ares
-- Version update to 1.13.0:
-  * Fixes bsc#1044946 CVE-2017-1000381
-  * Bunch of bugfixes
-- Drop cares-1.9.1-ocloexec.patch as it broke again and it is
-  not really worth all the fwdporting
-- Drop check phase there is only return 0
-- Version update to 1.12.0:
-  * Fixes bsc#1007728 CVE-2016-5180
-  * api: add ARES_OPT_NOROTATE optmask value
-  * Collection of bugfixes
-- update to 1.11.0:
-  * Allow multiple -s options to the ahost command
-  * api: Expose the ares_library_initialized() function
-  * api: Add ares_set_sortlist(3) entrypoint
-  * api: Add entrypoints to allow use of per-server ports
-  * api: introduce `ares_parse_txt_reply_ext`
-  * api: Add ares_set_socket_configure_callback()
-  * Add -t u option to ahost
-  * collection of bug fixes
-- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
-  implicit:
-  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
-  + No longer execute gpg_verify.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * build: Properly pass the parameters to cmake
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Drop baselibs.conf: multilib support is only generated for libs
-  that have consumers.
-- update to 0.15.2:
-  * Fix fail* APIs, regression from 0.15.1
-  * Fix warning in ptr macros with pointer to integer cast
-  * Fix various warnings in Check's unit tests
-  * Replace gnu_printf with printf in format __attribute__
-  * Fix warnings from Check's macros: "warning: too many arguments for format"
-  * Fix format specifiers that do not match the argument types
-  * Define CK_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT for GCC >= 2.95.3, to make use of
-  ‘gnu_printf’ format attribute
-  * Refactor tests to fix signed - unsigned conversions
-  * Refactor some Check internals to use proper interger types
-  * Implement missing mutual exclusion for Windows hosts
-- Update to 0.14.0:
-  * Add support for FetchContent in CMake
-  * Rename CMake project from 'check' to 'Check'
-  * Fix for checking for wrong tool when building docs in Autotools
-  * Fix compiler warning with printf format
-  * missing <unistd.h> in some files
-  * Various documentation improvements
-  * END_TEST is now optional, as how START_TEST works has been redone
-  * Various CMake related changes
-- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
-- Update to version 0.12.0:
-  + Fix out-of-tree builds with CMake (gh#libcheck/check#86).
-  + Fix issue found with Clang regarding invalid suffix on a
-    literal (gh#libcheck/check#110).
-  + Check now responds to a few errors in a more clear way when
-    it cannot run tests (gh#libcheck/check#122 and
-    gh#libcheck/check#123).
-  + The maximum message size of check assertions is now
-    configurable (gh#libcheck/check#127).
-  + Check support added for Visual Studios 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015,
-    and 2017 both for x86/64 and ARM (gh#libcheck/check#129 and
-    gh#libcheck/check#125).
-- Adopt the use of %make_build and %make_install rather than raw
-  make commands, following the best practices. And pass docdir
-  to configure instead of passing directly to make.
-- Add automake, autoconf and sed BuildRequires to avoid implicit
-  dependencies.
+- Update to version 0.9.12:
+  + Additional unit tests created for internal and external Check
+    APIs.
+  + Check now compiled on Windows using MSVC when using CMake and
+    NMake. All unit tests pass, though shell script based ones need
+    to be run in the MSYS environment.
+  + Check now compiles on Windows using Visual Studio 10 when using
+    CMake. check_check passes when run from Visual Studios.
+  + Always capture the start and end times of tests when using
+    NO_FORK mode. Previously the end time was not captured,
+    resulting in arbitrary durations being recorded when tests
+    failed. Bug#87.
+  + Added additional configure script checks for support of
+    timer_create() on the target system. This allows for OpenBSD to
+    compile and run all Check's unit tests successfully.
+  + Added a unit test, check_mem_leaks, which can be used against
+    valgrind to test for memory leaks. No memory leaks were found.
+  + Added tcase_add_loop_test support in checkm.
+  + Add support for logging in Test Anything Protocol (TAP) format.
+  + Refactor Check's assertions to be more like the assert() call
+    in assert.h, in that static source code analyzers can use gcc
+    attributes in the header to make assumptions about the flow of
+    the code. See feature request #29.
+  + Fix ck_assert_ptr_* causing const compilation warnings.
+- Add check-missing-includes.patch: Add missing include in order
+  to fix the build.
+- Update to version 0.9.11:
+  + Check's unit tests pass when compiled out of the source tree.
+  + Check compiles for Windows using the MinGW/msys environment
+    (without using fork), and all unit tests pass.
+  + Check compiles for Windows using the Cygwin environment, and
+    all unit tests pass.
+  + Check compiles for Windows using MinGW in Linux (without using
+    fork), and all unit tests pass using wine 1.4.
+- Update to version 0.9.10:
+  + Support 64bit int for __ck_assert_int (sf#3599471).
+  + Add equivalent uint variants for __ck_assert_int (sf #3600433).
+  + Detect if the system has a C99 compliant version of the printf
+    related functions for check to use, and if not use an
+    implementation provided by check.
+  + Updated HACKING and release procedure in
+  + Detect if the system has clock_gettime() available, and if not
+    use an implementation provided by check. clock_gettime() is
+    used to measure test durations. The implementation for OSX uses
+    OSX specific system calls to get the time. For all other
+    systems, clock_gettime() does nothing.
+  + Updated documentation in check.h to reference new check API.
+  + Remove usage of deprecated fail(), fail_if(), and fail_unless()
+    calls from check's unit tests.
+  + Fix implementation of putenv in check's libcompat for systems
+    that do not provide it.
+  + Fix implementation of unsettenv in check's libcompat for
+    systems that do not provide it.
+  + mprovements to the new Check API: new comparison functions for
+    pointers: ck_assert_ptr_(eq|ne).
+  + Test timeouts can now be in nanosecond precision.
+  + Cleanup compile warnings (sf#3579199).
+  + Renamed Check's internal list functions to start with check_
+    (sf#3448601).
+- Update to version 0.9.9:
+  + Measure test duration and print in XML output (sf#3521371)
+  + Added contrib/XML_for_JUnit.xsl (sf#3521371)
+  + Added support for setting log files via environment variables.
+    (sf#3576713)
+  + Added better pkg-config and subunit support (sf#3417041)
+  + Make tests/ bourne shell compatible (sf#3472578)
+  + Added ck_ prefix to mutex_lock variable, to avoid name clash on
+    Solaris (sf#3472574)
+  + In autoconf, request system extensions to generate 64-bit safe
+    code (sf#2803433)
+  + Fix for mutex deadlock when killing threads (sf#3564640)
+  + Make XML output well-formed (sf#3575642, sf#3485651)
+  + Fix buggy duration calculation (sf#3575451)
+  + A more complete CMake / MSVC patch for those interested in
+    pursuing Windows development with Check and Visual Studio.
+  + Added instructions for improving the speed and output of `make
+    check' when using Automake.
+  + Added a chapter in the documentation for selective running of
+    tests.
+  + Changed how the message pipe is read. Before, the whole file
+    was copied to RAM with realloc, giving problems with huge
+    allocations for repetetive tests, the problem was visible for a
+    specific GStreamer test case.
+  + Improvements to the new Check API: documentation, macros that
+    allow multiple evaluation, unit tests, and new
+    ck_assert_(str|int)_(lt|le|gt|ge) comparison functions.
+  + Made the new Check API primary and use it to define macros from
+    old Check API
+  + Added checkmk, a tool for reducing "boilerplate coding" when
+    writing unit tests with check.
+  + Added xslt link to xml output, added display of iteration field
+    into xslt stylesheet and moved it to directory accessible from
+    web page root
+  + Added longjmp to fail function to ensure that no code will be
+    executed in test function after failed assertion
+  + Fix dead assignments and several possible NULL pointer
+    dereferences.
+- Own %{_datadir}/aclocal to fix build without automake/autoconf.
+- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
+- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building
+- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides
+- Add pkg-config Recommends to check-devel, as required by policy.
+- Package baselibs.conf
+- Update to version 0.9.8:
+  + Added CK_SUBUNIT support for outputting test information in
+    the subunit wire protocol.
+  + Added code and tests for timeout scaling via environment
+    variable
+  + Added documentation for testing exit values with
+    tcase_add_exit_test()
+  + Add make_macros perl script from somebody
+  + add type to check_type error message
+  + add contrib dir with xslt transform
+  + function exist testing support
+  + introduce HAVE_WORKING_SETENV to protect tc_timeout_env usage
+  + support running tests with multiple pthreads
+  + partial MSYS/MinGW support.
+- spec file cleaned using spec-cleaner.
+- remove static libraries and "la" files
+- Chromium 99.0.4844.51 (boo#1196641)
+  * CVE-2022-0789: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE
+  * CVE-2022-0790: Use after free in Cast UI
+  * CVE-2022-0791: Use after free in Omnibox
+  * CVE-2022-0792: Out of bounds read in ANGLE
+  * CVE-2022-0793: Use after free in Views
+  * CVE-2022-0794: Use after free in WebShare
+  * CVE-2022-0795: Type Confusion in Blink Layout
+  * CVE-2022-0796: Use after free in Media
+  * CVE-2022-0797: Out of bounds memory access in Mojo
+  * CVE-2022-0798: Use after free in MediaStream
+  * CVE-2022-0799: Insufficient policy enforcement in Installer
+  * CVE-2022-0800: Heap buffer overflow in Cast UI
+  * CVE-2022-0801: Inappropriate implementation in HTML parser
+  * CVE-2022-0802: Inappropriate implementation in Full screen mode
+  * CVE-2022-0803: Inappropriate implementation in Permissions
+  * CVE-2022-0804: Inappropriate implementation in Full screen mode
+  * CVE-2022-0805: Use after free in Browser Switcher
+  * CVE-2022-0806: Data leak in Canvas
+  * CVE-2022-0807: Inappropriate implementation in Autofill
+  * CVE-2022-0808: Use after free in Chrome OS Shell
+  * CVE-2022-0809: Out of bounds memory access in WebXR
+- Removed patches:
+  * chromium-96-EnumTable-crash.patch
+  * chromium-89-missing-cstring-header.patch
+  * chromium-95-libyuv-aarch64.patch
+  * chromium-95-libyuv-arm.patch
+  * chromium-98-MiraclePtr-gcc-ice.patch
+  * chromium-98-WaylandFrameManager-check.patch
+- Added patches:
+  * chromium-97-arm-tflite-cast.patch
+  * chromium-98-gtk4-build.patch
+  * chromium-99-AutofillAssistantModelExecutor-NoDestructor.patch
+  * chromium-98-EnumTable-crash.patch
+  * chromium-third_party-symbolize-missing-include.patch
+  * chromium-v8-missing-utility-include.patch
+- database refresh on 2022-03-07 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2022-02-28 (bsc#1084929)
+- Update -addon-azure to 1.0.2 (bsc#1196305)
+  + The is-registered() function expects a string of the update server FQDN.
+    The regionsrv-enabler-azure passed an Object of type SMT. Fix the call
+    in regionsrv-enabler-azure.
+- Update -plugin-azure to 2.0.0 (bsc#1196146)
+  + Lower case the region hint to reduce issues with Azure region name
+    case inconsistencies
+- Update to version 10.0.0 (bsc#1195414, bsc#1195564)
+  + Refactor removes check_registration() function in utils implementation
+  + Only start the registration service for PAYG images
+  - addon-azure sub-package to version 1.0.1
+- This update contains fixes for CVE-2021-45082 and 2021-45083
+- Update to version
+  * Fix spec error introduced with CVE fix
+  * Security: Fix incomplete template sanitization
+  * Security: Restrict config file accessibility
+  * Docker: CentOS to Rocky Linux move for Compose
+  * Remove old Cobbler Web leftovers
+  * Utils: Check if service is running before stopping it
+  * CI: Remove test report parsing and publishing
+  * System-Tests: Remove broken Test report parser
+  * Use for fixing bind path
+- Fixing the build requires for SLE 15 SP4, as the ocaml-menhir
+  version in SLE-15 is not available via ocamlfind and a newer
+  version would require an update of ocaml itself.
+- This version of coccinelle is required to get rid of the python2
+  dependency in SLE 15 SP4 (jsc#SLE-16747)
+- Further testing shows that grep, which and findutils are also
+  required.
+- Fix totally broken python support, set the correct python3
+  interpreter, otherwise it defaults to python, which in our case
+  is python 2.7. (changed kill-env.diff, spec)
+- build with VERBOSE=yes
+- Add wrapper script to set COCCINELLE_HOME [boo#1184563]
+- update to version 1.1.0
+  See included changes.txt for details
+- Switch to python3
+- The used buildsystem relies on ocaml.opt
-- Also build 32-bit x86 version (bsc#1188004)
-- New (bsc#1178526)
+- Add patch for CVE-2022-23648. bsc#1196441
+  + CVE-2022-23648.patch
+- corosync totemudpu: bsc#1192467, Fix don't block local socketpair when interface is down
+  Added: bsc#1192467_dont-block-local-socket-pair.patch
+- corosync totem: bsc#1189680, Add cancel_hold_on_retransmit config option
+  Added: bsc#1189680-cancel_hold_on_retransmit-option.patch
+- (Again) Fix bsc#1163460 Corosync does not support link-local IPv6 addresses
+  Added: bug-1163460-totemip-Add-support-for-sin6_scope_id.patch
+  Reason: This time the path will NOT cause problems when doing rolling
+    upgrade, see bsc#1168771
+- Stop mangling libexecdir: it's not needed at all.
+- Revoke the patch bug-1163460-totemip-Add-support-for-sin6_scope_id.patch
+  Deleted: bug-1163460-totemip-Add-support-for-sin6_scope_id.patch
+  Reason: That path will cause problems while doing rolling upgrade, see bsc#1168771
+- Fix bsc#1163460 Corosync does not support link-local IPv6 addresses
+  Added: bug-1163460-totemip-Add-support-for-sin6_scope_id.patch
+- Fix bsc#1166899, return value of "corosync-quorumtool -s" was not correct
+  Added: bug-1166899-quorumtool-Fix-exit-status-codes.patch
+- Don't package sysconfig file in tmpfiles.d, it's a bug. Instead correctly
+  add it to /etc/sysconfig, invoking fillup accordingly.
+- Packaging bug updating Corosync(bsc#1155792)
+  Some noisy output from Tumbleweed caused by RPM macro not fairly used
+  Make sure corosync sysconfig keep original configured firstly(bsc1153502)
+  Store the tmp file to a more security directory
+- Replace corosync-2.4.5.tar.gz with a clean source.tar.gz(bsc#1144200)
+  The reason is some binaries left in corosync-2.4.5.tar.gz
+- corosync-2.4.5 upgrade(bsc#1144200)
+  block_unlisted_ips block package from ips not in nodelist
+  Qnetd now supports updated NSS database format
+  Partly fixed problem with ifdown (only for UDPU)
+  Added:
+  corosync-2.4.5.tar.gz
+  bug-1001164_corosync.conf-example.patch
+  corosync-init-lockfile-path-error.patch
+  Deleted:
+  corosync-2.4.4.tar.gz
+  0003-fix-tmpfiles-create.patch
+  0004-mark-corosync-as-a-static-service.patch
+  0005-do-not-convert-empty-uid-gid-to-0.patch
+  0007-add-config-for-corosync-qnetd.patch
+  0009-bsc#1088619-add-version.patch
+  0010-qdevice-net-instance.c-optarg-should-be-str.patch
+  0011-NSS_NoDB_Init-the-parameter-is-reserved-must-be-NULL.patch
+  0012-cpg-Inform-clients-about-left-nodes-during-pause.patch
+  bnc#872651-stop-cluster.patch
+  disable-build-html-docs.patch
+  Renamed:
+  0001-coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch -> upstream-afd97d7884940_coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch
+  0006-Fix-compile-warnings-with-GCC-7.2.1.patch -> Fix-compile-warnings-with-GCC-7.2.1.patch
+  0008-bsc#1083561-upgrade-from-1-x-y.patch -> bug-1083561_upgrade-from-1-x-y.patch
+  bnc#882449-corosync-conf-example.patch -> bug-882449_corosync-conf-example.patch
+  0002-fix-ifdown-udp.patch -> bug-1032634_fix-ifdown-udp.patch
+  bsc#1001164-corosync.conf-example.patch -> bug-1001164_corosync.conf-example.patch
+- cpg: Inform clients about left nodes during pause(bsc#1091593)
+    Added: 0012-cpg-Inform-clients-about-left-nodes-during-pause.patch
+- NSS_NoDB_Init: the parameter is reserved, must be NULL(bsc#1090996)
+    Added: 0011-NSS_NoDB_Init-the-parameter-is-reserved-must-be-NULL.patch
+- corosync-2.4.4 is available now(bsc#1089836)
+    man:fix in corosync-qdevice.8
+    quorumtool: remove duplicated help message
+    cfg: nodeid should be unsigned int
+    coroparse: Use readdir instead of readdir_r
+    wd: fix snprintf warnings
+    Fix compile errors in qdevice on FreeBSD
+    qdevice: mv free(str) after port validation
+    Fix various typos
+    Fix typo: recomended -> recommended
+    man: support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
+    configure: add --with-initconfigdir option
+    Use static case blocks to determine distro flavor
+    Use RuntimeDirectory instead of tmpfiles.d
+    coroparse: Do not convert empty uid, gid to 0
+    sam: Fix snprintf compiler warnings
+    quorumtool: Use full buffer size in snprintf
+    man: Add note about qdevice parallel cmds start
+    sync: Remove unneeded determine sync code
+    sync: Call sync_init of all services at once
+    corosync.conf: publicize
+    totemudp[u]: Drop truncated packets on receive
+    logging: Make blackbox configurable
+    logging: Close before and open blackbox after fork
+    init: Quote subshell result properly
+    blackbox: Quote subshell result properly
+    qdevice: quote certutils scripts properly
+    sam_test_agent: Remove unused assignment
+    qdevice: Fix NULL pointer dereference
+    quorumtool: Don't set our_flags without v_handle
+    qdevice: Nodelist is set into string not array
+    qdevice: Check if user_data can be dereferenced
+    qdevice: Add safer wrapper of strtoll
+    qdevice: Replace strtol by strtonum
+    qnetd: Replace strtol by strtonum
+    main: Set errno before calling of strtol
+    totemcrypto: Implement bad crypto header guess
+    cpg: Use list_del instead of qb_list_del
+    totemcrypto: Check length of the packet
+    totemsrp: Implement sanity checks of received msgs
+    totemsrp: Check join and leave msg length
+    totemudp: Check lenght of message to sent
+    qdevice msgio: Fix reading of msg longer than i32
+    logsys: Avoid redundant callsite section checking
+    man: corosync-qdevice: fix formatting vs. punctuation
+    man: corosync-qdevice: some more stylistics
+    man: fix
+    libcpg: Fix issue with partial big packet assembly
+    totempg: Fix fragmentation segfault
+    totempg: use iovec[i].iov_len instead of copy_len
+    totempg: Fix corrupted messages
+    cpg: Handle fragmented message sending interrupt
+    corosync.aug: Add missing options
+    systemd: Delete unnecessary soft_margin
+    Added:
+    corosync-2.4.4.tar.gz
+    0010-qdevice-net-instance.c-optarg-should-be-str.patch
+    Deleted:
+    0007-sync-Call-sync_init-of-all-services-at-once.patch
+    0008-wd-fix-snprintf-warnings.patch
+    0009-add-config-for-corosync-qnetd.patch
+    0010-qdevice-mv-free-str-after-port-validation.patch
+    0011-libcpg-Fix-issue-with-partial-big-packet-assembly.patch
+    0012-totemudp-u-Drop-truncated-packets-on-receive.patch
+    0013-logging-Make-blackbox-configurable.patch
+    0014-logging-Close-before-and-open-blackbox-after-fork.patch
+    0015-coverity-fixes.patch
+    0018-bsc#1089346-corosync-Integer-overflow-in-totemcrypto.patch
+    corosync-2.4.3.tar.gz
+    Renamed:
+    0009-add-config-for-corosync-qnetd.patch -> 0007-add-config-for-corosync-qnetd.patch
+    0016-bsc#1083561-upgrade-from-1-x-y.patch -> 0008-bsc#1083561-upgrade-from-1-x-y.patch
+    0017-bsc#1088619-add-version.patch -> 0009-bsc#1088619-add-version.patch
+-  (CVE-2018-1084) VUL-0: CVE-2018-1084: corosync: Integer overflow in totemcrypto(bsc#1089346)
+    Added: 0018-bsc#1089346-corosync-Integer-overflow-in-totemcrypto.patch
+- UNKNOWN version in corosync pkg-config(bsc#1088619)
+    Added: 0017-bsc#1088619-add-version.patch
+- [Build 489.1] Corosync is not working after upgrade from sle11sp4-ha to sle15-ha(bsc#1083561)
+    Added: 0016-bsc#1083561-upgrade-from-1-x-y.patch
+- some coverity fixes for corosync on upstream(bsc#1083895)
+    Added: 0015-coverity-fixes.patch
+- corosync exposes itself for a self-crash under rare circumstance(bsc#1078412)
+    Added: 0013-logging-Make-blackbox-configurable.patch
+    0014-logging-Close-before-and-open-blackbox-after-fork.patch
+    Modified: remove unncessary git commit messages
+    0001-coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch
+    0002-fix-ifdown-udp.patch
+    0005-do-not-convert-empty-uid-gid-to-0.patch
+    0008-wd-fix-snprintf-warnings.patch
+    0010-qdevice-mv-free-str-after-port-validation.patch
+    0011-libcpg-Fix-issue-with-partial-big-packet-assembly.patch
+    0012-totemudp-u-Drop-truncated-packets-on-receive.patch
+- totemudp[u]: Drop truncated packets on receive(bsc#1075300)
+    Added: 0012-totemudp-u-Drop-truncated-packets-on-receive.patch
+- issue with partial packets assembly when multiple nodes are sending big packets(bsc#1074929)
+    Added: 0011-libcpg-Fix-issue-with-partial-big-packet-assembly.patch
+- qdevice failed to run(bsc#1074276)
+    Added: 0010-qdevice-mv-free-str-after-port-validation.patch
+- add support for corosync-qdevice in yast2-cluster and bootstrap(bsc#1070961)
+    Added: 0009-add-config-for-corosync-qnetd.patch
+- wd: gcc shows snprintf warnings(bsc#1071187)
+    Added: 0008-wd-fix-snprintf-warnings.patch
+- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new
+  %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
+- corosync race condition when node leaves immediately after joining(bsc#1067958)
+    Added: 0007-sync-Call-sync_init-of-all-services-at-once.patch
+- gcc: snprintf gives warning: ‘%s’ directive output may be truncated writing
+    8 bytes into a region of size between 1 and 255(bsc#1066090)
+    Added: 0006-Fix-compile-warnings-with-GCC-7.2.1.patch
+- coroparse: uidgid with empty uid or gid results into add uid 0(bsc#1066585)
+    Added: 0005-do-not-convert-empty-uid-gid-to-0.patch
+    Modified: 0005-do-not-convert-empty-uid-gid-to-0.patch,
+    check whether the uid, gid is empty before calling strtol
+- Upgrade corosync-2.4.2 to corosync-2.4.3(fate#321385)
+    doc: document watchdog_device parameter
+    Main: Call mlockall after fork
+    Totempg: remove duplicate memcpy in mcast_msg func
+    Qdevice: fix spell errors in qdevice
+    logconfig: Do not overwrite logger_subsys priority
+    totemconfig: Prefer nodelist over bindnetaddr
+    cpghum: Fix printf of size_t variable
+    Qnetd lms: Use UTILS_PRI_RING_ID printf format str
+    wd: Report error when close of wd fails
+    votequorum: Don't update expected_votes display if value is too high
+    votequorum: simplify reconfigure message handling
+    quorumtool: Add option to show all node addresses
+    main: Don't ask libqb to handle segv, it doesn't work
+    man: Document -a option to corosync-quorumtool
+    main: use syslog & printf directly for early log messages
+    votequorum: make atb consistent on nodelist reload
+    Fix typo: Destorying -> Destroying
+    init: Add doc URIs to the systemd service files
+    wd: fix typo
+    corosync.conf.5: Fix watchdog documentation
+    corosync.conf.5: add warning about slow watchdogs
+    wd: remove extra capitalization typo
+    corosync.conf.5: watchdog support is conditional
+    notifyd: Add the community name to an SNMP trap
+    Logsys: Change logsys syslog_priority priority
+    totemrrp: Fix situation when all rings are faulty
+    main: Display reason why cluster cannot be formed
+    totem: Propagate totem initialization failure
+    totemcrypto: Refactor symmetric key importing
+    totemcrypto: Use different method to import key
+    main: Add option to set priority
+    main: Add support for libcgroup
+    totemcrypto: Fix compiler warning
+    cmap: Remove noop highest config version check
+    qdevice: Add support for heuristics
+    Spec: drop unneeded dependency
+    Spec: make internal dependencies arch-qualified
+    cmap: don't shutdown highest config_version node
+    totemudp: Remove memb_join discarding
+    Spec: fix arch-qualified dependencies
+    Include fcntl.h for F_* and O_* defines
+    totemudp: Retry if bind fails
+    Remove deprecated doxygen flags
+    man: Fix typos in man page
+    man: Modify man-page according to command usage
+    Remove redundant header file inclusion
+    upstart: Add softdog module loading example
+    Added:
+    corosync-2.4.3.tar.gz
+    Removed:
+    corosync-2.4.2.tar.gz
+    bsc#1047860-add-version.patch
+    0001-Logsys-Change-logsys-syslog_priority-priority.patch
+    0001-logconfig.c-make-logging.syslog_priority-and-logging.patch
+    0001-totemconfig.c-Fixed-Evicted-from-CPG-membership.patch
+    0002-Main-call-mlock-after-fork.patch
+    0003-totemrrp-Fix-situation-when-all-rings-are-faulty.patch
+    0004-main-Display-reason-why-cluster-cannot-be-formed.patch
+    0005-votequorum-Report-errors-from-votequorum_exec_send_r.patch
+    0007-Make-corosync-work-when-FIPS-mode-is-enabled.patch
+    0008-main.c-add-option-to-set-priority.patch
+    0009-totem-Propagate-totem-initialization-failure.patch
+    Modified:
+    bsc#1047860-add-version.patch: change version to 2.4.3
+    corosync.changes: add changelogs
+    corosync.spec: remove unnecessary patches
+    Renamed:
+    0006-coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch -> 0001-coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch
+    0010-fix-ifdown-udp.patch -> 0002-fix-ifdown-udp.patch
+    0011-fix-tmpfiles-create.patch -> 0003-fix-tmpfiles-create.patch
+    0012-mark-corosync-as-a-static-service.patch -> 0004-mark-corosync-as-a-static-service.patch
+- wrong "service_del_postun corosync.service"(bsc#1060767)
+    Modified: corosync.spec, remove service_del_postun in postun of corosync
+- Restore conformance to shared library packaging guideline.
+- Remove redundant cleaning in %install and %clean.
+- corosync.service should be marked as a static service(bsc#1055585)
+    Added: 0012-mark-corosync-as-a-static-service.patch
+- Fix RPM groups.
+- L3: corosync: assert(sender_node != NULL) fails after tearing down a network interface(bsc#1032634)
+    Added: 0010-fix-ifdown-udp.patch
+- Fix rpmlint warnings
+    Added: 0011-fix-tmpfiles-create.patch
+- some errors in spec file(bsc#1047862)
+  Modified:corosync.spec
+  1) as in openSUSE:factory, there are %define, but bcond_with coudld be toggled by osc command , change %define to %bcond_with and %bcond_without
+  2) change service_del_postun to service_del_preun, since service_del_postun is not a right macro
+  3) remove macro tpmfiles_create define from corosync.spec.
+- make corosync.spec uniform (bsc#1051385)
+  Modified: corosync.spec
+    1. there are some lines are commented in corosync.spec, will define new macro to make these lines uncommented
+    2. in former, xmlconf, rdma and snmp were disabled, these features are wrongly enabled, will disable them
+-  some upstream fixes for corosync(bsc#1048259)
+  Added:
+    bsc#1047860-add-version.patch
+    0007-Make-corosync-work-when-FIPS-mode-is-enabled.patch
+    0008-main.c-add-option-to-set-priority.patch
+    0009-totem-Propagate-totem-initialization-failure.patch
+  Removed:
+    bnc#867767-add-version.patch
+    0007-improve-corosync-keygen.patch(since this patch is not for corosync v2.x)
+  Modified:
+    corosync.spec, add judgement whether /etc/sysconfig/corosycn* exist before remove these files
+- some errors in spec file(bsc#1047862)
+  Modified:
+    corosync.spec
+- improvement for corosync-keygen(bsc#1047861)
+  Added:
+    0007-improve-corosync-keygen.patch
+- 1047860corosync report wrong version number(bsc#1047860)
+  Modified:
+    bnc#867767-add-version.patch
+-  some Fixes from upstream(bsc#1043045)
+  Added:
+    0004-main-Display-reason-why-cluster-cannot-be-formed.patch
+    0005-votequorum-Report-errors-from-votequorum_exec_send_r.patch
+    0006-coroapi-Use-size_t-for-private_data_size.patch
+[patch-lost-in-sle] Missing issues in openSUSE:Factory/corosync(bsc#1041587)
+  add change log for upgrading corosync to v2.3.6 and make this change log contain all records in SLE12 SP3
+  make the format consistent
+- totemrrp: Fix situation when all rings are faulty(bsc#1039215)
+  Added:
+    0003-totemrrp-Fix-situation-when-all-rings-are-faulty.patch
+- calling mlockall before corosync_tty_detach is noop when corosync is executed as a daemon(bsc#1038147)
+  Added:
+    0002-Main-call-mlock-after-fork.patch
+- [upgrade] Changing the pre-upgrade role for node failed(bsc#1030437)
+  Added:
+    0001-totemconfig.c-Fixed-Evicted-from-CPG-membership.patch
+  Removed:
+    0001-totemip.c-Fixed-Evicted-from-CPG-membership.patch
+- L3-Question: corosync logging priority takes no effect(bsc#1023959)
+  Added:
+    0001-Logsys-Change-logsys-syslog_priority-priority.patch
+    0001-logconfig.c-make-logging.syslog_priority-and-logging.patch
+-  Corosync 2.4.1 still produces, just like Corosync 2.3.6.(bsc#1013842)
+  Added:
+  disable-build-html-docs.patch
+  upgrade to corosync-2.4.2:
+    Man: Fix corosync-qdevice-net-certutil link
+    man: mention qdevice incompatibilites in votequorum.5
+    Qnetd LMS: Fix two partition use case
+    cfg: Prevents use of uninitialized buffer
+- upgrade to corosync-2.4.1(bsc#1004967)
+  Added:
+    corosync-start-stop-level.patch
+  Deleted:
+    Config-Flag-config-uidgid-entries.patch
+    cfg-Prevents-use-of-uninitialized-buffer.patch
+    cts-Make-it-run-with-pacemaker-1.13.patch
+    get_cluster_mcast_addr-error-is-not-fatal.patch
+    totemsrp-Addition-of-the-log.patch
+  modified: bnc#867767-add-version.patch, change version to 2.4.1
+  corosync-2.4.1:
+    Low: totemsrp: Addition of the log.
+    cts: Make it run with pacemaker-1.13+
+    Config: Flag config uidgid entries
+    Spec: Qdevice require same version of corosync
+  corosync-2.4.0:
+    qdevice and qnet
+    config: get_cluster_mcast_addr error is not fatal
+    some typo fixes
+upgrade corosync-v2.3.5 to corosync-v2.3.6, and backport patches from v2.4.2(FATE#322113, bsc#1020550)
+  Added:
+    Config-Flag-config-uidgid-entries.patch
+    cfg-Prevents-use-of-uninitialized-buffer.patch
+    cts-Make-it-run-with-pacemaker-1.13.patch
+    get_cluster_mcast_addr-error-is-not-fatal.patch
+    totemsrp-Addition-of-the-log.patch
+  Removed:
+    corosync-cts-api-error.patch
+  v2.3.6
+- logconfig: Fix logging reload disabling logfiles
+- wd: Warn if values are out of range
+- parser: WD Read type correctly from corosync.conf
+- Add some more RO keys
+- Reapply config defaults corosync.conf reload
+- schedwrk: Cleanup and make it work on PPC BE
+- cmapctl: Handle corosync errors in print_key func
+- Adds doxygen stubs to include directory
+- Add clang-format configuration file
+- wd: make watchdog device configurable
+- logging: Use our own version of basename
+- logsys: fix TOTEM logging when corosync built out of tree
+- parser: Make config file parser more hierarchy
+- totemconfig: Explicitly pass IP version
+- cpg: Handle ipc error in cpg_zcb_alloc/free
+- cpg: Memory not unmapped in cpg_zcb_free
+- totempg: Fix memory leak
+- Fix spelling errors
+- Add section in manual title for cpg_zcb_free 3
+- Add section in manual title for cpg_zcb_alloc 3
+- Update corosync.spec source link
+- Update gitignore files
+- Remove all links to old ML
+- totemsrp: Fix clang warning (tautological compare)
+- Make location of .pc overrideable
+- Remove a few unused variables and functions
+- We don't need no C++ compiler
+- Remove deprecated AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
+- make foreign apply to all Makefiles
+- Remove unused, obsolete check
+- Fix detection of qb_log_thread_priority_set
+- cpghum: Fix type of recv_crc
+- Check for fdatasync
+- Fix detection of warning flags for clang
+- quorum: Display node id as unsigned int.
+- cts: InitClusterManager is now BootCluster
+- totemudp: Move udp bind() so that multicast works with IPv6
+- cfgtool: Display nodeid as unsigned int
+- votequorum: Don't send multiple callbacks when nodes join
+- man: Add synopsis for cpg_zcb_alloc and free
+- man html index: Update index
+- votequorum: Make sure cs_error_t is defined
+- Doxygen fix for cmap_iter_next()
+- configure: Correct help entry for logdir
+- totmesrp: Fix typo in log message
+- configure: typo in include
+- man page: Correct option letter for DBus
+- wd: fix setting of watchdog timeouts
+- CFG: Prevent CFG orignating messages during SYNC
+- Default token timeout was 5000 ms in SLE 11 SP4, but is 1000 ms in SLE 12(bsc#1001164)
+  Added: bsc#1001164-corosync.conf-example.patch
+- Fix: [s390]Upgrade from SP1-GM + HA to SP2-RC2 +: Failed to start Corosync Cluster engine(bsc#996230)
+- modify corosync.spec to remove "chkconfig --add"
+- remove corosync-devel and require lines from baselibs.conf
+-  corosync process still exists when stop pacemaker service(bnc#988683)
+- remove git files from tarball(bnc#941910)
+- modify corosync.spec to delete logrotate.d
+update from v2.3.3 to v2.3.5 (bnc#939328)
+  v2.3.5
+- Log: Add logrotate configuration file
+- totemsrp: Improve logging of left/down nodes
+- totemconfig: Check for duplicate nodeids
+- Really add cpghum
+- cpg: Add support for messages larger than 1Mb
+- Handle adding and removing UDPU members atomically
+- add patches:
+  * corosync-cts-api-error.patch
+  * bnc#867767-add-version.patch
+- mv the place of corosync.conf.example*(fate#318190)
+- Replace systemd BuildRequires with pkgconfig(systemd): we do not
+  require the full installation / dep chain of systemd.
+- fix bashisms in script
+- add patches:
+  * corosync-2.3.4-fix-bashisms.patch
+- fix bashism in preun script
+- Add fix-missing-const.patch: Fix a compile error on Leap 15.1
+  Fixes boo#1113889
+- Fix build break by changing __FUNCTION__ to __func__
+  * csync_log.h.patch
+- Fix popd usage: since bash 4.3, it only takes a numeric argument.
+- BuildRequire pkg-config to make cmake find its libraries again.
+- Update to version 0.50.0.
+  * Added an owncloud module
+  * Added a backup mode to the reconciler
+  * Added new logging framework (removed log4c dependency)
+  * Added new config parser (removed iniparser dependency)
+  * Added capabilities for modules
+  * Added content checking in conflict case
+  * Improved database performance and integrity checks
+  * Improved error reporting
+- Add fix-cmake-on-pre-12.patch: Fix building on older systems
+- Build always with libssh support.
+- Update to version 0.44.0.
+  * Migrated sftp module to libssh 0.4.
+  * Added more cache entries to the default config.
+  * Added missing requirements.
+  * Fixed build warnings.
+  * Fixed some memory leaks using sftp attributes.
+  * Some code cleanups.
+- Package baselibs.conf
+- Update to version 0.43.0.
+  * Added SFTP support with libssh 0.3.
+  * Added possibility to pass userdata to the auth function.
+  * Added a better version function.
+  * Fixed CMake build.
+  * Fixed CMake find modules.
+  * Fixed some flaws in cstd functions.
+  * Documented all public functions.
+- Fix Fedora build.
+- Change the way how to set CFLAGS.
+- When cupsd creates directories with specific owner group
+  and permissions (usually owner is 'root' and group matches
+  "configure --with-cups-group=lp") specify same owner group and
+  permissions in the RPM spec file to ensure those directories
+  are installed by RPM with the right settings because if those
+  directories were installed by RPM with different settings then
+  cupsd would use them as is and not adjust its specific owner
+  group and permissions which could lead to privilege escalation
+  from 'lp' user to 'root' via symlink attacks e.g. if owner is
+  falsely 'lp' instead of 'root' CVE-2021-25317 (bsc#1184161)
+- cups-2.2.7-web-ui-kerberos-authentication.patch (bsc#1175960)
+  Fix web UI kerberos authentication
+- cups-2.2.7-CVE-2020-10001.patch fixes CVE-2020-10001
+  access to uninitialized buffer in ipp.c (bsc#1180520)
+- cups-2.2.7-CVE-2019-8842.patch fixes CVE-2019-8842 (bsc#1170671)
+  the ippReadIO function may under-read an extension field
+- cups-2.2.7-CVE-2020-3898.patch fixes CVE-2020-3898 (bsc#1168422)
+  heap-buffer-overflow in libcups ppdFindOption() function
+- cups-2.2.7-CVE-2019-8675.CVE-2019-8696.patch fixes
+  CVE-2019-8675 and CVE-2019-8696 (bsc#1146358 and bsc#1146359)
+  and some other security/disclosure issues
+  (Apple's internal issues rdar://51685251, rdar://50035411,
+  rdar://51373853, rdar://51373929)
+- Add issue5509-fix-utf-8-validation-issue.patch (bsc#1118118)
+  Fixes
+- cups-2.2.7-CVE-2018-4700.patch fixes CVE-2018-4700: session
+  cookie is extremely predictable, effectively breaking the
+  CSRF protection of the CUPS web interface (bsc#1115750)
+- cups-branch-2.2-commit-97cb566568a8c3a9c07c7ccec09f28f5c5015954.diff
+  is 'git show 97cb566568a8c3a9c07c7ccec09f28f5c5015954' for
+  (except the not needed hunk for patching which fails)
+  that fixes local privilege escalation to root and sandbox
+  bypasses in scheduler (Apple's internal issues rdar://37836779,
+  rdar://37836995, rdar://37837252, rdar://37837581)
+  in the CUPS 2.2 branch
+  bsc#1096405 CVE-2018-4180:
+  Local Privilege Escalation to Root in dnssd Backend (CUPS_SERVERBIN)
+  bsc#1096406 CVE-2018-4181:
+  Limited Local File Reads as Root via cupsd.conf Include Directive
+  bsc#1096407 CVE-2018-4182:
+  cups-exec Sandbox Bypass Due to Insecure Error Handling
+  bsc#1096408 CVE-2018-4183:
+  cups-exec Sandbox Bypass Due to Profile Misconfiguration
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.7:
+  CUPS 2.2.7 is a general bug fix release.
+  For details see
+  or the file.
+  Changes include:
+  * Additional security fixes for:
+    bsc#1061066 DBUS library aborts caller process
+    in _dbus_check_is_valid_utf8 (in particular that aborts cupsd)
+    and
+    bsc#1087018 CVE-2017-18248: cups: The add_job function in
+    scheduler/ipp.c in CUPS before 2.2.6, when D-Bus support is
+    enabled, can be crashed by remote attackers by sending print
+    jobs with an invalid username, related to a D-Bus notification
+    which are the CUPS upstream issues
+    Remote DoS attack against cupsd via invalid username
+    and malicious D-Bus library
+    and
+    squash non-UTF-8 strings into ASCII on plain IPP level
+    and
+    persistently substitute invalid job attributes
+    with default values - not only in add_job
+    see also
+    bsc#1087072 dbus-1:
+    Disable assertions to prevent un-expected DDoS attacks
+  * NOTICE: Raw print queues are now deprecated (Issue #5269)
+    so that now there is a warning message when you
+    add or modify a queue to use the "raw driver" but
+    raw printing will continue to work through CUPS 2.3.x, cf.
+  * Fixed an Avahi crash bug in the scheduler (Issue #5268)
+  * Systemd did not restart cupsd when configuration changes
+    were made that required a restart (Issue #5263)
+  * The scheduler could crash while adding an IPP Everywhere
+    printer (Issue #5258)
+  * The scheduler now supports using temporary print queues
+    for older IPP/1.1 print queues like those shared by CUPS 1.3
+    and earlier (Issue #5241)
+  * Kerberized printing to another CUPS server did not work
+    correctly (Issue #5233)
+  * More fixes for printing to old CUPS servers (Issue #5211)
+  * The scheduler now substitutes default values for invalid
+    job attributes when running in "relaxed conformance"
+    mode (Issue #5186)
+  * The cups-driverd program incorrectly stopped scanning PPDs
+    as soon as a loop was seen (Issue #5170)
+  * The `SSLOptions` directive now supports `MinTLS` and `MaxTLS`
+    options to control the minimum and maximum TLS versions
+    that will be allowed, respectively (Issue #5119)
+  * The scheduler did not write out dirty configuration and
+    state files if there were open client connections (Issue #5118)
+  * The `lpadmin` command now provides a better error message when
+    an unsupported System V interface script is used (Issue #5111)
+  * No longer support backslash, question mark, or quotes
+    in printer names (Issue #4966)
+  * The CUPS library now supports the latest HTTP Digest
+    authentication specification including support
+    for SHA-256 (Issue #4862)
+  * TLS connections now properly timeout (rdar://34938533)
+- Make sure cups-libs-<targettype> is removed
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.6:
+  CUPS 2.2.6 is a general bug fix release.
+  For details see
+  Changes include:
+  * DBUS notifications could crash the scheduler (Issue #5143)
+    (see also bsc#1061066 "DBUS library aborts caller process")
+- Use again the baselibs.conf from Fri Oct 13 11:11:10 UTC 2017
+  that got broken by the change on Wed Oct 18 06:11:10 UTC 2017.
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.5:
+  CUPS 2.2.5 is a general bug fix release.
+  For details see
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.4:
+  CUPS 2.2.4 is a general bug fix release.
+  For details see
+- Removed
+  0001-Update-cupsEnumDests-implementation-to-return-early-if-all.patch
+  0002-Save-work-on-Avahi-code.patch
+  0003-Avahi-fixes-for-cupsEnumDests.patch
+  because since CUPS 2.2.4 it is fixed in the upstream code
+  via more precisely via
+- Fix typo in requires
+- Implement shared library packaging guideline [boo#862112]
+- Update package descriptions.
+- Remove redundant Requires(pre) line — the use of %post -p
+  already implies it.
+- Pre-require user(lp) in cups-libs
+- In /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/cups.conf use
+  group 'root' for /run/cups/certs (boo#1042916).
+- Major backward incompatible change since CUPS 2.2.0:
+  There is no longer the directory /etc/cups/interfaces because
+  since CUPS 2.2.0 so called "System V style Interface Scripts"
+  are no longer supported for security reasons (see below the
+  entry about the changes included in CUPS 2.2.0).
+- Disabled cups-2.1.0-cups-systemd-socket.patch
+  because it does no longer apply which needs to be examined
+  and decided by someone who knows about systemd internals.
+- Disabled
+  0001-Update-cupsEnumDests-implementation-to-return-early-if-all.patch
+  0002-Save-work-on-Avahi-code.patch
+  0003-Avahi-fixes-for-cupsEnumDests.patch
+  because they do no longer apply which needs to be examined
+  and decided by someone who knows about Avahi internals.
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.3:
+  CUPS 2.2.3 is a general bug fix release.
+  See
+  Changes include:
+  * The IPP backend could get into an infinite loop for certain
+    errors, causing a hung queue (rdar://problem/28008717)
+  * The scheduler could pause responding to client requests in
+    order to save state changes to disk (rdar://problem/28690656)
+  * Added support for PPD finishing keywords
+    (Issue #4960, Issue #4961, Issue #4962)
+  * The IPP backend did not send a media-col attribute for just
+    the source or type (Issue #4963)
+  * IPP Everywhere print queues did not always support all print
+    qualities supported by the printer (Issue #4953)
+  * IPP Everywhere print queues did not always support all media
+    types supported by the printer (Issue #4953)
+  * The IPP Everywhere PPD generator did not return useful error
+    messages (Issue #4954)
+  * The IPP Everywhere finishings support did not work correctly
+    with common UI or command-line options (Issue #4976)
+  * Fixed an error handling issue for the network backends
+    (Issue #4979)
+  * The "reprint job" option was not available for some canceled
+    jobs (Issue #4915)
+  * Updated the job listing in the web interface (Issue #4978)
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.2:
+  CUPS 2.2.2 is a general bug fix release.
+  See
+  Changes include:
+  * Fixed some issues with IPP Everywhere printer support
+    (Issue #4893, Issue #4909, Issue #4916, Issue #4921,
+    Issue #4923, Issue #4932, Issue #4933, Issue #4938)
+  * The rastertopwg filter could crash with certain input
+    (Issue #4942)
+  * The scheduler did not detect when an encrypted connection
+    was closed by the client on Linux (Issue #4901)
+  * The cups-lpd program did not catch all legacy usage
+    of ISO-8859-1 (Issue #4899)
+  * The scheduler no longer creates log files on startup
+    (<rdar://problem/28332470>)
+  * The ippContainsString function now uses case-insensitive
+    comparisons for mimeMediaType, name, and text values in
+    conformance with RFC 2911.
+  * The network backends now log the addresses that were found
+    for a printer (<rdar://problem/29268474>)
+  * Let's Encrypt certificates did not work when the hostname
+    contained uppercase letters (Issue #4919)
+  * Fixed reporting of printed pages in the web interface
+    (Issue #4924)
+  * Updated systemd config files (Issue #4935)
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.1:
+  CUPS 2.2.1 is a general bug fix release.
+  See
+  Changes include:
+  * Added "CreateSelfSignedCerts" directive for cups-files.conf
+    to control whether the scheduler automatically creates
+    its own self-signed X.509 certificates for TLS connections
+    (Issue #4876)
+  * http*Connect did not handle partial failures (Issue #4870)
+  * cupsHashData did not use the correct hashing algorithm
+    (<rdar://problem/28209220>)
+  * Updated man pages (PR #4885)
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+- Version upgrade to 2.2.0:
+  CUPS 2.2.0 adds support for local IPP Everywhere print queues
+  and includes several performance and security improvements.
+  See
+  Changes include:
+  * Normalized the TLS certificate validation code and added
+    additional error messages to aid troubleshooting.
+  * http*Connect did not work on Linux when cupsd was not running
+    (Issue #4870)
+  * The --no-remote-any option of cupsctl had no effect
+    (Issue #4866)
+  * http*Connect did not return early when all addresses failed
+    (Issue #4870)
+  * The IPP backend did not validate TLS credentials properly.
+  * The printer-state-message attribute was not cleared after a
+    print job with no errors (Issue #4851)
+  * The CUPS-Add-Modify-Class and CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer
+    operations did not always return an error for failed
+    adds (Issue #4854)
+  * PPD files with names longer than 127 bytes did not work
+    (Issue #4860)
+  * CUPS now supports Let's Encrypt certificates on Linux.
+  * All CUPS commands now support POSIX options (Issue #4813)
+  * The scheduler now restarts faster (Issue #4760)
+  * Improved performance of web interface with large numbers
+    of jobs (Issue #3819)
+  * Encrypted printing can now be limited to only trusted
+    printers and servers (<rdar://problem/25711658>)
+  * The scheduler now advertises PWG Raster attributes for
+    IPP Everywhere clients (Issue #4428)
+  * The scheduler now logs informational messages for jobs
+    at LogLevel "info" (Issue #4815)
+  * The scheduler now uses the getgrouplist function
+    when available (Issue #4611)
+  * The IPP backend no longer enables compression by default
+    except for certain raster formats that generally benefit
+    from it (<rdar://problem/25166952>)
+  * The scheduler did not handle out-of-disk situations
+    gracefully (Issue #4742)
+  * The LPD mini-daemon now detects invalid UTF-8 sequences
+    in job, document, and user names (Issue #4748)
+  * The IPP backend now continues on to the next job
+    when the remote server/printer puts the job on hold
+    (<rdar://problem/24858548>)
+  * The scheduler did not cancel multi-document jobs immediately
+    (<rdar://problem/24854834>)
+  * The scheduler did not return non-shared printers to local
+    clients unless they connected to the domain socket
+    (<rdar://problem/24566996>)
+  * The scheduler now reads the spool directory if one or more
+    job cache entries point to deleted jobs
+    (<rdar://problem/24048846>)
+  * Added support for disc media sizes (<rdar://problem/20219536>)
+  * The httpAddrConnect and httpConnect* APIs now try connecting
+    to multiple addresses in parallel (<rdar://problem/20643153>)
+  * Interface scripts are no longer supported for security reasons
+    (<rdar://problem/23135640>)
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+- Version upgrade to 2.1.4:
+  CUPS 2.1.4 is a general bug fix release.
+  See
+  Changes include:
+  * Fixed reporting of 1284 Device IDs (Issue #3835, PR #3836)
+  * Fixed printing of multiple files to raw queues (Issue #4782)
+  * The scheduler did not implement the Hold-New-Jobs opertion
+    correctly (Issue #4767)
+  * The cups-lpd mini-daemon incorrectly included the document-name
+    attribute when creating a job.  It should only be included when
+    sending a job (Issue #4790)
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+- Replace krb5-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(krb5) on
+  suse_version >= 1315: give OBS a better chance to break up build
+  cycles.
+- Drop cups-1.7.5-cupsEnumDests-react-to-all-for-now.diff and add
+  0001-Update-cupsEnumDests-implementation-to-return-early-if-all.patch,
+  0002-Save-work-on-Avahi-code.patch and
+  0003-Avahi-fixes-for-cupsEnumDests.patch which is what upstream
+  finally commited to cups 2.2 sources in response to
+ in order to fix cupsEnumDests
+  to react to the ALL_FOR_NOW avahi event (and also include a similar
+  fix for the dnssd case). Related to bsc#955432.
+- Add cups-2.1.3-cupsEnumDests-react-to-all-for-now.diff .
+  Avahi sends an ALL_FOR_NOW event when it finishes sending
+  its cache contents. This patch makes cupsEnumDests finish
+  when the signal is received so it doesn't block the caller
+  doing nothing until the timeout finishes (related to bsc#955432,
+  submitted upstream at
+- Add /etc/cups to cups-libs package [bsc#1025689]
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon) BuildRequires with
+  pkgconfig(libsystemd) on openSUSE 13.2 and newer: the various
+  sub-libraries have been merged into libsystemd since version 209.
+  openSUSE 13.1 was the last product to ship systemd 208.
+- Remove CUPS.desktop and pixmap
+  * Obsoletes patch cups-1.3.9-desktop_file.patch
+- Version upgrade to 2.1.3:
+  CUPS 2.1.3 fixes some issues in the scheduler, sample drivers,
+  and user commands.
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+  Changes include (excerpt):
+  * The scheduler should not exit under memory pressure
+    (<rdar://problem/23255001>)
+  * Fixed some issues in ipptool for skipped tests
+    (<rdar://problem/24137160>)
+  * The "lp -H resume" command did not reset the
+    "job-state-reasons" attribute value (STR #4752)
+  * The scheduler did not allow access to resource files
+    (icons, etc.) when the web interface was disabled (STR #4755)
+- Version upgrade to 2.1.2:
+  CUPS 2.1.2 fixes an issue in the 2.1.1 source archives which
+  actually contained a current 2.2 snapshot.
+  There are no other changes.
+- Version upgrade to 2.1.1:
+  CUPS 2.1.1 fixes a number of USB and IPP printing issues,
+  addresses some error reporting and hardening issues in
+  the scheduler, and updates some localizations.
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+  Changes include (excerpt):
+  * Security hardening fixes (<rdar://problem/23131948>,
+    <rdar://problem/23132108>, <rdar://problem/23132353>,
+    <rdar://problem/23132803>, <rdar://problem/23133230>,
+    <rdar://problem/23133393>, <rdar://problem/23133466>,
+    <rdar://problem/23133833>, <rdar://problem/23133998>,
+    <rdar://problem/23134228>, <rdar://problem/23134299>,
+    <rdar://problem/23134356>, <rdar://problem/23134415>,
+    <rdar://problem/23134506>, <rdar://problem/23135066>,
+    <rdar://problem/23135122>, <rdar://problem/23135207>,
+    <rdar://problem/23144290>, <rdar://problem/23144358>,
+    <rdar://problem/23144461>)
+  * The cupsGetPPD* functions did not work with IPP printers
+    (STR #4725)
+  * Some older HP LaserJet printers need a delayed close when
+    printing using the libusb-based USB backend (STR #4549)
+  * The libusb-based USB backend did not unload the kernel usblp
+    module if it was preventing the backend from accessing the
+    printer (STR #4707)
+  * Current Primera printers were incorrectly reported as Fargo
+    printers (STR #4708)
+  * The IPP backend did not always handle jobs getting canceled
+    at the printer (<rdar://problem/22716820>)
+  * Added USB quirk for Canon MP530 (STR #4730)
+  * The scheduler did not deliver job notifications for jobs
+    submitted to classes (STR #4733)
+  * Changing the printer-is-shared value for a remote queue
+    did not produce an error (STR #4738)
+  * The IPP backend incorrectly included the job-password
+    attribute in Validate-Job requests (<rdar://problem/23531939>)
+- add -devel to build a 32bit wine on 64bit only Leap systems.
+- Version upgrade to 2.1.0:
+  CUPS 2.1.0 offers improved support for IPP Everywhere,
+  adds support for advanced logging using journald on Linux, and
+  includes new security features for encrypted printing and
+  reduced network visibility in the default configuration.
+  A detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.
+  Changes include (excerpt):
+  * Added support for 3D printers (basic types only,
+    no built-in filters) based on PWG white paper.
+  * The IPP backend now stops sending print data
+    if the printer indicates the job has been aborted
+    or canceled (<rdar://problem/17837631>)
+  * The IPP backend now sends the job-pages-per-set
+    attribute when printing multiple copy jobs with
+    finishings (<rdar://problem/16792757>)
+  * The IPP backend now updates the cupsMandatory values when the
+    printer configuration changes (<rdar://problem/18126570>)
+  * No longer install banner files since third-party banner
+    filters now supply their own (STR #4518)
+  * The scheduler no longer listens on the loopback
+    interface unless the web interface or printer sharing
+    are enabled (<rdar://problem/9136448>)
+  * Added a PPD generator for IPP Everywhere printers (STR #4258)
+  * Now install "default" versions of more configuration
+    files (<rdar://problem/19024491>) in particular
+    cups-files.conf.default and snmp.conf.default
+  * Added SSLOptions values to allow Diffie-Hellman key exchange
+    and disable TLS/1.0 support.
+  * Updated the scheduler to support more IPP Everywhere
+    attributes (STR #4630)
+  * The scheduler now supports advanced ASL and journald logging
+    when "syslog" output is configured (STR #4474)
+  * The scheduler now supports logging to stderr when running
+    in the foreground (STR #4505)
+- Adapted patches so that they apply to CUPS 2.1.0 sources:
+  * cups-2.1.0-choose-uri-template.patch replaces
+    cups-1.2rc1-template.patch
+  * cups-2.1.0-default-webcontent-path.patch replaces
+    cups-1.4.3-default-webcontent-path.patch
+  * cups-2.1.0-cups-systemd-socket.patch replaces
+    cups-systemd-socket.patch
+- Fix bnc#943950, escape the macro call %systemd-tmpfiles
+  in comment.
+- Add gpg verification for the tarball
+- Version update to 2.0.4:
+  * Fixed a bug in cupsRasterWritePixels (STR #4650)
+  * Fixed redirection in the web interface (STR #4538)
+  * The IPP backend did not respond to side-channel
+    requests (STR #4645)
+  * The scheduler did not start all pending jobs
+    at once (STR #4646)
+  * The web search incorrectly searched time-at-xxx
+    values (STR #4652)
+  * Fixed an RPM spec file issue (STR #4657)
+  * The scheduler incorrectly started jobs while canceling
+    multiple jobs (STR #4648)
+  * Fixed processing of server overrides without
+    port numbers (STR #4675)
+  * Documentation changes (STR #4651, STR #4674)
+- cups-2.0.3-additional_policies.patch replaces
+  cups-1.7-additional_policies.patch that still adds the same
+  "allowallforanybody" policy but now with separated "Limit All"
+  to avoid (boo#936309).
+- Added "-p /bin/bash" to RPM shell commands scriptlets that
+  enforces bash to be safe against any possible "bashisms", cf
+- Fix the previous commit by using direct systemd call and
+  ensuring we work even on older distros
+- Fix postin-without-tmpfile-creation and run %tmpfiles_create
+  macro on our cups.conf
+- Version upgrade to 2.0.3:
+  The new release addresses two security vulnerabilities,
+  add localizations for German and Russian, and includes several
+  general bug fixes. Changes include (excerpt):
+  * Security: Fixed CERT VU #810572 CVE-2015-1158 CVE-2015-1159
+    exploiting the dynamic linker (STR #4609) (bsc#924208)
+  * Security: The scheduler could hang with malformed gzip data
+    (STR #4602)
+  * Restored missing generic printer icon file (STR #4587)
+  * Fixed logging of configuration errors to show up as errors
+    (STR #4582)
+  * Fixed potential buffer overflows in raster code and filters
+    (STR #4598, STR #4599, STR #4600, STR #4601)
+  * Fixed <Limit> inside <Location> (STR #4575)
+  * Fixed lpadmin when both -m and -o are used (STR #4578)
+  * The web interface always showed support for 2-sided printing
+    (STR #4595)
+  * cupsRasterReadHeader did not fully validate the raster header
+    (STR #4596)
+  * The rastertopwg filter did not check for truncated input
+    (STR #4597)
+  * The cups-lpd mini-daemon did not check for request parameters
+    (STR #4603)
+  * The scheduler could get caught in a busy loop (STR #4605)
+  * The sample Epson driver could crash (STR #4616)
+  * The IPP backend now correctly monitors jobs
+    (<rdar://problem/20495955>)
+  * The ppdhtml and ppdpo utilities crashed when the -D option
+    was used before a driver information file (STR #4627)
+  * ippfind incorrectly substituted "=port" for service_port.
+  * The IPP/1.1 test file did not handle the initial print job
+    completing early (STR #4576)
+  * Fixed a memory leak in cupsConnectDest (STR #4634)
+  * PWG Raster Format output contained invalid ImageBox values
+    (<rdar://problem/21144309>)
+  * Added Russian translation (STR #4577)
+  * Added German translation (STR #4635)
+- cups-busy-loop.patch fixed STR #4605 is obsolete because
+  it is fixed upstream (see above).
+- cleaned up this whole RPM changlog (wrapped too long lines if
+  possible and removed trailing whitespaces).
+- Add patch cups-busy-loop.patch to fix rh#1179596 , cups#4605
+- Add back the posttrans cleanup script as it is needed
+- Add patch cups-systemd-socket.patch to fix socket activation
+  and to match socket approach Fedora has.
+- Version bump to 2.0.2:
+  * Security: cupsRasterReadPixels buffer overflow with invalid
+    page header and compressed raster data (STR #4551)
+  * Mapping of PPD keywords to IPP keywords did not work if the PPD
+    keyword was already an IPP keyword (<rdar://problem/19121005>)
+  * cupsGetPPD* sent bad requests (STR #4567)
+  * For detailed list see CHANGES.txt file
+- Enable PIE for build
+- Remove legacy paralel-port support as it is not really needed
+  as most do not want it
+- Update descriptions to just state what changed and let user
+  find it out.
+- Add back comment about %fdupes
+- Remove exit 0 on scriptlets as it is provided by
+  the %service bla ones already
+- Fix the comment about openSUSE version on tmpfilesdir declaration
+- cups-2.0.1 update:
+  * lengthy list of changes see the upstream CHANGES.txt that is
+    distributed with the package
+  * Disabling of sslv3 to mitigate poodle
+- Use gnutls to provide SSLOPtions configuration directive
+  * openssl is no longer supported upstream
+  * Remove the with-openssl-exception from license
+- Remove cups.sysconfig as it is not used with systemd based distros
+- Purposely lose support for SLE11 as it doubles size of some of the
+  sections and keep suppor for openSUSE+SLE12
+  * even with the conditions we would have to go unencrypted only
+    as needs newer gnutls, so don't bother with keeping the compat
+- Use upstream service and socket files to allow more working tools
+- Removed patches:
+  * cups-0001-systemd-add-systemd-socket-activation-and-unit-files.patch
+  * cups-0002-systemd-listen-only-on-localhost-for-socket-activation.patch
+  * cups-0003-systemd-secure-cups.service-unit-file.patch
+  * cups-1.3.6-access_conf.patch
+  * cups-1.5-additional_policies.patch
+  * cups-1.5.4-CVE-2012-5519.patch
+  * cups-1.5.4-strftime.patch
+  * cups-move-everything-to-run.patch
+  * cups-polld_avoid_busy_loop.patch
+  * cups-provides-cupsd-service.patch
+  * str4190.patch
+  * str4351.patch
+  * str4450.CVE-2014-3537.str4455.CVE-2014-5029.CVE-2014-5030.CVE-2014-5031.CUPS-1.5.4.patch
+- Refreshed patches:
+  * cups-1.3.9-desktop_file.patch
+  * cups-config-libs.patch
+- Added patches:
+  * cups-1.7-additional_policies.patch
+  * cups-systemd-socket.patch
+- CVE-2022-24407: cyrus-sasl: SQL injection in sql_auxprop_store
+  in plugins/sql.c (bsc#1196036)
+  o add upstream patch:
+    0001-CVE-2022-24407-Escape-password-for-SQL-insert-update.patch
-- Remove Berkeley DB dependency (JIRA#SLE-12190)
-  The pacakges cyrus-sasl and cyrus-sasl-saslauthd are build
-  without Berkely DB support. gdbm will be used instead of BDB.
-  The pacakges cyrus-sasl-bdb and cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-bdb are build
-  with Berkely DB support.
-- Update to 2.1.27
-  * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1
-  * Added support for lmdb
-  * Lots of build fixes
-  * Treat SCRAM and DIGEST-MD5 as more secure than PLAIN when selecting client mech
-  * DIGEST-MD5 plugin:
-    Fixed memory leaks
-    Fixed a segfault when looking for non-existent reauth cache
-    Prevent client from going from step 3 back to step 2
-    Allow cmusaslsecretDIGEST-MD5 property to be disabled
-  * GSSAPI plugin:
-    Added support for retrieving negotiated SSF
-    Fixed GSS-SPNEGO to use flags negotiated by GSSAPI for SSF
-    Properly compute maxbufsize AFTER security layers have been set
-  * SCRAM plugin:
-    Added support for SCRAM-SHA-256
-  * LOGIN plugin:
-    Don’t prompt client for password until requested by server
-  * NTLM plugin:
-    Fixed crash due to uninitialized HMAC context
-- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new
-  %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
-- bsc#983938 `` left-overs in several unit files
-- added patches:
-  fix_libpq-fe_include.diff  for fixing including libpq-fe.h
-- removed patches obsoleted by upstream changes:
-  * shared_link_on_ppc.patch
-  * cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-openssl-1.1.0.patch
-  * 0002-Drop-unused-parameter-from-gssapi_spnego_ssf.patch
-  * 0003-Check-return-error-from-gss_wrap_size_limit.patch
-  * 0004-Add-support-for-retrieving-the-mech_ssf.patch
-  * 0001-Fix-GSS-SPNEGO-mechanism-s-incompatible-behavior.patch
-  * cyrus-sasl-fix-logging-in-gssapi.patch
-- Added support for retrieving negotiated SSF in gssapi plugin (bsc#1162518)
-  * Add 0002-Drop-unused-parameter-from-gssapi_spnego_ssf.patch
-  * Add 0003-Check-return-error-from-gss_wrap_size_limit.patch
-  * Add 0004-Add-support-for-retrieving-the-mech_ssf.patch
-- Fixed GSS-SPNEGO to use flags negotiated by GSSAPI for SSF (bsc#1162518)
-  * Add 0001-Fix-GSS-SPNEGO-mechanism-s-incompatible-behavior.patch
-- added backport-patch cyrus-sasl-bug587.patch which fixes
-  off-by-one error in _sasl_add_string function
-  (see CVE-2019-19906 bsc#1159635)
-- bnc#1044840 syslog is polluted with messages "GSSAPI client step 1"
-  By server context the connection will be sent to the log function.
-  Client content does not have log level information. I.e. there is no
-  way to stop DEBUG level logs nece I've removed it.
-  * add cyrus-sasl-fix-logging-in-gssapi.patch
-- OpenSSL 1.1 support (bsc#1055463)
-  * add cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-openssl-1.1.0.patch from Fedora
-- added cyrus-sasl-issue-402.patch to fix
-  SASL GSSAPI mechanism acceptor wrongly returns zero maxbufsize #402
-  (see
-- bnc#1026825 saslauthd: :set_auth_mech : unknown authentication mechanism: kerberos5
-- really use SASLAUTHD_PARAMS variable (bnc#938657)
-- bnc#908883 cyrus-sasl-scram refers to wrong RFC
-- Make sure /usr/sbin/rcsaslauthd exists
+- CVE-2022-24407: cyrus-sasl: SQL injection in sql_auxprop_store
+  in plugins/sql.c (bsc#1196036)
+  o add upstream patch:
+    0001-CVE-2022-24407-Escape-password-for-SQL-insert-update.patch
-- Update to 0.6.1 from 0.6.0 (jsc#ECO-248):
-  * libini now supports validators that check for well-formed INI
-    files.
-- Update URL
-  * Remove the git link info as it 404 atm
-- Add patches from upstream to fix ini behaviour:
-  * INI-Fix-detection-of-error-messages.patch
-  * INI-Silence-ini_augment-match-failures.patch
-  * TEST-validators_ut_check-Fix-fail-with-new-glibc.patch
-- Add patch fixing errors writeout to stdout:
-  * INI-Remove-definiton-of-TRACE_LEVEL.patch
-- Update to new upstream release 0.6.0
-  * libini now supports validators that check for well-formed INI
-  files.
-- Introduce patch 0001-increase-ini-max-value-length.patch
-  to support longer values in INI file parser. bsc#989488
-- Bump subpackage version numbers to match .pc files
-- Correct the version number of library packages in spec file.
-- Upgrade to latest upstream version 0.5.0.
-  The new version is ABI compatible with 0.4.0.
-  * libini_config: This release adds an API to create, modify and
-  save INI files
-  * libini_config: Merging configuration snippets installed in
-  different locations is supported
-  * libcollection: New functions: col_get_dup_item,
-  col_delete_item_with_cb, col_remove_item_with_cb
-- Update to new upstream release 0.4.0
-  * libini_config: Ability to convert input INI file from UTF-16/32
-  to UTF8- during parsing
-  * ini_config: Support C style comments in INI file
-  * ini_config: Ability to read configuration data from a memory buffer
-- Remove doxygen-notimestamp.diff,
-  0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch
-  (merged upstream)
-- remove pkgconfig-deps.diff since it's obsoleted by
-  0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch
-- Update to new upstream release
-  * A new libini_config interface (merging config section,
-  better handling of metadata)
-- Optional signature verification
-- Add 0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch
-  for corrected pkgconfig dependencies
-- Update to new upstream release 0.1.3
-  * Fixes a serious bug in libdhash with very large (>1024 slots)
-  initial size
+- Update to 0.6:
+  * Changelog:
+    Add kDLROCMHost
+    Add kDLCUDAManaged
+  * from 0.5:
+    Rename enum names:
+    kDLGPU -> kDLCUDA
+    kDLCPUPinned -> kDLCUDAHost
+    The ABI is backward compatible, as it is only change of
+    constant name, exchange can still happen between the new version
+    and old version.
+  * from 0.4:
+    OpaqueHandle type
+    Complex support
+    Rename DLContext -> DLDevice
+    DLTensor.ctx -> DLTensor.device
+    This requires dependent frameworks to upgrade the type name.
+    The ABI is backward compatible, as it is only change of constant
+    name, exchange can still happen between the new version and old version.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since
+  * Fix rating pixmap alignment on high-dpi screens
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Use proper cmake calls
-- Do not pull in py2 that is EOL but use python3 for build
-- Update to version 3.1.5 jsc#ECO-1190, jsc#SLE-11474
-  * Fix `0x` for string->double conversion when Hex Floats are allowed.
-    Avoid integer overflow when exponents for hex floats were too big.
-    Update version number.
-  * Fixed warning in gcc4.9.
-  * Merged changes to install libraries in the correct place when
-    using 64-bit libraries.
-  * Use relative includes in the library. This shouldn't have any visible effect
-    for consumers of the library.
-  * Fix typo in test.
-  * Fix separator characters when they they don't fit into 8 bits.
-  * Check correctly for _MSC_VER.
-  * Allow the library to be compiled for Emscripten.
-- Update to version 3.0.3
-  * Support RISC-V
-  * Bug fixes
-- Switch to cmake
-- Use %license
-- Fix RPM groups.
-  Slightly trim/compact descriptions.
-- Add baselibs.conf: Build 32-bit support (boo#1002561).
-- Update project and download urls
-- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
-- Initial package, version 2.0.1
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- Update to v0.11.3 (jsc#SLE-11306)
+  * Remove patch v0.11.beta4_to_git_f95e429.patch as the affected code has been
+    removed in the mean time.
-- update to duperemove v0.09.beta1
-  - parallel checksum calculation
-  - performance improvements
-  - allow to store the hash tree to a file
-  - hashstats: new utility to analyze hash files
-  - add --version option
-  - build: add install target
-  - documentatin updates
-- Added patch: 001-fix-build.patch
-- update to duperemove v0.08
-  - fixes many bugs
-  - a few more usability improvements
-  - adds fiemap support to better estimate space savings
-- update to duperemove v0.07
-- fix usability of command line arguments
-- large documentation update
-- update to duperemove v0.06. This adds several fixes and features:
-  - fixes bnc#871804 (duperemove not looping on entire range)
-- also includes important usability fixes
-- updates hashing library to libgcrypt to reflect upstream
-- add duperemove rpm
-- add new tarball with manpages for all binaries
-- Initial creation of rpm and rpm changelog
+- Update to 1.0.24
+  * Pagers: Remember zoom setting when changed by pager menu
+  * Systray: Change default icon size to 32
+  * Focus: Fix focus on new clients requesting max size
+  * Fix bad memory access during shutdown
+  * FX (waves/ripples): Make it work in compositing mode
+  * Sound: Enable having multiple engines and changing it at runtime
+  * Translation updates: fr, da
+- Refreshed fix-compile-gtk.patch
+- Drop python-devel BuildRequires: not needed.
+- Themes are going to recommend there icon themes as well
+- Upstream theme is now called Flat rather then dark. Dark will
+  reappear soon in a new package.
+- Upstream theme is now called Flat rather then dark. Dark will
+  reappear soon in a new package.
+- Update to 1.26.2:
+  * Fix crash when doing wierd combinations of eet_write and eet_read
+  * Fix elementary tests to pass
+  * Fix portability of putenv/setenv for niche OS's
+  * Fix ecore input to build on BSD
+  * Fix svg decoding crashes for vector decode
+  * Fix theme - ibar label overlay
+  * Fix theme - pointer scaling and sizing
+  * Fix ecore x - ensure pointer on screen when setting bounds
+  * elm theme - win - fix mystery off-by-1 resize of content
+  * elm theme - fix mis-named colorclass for inwin bg
+  * edje entry - fix past to use shft+ins for paste and no ctl
+  * edje entry - complete key handling for cut (shft+del)
+  * elm theme - fix placement of procstats and volume so they dont fight
+  * Evas GL dithers by default for better quality (but it's a bit slower)
+  * Evas HEIF format loaded (need to remove from disabled set)
+  * Default theme is now the flat theme
+  * New color palette files and API
+  * Improved speed of Entry appending
+  * Improved performance by not rendering invisible windows
+- Drop unkown meson paramter -Demotion-loaders-disabler. Meson
+  prior to 0.60 ignored it, recent meson version fails.
+- Add support for zstd, needed to inspect kernel modules (bsc#1196510)
+- Add support for zstd, needed to inspect kernel modules (bsc#1196510)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * SettingsForm: Fill width with long UI controls
+  * ListBrowserDelegate: Remove unnecessary properties (kde#449936)
+- Allow Branding >= 0.1 (I made 0.2 the other day)
+- Fix non wayland build
+- boo#1154733 - Recommend pam_mount
+- Update to 0.25.3
+  * Fix notification double-shadow on multi-screen notifications
+  * Add option to gesture to turn off entirely to avoid xserver vt bugs
+  * Add option to backlight to disable ddc support in case it's broken
+  * Fix ibar left/right emit for alignment
+- Log to journal with X11 etc rather then logfile
+    feature-openSUSE-log-to-journal.patch
+- Refreshed enlightenment-0.16.999.65256-dont_require_suidbit.patch to be -p1
+- Fix xsession file install
+- Update to 0.25.2:
+  * Lots of minor bug fixes (see git log)
+  * Flat look to match new flat theme
+  * New much higher quality default wallpaper set
+  * Optimized XKB keymap change handling
+  * Init splash is now always on (theme can remove it if desired)
+  * Added screen setup menu entry in quick settings menu
+  * Redid a lot of screen dimming/blanking/timeout code to fix cruft
+  * IBox iconify gadget has window previews on mouse-over now
+  * New gesture recognition bindings for touchpads (using Elput)
+  * On loss or re-plug in of screen now restore windows sensibly
+  * Tasks has window preview on mouse-over now
+  * FPS debug (ctl+alt+shift+f to toggle) has a lot more data now
+  * BT devices in the Bluez gadget will show battery level if supported
+  * Battery now has mouse-over popup with detailed battery information
+  * Config saving moved to threads to minimize I/O stutter to core
+  * Shot allows copy of screenshot to copy and paste selection too now
+  * Temperature monitor now uses hwmon devices and multiple instances
+  * New Procstats module can show mem/CPU usage in titlebar
+  * Offline/presentation mode removed - use bindings + actions instead
+  * Remove custom desklock command - built in is more reliable
+  * Winlist (alt+tab) has large mode with window previews now
+  * Pluggable device monitoring and applying of input config on plug
+  * Added workaround broken Spotify cover art URLs
+  * Scale settings will now modify xsettings DPI to make non-efl apps scale
+  * Fonts now made to be consistent with EFL and other apps
+  * Added binding action to switch profiles
+  * EFM - sync more often when doing I/O ops like copy etc.
+  * XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is now set too
+  * EFM image preview will show EFIX dates for when image taken
+  * Power plug/unplug now emit signals which theme can make sounds for
+  * Mixer - have simple device to icon database text file to look nicer
+  * Mixer - add VU meters for output and input audio
+  * Mixer - Show icons for apps currently playing sounds and recording
+  * Set _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN when windows are hidden to avoid rendering
+  * Reduce power usage when screen is blanked by setting wins to iconic
+  * Added “grow window in direction” actions you can bind
+  * Added palette editor and selector tool to set up custom colors
+  * Fingerprint (libFprint) support in desklock and new tool for settings
+  * EFM - add recent files menu to access recently opened files
+  * Force stdout/error log now to ~/.e-log.log
+  * Added settings for animation multiplier to speed up/down transitions
+  * No more edge bindings by default
+- Rebase dont_offer_updates.patch
+- Rebase feature-qt-apps-gtk2-theme.patch
+- Remove feature-suse-disable-offline-menu.patch
+- Remove libddcutil.patch
+- Themes are going to recommend there icon themes as well
+- 20220219.1.26 - efl 1.26
+  * Temporarily still using Olive Leaf, new theme coming soon.
+- Themes are going to recommend there icon themes as well
+- Update for e25 and efl 1.26
-- New light theme for openSUSE 13.2
+- Themes are going to recommend there icon themes as well
+- It also has no need for obsoletes.
+- Update for e25 and efl 1.26
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * do not confuse portable seperator with native ones (kde#450863)
+- Fix modprobe.d directory for SLE15 SP3
+- Always own %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- Update to 3.3.1:
+  * The prompt and command line are redrawn correctly in response to universal variable changes.
+  * A superfluous error that was produced when setting the PATH or CDPATH environment variables to include colon-delimited components that do not exist was removed.
+  * The Vi mode indicator in the prompt is repainted correctly after Ctrl-C cancels the current command.
+- Update to 3.2.2:
+  * Background jobs no longer interfere with syntax highlighting (fish 3.2.1 regression)
+  * The command-not-found handler used suggestions from pacman on Arch
+    Linux, but this caused major slowdowns on some systems and has been disabled
+  * Certain programs (such as lazygit) could create situations where
+    fish would not receive keystrokes correctly, but it is now more
+    robust in these situations
+  * Completions for aura and tshark should no longer produce errors.
+  * fish will no longer hang on exit if another process is in the foreground
+    on macOS
+  * Arguments longer than 1024 characters no longer trigger excessive
+    CPU usage on macOS
+-  Update to 3.2.1:
+  * Commands in key bindings are run with fish's internal terminal
+    modes, instead of the terminal modes typically used for commands.
+    This fixes a bug introduced in 3.2.0, where text would unexpectedly
+    appear on the terminal, especially when pasting
+  * Prompts which use the internal __fish_print_pipestatus function will
+    display correctly rather than carrying certain modifiers (such as
+    bold) further than intended
+  * Redirections to internal file descriptors is allowed again, reversing
+    the changes in 3.2.0. This fixes a problem with Midnight Commander
+  * Universal variables should be fully reliable regardless of operating
+    system again
+  * fish_git_prompt no longer causes screen flickering in certain terminals
+  * fish_add_path manipulates the fish_user_paths variable correctly
+    when moving multiple paths
+  * Pasting with a multi-line command no longer causes
+    __fish_tokenizer_state error
+  * psub inside event handlers cleans up temporary files properly
+  * Event handlers declared with --on-job-exit $fish_pid no longer run
+    constantly, although these functions should use --on-event fish_exit
+    instead.
+  * Changing terminal modes inside works
+  * set_color --print-colors no longer prints all colors in bold
+  * Completing commands starting with a - no longer prints an error
+  * Running fish_command_not_found directly no longer produces an error
+    on macOS or other OSes which do not have a handler available
+  * The new type builtin now has the (deprecated) --quiet long form of -q
+  * help and fish_config work correctly when fish is running in a Chrome
+    OS Crostini Linux VM
+  * The history file can be made a symbolic link without it being overwritten,
+    matching a similar improvement for the universal variable file in 3.2.0.
+  * An unhelpful error ("access: No error"), seen on Cygwin, is no longer produced
+  * Improvements to the rsync completions, some completion descriptions,
+    and completions that use IP address
+  * Improvements to the appearance of fish_config
+- explicitly list binaries in spec file
+- Define GenericName and proper category in fish.desktop
+- Update to 3.2.0:
+  * Undo and redo support for the command-line editor and pager search
+  * Builtins can now output before all data is read
+  * Prompts will now be truncated instead of replaced with "> "
+  * Better errors with "test"
+  * A new theme for the documentation and Web-based configuration
+  * fish --no-execute will no longer complain about unknown commands
+    or non-matching wildcards
+  * string match --regex now integrates named PCRE2 capture groups
+    as fish variables
+  * Globs and other expansions are limited to 512,288 results
+  * A new "fish for bash users" documentation page gives a quick overview
+    of the scripting differences between bash and fish
+  * Range limits in index range expansions like $x[$start..$end]
+    may be omitted: $start and $end default to 1 and -1
+  * the type, _ (gettext), . (source) and : (no-op) functions
+    are now implemented builtins for performance purposes
+  * The output for set --show has been shortened
+  * string sub has a new --end option to specify the end index of
+    a substring
+  * string trim now also trims vertical tabs by default
+  * string repeat now handles multiple arguments, repeating each one
+  * The true and false builtins ignore any arguments
+  * status gained new dirname and basename convenience subcommands
+  * jobs now shows continued child processes correctly
+  * A new fish_status_to_signal function for transforming exit statuses
+    to signal names has been added
+  * fish -c now reads the remaining arguments into $argv
+  * The pwd command supports the long options --logical and --physical
+  *
+- Remove fix-pc-file-paths.patch
+- pc file contained references to /usr/local (boo#1181888)
+  * fix-pc-file-paths.patch - Already fixed upstream
+- Fix empty output of fish builtin help
+- Update to 3.1.2:
+  * Commands such as fzf and enhancd, when used with eval, would
+    hang. eval buffered output too aggressively, which has been
+  fixed (#6955).
+- Changes in 3.1.2:
+  * Commands which involve . ( ... | psub) now work correctly, as
+    a bug in the function --on-job-exit option has been fixed (#6613).
+  * Conflicts between upstream packages for ripgrep and bat, and the
+    fish packages, have been resolved (#5822).
+  * Starting fish in a directory without read access, such as via
+    su, no longer crashes (#6597).
+  * Glob ordering changes which were introduced in 3.1.0 have been
+    reverted, returning the order of globs to the previous state (#6593).
+  * Redirections using the deprecated caret syntax to a file
+    descriptor (eg ^&2) work correctly (#6591).
+  * Redirections that append to a file descriptor (eg 2>>&1)
+    work correctly (#6614).
+  * Building fish on macOS (#6602) or with new versions of GCC
+    (#6604, #6609) is now successful.
+  * time is now correctly listed in the output of builtin -n,
+    and time --help works correctly (#6598).
+  * Exported universal variables now update properly (#6612).
+  * status current-command gives the expected output when used
+    with an environment override - that is, F=B status current-command
+    returns status instead of F=B (#6635).
+  * test no longer crashes when used with "nan" or "inf" arguments,
+    erroring out instead (#6655).
+  * Copying from the end of the command line no longer crashes
+    fish (#6680).
+  * read no longer removes multiple separators when splitting a
+    variable into a list, restoring the previous behaviour from fish
+    3.0 and before (#6650).
+  * Functions using --on-job-exit and --on-process-exit work
+    reliably again (#6679).
+  * Functions using --on-signal INT work reliably in interactive
+    sessions, as they did in fish 2.7 and before (#6649). These handlers
+    have never worked in non-interactive sessions, and making them
+    work is an ongoing process.
+  * Functions using --on-variable work reliably with variables which
+    are set implicitly (rather than with set), such as
+    "fish_bind_mode" and "PWD" (#6653).
+  * 256 colors are properly enabled under certain conditions that were
+    incorrectly detected in fish 3.1.0 ($TERM begins with xterm, does
+    not include "256color", and $TERM_PROGRAM is not set) (#6701).
+  * The Mercurial (hg) prompt no longer produces an error when the
+    current working directory is removed (#6699). Also, for performance
+    reasons it shows only basic information by default; to restore the
+    detailed status, set $fish_prompt_hg_show_informative_status.
+  * The VCS prompt, fish_vcs_prompt, no longer displays Subversion (svn)
+    status by default, due to the potential slowness of this operation (#6681).
+  * Pasting of commands has been sped up (#6713).
+  * Using extended Unicode characters, such as emoji, in a non-Unicode
+    capable locale (such as the C or POSIX locale) no longer renders
+    all output blank (#6736).
+  * help prefers to use xdg-open, avoiding the use of open on Debian
+    systems where this command is actually openvt (#6739).
+  * Command lines starting with a space, which are not saved in history,
+    now do not get autosuggestions. This fixes an issue with Midnight
+    Commander integration (#6763), but may be changed in a future version.
+  * Copying to the clipboard no longer inserts a newline at the end of the
+    content, matching fish 2.7 and earlier (#6927).
+  * fzf in complex pipes no longer hangs. More generally, code run as
+    part of command substitutions or eval will no longer have separate
+    process groups. (#6624, #6806).
+- Remove fix-gcc10-build.patch: upstreamed
+- Don't require python3 at all, it's only used for tests but there's
+  no %check section.
+- Fix build with gcc10 fix-gcc10-build.patch (boo#1167862)
+- Use python3 rather then python2
+- Update to 3.1.0
+  * A new $pipestatus variable contains a list of exit statuses
+  of the previous job, for each of the separate commands in a pipeline
+  * fish no longer buffers pipes to the last function in a pipeline,
+  improving many cases where pipes appeared to block or hang
+  * cd now always looks for its argument in the current directory as a
+  last resort, even if the CDPATH variable does not include it or "."
+  * fish's debugging arguments have been significantly improved
+  * new builtin command, time, which allows timing of fish functions
+  and builtins as well as external commands
+  * Brace expansion now only takes place if the braces include a "," or
+  a variable expansion, meaning common commands such as
+  git reset HEAD@{0} do not require escaping
+  * many other fixes and improvements
+- Drop the curl compilations, the curl package now provides a
+  better version.
+- Update to 3.0.2
+  * The PWD environment variable is now ignored when it should be
+- Update to 3.0.1
+  * exec does not complain about running foreground jobs (#5449)
+  * while loops now evaluate to the last executed command (#4982)
+  * The error when a command is not found is now a single time (#5588)
+  * Significant perf improvements to core shell (#5447)
+  * Starting in symlinked working directories works (#5525)
+  * The nim prompt now works correctly in web-based config (#5490)
+  * Killing the term while fish is in vi normal mode fixed (#5528)
+  * Misc crash fixes (#5550,#5548, #5479, #5453)
+- Update to 3.0.0
+  * Process and job expansion has largely been removed
+  * A literal {} now expands to itself, rather than nothing
+  * Literally accessing a zeor-index is now illegal syntax
+  * for loop variables are no longer local to the for block
+  * Local exported (set -1x) vars are now visible to functions
+  * The new math builtin does not support logical expressions
+  * fish now supports && || and ! for better migration from POSIX
+  * Variables may be used as commanes (#154)
+  * fish may be started in private mode via fish --private
+  * A new wait command for waiting on backgrounded processes
+  * math is now a builtin wrather than a wrapper around bc (#3157)
+  * while sets $status to a non-zero value if the loop is not exec'd (#4982)
+  * Command sub output now limited to 10MB by default
+  * The machine hostname is now exposed as the $hostname reserved variable
+  * Bare bind invocations in now work
+- Fix memory leak (CVE-2020-0487 bsc#1180112):
+  stream_decoder.c-Fix-a-memory-leak.patch
+- Fix out-of-bounds access (CVE-2020-0499 bsc#1180099):
+  libFLAC-bitreader.c-Fix-out-of-bounds-read.patch
+- Fix memory leak in read_metadata_vorbiscomment_() function
+  (CVE-2017-6888, bsc#1091045):
+  flac-CVE-2017-6888.patch
+- Update to version 1.3.2
+  * Fix undefined behaviour using GCC/Clang UBSAN (erikd).
+  * General hardening via fuzz testing with AFL (erikd and
+    others).
+  * General code improvements (lvqcl, erikd and others).
+  * Add FLAC in MP4 specification docs (Ralph Giles).
+  * Fix some cppcheck warnings (erikd).
+  * Assume all currently used OSes support SSE2.
+  flac:
+  * Fix potential infinite loop on flac-to-flac conversion
+    (erikd).
+  * Add WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE to WAV (as needed) when
+    decoding (lvqcl).
+  * Only write vorbis-comments if they are non-empty.
+  * Error out if decoding RAW with bits != (8|16|24).
+  metaflac:
+  * Add --scan-replay-gain option.
+  libraries:
+  * CPU detection cleanup and fixes (Julian Calaby, erikd
+    and lvqcl).
+  * Fix two stream decoder bugs (Max Kellermann).
+  * Fix a NULL dereference bug (on a malformed file).
+  * Changed the LPC order guess for a slight compression
+    improvement, particularly for classical music
+    (Martijn van Beurden).
+  * Improved encoding speed on older Intel CPUs.
+  * Fixed a seeking bug when decoding certain files
+    (Miroslav Lichvar).
+  * Put an upper bound (32768) on the number of seek
+    points.
+  * Fix potential memory leaks.
+  * Support 64bit brword/bwword allowing
+    FLAC__BYTES_PER_WORD to be set to 8 (disabled by
+    default).
+  * Fix an out-of-bounds heap read.
+- Refreshed flac-cflags.patch
+- Drop patch that should be upstreamed first, otherwise we will
+  have to keep it ofrever:
+  * flac-ocloexec.patch
+- Drop wrong patch:
+  * flac-fix-pkgconfig.patch
+    + If using this change you get assert.h include overriden in your
+    project by the one from FLAC/ which is not what upstream desired
+    If packages fail to build they should fix their include
+- Build documentation as noarch
+- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
+- Update url
+- Remove no longer needed patches
+  * flac-fix-CVE-2014-8962.patch
+  * flac-fix-CVE-2014-9028.patch
+  * 0001-getopt_long-not-broken-here.patch
+- Remove following as benefit of using openssl is small
+  * 0001-Allow-use-of-openSSL.patch
+- Add flac-cflags.patch
+- Use doxygen to build documentation
+- Split documentation to separate package
+- Update to 1.3.1
+  * Improved decoding efficiency of all bit depths but especially
+    so for 24 bits for IA32 architecture (lvqcl and Miroslav Lichvar).
+  * Faster encoding using SSE and AVX (lvqcl).
+  * Fixed bartlett, bartlett_hann and triangle functions.
+  * New apodization functions partial_tukey and punchout_tukey for
+    improved compression (Martijn van Beurden).
+  * Retuned compression presets to incorporate new apodization
+    functions (Martijn van Beurden).
+  * Fix -Wcast-align warnings on armhf architecture (Erik de
+    Castro Lopo).
+  * Help output documentation improvements.
+  * I/O buffering improvements on Windows to reduce disk
+    fragmentation when writing files.
+  * Only write vorbis-comments if they are non-empty.
+  * Fix symbol visibility in XMMS plugin.
+  * Many fixes and improvements across all the build systems.
+  * Fix CVE-2014-9028 (heap write overflow) and CVE-2014-8962
+    (heap read overflow)
+- A couple of security fixes:
+  * flac-fix-CVE-2014-8962.patch:
+    arbitrary code execution by a stack overflow (CVE-2014-8962,
+    bnc#906831)
+  * flac-fix-CVE-2014-9028.patch:
+    Heap overflow via specially crafted .flac files (CVE-2014-9028,
+    bnc#907016)
+- Update to final upstream release 1.3.0
+  * No user-visible changes
+- More robust make install call
+- Update to flac 1.3.0pre4 (packaged as 1.2.99_git* to avoid
+  messing with RPM versioning)
+  * Mostly non-linux related bugfixes plus autotools fixes
+  - flac-openssl.patch --> 0001-Allow-use-of-openSSL.patch
+  - remove flac-1.2.1-automake1_13.patch, fixed in upstream.
+  - add 0001-getopt_long-not-broken-here.patch, FLAC bundles
+  GNU-compatible getopt_long for broken OS, but we do have
+  a functional version in libc already.
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2021-40812 [bsc#1190400], out-of-bounds read in GD library
+  + gd-CVE-2021-40812.patch
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2018-14553 [bsc#1165471], null pointer dereference in gdImageClone()
+  + gd-CVE-2018-14553.patch
+- security update
+- added patches
+  CVE-2019-11038 [bsc#1140120]
+  + gd-CVE-2019-11038.patch
+- change order while installing splitted library [bsc#1136574]
+- security update
+  * CVE-2019-6978 [bsc#1123522]
+    + gd-CVE-2019-6978.patch
+  * CVE-2019-6977 [bsc#1123361]
+    + gd-CVE-2019-6977.patch
+- security update:
+  * CVE-2018-1000222 [bsc#1105434]
+    + gd-CVE-2018-1000222.patch
+- security update:
+  * CVE-2018-5711 [bsc#1076391]
+    + gd-CVE-2018-5711.patch
+- Version update to 2.2.5:
+  [#]## Security
+  - Double-free in gdImagePngPtr(). (CVE-2017-6362)
+  - Buffer over-read into uninitialized memory. (CVE-2017-7890)
+  [#]## Fixed
+  - Fix #109: XBM reading fails with printed error
+  - Fix #338: Fatal and normal libjpeg/ibpng errors not distinguishable
+  - Fix #357: 2.2.4: Segfault in test suite
+  - Fix #386: gdImageGrayScale() may produce colors
+  - Fix #406: webpng -i removes the transparent color
+  - Fix Coverity #155475: Failure to restore alphaBlendingFlag
+  - Fix Coverity #155476: potential resource leak
+  - Fix several build issues and test failures
+  - Fix and reenable optimized support for reading 1 bps TIFFs
+  [#]## Added
+  - The native MSVC buildchain now supports libtiff and most executables
+- removed patches (upstreamed):
+  . gd-freetype.patch
+  . gd-rounding.patch
+- Don't fail gdimagegrayscale/basic on SLE15 (boo#1053825)
+- Add patch gd-rounding.patch
+- Set again the cflags so other archs do not fail testsuite
+- Version update to 2.2.4:
+  * gdImageCreate() doesn't check for oversized images and as such is prone
+    to DoS vulnerabilities. (CVE-2016-9317) bsc#1022283
+  * double-free in gdImageWebPtr() (CVE-2016-6912) bsc#1022284
+  * potential unsigned underflow in gd_interpolation.c (CVE-2016-10166)
+    bsc#1022263
+  * DOS vulnerability in gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx() (CVE-2016-10167)
+    bsc#1022264
+  * Signed Integer Overflow gd_io.c (CVE-2016-10168) bsc#1022265
+- Remove patches merged/obsoleted by upstream:
+  * gd-config.patch
+  * gd-disable-freetype27-failed-tests.patch
+  * gd-test-unintialized-var.patch
+- Add patch gd-freetype.patch taking patch from upstream for
+  freetype 2.7
+- devel package also require libwebp-devel
+- Support webp format, BuildRequires libwebp-devel
+- Honour %optflags correctly.
+- Update to version 2.2.3:
+  + Security fixes:
+  - Php bug#72339, Integer Overflow in _gd2GetHeader
+    (CVE-2016-5766)
+  - Issue gh/libgd/libgd#247: A read out-of-bands was found in
+    the parsing of TGA files (CVE-2016-6132)
+  - Issue gh/libgd/libgd#247: Buffer over-read issue when
+    parsing crafted TGA file (CVE-2016-6214)
+  - Issue gh/libgd/libgd#248: fix Out-Of-Bounds Read in
+    read_image_tga
+  - Integer overflow error within _gdContributionsAlloc()
+    (CVE-2016-6207)
+  - Fix php bug#72494, invalid color index not handled, can lead
+    to crash (CVE-2016-6128)
+  + Improve color check for CropThreshold
+  + gdImageCopyResampled has been improved. Better handling of
+    images with alpha channel, also brings libgd in sync with
+    php's bundled gd.
+- Drop patches:
+  + gd-CVE-2016-5116.patch: upstreamed
+  + gd-CVE-2016-6132.patch: upstreamed
+  + gd-CVE-2016-6214.patch: upstreamed
+  + gd-CVE-2016-6905.patch: upstreamed
+  + gd-libvpx.patch: vpx support dropped.
+- Add BuildRequires for automake and autoconf since
+  gd-disable-freetype27-failed-tests.patch touches makefiles.
+- Drop from source: included in upstream tarball.
+- Add "-msse -mfpmath=sse" to CFLAGS to fix tests on ix86
+  architectures.
+- Add "-ffp-contract=off" to CFLAGS for non-ix86 arch (ppc, arm)
+  to fix a test: see gh#libgd/libgd#278.
+- Add gd-test-unintialized-var.patch to fix an uninitialised
+  variable in tests/gd2/gd2_read.c to prevent it from compiling
+  with -Werror (only causes problems in no ix86 arch
+  surprisingly); patch sent upstream.
+- Rebase gd-disable-freetype27-failed-tests.patch for updated
+  version.
+- Update URL and Source to project's new github URL's.
+- Add gd-disable-freetype27-failed-tests.patch: Disable for now
+  tests failing against freetype >= 2.7 for being too exact
+  (gh#libgd/libgd#302). The failures have been understood by
+  upstream to be due to minor differences between test images and
+  those generated when freeetype >= 2.7 is used to build gd.
+- security update:
+  * CVE-2016-6132 [bsc#987577]
+    + gd-CVE-2016-6132.patch
+  * CVE-2016-6214 [bsc#991436]
+    + gd-CVE-2016-6214.patch
+  * CVE-2016-6905 [bsc#995034]
+    + gd-CVE-2016-6905.patch
+- security update:
+  * CVE-2016-5116 [bsc#982176]
+    + gd-CVE-2016-5116.patch
+- add missing config/ [bsc#965190]
+- Added patch gd-libvpx.patch to enable build against libvpx >= 1.4,
+  new VPX_ prefixed namespaces are available since libvpx = 0.9.1.
+- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
+- No longer needed patches
+  * gd-2.1.0-CVE-2014-2497.patch
+  * gd-autoconf.patch
+- Update to 2.1.1
+  * changelog provided only as commit log (see Changelog)
+  * fix for CVE-2014-2497
+- Add gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch: Fix build on Leap 15.4 and
+  poppler.
+- Add fdups macro, BuildRequires already in place, remove
+  duplicate files.
+- Add gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch: Fix build with poppler 22.03.0
+  and newer.
+- Upgrade to version 3.4.1 bugfix release
+  + Full changelog
+  + Explicitly add a call to
+  + Upstream PCIDSK: fix write heap-buffer-overflow boo#1194263
+- Removed due to cc1plus: warning:
+  - I gcore: No such file or directory [-Wmissing-include-dirs]
+- Add conditionnal support for hdf4 boo#1192614 on Leap
+  build -with hdf4_support can be enabled
+- Update copyright year
+- Fix build on Leap 15.3
+- Fix xerces detection by adding --with-xerces-inc parameter
+- Update to version 3.3.3 bugfix release
+  + Full changelog
+- Removed upstream patches
+  + gdal-poppler-2.10-a.patch
+  + gdal-poppler-2.10-b.patch
+- Fix build with poppler 2.10:
+  * gdal-poppler-2.10-a.patch
+  * gdal-poppler-2.10-b.patch
+- Update to version 3.3.2 bugfix release
+  + Full changelog
+- Update to version 3.3.1 bugfix release
+  + Full changelog
+- Update to 3.3.0 version
+  * Full changelog
+  * Main changes python2 is now gone
+- Packaging
+  + bump libso version to 2.9
+  + Remove python2 related stuff
+  + Add support for heif,pcre,kml,sfcgal
+    make conditionnal support of libkml, sfcgal, heif
+  + Prepare tests also conditionnal
+  + Several small cleanup (merged, no more)
+  + Remove autoreconf upstream is using last available
+- remove bundled libraries, use system provided ones
+- Update to 3.2.3 (bug fix release)
+  * Full changelog
+- Be warned about ahead changes with future 3.3.x version
+- Update to 3.2.2 (bug fix release):
+  * Full changelog
+- Update to 3.2.1:
+  * Full changelog
+- Packaging:
+  + Update copyright year
+- Fix Firewalld configuration file location (bsc#1196300)
+- Require Go 1.16+
+- Do not build on s390 architecture.
+- install modprobe.d files to /lib/modprobe.d on SLE (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- remove unnecessary StandardOutput override in the unit definition
+  file. (bsc#1182147)
+- gpm-fno-common.patch: fix compilation in Tumbleweed (bsc#1160873)
+- Add back support for the TAOS evaluation module to inputattach.
+- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]
+- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new
+  %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
+- Update description and remove two unnecessary ldconfig calls.
+- decls.patch: fix missing declarations
+- synced SLE .changes into devel project (bnc#1041340)
+- Remove dependency on aaa_base as using %{_sysconfig} instead of
+  hardcoded /etc shuts up rpmlint.
+- Use %{buildroot} and %{optflags} insead of env vars.
+- Add %post and %postun entries for libgpm2.
+- Add a current version  of GPL-2.0 with valid FSF address.
+- Add gpm-fix_fsf_addess.patch to get the current FSF address into
+  gpm.h.
+- Make libgpm able to handle ncurses ABI 6
+- Update license: the only GPL3 parts found are in the scripts/
+  directory, which is not packaged.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Support saving grub environment for POWER signed grub images (jsc#SLE-23854)
+  * 0001-Add-grub_envblk_buf-helper-function.patch
+  * 0002-Add-grub_disk_write_tail-helper-function.patch
+  * 0003-grub-install-support-prep-environment-block.patch
+  * 0004-Introduce-prep_load_env-command.patch
+  * 0005-export-environment-at-start-up.patch
+- Use enviroment variable in early boot config to looking up root device
+  * grub2.spec
+- Remove obsolete openSUSE 12.2 conditionals in spec file
+- Clean up powerpc certificate handling.
+- Set grub2-check-default shebang to "#!/bin/bash", as the the code
+  uses many instructions which are undefined for a POSIX sh.
+  (boo#1195794).
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Prevent users from "losing" the thumbnail bar
+- avoid CGO to workaround missing gold dependency (bsc#1183043)
+- build against go 1.17 similar to how upstream does
+- Add fix-font-configuration.patch:
+  Fix font configuration after google-droid-fonts update
+  (boo#1195328 bsc#1196336)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Format user visible numbers using the current locale
+- bsc#1188437 CVE-2021-27845: Fix divide-by-zery in cp_create()
+  Add jasper-CVE-2021-27845.patch
+- bsc#1179748 CVE-2020-27828: Fix heap overflow by checking maxrlvls
+  Add jasper-CVE-2020-27828.patch
+- bsc#1181483 CVE-2021-3272: Fix heap overflow by ensuring number
+  of channels matches image components
+  Add jasper-CVE-2021-3272.patch
+- bsc#1010979 CVE-2016-9398: Use new fix from upstream where we
+  actually check for allowed value range instead of just negating
+  Add jasper-CVE-2016-9398-upstream.patch
+- bsc#1120807 CVE-2018-20570: Fix heap based buffer over-read in jp2_encode
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-20570.patch
+- bsc#1120805 CVE-2018-20622: Fix memory leak in jas_malloc.c
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-20622.patch
+- bsc#1117328 CVE-2018-19543, bsc#1045450 CVE-2017-9782: Fix numchans mixup
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-19543-CVE-2017-9782.patch
+- bsc#1115637 CVE-2018-19139: Fix mem leaks by registering jpc_unk_destroyparms
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-19139.patch
+- bsc#1114498 CVE-2018-18873: Fix null pointer deref in ras_putdatastd
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-18873.patch
+- bsc#1088278 CVE-2018-9252: Fix reachable assertion in jpc_abstorelstepsize
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-9252.patch
+- bsc#1057152 CVE-2017-14132: Fix heap base overflow in by checking components
+  Add jasper-CVE-2017-14132.patch
+- bsc#1010980 CVE-2016-9399: Fix assert in calcstepsizes
+  Add jasper-CVE-2016-9399.patch
+- bsc#1020451 CVE-2017-5499: Validate component depth bit
+  Add jasper-CVE-2017-5499.patch
+- bsc#1020456 CVE-2017-5503, bsc#1020458 CVE-2017-5504, bsc#1020460 CVE-2017-5505:
+  Check bounds in jas_seq2d_bindsub()
+  Add jasper-CVE-2017-5503-CVE-2017-5504-CVE-2017-5505.patch
+- bsc#1092115 CVE-2018-9154: Fix possible denial of service
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-9154.patch: dont abort in jpc_dec_process_sot()
+- jasper-CVE-2018-19541.patch: verify color palette information
+  in j2 files when it's read from the file as per specifications
+  of JPEG2000. (bsc#1117507)
+- bsc#1117508 CVE-2018-19540: Fix heap based overflow in jas_icctxtdesc_input
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-19540.patch: Make sure asclen is at least 1
+- bsc#1117507 CVE-2018-19541: Fix heap based overread in jas_image_depalettize
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-19541.patch: Check number of lutents
+- bsc#1117505 CVE-2018-19542 Fix NULL pointer dereference jp2_decode:
+  Add jasper-CVE-2018-19542.patch
+- bsc#1010783 CVE-2016-9396 Fix reachable assertion in jpc_cox_getcompparms:
+  * Rename 0001-jpc_cs-reject-all-but-JPC_COX_INS-and-JPC_COX_RFT.patch
+  to jasper-CVE-2016-9396.patch
+- bsc#1117511 CVE-2018-19539 Fix access violation in jas_image_readcmpt:
+  * Add jasper-CVE-2018-19539.patch
+- Added patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2018-9055.patch
+    + fix CVE-2018-9055, bsc#1087020: jasper: denial of service via
+    a reachable assertion in the function jpc_firstone in
+    libjasper/jpc/jpc_math.c.
+- Upgrade to 2.0.14
+  * Soname and package name change libjasper1 to libjasper4
+  * Security fixes:
+    + CVE-2016-9557 jasper: Signed integer overflow in jas_image.c
+- Removed patches:
+  * jasper-1.900.1-uninitialized.patch
+    + not needed any more
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-10251.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-8654.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9262.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9560.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9591.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9600.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-1000050.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-5498.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-6850.patch
+    + Fixed upstream
+- Added patches:
+  * 0001-jpc_cs-reject-all-but-JPC_COX_INS-and-JPC_COX_RFT.patch
+    + fix assertion failure JPC_NOMINALGAIN() which can be caused
+    by a crafted JP2 file.
+  * 0001-Added-a-fix-from-nrusch-to-allow-JasPer-to-be-build-.patch
+    + allow JasPer to be build with CMake 2.x as well as CMake 3.x.
+- Other bugs fixed by existing patches:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch
+  - bsc#1010756, CVE-2016-9394: assertion in jas_matrix_t
+  * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion
+    `xstart <= xend && ystart <= yend'
+  - bsc#1010757, CVE-2016-9392: pc_dec.c:1637: void
+    calcstepsizes(uint_fast16_t, int, uint_fast16_t *):
+    Assertion `!((expn + (numrlvls - 1) - (numrlvls - 1 -
+    ((bandno > 0) ? ((bandno + 2) / 3) : (0)))) & (~0x1f))'
+    failed.
+  - bsc#1010766, CVE-2016-9393: jpc_t2cod.c:297: int
+    jpc_pi_nextrpcl(jpc_pi_t *): Assertion
+    `pi->prcno pirlvl->numprcs' failed.
+  - bsc#1010977, CVE-2016-9395: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix_t
+  * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion `xstart
+    <= xend && ystart <= yend' failed.
+- Other bugs fixed in current version:
+  * bsc#1010774, CVE-2016-9390: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix_t
+  * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion `xstart <=
+    xend && ystart <= yend' failed.
+  * bsc#1010782, CVE-2016-9391: jpc_bs.c:197: long
+    jpc_bitstream_getbits(jpc_bitstream_t *, int): Assertion
+    `n >= 0 && n < 32' failed.
+  * bsc#1010968, CVE-2016-9389: Assertion `((c1)->numcols_) ==
+    numcols && ((c2)->numcols_) == numcols' failed.
+  * bsc#1010975, CVE-2016-9388: ras_dec.c:330: int
+    ras_getcmap(jas_stream_t *, ras_hdr_t *, ras_cmap_t *):
+    Assertion `numcolors <= 256' failed.
+  * bsc#1010960, CVE-2016-9387: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix<= yend'
+    failed.
+- Added patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9262.patch
+    + Fix for Multiple overflow vulnerabilities leading to use
+    after free (bsc#1009994, CVE-2016-9262)
+- Added patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-1000050.patch
+    + Upstream fix for NULL Pointer Dereference jp2_encode
+    (bsc#1047958, CVE-2017-1000050)
+- Modified patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch
+    + integrate upstream change
+    99a50593254d1b53002719bbecfc946c84b23d27, which fixed a null
+    pointer dereferencing crash.
+- Added patches:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch
+  - Out of bounds heap read in jpc_pi_nextpcrl() (bsc#1015400,
+    CVE-2016-9583)
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-6850.patch
+  - NULL pointer dereference in jp2_cdef_destroy (jp2_cod.c)
+    (bsc#1021868, CVE-2017-6850)
+- Added patches:
+  * jasper-CVE-2017-5498.patch
+  - Upstream changes putting braces and belts around
+    CVE-2017-5498, bsc#1020353, left-shift undefined behaviour
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9600.patch
+  - Upstream fix for "Null Pointer Dereference due to missing
+    check for UNKNOWN color space in JP2 encoder" (CVE-2016-9600,
+    bsc#1018088)
+- Added patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-10251.patch
+  - Upstream fix for bsc#1029497, CVE-2016-10251: Use of
+    uninitialized value in jpc_pi_nextcprl (jpc_t2cod.c)
+- Add -D_BSD_SOURCE to fix redefinition of system types in
+  jas_config.h and breakage in ppc64le, s390 and s390x
+  (bsc#1028070).
+- Added patch:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9591.patch
+  - Fix for bsc#1015993, CVE-2016-9591: Use-after-free on heap in
+    jas_matrix_destroy
+- Added patches:
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-8654.patch
+  - Upstream fix for bsc#1012530, CVE-2016-8654: Heap-based
+    buffer overflow in QMFB code in JPC codec
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch
+  - Upstream fix for bsc#1010977, CVE-2016-9395: jas_seq.c:90:
+    jas_matrix_t *jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion
+    'xstart <= xend && ystart <= yend' failed
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9398.patch
+  - Fix for bsc#1010979, CVE-2016-9398: jpc_math.c:94: int
+    jpc_floorlog2(int): Assertion 'x > 0' failed
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-9560.patch
+  - Upstream fix for bsc#1011830, CVE-2016-9560: stack-based
+    buffer overflow in jpc_tsfb_getbands2 (jpc_tsfb.c)
+- Update summaries. Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build.
+- Updated to bugfix release 1.900.14
+  * Security fixes
+    + bsc#941919, CVE-2015-5203
+    + bsc#1006591, CVE-2016-8880
+    + bsc#1006593, CVE-2016-8881
+    + bsc#1006597, CVE-2016-8882
+    + bsc#1006598, CVE-2016-8883
+    + bsc#1007009, CVE-2016-8884, CVE-2016-8885
+    + bsc#1006599, CVE-2016-8886
+    + bsc#1006836, bsc#1006839, CVE-2016-8887
+  * Changes
+    + Add another data file for testing (Michael Adams)
+    + Ensure that not all tiles lie outside the image area (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Added a note on sanitizer options (Michael Adams)
+    + Added a simple test script (Michael Adams)
+    + Added an --enable-memory-limit configure option (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Manually merged and edited a few changes from Bob Friesenhahn
+    (GraphicsMagick Maintainer) for Windows (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some new mostly small image files (many of which are
+    corrupt/invalid) that are useful for testing purposes
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + The debugging function jpc_dec_dump did not consider the case
+    that a band can have a null data pointer (when a band
+    contains no samples). This caused a null pointer to be
+    dereferenced (Michael Adams)
+    + Changed the JPC bitstream code to more gracefully handle a
+    request for a larger sized integer than what can be handled
+    (i.e., return with an error instead of failing an assert).
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + The component domains must be the same for the ICT/RCT in the
+    JPC codec. This was previously enforced with an assertion.
+    Now, it is handled in a more graceful manner (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a few bugs in the RAS encoder and decoder where errors
+    were tested with assertions instead of being gracefully
+    handled (Michael Adams)
+- Updated to bugfix release 1.900.13
+  * Changes
+    + Fixed another problem with incorrect cleanup of JP2 box data
+    upon error. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed another integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams)
+    + Replaced the remaining left and right shifts in the QMFB/MCT
+    code that can result in undefined behavior (due to shifting
+    negative values) with call to inline functions.
+    These functions collect all of the undefined behavior in one
+    place and also allow code sanitizers to ignore this ugliness
+    (via function attributes). (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a bug in the row/column split operations for QMFBs.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Made the PNM decoder more gracefully handle the not-fully-
+    supported feature of signed sample data. (Michael Adams)
+    + The PNM decoder did not gracefully handle an invalid magic
+    number in the PNM header. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a MIF decoder bug. (Michael Adams)
+    + The imginfo command did not correctly handle an image with
+    zero components. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed an integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams)
+    + A new experimental memory allocator has been introduced. The
+    allocator is experimental in the sense that its API is not
+    considered stable and the allocator may change or disappear
+    entirely in future versions of the code. This new allocator
+    tracks how much memory is being used by jas_malloc and friends.
+    A maximum upper bound on the memory usage can be set via the
+    experimental API provided and a default value can be set at
+    build time as well. Such functionality may be useful in
+    run-time environments where the user wants to be able to limit
+    the amount of memory used by JasPer. This allocator is not
+    used by default. (Michael Adams)
+    + Changed the configure setup so that if GCC is used warnings
+    and pedantic errors are enabled. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a bug that resulted in the destruction of JP2 box data
+    that had never been constructed in the first place. (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + The memory stream interface allows for a buffer size of zero.
+    The case of a zero-sized buffer was not handled correctly, as
+    it could lead to a double free (bsc#1005242, CVE-2016-8693).
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a small memory leak for CRG marker segments. (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Fixed a problem with a null pointer dereference in the BMP
+    decoder. (Michael Adams)
+    + Introduced jas_fast32_asl, jas_fast32_asr, and friends in
+    order to pull all undefined behavior for left and right shift
+    of (negative) integers into a small number of places and
+    provide a means to have UBSAN ignore this ugliness. (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Fixed an integral type promotion problem by adding a JAS_CAST.
+    Modified the jpc_tsfb_synthesize function so that it will be a
+    noop for an empty sequence (in order to avoid dereferencing a
+    null pointer). (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some extra debugging log messages for memory
+    allocation/deallocation. (Michael Adams)
+    + The RCT and ICT require at least three components. Previously,
+    this was enforced with an assertion. Now, the assertion has
+    been replaced with a proper error check. (Michael Adams)
+    + The member (pi) in tiles was not properly initialized. This is
+    now corrected. Also, each tile is now only cleaned up once.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Initialize uninitialized variable. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some options to configure for enabling various code
+    sanitizers. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some range checks on parameters in some JPC marker
+    segments. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed potential integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some functions for safe integer arithmetic (for size_t)
+    in jas_math.h. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed some indentation issues. (Michael Adams)
+    + Converted a few raw mallocs to use jas_alloc2. Added code in
+    the jas_* memory allocation/deallocation functions to generate
+    debugging log messages. Only disable JAS_DBGLOG message if
+    NDEBUG is defined. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added more error/log messages for debugging in the JPEG
+    decoder. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some extra log messages for debugging. Added check of
+    value returned by jas_matrix_create. (Michael Adams)
+    + Applied fix for VPATH builds (Michael Adams)
+    + Did some cleanup (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed 'inline' for older version of Visual Studio. (dirk)
+    + Fix a potential double fclose of a FILE* in the JPEG decoder.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Changed jas_types.h to assume that header files required by
+    the C99 standard are present. (Michael Adams)
+    + Incorporated changes from patch
+    jasper-1.900.3-libjasper-stepsizes-overflow.patch (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Incorporated changes from patch
+    jasper-1.900.3-CVE-2011-4516-CVE-2011-4517-CERT-VU-887409.patch
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Incorporated changes from patch
+    jasper-1.900.3-Coverity-RESOURCE_LEAK.patch (Michael Adams)
+    + Incorporated patch jasper-1.900.3-Coverity-NULL_RETURNS.patch
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed memory leak in jiv. (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a sanitizer failure in the BMP codec (bsc#1005084,
+    CVE-2016-8690). Also, added a --debug-level command line
+    option to the imginfo command for debugging purposes.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Added some missing type casts to ensure promotion to the
+    correct unsigned type to avoid undefined behavior (and stop
+    warnings from USAN). (Michael Adams)
+    + Fixed a linking problem with newer versions of GCC. (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Changed --enable-debug configure option to enable some GCC
+    sanitizers. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added range check on XRsiz and YRsiz fields of SIZ marker
+    segment (bsc#1005090, CVE-2016-8691, CVE-2016-8692). (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + At many places in the code, jas_malloc or jas_recalloc was
+    being invoked with the size argument being computed in a
+    manner that would not allow integer overflow to be detected.
+    Now, these places in the code have been modified to use
+    special-purpose memory allocation functions (e.g., jas_alloc2,
+    jas_alloc3, jas_realloc2) that check for overflow.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Add fixes for CVE-2014-8137. (Michael Adams)
+    + Added fix for CVE-2016-2089. (Michael Adams)
+    + Moved abort into default case of switch statement. (Michael
+    Adams)
+    + Remove auto-generated file aclocal.m4 from repository.
+    (Michael Adams)
+    + Removed HAVE_VLA stuff from various configuration and build
+    files. Also, changed a few INCLUDES to AM_CPPFLAGS in automake
+    files (since INCLUDES is deprecated). (Michael Adams)
+    + 1.701.0-GL (Richard Hughes)
+    + pkgconfig (Richard Hughes)
+    + Coverity-UNREACHABLE (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2016-1867 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2014-9029 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2014-8158 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2014-8157 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2014-8138 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2015-5221 (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2016-2116 (Richard Hughes)
+    + Coverity-FORWARD_NULL (Richard Hughes)
+    + jpc_dec.c (Richard Hughes)
+    + Coverity-CHECKED_RETURN (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2016-1577 (Richard Hughes)
+    + Coverity-UNUSED_VALUE (Richard Hughes)
+    + Coverity-BAD_SIZEOF (Richard Hughes)
+    + CVE-2008-3522 (Richard Hughes)
+- Removed patches:
+  * jasper-1.900.1-bug258253.patch
+  * jasper-1.900.1-bug392410.patch
+  * jasper-1.900.1-no-undef-true-false.patch
+  * jasper-1.900.1-bug725758.patch
+  * jasper-overflow-bnc906364.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2014-8137.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2014-8138.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2014-8157.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2014-8158.patch
+  * jasper-jpc_dec.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-1867.patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch
+    + Fixed upstream
+- Force -std=c99, since the upstream sources assume C99
+- Modified patch
+  * jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch
+    + Use the new version of patch from
+    with more targetted checks.
+- Version the Obsoletes/Provides so that the package does not
+  obsolete itself
+- Add jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch
+  * CVE-2016-2089: invalid read in the JasPer's jas_matrix_clip()
+    function (bsc#963983)
+- Add jasper-CVE-2016-1867.patch
+  * CVE-2016-1867: Out-of-bounds Read in the JasPer's
+    jpc_pi_nextcprl() function (bsc#961886)
+- Add jasper-jpc_dec.patch to fix failure when manipulating images
+  with 4 component color using reversible color translation
+  (deb#469786); patch taken from Fedora.
+- fixed CVE-2014-8157, CVE-2014-8158 (bnc#911837)
+  + jasper-CVE-2014-8157.patch
+  + jasper-CVE-2014-8158.patch
+- fixed CVE-2014-8137, CVE-2014-8138 (bnc#909474, bnc#909475)
+  + jasper-CVE-2014-8137.patch
+  + jasper-CVE-2014-8138.patch
+- fixed possible overflow CVE-2014-9029 (bnc#906364)
+  + jasper-overflow-bnc906364.patch
-- v2.1
--Fixes bnc#870855
--Fixes CVE-2013-6369
-- Don't strip binaries
-- Added url as source.
-  Please see
-- fix baselibs.conf
-- build -32bit packages to make libtiff5-32bit installable
-- Initial SUSE package.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Change dependencies to Python 3
-- Move from jpackage-utils to javapackage-tools
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Update copyright
+  * Fix failure to create a missing calendar file after enabling a resource
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Use the CDN based endpoint rather than the legacy endpoint
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix stashing not working when Kate is quit using Ctrl+Q (kde#449229)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Link explicitly to KCoreAddons
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Too many changes to list here.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix Bug 434335 Zoom in/out is missing in the context menu (kde#434335)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Apply patch for disable sync contact as it don't ported yet. (kde#449024)
+- Drop patch, now upstream:
+  * 0001-Apply-patch-for-disable-sync-contact-as-it-don-t-por.patch
+- Add patch to Work around google calendar events breaking due to
+  dropped Contacts API (kde#449024):
+  * 0001-Apply-patch-for-disable-sync-contact-as-it-don-t-por.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- Revert PCI MSI-X patch that caused a regression on network devices (bsc#1196403)
+  Deleted:
+  patches.suse/PCI-MSI-Mask-MSI-X-vectors-only-on-success.patch
+- commit 0c68bb9
+- Update patch reference for iov security fix (CVE-2022-0847 bsc#1196584)
+- commit 1dafeb6
+- arm64: Use the clearbhb instruction in mitigations (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: add ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1 sys register (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- KVM: arm64: Allow SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_3 to be discovered
+  and migrated (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit b546cd9
+- arm64: Mitigate spectre style branch history side channels
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Update config files.
+- commit d035616
+- KVM: arm64: Add templates for BHB mitigation sequences
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/kabi-arm64-reserve-space-in-cpu_hwcaps-and-cpu_hwcap.patch.
+- commit 8c9b0c2
+- arm64: Add Cortex-X2 CPU part definition (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit c3c4a06
+- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: Add part number for Arm Cortex-A77 (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: proton-pack: Report Spectre-BHB vulnerabilities as part
+  of Spectre-v2 (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: Add percpu vectors for EL1 (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001
+  CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Add macro for reading symbol addresses from the
+  trampoline (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Add vectors that have the bhb mitigation sequences
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Add non-kpti __bp_harden_el1_vectors for
+  mitigations (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Allow the trampoline text to occupy multiple pages
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Make the kpti trampoline's kpti sequence optional
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Move trampoline macros out of ifdef'd section
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Don't assume tramp_vectors is the start of the
+  vectors (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Allow tramp_alias to access symbols after the
+  4K boundary (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Move the trampoline data page before the text page
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Free up another register on kpti's tramp_exit path
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry: Make the trampoline cleanup optional (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- arm64: entry.S: Add ventry overflow sanity checks (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 284cd49
+- lib/iov_iter: initialize "flags" in new pipe_buffer
+  (bsc#1196584).
+- commit 4f3bbf5
+- x86/speculation: Use generic retpoline by default on AMD
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit bed48b1
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 1cc99d0
+- tracing: Have traceon and traceoff trigger honor the instance
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 92ab7ec
+- tracing: Dump stacktrace trigger to the corresponding instance
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a3c85e9
+- nvme: also mark passthrough-only namespaces ready in
+  nvme_update_ns_info (git-fixes).
+- nvme: don't return an error from nvme_configure_metadata
+  (git-fixes).
+- nvme: let namespace probing continue for unsupported features
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a5b2a87
+- blk-mq: avoid to iterate over stale request (bsc#1193787).
+- blk-mq: fix is_flush_rq (bsc#1193787 git-fixes).
+- blk-mq: fix kernel panic during iterating over flush request
+  (bsc#1193787 git-fixes).
+- blk-mq: don't grab rq's refcount in blk_mq_check_expired()
+  (bsc#1193787 git-fixes).
+- blk-mq: always allow reserved allocation in hctx_may_queue
+  (bsc#1193787).
+- commit cc53802
+- drm/i915: Fix bw atomic check when switching between SAGV
+  vs. no SAGV (git-fixes).
+- commit 209cee8
+- drm/i915: Correctly populate use_sagv_wm for all pipes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5d7b5fe
+- kABI fixup after adding vcpu_idx to struct kvm_cpu (bsc#1190972
+  LTC#194674).
+- KVM: remember position in kvm->vcpus array (bsc#1190972
+  LTC#194674).
+- commit 81f3dbb
+- s390/cpumf: Support for CPU Measurement Sampling Facility LS
+  bit (bsc#1195081 LTC#196088).
+- s390/cpumf: Support for CPU Measurement Facility CSVN 7
+  (bsc#1195081 LTC#196088).
+- commit 0ce3482
+- s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call
+  (bsc#1195928 LTC#196418).
+- commit 4741f1a
+- scsi: zfcp: Fix failed recovery on gone remote port with
+  non-NPIV FCP devices (bsc#1195378 LTC#196244).
+- commit 6fb3d19
+- s390/pci: add s390_iommu_aperture kernel parameter (bsc#1193233
+  LTC#195540).
+- commit 79f1350
+- s390/pci: move pseudo-MMIO to prevent MIO overlap (bsc#1194967
+  LTC#196028).
+- commit 512e596
+- s390/cio: make ccw_device_dma_* more robust (bsc#1193243
+  LTC#195549).
+- commit 6f84bff
+- block: do not send a rezise udev event for hidden block device
+  (bsc#1193096).
+- commit c3addda
+- s390/bpf: Fix optimizing out zero-extensions (git-fixes).
+- commit 542287e
+- s390/bpf: Fix 64-bit subtraction of the -0x80000000 constant
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 774f927
+- ibmvnic: schedule failover only if vioctl fails (bsc#1196400
+  ltc#195815).
+- commit 7099d61
+- ext4: prevent partial update of the extent blocks (bsc#1194163
+  bsc#1196339).
+- commit 9b7f6a6
+- ext4: check for inconsistent extents between index and leaf
+  block (bsc#1194163 bsc#1196339).
+- commit 8a25180
+- ext4: check for out-of-order index extents in
+  ext4_valid_extent_entries() (bsc#1194163 bsc#1196339).
+- commit b72afd9
+- i2c: brcmstb: fix support for DSL and CM variants (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fixed incorrect sub-page ECC status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Fix clock sequencing in qcom_nandc_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Revert "ASoC: mediatek: Check for error clk pointer"
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in
+  snd_soc_put_volsw_range() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in
+  snd_soc_put_volsw() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Fix missing codec probe on Shenker Dock 15
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Fix regression on forced probe mask option
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/radeon: Fix backlight control on iMac 12,1 (git-fixes).
+- HID:Add support for UGTABLET WP5540 (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Disable TRIM on M88V29 (git-fixes).
+- drm/rockchip: dw_hdmi: Do not leave clock enabled in error case
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: macb: Align the dma and coherent dma masks (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add support for Dell DW5829e (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix logic inversion in check (git-fixes).
+- ax25: improve the incomplete fix to avoid UAF and NPD bugs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f847
+- blk-tag: Hide spin_lock (bsc#1193787).
+- commit 78741a7
+- blk-mq: clearing flush request reference in tags->rqs
+  (bsc#1193787).
+- blk-mq: clear stale request in tags->rq before freeing one
+  request pool (bsc#1193787).
+- blk-mq: grab rq->refcount before calling ->fn in
+  blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter (bsc#1193787).
+- block: avoid double io accounting for flush request
+  (bsc#1193787).
+- block: mark flush request as IDLE when it is really finished
+  (bsc#1193787).
+- blk-mq: mark flush request as IDLE in flush_end_io()
+  (bsc#1193787).
+- commit 2d33352
+- btrfs: do not do preemptive flushing if the majority is global rsv (bsc#1196195).
+- commit 445785b
+- btrfs: handle preemptive delalloc flushing slightly differently (bsc#1196195).
+- commit 436acc9
+- btrfs: only ignore delalloc if delalloc is much smaller than ordered (bsc#1196195).
+- commit a9ec6c0
+- btrfs: don't include the global rsv size in the preemptive used amount (bsc#1196195).
+- commit ace9b16
+- btrfs: use the global rsv size in the preemptive thresh calculation (bsc#1196195).
+- commit 4beb0b0
+- btrfs: take into account global rsv in need_preemptive_reclaim (bsc#1196195).
+- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-reduce-the-preemptive-flushing-threshold-to-90.patch.
+- commit 41c6188
+- btrfs: only clamp the first time we have to start flushing (bsc#1196195).
+- commit b25996b
+- btrfs: check worker before need_preemptive_reclaim (bsc#1196195).
+- commit f36b423
+- btrfs: reduce the preemptive flushing threshold to 90% (bsc#1196195).
+- commit ef6e83a
+- x86/speculation: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2
+  mitigation reporting (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit d42fa20
+- Documentation/hw-vuln: Update spectre doc (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit a48cfcc
+- x86/speculation: Add eIBRS + Retpoline options (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 1a20a7e
+- x86/speculation: Rename RETPOLINE_AMD to RETPOLINE_LFENCE
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 80f47a3
+- x86,bugs: Unconditionally allow spectre_v2=retpoline,amd
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 1f9dd65
+- kABI: Fix kABI for AMD IOMMU driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 718c631
+- blacklist.conf: Add 2cbc61a1b166 iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb
+- commit 142c6ac
+- iommu/amd: Fix loop timeout issue in iommu_ga_log_enable()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/vt-d: Fix potential memory leak in
+  intel_setup_irq_remapping() (git-fixes).
+- iommu/iova: Fix race between FQ timeout and teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Fix table descriptor paddr formatting
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd: Remove useless irq affinity notifier (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd: X2apic mode: mask/unmask interrupts on suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd: X2apic mode: setup the INTX registers on mask/unmask
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd: X2apic mode: re-enable after resume (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd: Restore GA log/tail pointer on host resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add error handle for page table
+  allocation failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 50e60e3
+- Update patch reference for USB gadget fix (CVE-2022-25375 bsc#1196235)
+- commit b7dc18b
+- net/ibmvnic: Cleanup workaround doing an EOI after partition
+  migration (bsc#1089644 ltc#166495 ltc#165544 git-fixes).
+- commit 0dfd4da
+- drm/i915/opregion: check port number bounds for SWSCI display
+  power state (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: Make DRM_I915_GVT depend on X86 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: clean up kernel-doc in gtt.c (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: fix use-after-free (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: pcie: gen2: fix locking when "HW not ready"
+  (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: pcie: fix locking when "HW not ready" (git-fixes).
+- libsubcmd: Fix use-after-free for realloc(..., 0) (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: cp210x: add CPI Bulk Coin Recycler id (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: cp210x: add NCR Retail IO box id (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Brainboxes US-159/235/320
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add ZTE MF286D modem (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ch341: add support for GW Instek USB2.0-Serial
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: rndis: check size of RNDIS_MSG_SET command
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: f_uac2: Define specific wTerminalType (git-fixes).
+- ACPI/IORT: Check node revision for PMCG resources (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: marvell: Fix RGMII Tx/Rx delays setting in
+  88e1121-compatible PHYs (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: marvell: Fix MDI-x polarity setting in
+  88e1118-compatible PHYs (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: gadget: don't try to disable ep0 in
+  dwc2_hsotg_suspend (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Remove register_nosave_region_late() (git-fixes).
+- drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the 1Netbook
+  OneXPlayer (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: marvell: configure RGMII delays for 88E1118
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cc7a24c
+- NFSD: Fix the behavior of READ near OFFSET_MAX (bsc#1195957).
+- commit 9af94a7
+- Drop PCI xgene patch that caused a regression for mxl4 (bsc#1195352)
+  Delete patches.suse/PCI-xgene-Fix-IB-window-setup.patch
+  Also update blacklist
+- commit 4f68062
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Add consumed counts to ethtool stats (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Implement suspend/resume/shutdown (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Add optional metadata descriptor type GVE_TXD_MTD
+  (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: remove memory barrier around seqno (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Update gve_free_queue_page_list signature (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Move the irq db indexes out of the ntfy block struct
+  (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Correct order of processing device options (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: fix for null pointer dereference (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: fix unmatched u64_stats_update_end() (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Fix off by one in gve_tx_timeout() (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Add a jumbo-frame device option (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Implement packet continuation for RX (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Add RX context (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Recover from queue stall due to missed IRQ (bsc#1191655).
+- gve: Use kvcalloc() instead of kvzalloc() (bsc#1191655).
+- commit 4a8e1e2
+- scsi_transport_fc: kabi fix blank out FC_PORTSTATE_MARGINAL
+  (bsc#1195506).
+- commit c74c330
+- scsi: kABI fix for 'eh_should_retry_cmd' (bsc#1195506).
+- commit 8ef8f22
+- md/raid5: fix oops during stripe resizing (bsc#1181588).
+- commit bcd3697
+- powerpc/pseries: read the lpar name from the firmware
+  (bsc#1187716 ltc#193451).
+- commit 181541b
+- Refresh patches.suse/rpadlpar_io-Add-MODULE_DESCRIPTION-entries-to-kernel.patch
+- commit c964381
+- powerpc: add link stack flush mitigation status in debugfs
+  (bsc#1157038 bsc#1157923 ltc#182612 git-fixes).
+- powerpc/64s: Fix debugfs_simple_attr.cocci warnings (bsc#1157038
+  bsc#1157923 ltc#182612 git-fixes).
+- commit 5862a79
+- powerpc: Set crashkernel offset to mid of RMA region
+  (bsc#1190812).
+- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812).
+- commit 11e3668
+- nvme-fabrics: fix state check in nvmf_ctlr_matches_baseopts()
+  (bsc#1195012).
+- commit 4d29ac4
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix pt2pt NVMe PRLI reject LOGO loop (bsc#1189126).
+- commit 73dbd5c
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused qla_sess_op_cmd_list from
+  scsi_qla_host_t (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add qla2x00_async_done() for async routines
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Check for firmware dump already collected
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add devids and conditionals for 28xx
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Suppress a kernel complaint in qla_create_qpair()
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix T10 PI tag escape and IP guard options for
+  28XX adapters (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Fix clang warning (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning for missing error code (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix device reconnect in loop topology
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add ql2xnvme_queues module param to configure
+  number of NVMe queues (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix wrong FDMI data for 64G adapter
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add retry for exec firmware (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix scheduling while atomic (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix premature hw access after PCI error
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning message due to adisc being flushed
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix stuck session in gpdb (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Implement ref count for SRB (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Refactor asynchronous command initialization
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Fix inconsistent check of db_flags
+  (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Reduce connection thrash (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Tweak trace message (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Replace list_for_each_safe with
+  list_for_each_entry_safe (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove a declaration (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unmap of already freed sgl (bsc#1195823).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Return -ENOMEM if kzalloc() fails (bsc#1195823).
+- commit c358f38
+- ice: fix IPIP and SIT TSO offload (git-fixes).
+- ice: fix an error code in ice_cfg_phy_fec() (jsc#SLE-12878).
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE
+  (bsc#1176447).
+- nfp: flower: fix ida_idx not being released (bsc#1154353).
+- bonding: pair enable_port with slave_arr_updates (git-fixes).
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/cma: Use correct address when leaving multicast group
+  (bsc#1181147).
+- IB/cma: Do not send IGMP leaves for sendonly Multicast groups
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 679175c
+- USB: serial: mos7840: remove duplicated 0xac24 device ID
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 546d043
+- tracing: Don't inc err_log entry count if entry allocation fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c45742
+- tracing: Propagate is_signed to expression (git-fixes).
+- commit a834cba
+- blacklist.conf: b59f2f2b865c ("tracing: Fix smatch warning for do while check in event_hist_trigger_parse()")
+  Cosmetic only.
+- commit f0fcec9
+- tracing: Fix smatch warning for null glob in
+  event_hist_trigger_parse() (git-fixes).
+- commit 329e4ac
+- powerpc/pseries/ddw: Revert "Extend upper limit for huge DMA
+  window for persistent memory" (bsc#1195995 ltc#196394).
+- commit 877b9c1
+- misc: fastrpc: avoid double fput() on failed usercopy
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: fbtft: Fix error path in fbtft_driver_module_init()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Prevent core from processing stale TRBs
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix host to USB_ROLE_NONE
+  transition (git-fixes).
+- usb: ulpi: Call of_node_put correctly (git-fixes).
+- usb: ulpi: Move of_node_put to ulpi_dev_release (git-fixes).
+- usb: f_fs: Fix use-after-free for epfile (git-fixes).
+- PM: s2idle: ACPI: Fix wakeup interrupts handling (git-fixes).
+- drm/rockchip: vop: Correct RK3399 VOP register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panel: simple: Assign data from panel_dpi_probe() correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Allow DBLCLK modes even if horz timing is odd
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_xr_sx()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw_sx()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GU603 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus
+  Xtreme after reboot from Windows (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570S Aorus
+  Master (newer chipset) (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add missing fixup-model entry for Gigabyte
+  X570 ALC1220 quirks (git-fixes).
+- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes).
+- commit 033cee4
+- usb: dwc2: Fix NULL qh in dwc2_queue_transaction (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b9eed7
+- blacklist.conf: misattributed upstream
+- commit f62cf37
+- usb: gadget: s3c: remove unused 'udc' variable (git-fixes).
+- commit a103972
+- tipc: improve size validations for received domain records
+  (bsc#1195254, CVE-2022-0435).
+- commit 48911da
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Fix cmd abort fabric stop race
+  (bsc#1195286).
+- commit 52d26b6
+- kabi: Hide changes to s390/AP structures (jsc#SLE-20807).
+- commit 3d90f3c
+- nfsd: don't admin-revoke NSv4.0 state ids (bsc#1192483).
+- nfsd: allow delegation state ids to be revoked and then freed (bsc#1192483).
+- nfsd: allow lock state ids to be revoked and then freed (bsc#1192483).
+- nfsd: allow open state ids to be revoked and then freed (bsc#1192483).
+- nfsd: prepare for supporting admin-revocation of state (bsc#1192483).
+- commit c0baca0
+- EDAC/xgene: Fix deferred probing (bsc#1178134).
+- commit 9308a14
+- s390/protvirt: fix error return code in uv_info_init()
+  (jsc#SLE-22135).
+- commit 7f8b088
+- s390/AP: support new dynamic AP bus size limit (jsc#SLE-20807).
+- commit 004f3c6
+- KVM: s390: Return error on SIDA memop on normal guest
+  (bsc#1195516 CVE-2022-0516).
+- commit d46602b
+- ceph: set pool_ns in new inode layout for async creates
+  (bsc#1195799).
+- ceph: properly put ceph_string reference after async create
+  attempt (bsc#1195798).
+- commit 8f44ef0
+- btrfs: make sure SB_I_VERSION doesn't get unset by remount (bsc#1192210).
+- commit 9acc804
+- s390/uv: fix prot virt host indication compilation
+  (jsc#SLE-22135).
+- s390/uv: add prot virt guest/host indication files
+  (jsc#SLE-22135).
+- commit f479d35
+- ibmvnic: don't release napi in __ibmvnic_open() (bsc#1195668
+  ltc#195811).
+- commit 902d854
+- btrfs: check for missing device in btrfs_trim_fs (bsc#1195701).
+- commit ccd41ed
+- cgroup-v1: Require capabilities to set release_agent
+  (bsc#1195543 CVE-2022-0492).
+- commit 413d689
+- RDMA/ucma: Protect mc during concurrent multicast leaves
+  (bsc#1181147).
+- IB/hfi1: Fix AIP early init panic (jsc#SLE-13208).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix handling of wrong devices during bond netevent
+  (jsc#SLE-15172).
+- gve: fix the wrong AdminQ buffer queue index check
+  (bsc#1176940).
+- gve: Fix GFP flags when allocing pages (git-fixes).
+- i40e: fix unsigned stat widths (git-fixes).
+- i40e: Fix for failed to init adminq while VF reset (git-fixes).
+- i40e: Fix queues reservation for XDP (git-fixes).
+- i40e: Fix issue when maximum queues is exceeded (git-fixes).
+- i40e: Increase delay to 1 s after global EMP reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 6aa87c4
+- Update patch reference for HD-audio fix (bsc#1183872)
+- commit 1e16eaa
+- usb: host: ehci-tegra: Fix error handling in tegra_ehci_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2492c7d
+- mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: Check for error num after setting mask
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: Do not print policy rule with inactive LSM labels
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: Allow template selection with ima_template[_fmt]= after
+  ima_hash= (git-fixes).
+- ima: Remove ima_policy file before directory (git-fixes).
+- integrity: check the return value of audit_log_start()
+  (git-fixes).
+- integrity: double check iint_cache was initialized (git-fixes).
+- integrity: Make function integrity_add_key() static (git-fixes).
+- commit a8bf0cb
+- RDMA/core: Always release restrack object (git-fixes)
+- commit a4c74f1
+- RDMA/siw: Release xarray entry (git-fixes)
+- commit cfa201c
+- RDMA/cxgb4: check for ipv6 address properly while destroying listener (git-fixes)
+- commit 06f1504
+- blacklist.conf: blacklist a672b2e36a64 bpf: Fix ringbuf memory type confusion when passing to helpers
+- commit 2bfec1b
+- bpf: Disallow BPF_LOG_KERNEL log level for bpf(BPF_BTF_LOAD)
+  (git-fixes).
+- bpf: Adjust BTF log size limit (git-fixes).
+- commit 5e3ed1a
+- s390/sclp: fix Secure-IPL facility detection (bsc#1191741
+  LTC#194816).
+- commit 5aa085e
+- usb: dwc3: don't set gadget->is_otg flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b20187
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add marginal path handling support (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: lpfc: Add support for eh_should_retry_cmd() (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: scsi_transport_fc: Add store capability to rport port_state in sysfs (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: scsi_transport_fc: Add a new rport state FC_PORTSTATE_MARGINAL (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: core: No retries on abort success (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: core: Add a new error code DID_TRANSPORT_MARGINAL in scsi.h (bsc#1195506).
+- scsi: core: Add limitless cmd retry support (bsc#1195506).
+- commit af99987
+- Align s390 NVME target options with other architectures
+  (bsc#1188404, jsc#SLE-22494).
+- commit 5b2b9f6
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- x86/speculation: Use generic retpoline by default on AMD
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 7feede3
+- x86/speculation: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2
+  mitigation reporting (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-add-special-register-buffer-data-sampling-srbds-mitigation.patch.
+- commit 37b834c
+- Documentation/hw-vuln: Update spectre doc (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- commit ae4f20a
+- x86/speculation: Add eIBRS + Retpoline options (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/IBRS-forbid-shooting-in-foot.patch.
+- commit d60f0e7
+- x86/speculation: Rename RETPOLINE_AMD to RETPOLINE_LFENCE
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- commit f84ba7f
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- Delete patches.suse/do-not-default-to-ibrs-on-skl.patch.
+  Remove a statement which cancels itself out with the following patch
+  which removes it anyway.
+- commit 0b79d59
+- lib/iov_iter: initialize "flags" in new pipe_buffer
+  (bsc#1196584).
+- commit 589ad87
+- x86,bugs: Unconditionally allow spectre_v2=retpoline,amd
+  (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 0bae9af
+- x86/speculation: Merge one test in
+  spectre_v2_user_select_mitigation() (bsc#1191580 CVE-2022-0001
+  CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 7500cb0
+- cpu/SMT: create and export cpu_smt_possible() (bsc#1191580
+  CVE-2022-0001 CVE-2022-0002).
+- commit 4ca375f
+- crypto: af_alg - get_page upon reassignment to TX SGL
+  (bsc#1195840).
+- commit f9977fb
+- udf: Restore i_lenAlloc when inode expansion fails (bsc#1196079
+  CVE-2022-0617).
+- commit 2533a5b
+- udf: Fix NULL ptr deref when converting from inline format
+  (bsc#1196079 CVE-2022-0617).
+- commit 87d491f
+- Update patch reference for vfs fix (CVE-2022-0644 bsc#1196155)
+- commit 4656612
+- f2fs: fix to do sanity check on inode type during garbage
+  collection (CVE-2021-44879 bsc#1195987).
+- commit e8b60dc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-PCI-hv-Use-expected-affinity-when-unmasking-IRQ.patch
+  (bsc#1185973, bsc#1195536).
+- commit 7617851
+- tipc: improve size validations for received domain records
+  (bsc#1195254, CVE-2022-0435).
+- commit daaae48
+- yam: fix a memory leak in yam_siocdevprivate() (CVE-2022-24959
+  bsc#1195897).
+- commit 2b51111
+- Update patches.suse/0001-mmc-moxart_remove-Fix-UAF.patch
+  (bsc#1194516 CVE-2022-0487).
+- commit b3ff0d9
+- cgroup-v1: Require capabilities to set release_agent
+  (bsc#1195543 CVE-2022-0492).
+- commit 25a96a7
+- NFSv4: Handle case where the lookup of a directory fails
+  (bsc#1195612 CVE-2022-24448).
+- commit fe40712
-- net: tipc: validate domain record count on input (bsc#1195254).
-- commit eaeeffc
+- ibmvnic: Allow queueing resets during probe (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: clear fop when retrying probe (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: init init_done_rc earlier (bsc#1196516 ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: define flush_reset_queue helper (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: initialize rc before completing wait (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing (bsc#1196516
+  ltc#196391).
+- commit 0236fcc
+- Update kabi files.
+- commit c453b5c
+- netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action
+  array size (bsc#1196299 CVE-2022-25636).
+- commit f8ec613
+- mm/page_alloc: Do not prefetch buddies during bulk free
+  (bnc#1193239,bnc#1193199,bnc#1193329).
+- commit 40059fa
+- nvme: expose cntrltype and dctype through sysfs (jsc#SLE-23643).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/0006-nvme-Implement-In-Band-authentication.patch
+- nvme: send uevent on connection up (jsc#SLE-23643).
+- commit d19ac19
+- Update patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  (jsc#SLE-18145 bsc#1192295 bsc#1195993 jsc#SLE-18138).
+  Use the secondary keyring rather than platform keyring for KEXEC_SIG on
+  powerpc. Platform keyring is not available on powerpc.
+- commit 78a342a
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-adlp-Remove-require_force_probe-protection.patch
+  (bsc#1196589).
+  We did not have enough time to stablize ADL-P graphics so restore the
+  experimental flag.
+- commit 0cc030f
+- fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event (bsc#1195478).
+- commit 0c858b7
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * update list of keyservers
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Mark as SingleMainWindow in desktop file
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Empty Coordinates are Kind of Valid (kde#448700)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Add missing "truncating" parameter. (kde#450198)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Don't pass PDFDoc arguments that Poppler already has the same defaults for
+  * Ignore more files for cppcheck that hang the latest version on the CI
+  * Add basic Air France PDF ticket extractor
+  * Reduce the lower size threshold for 2D barcodes
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix order
+  * Avoid to duplicate entries
+  * Make sure helper apps we start are in path
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix Manager Crash when clicking New (kde#424252)
+  * Use KIO/ApplicationLauncherJob
+  * Make sure helper apps we start are in path
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * KStatusNotifierItem new API need to be guarded with KNotifications version
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Format user visible numbers using the current locale
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Desktop file: fix to announce taking local files only, not URLs
+  * Fix skipping the first wallet arg name on the commandline
+  * Fix QCommandLineParser setup, wallet names are taken as positional args
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Added obsoletes and provides for all conflicting packman plugins.
-- Changed group to more suitable one.
-- Enabled "autoreconf --install --force" in blop build to fix a
-  segfault in blop plugins
-- Removed old BuildRequires:fftw-devel because fftw3-devel is sufficient
-- Enabled multiple jobs in all plugin builds.
-- Add swh-configure-2.65.patch for autoconf-2.65 build
-- Fixed swt lib build with swh-liblo.dif & swh-configure.patch
-- Update plugins to AMB-plugins-0.6.1, FIL-plugins-0.3.0,
-  MCP-plugins-0.4.0, caps_0.4.4, pvoc_0.1.12, tap-plugins-0.7.1 and
-  vocoder-ladspa-0.3.
-- Fix tap-type-punning-fix.dif
-- Update to ladspa-1.13
-- Removed ladspa_sdk-compile-fix.diff and adapted ladspa.dif
-- Moved examples directory to {_docdir}/{name}/examples
-- Updated "License: LGPL2.1+"
-- Version 1.13 - 6 Nov 2007
-  • Fix compile error in sine.cpp (GCC4).
-  • Fix typo in text output by analyseplugin.
-  • Extra usage text in analyseplugin and applyplugin.
-  • Replace strdup() with localStrdup() in sine.cpp to avoid malloc/new
-    mismatch.
-  • Remove "local" part from install directories.
-- added blop-ladspa_dir.diff to correct ladspa dir for 64 bit arch
-- corrected blop-wdautil-fix.diff (bnc#553647)
-- refresh patches with fuzz=0
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing for swh plugins
-- make static varibles in some blop plugins (possible fix for
-  bnc#553647)
-- fix invalid so files due to static linking in swh plugins
-  (bnc#549865)
-- disable as-needed for this package as it fails to build with it
+- bsc_1195057.patch - Fixes heap-based out of bounds read when
+  verifying a zone file (bsc#1195057, CVE-2020-19860)
+- bsc_1195058.patch - Fixes heap-based out of bounds read in
+  ldns_nsec3_salt_data() (bsc#1195058, CVE-2020-19861)
-- update to 1.6.17
-  * Fix ldns_dnssec_zone_new_frm_fp_l to allow the last parsed line of a
-    zone to be an NSEC3 (or its RRSIG) covering an empty non terminal.
-  * Add --disable-dane option to configure and check availability of the
-    for dane needed X509_check_ca function in openssl.
-  * bugfix #490: Get rid of type-punned pointer warnings.
-    Thanks Adam Tkac.
-  * Make sure executables are linked against libcrypto with the
-    LIBSSL_LDFLAGS. Thanks Leo Baltus.
-  * Miscellaneous prototype fixes. Thanks Dag-Erling Smørgrav.
-  * README now shows preferred way to configure for examples and drill.
-  * Bind to source address for resolvers. drill binds to source with -I.
-    Thanks Bryan Duff.
-  * -T option for ldns-dane that has specific exit status for PKIX
-    validated connections without (secure) TLSA records.
-  * Fix b{32,64}_{ntop,pton} detection and handling.
-  * New RR type TKEY, but without operational practice.
-  * New RR types HIP, NINFO, RKEY, CDS, EUI48, EUI64, URI, CAA and TA.
-  * New output format flag (and accompanying functions) to print certain
-    RR's as unknown type
-  * -u and -U parameter for ldns-read-zone to mark/unmark a RR type
-    for printing as unknown type
-  * bugfix #504: GPOS RR has three rdata fields. Thanks Jelte Jansen.
-  * bugfix #497: Properly test for EOF when reading key files with drill.
-  * New functions: ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new and
-    ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new_frm_str.
-  * Use SNI with ldns-dane
-  * bugfix #507: ldnsx Fix use of non-existent variables and not
-    properly referring to instance variable.  Patch from shussain.
-  * bugfix #508: ldnsx Adding NSEC3PARAM to known/allowable RR type
-    dictionary.  Patch from shussain.
-  * bugfix #517: ldns_resolver_new_frm_fp error when invoked using a NULL
-    file pointer.
-  * Fix memory leak in contrib/python: ldns_pkt.new_query.
-  * Fix buffer overflow in fget_token and bget_token.
-  * ldns-verify-zone NSEC3 checking from quadratic to linear performance.
-    Thanks NIC MX (
-  * ldns-dane setup new ssl session for each new connect to prevent hangs
-  * bugfix #521: drill trace continue on empty non-terminals with NSEC3
-  * bugfix #525: Fix documentation of ldns_resolver_set_retry
-  * Remove unused LDNS_RDF_TYPE_TSIG and associated functions.
-  * Fix ldns_nsec_covers_name for zones with an apex only. Thanks Miek.
-  * Configure option to build perl bindings: --with-p5-dns-ldns
-    (DNS::LDNS is a contribution from Erik Ostlyngen)
-  * bugfix #527: Move -lssl before -lcrypto when linking
-  * Optimize TSIG digest function name comparison (Thanks Marc Buijsman)
-  * Compare names case insensitive with ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name and
-    ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type (thanks Johannes Naab)
-  * A separate --enable for each draft RR type: --enable-rrtype-ninfo,
-  - -enable-rrtype-rkey, --enable-rrtype-cds, --enable-rrtype-uri and
-  - -enable-rrtype-ta
-  * bugfix #530: Don't sign and verify duplicate RRs (Thanks Jelte Jansen)
-  * bugfix #505: Manpage and usage output fixes (Thanks Tomas Hozza)
-  * Adjust ldns_sha1() so that the input data is not modified (Thanks
-    Marc Buijsman)
-  * Messages to stderr are now off by default and can be reenabled with
-    the --enable-stderr-msgs configure option.
-- enable rrtype-ninfo, rrtype-rkey, rrtype-cds, rrtype-uri, rrtype-ta
-- build pyldnsx bindings
-- build perl bindings
-- pass the path to our CA store
+- Use BuildRequires python3-qt5-sip for Leap 15.4
+- update to 4.13.1
+  Release notes:
+  *
+- Fix build with protobuf >= 3.18, add
+  0001-Use-single-parameter-SetTotalBytesLimit-fix-protobuf.patch
+- update to 4.13.0
+  Release notes:
+  *
+- Delete 0001-Fix-build-with-Python-3.8-and-no-undefined-linker-flags.patch
+- Refresh libArcus-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch
+- Use BuildRequires python3-qt5-sip for Leap 15.4
+- update to 4.13.1
+  Release notes:
+  *
+- update to 4.13.0
+  Release notes:
+  *
+- Drop upstreamed patch:
+  * libSavitar-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch
-- Refresh libSavitar-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch to query correct moudle
+- Refresh libSavitar-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch to query correct module
+- U_NULL-pointer-dereference-in-XawAsciiSinkInitialize.patch
+  * Fix crash when required font is not installed. (bsc#1098411)
+- Update to version 1.0.13
+  * Fix build with gcc -Werror=format-security
+  * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE
+  * Honor NOCONFIGURE=1
+  * Use autoconf HAVE_UNISTD_H instead of imake X_NOT_POSIX to find <unistd.h>
+  * Just use C89 size_t instead of rolling our own Size_t
+  * Use SEEK_* names instead of raw numbers for fseek whence argument
+  * Makefile: use AM_V_GEN and AM_V_at to implement automake silent rules
+  * Makefile: use $(LN_S) for better code portability
+  * Include <unistd.h>
+  * Fix abs() usage.
+- Update to version 1.0.12:
+  + Replace TXT16 with XChar2b inline.
+  + Remove CRAY/WORD64 support.
+  + Fix fd leak when write() fails in WriteToFile().
+  + Fix fd leak when fdopen() fails in InitStringOrFile().
+  + Include winsock header on WIN32 to provide fd_set etc.
+- Add proper bit-type symbols for sparc64
+- Use more robust make install call
+- Update to version 1.0.11:
+  + Only call XawStackFree if XawStackAlloc was used for allocation
+  + Correct order of arguments to XawStackFree()
+  + Correct undefined behavior access to out of scope pointer
+    contents
+- Update to version 1.0.10:
+  + Fix potential infinte loop in XawBoxQueryGeometry()
+  + Fixes for compiler warnings
+  + General cleanups
+  + Build configuration and documentation improvements
+- Changes from version 1.0.9:
+  + Fix build issues
+  + Minor documentation cleanups
+  + Build configuration improvements
+- Split xorg-x11-libs into separate packages
-- The contents of libcaca-prevent-overflow.patch
-  have been moved to Bug1120502-add_cast_to_prevent_overflow.patch
-  and libcaca-variable-type.patch
-  [libcaca-prevent-overflow.patch]
-- Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner.
-- Add Requires:toilet for caca-utils, because need for cacaclock.
-- Add Bug1143286_libcaca_configure_ac_chg_for_lto.patch
-  bypass boo#1143286
-- Cast intermediate results to 64 bits to prevent overflow of
-  calculations with 32-bit quentities.
-  [CVE-2018-20544, bsc#1120502,
-  Bug1120502-add_cast_to_prevent_overflow.patch]
-- Fix the size of width and height to be of size_t rather than
-  int in struct caca_dither. Re-using existing patch.
-  [CVE-2018-20546, bsc#1120503, CVE-2018-20547,
-  bsc#1120504, libcaca-variable-type.patch]
-- Fix the size of width and height to be of size_t rather than
-  unsigned int which may be too small on 64 bit architectures.
-  This fixes three CVS and associated bugs.
-  [CVE-2018-20545, bsc#1120584, CVE-2018-20548, bsc#1120589,
-  CVE-2018-20549, bsc#1120470, libcaca-variable-type.patch]
-- Deleted _service and use spec file to download git version.
-- Shorten version field to joliet usable length.
-- Change python headers to allow bindings to build normally with
-  python3.
-- Use %license for license document.
-- Drop the py2 bindings they fail to build using rpm macros and
-  somehow ingnore LD_LIBRARY_PATH, anyway provide py3 variant and
-  stick with that
-- Switch to git repack service in order to get all the latest fixes
-  * like python3 porting of the bindings
-- Update to version 0.99.beta19+git20171002.da28e96:
-  * img2text.c: fix width arg case in example
-  * ruby: require 'caca' instead of ''
-  * Only fail the check-copyright test if more than 10 files are affected.
-  * Try to run Coverity from Travis CI.
-  * Add some missing breaks (thanks coverity)
-  * Fix header copyright.
-  * Fix a bug into the autorepeat trigger.
-- Refresh patches:
-  * libcaca-ruby_am_cflags.patch
-  * libcaca-ruby_vendor_install.patch
-- Fix URL
-- Mention github repo containing more changes
-- Format with spec-cleaner
-- Remove support for older distros lets stick with latest only
-- Remove for years disabled mono and java integration code snippets
-- Use python macros to build python instead of waiting for autotools
-- Convert to pkgconfig style dependencies
-- Require imlib2-loaders in caca-utils package.
-  All of the utilities fail to load any image without the dependency.
-- Add libcaca-ncurses6.patch: defined against a function name never
-  worked, so set_escdelay was actually never used. With curses 6.0,
-  though, ESCDELAY is no longer 'a variable', but a reference to a
-  function, so we can't assign anything to it. We just assume that
-  we always use a recent enough version of ncurses to have
-  set_escdelay avaialble.
-- Build without Mono by default
-  coolo says: "We don't want mono in Factory, if somebody needs it
-  it should be set explicit (with_mono) per prjconf"
-- Update libcaca-ruby_vendor_install.patch: Use RbConfig::CONFIG
-  instead of Config::Config to be compatible with ruby 2.2.
-- Update to version 0.99beta19
-  * No changelog available
-- Remove automake-1.12.patch; fixed on upstream release
-- Remove __DATE__ usage from cacaclock
-- drop libcgroup-new-sysconfigname.patch: rename sysconfig.libcgroup back to
-  sysconfig.cgred (bsc#1166968)
-- 0001-cgrulesengd-Do-not-ignore-changes-of-short-lived-pro.patch
-  cgrulesengd: update to upstream version with fixup (bnc#1119100)
-- 0001-api.c-change-cgroup-of-every-thread-of-a-process.patch:
-- 0002-api.c-always-move-all-tasks-of-a-process-to-a-cgroup.patch:
-  classify multithreaded processes (bnc#1119100)
-- 0001-cgrulesengd-Do-not-ignore-changes-of-short-lived-pro.patch
-  cgrulesengd: classify double-forking processes (bnc#1119100)
-- Fix permissions of previously created log file
-  (bnc#1100365, CVE-2018-14348)
-- 0001-cgrulesengd-remove-umask-0.patch: cgrulesengd: remove umask(0)
-  (bnc#1100365, CVE-2018-14348)
-- Don't interfere with systemd cgroup hierarchy (bnc#987985)
-  * remove cgconfig-Do-not-overwrite-defaultcgroup-configuratio.patch
-  * remove initd_cgconfig.patch
-  * add remove-initd_cgconfig.patch
-  * cgconfig init script replaced with .service file
-- cgconfig: Do not overwrite defaultcgroup configuration (bnc#912487)
-- add Require for post install scriptlets (bnc#912531)
-- package upgraded from 0.37 to 0.41.rc1
-- libcgroup-man_pages.patch: removed because obsoleted by 41b1e43155831
-- initd_cgconfig-read-correctly-defaultcgroup.patch: removed because
-  obsoleted by 9659403b713f9
-- do-not-version-pam-module.patch: fix an invalid link to
-  and do not build cgroup pam module as a versioned shared object (bnc#817533)
+- libexif-0.6.22 (2020-05-18) release:
+  * New translations: ms
+  * Updated translations for most languages
+  * Fixed C89 compatibility
+  * Fixed warnings on recent versions of autoconf
+  * Some useful EXIF 2.3 tag added:
+  * Lots of fixes exposed by fuzzers like AFL, ClusterFuzz, OSSFuzz and others.
+  * CVE-2018-20030: Fix for recursion DoS (bsc#1120943)
+  * CVE-2020-13114: Time consumption DoS when parsing canon array markers (bsc#1172121)
+  * CVE-2020-13113: Potential use of uninitialized memory  (bsc#1172105)
+  * CVE-2020-13112: Various buffer overread fixes due to integer overflows in maker notes (bsc#1172116)
+  * CVE-2020-0093: read overflow (bsc#1171847)
+  * CVE-2019-9278: replaced integer overflow checks the compiler could optimize away by safer constructs (bsc#1160770)
+  * CVE-2020-12767: fixed division by zero (bsc#1171475)
+  * CVE-2016-6328: fixed integer overflow when parsing maker notes (bsc#1171475)
+  * CVE-2017-7544: fixed buffer overread (bsc#1059893)
+- removed patch: libexif-build-date.patch (done similar upstream)
+- CVE-2016-6328.patch: in upstream release
+- CVE-2017-7544.patch: in upstream release
+- libexif-CVE-2018-20030.patch: in upstream release
+- libexif-CVE-2019-9278.patch: in upstream release
+- libexif-CVE-2019-9278.patch: fixed an integer overflow on large
+  file handling (bsc#1160770 CVE-2019-9278)
+- libexif-CVE-2018-20030.patch: Fixed a denial of service by endless
+  recursion  (bsc#1120943 CVE-2018-20030)
+- Remove %__-type macro indirections. Fix SRPM group.
+- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build.
+- Drop pointless --with-pic (no effect since --disable-static).
+- Add CVE-2016-6328.patch: Fix integer overflow in parsing MNOTE
+  entry data of the input file (bnc#1055857)
+- Add CVE-2017-7544.patch: Fix vulnerable out-of-bounds heap read
+  vulnerability (bnc#1059893)
+- add a libexif-devel-biarch for building with -m32
+- Add obsoletes/provides to baselibs.conf.
+- fix description to be UTF-8
+- Do not include timestamps in files (libexif-build-date.patch)
+- Use LFS_CFLAGS in 32 bit systems.
+- updated to 0.6.21
+  * Fixed some buffer overflows in exif_entry_format_value()
+    This fixes CVE-2012-2814.  Reported by Mateusz Jurczyk of
+    Google Security Team
+  * Fixed an off-by-one error in exif_convert_utf16_to_utf8()
+    This can cause a one-byte NUL write past the end of the buffer.
+    This fixes CVE-2012-2840
+  * Don't read past the end of a tag when converting from UTF-16
+    This fixes CVE-2012-2813. Reported by Mateusz Jurczyk of
+    Google Security Team
+  * Fixed an out of bounds read on corrupted input
+    The EXIF_TAG_COPYRIGHT tag ought to be, but perhaps is not,
+    NUL-terminated.
+    This fixes CVE-2012-2812. Reported by Mateusz Jurczyk of
+    Google Security Team
+  * Fixed a buffer overflow problem in exif_entry_get_value
+    If the application passed in a buffer length of 0, then it would
+    be treated as the buffer had unlimited length.
+    This fixes CVE-2012-2841
+  * Fix a buffer overflow on corrupt EXIF data.
+    This fixes bug #3434540 and fixes part of CVE-2012-2836
+    Reported by Yunho Kim
+  * Fix a buffer overflow on corrupted JPEG data
+    An unsigned data length might wrap around when decremented
+    below zero, bypassing sanity checks on length.
+    This code path can probably only occur if exif_data_load_data()
+    is called directly by the application on data that wasn't parsed
+    by libexif itself.
+    This solves the other part of CVE-2012-2836
+  * Fixed some possible division-by-zeros in Olympus-style makernotes
+    This fixes bug #3434545, a.k.a. CVE-2012-2837
+    Reported by Yunho Kim
+  * lots and lots of translations updates.
+  * added more Canon lenses.
+  * changed "knots" to "nautical miles"
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- libidn 1.34 (bsc#1087709):
+  * libidn: Fix integer overflow in combine_hangul()
+  * libidn: Fix integer overflow in punycode decoder
+    drop previously patched libidn-CVE-2017-14062.patch
+  * libidn: Fix performance issue in idna_to_unicode_internal()
+  * libidn: Fix performance issue in stringprep functions.
+  * libidn: Fix NULL pointer dereference in g_utf8_normalize()
+  * libidn: Fix NULL pointer dereference in stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize()
+  * libidn: Increase performance of stringprep functions
+  * testing: Add OSS-fuzz integration and regression testing
+  * build: Update gnulib files
+  * build: Modernize GTK-Doc build
+  * build: Fix parallel builds
+  * build: Add configure flag --disable-doc
+  * build: Add configure flag --enable-ubsan (enable UB Sanitizer)
+  * build: Add configure flag --enable-asan (enable Address Sanitizer)
+  * build: Fix compiler warnings
+  * build: Fix build for gcc-7
+    drop reviously patched libidn-gcc7-part1.patch
+  * i18n: Added Swedish translation
+- update upstream signing key from website
+- Update summaries. Remove ineffective --with-pic.
+- Add patch to fix bsc#1056450 CVE-2017-14062:
+  * libidn-CVE-2017-14062.patch
+- Use %license (boo#1082318)
+- Add patches to build with gcc7:
+  * libidn-gcc7-part1.patch
+- libidn 1.33:
+  * bnc#990189 CVE-2015-8948 CVE-2016-6262
+  * bnc#990190 CVE-2016-6261
+  * bnc#990191 CVE-2016-6263
+  * libidn: Fix out-of-bounds stack read in idna_to_ascii_4i.
+  * idn: Solve out-of-bounds-read when reading one zero byte as input.
+  * libidn: stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize reject invalid UTF-8.
+- Update to 1.32
+  * libidn: Fix crash in idna_to_unicode_8z8z and
+    idna_to_unicode_8zlz. This problem was introduced in 1.31.
+  * API and ABI is backwards compatible with the previous version.
+- Update gpg keyring
+- Add Apache-2.0 license to the license line. Under this is the
+  java code, but we don't build it -> just the sources license
+- Version bump to 1.31:
+  * Fixes bnc#923241 CVE-2015-2059 out-of-bounds read with stringprep on
+    invalid UTF-8
+  * Few other triv changes
+- Version bump to 1.30:
+  * punycode.{c,h} files were reimported
+- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
+- update version 1.29:
+  * libidn: Mark internal variable "g_utf8_skip" as static.
+  * idn: Flush stdout to simplify for tools that buffer too heavily.
+  * i18n: Added Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+  * Update gnulib files.
+  * API and ABI is backwards compatible with the previous version.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Make the installed files reproducible
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Make sure utf8 text is displayed as utf8
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Make the installed files reproducible
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update License information. The library is released under
+  LGPL-2.1-or-later and not LGPL-2.1-only.
+- Update to version 1.0-rc5:
+  * ioctl: Set lsp to action in nvme_get_log_persistent_event (bsc#1196121)
+  * tree: Ignore traddr case in nvme_lookup_ctrl() (bsc#1194025)
+  * fabrics: Do not swap bytes for system uuid (bsc#1196565)
+  * documentation updates
+- Update to version 1.0-rc4:
+  * fabrics: add default port number for NVMe/TCP I/O controllers
+  * linux: Update size when telemetry controller initiated data is unavailable
+  * add cdw13 for set_feature_args structure
+  * Add support for TP8010
+  * Documentation cleanups
+- Update to version v1.0-rc3:
+  * Properly create manuals/documentation
+  * Fix memleaks in __nvme_free_ns() and nvme_scan_subsystem()
+  * nvme: get log domain id included in Log Specific Identifier
+  * nvme: Add nulbaf(Number of Unique Capability LBA Formats) field on nvmd_id_ns
+  * ioctl: Add identify ioctl for CNS 09h, 0Ah
+  * nvme: Add Enhanced Controller Meta Data(FID: 0x7D)
+  * nvme: Add Supported Capacity Configuration List log page(LID: 0x11)
+  * tree: do not set dhchap_key to 'none'
+  * tree: restart controller lookup
+  * tree: fixup memory leak in nvme_scan_ctrl()
+  * Rename nvme_path_get_subsystem()
+  * Remove nvme_reset_topology()
+- Use precompiled documentation instead regenerating it
+- Update to version 1.0~2:
+  * Add fabrics config option 'tls'
+  * Logging infrastructure reworked (API break)
+  * Changed argument structs layout (API break)
+  * Changed scan API (API break)
+  * Fixed ctrl_loss_tmo handling concerning values of '-1'
+  * Various build fixes
+- move modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
-  place missed in the first version (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853):
+  place missed in the first version (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853,
+  boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255):
-  (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853):
+  (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853, boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255):
+- add python-rpm-macros (bsc#1194758).
-- Fix heap buffer overflow in flac_buffer_copy (CVE-2021-4156,
-  bsc#1194006):
-  libsndfile-CVE-2021-4156.patch
-- Fix heap buffer overflow vulnerability in msadpcm_decode_block
-  (CVE-2021-3246, bsc#1188540):
-  ms_adpcm-Fix-and-extend-size-checks.patch
-- Fix segfault in wav conversion due to the invalid loop count
-  (CVE-2018-19758, bsc#1117954):
-  libsndfile-wav-loop-count-fix.patch
-- Fix buffer overflow in sndfile-deinterleave, which isn't really a
-  security issue (bsc#1100167, CVE-2018-13139, bsc#1116993,
-  CVE-2018-19432):
-  sndfile-deinterlace-channels-check.patch
-- Use license file tag
-- Fix potential overflow in d2alaw_array() (CVE-2017-17456,
-  bsc#1071777):
-  libsndfile-CVE-2017-17456-alaw-range-check.patch
-- Fix potential overflow in d2ulaw_array() (CVE-2017-17457,
-  bsc#1071767):
-  libsndfile-CVE-2017-17457-ulaw-range-check.patch
-- Fix VUL-0: divide-by-zero error exists in the function
-  double64_init() in double64.c (CVE-2017-14634, bsc#1059911):
-  0030-double64_init-Check-psf-sf.channels-against-upper-bo.patch
-- Tentative fix for VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function
-  d2alaw_array() in alaw.c (CVE-2017-14245, bsc#1059912) and
-  VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function d2ulaw_array() in
-  ulaw.c (CVE-2017-14246, bsc#1059913):
-  0031-sfe_copy_data_fp-check-value-of-max-variable.patch
-- Fix Heap-based Buffer Overflow in the psf_binheader_writef
-  (CVE-2017-12562, bsc#1052476):
-  0020-src-common.c-Fix-heap-buffer-overflows-when-writing-.patch
-- Fix out-of-bounds read memory access in the aiff_read_chanmap()
-  (CVE-2017-6892, bsc#1043978):
-  0010-src-aiff.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch
-- Fix FLAC buffer overflows (CVE-2017-8361 CVE-2017-8363
-  CVE-2017-8365 CVE-2017-8362 bsc#1036944 bsc#1036945 bsc#1036946
-  bsc#1036943):
-  0001-FLAC-Fix-a-buffer-read-overrun.patch
-  0002-src-flac.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch
-- Update to version 1.0.27:
-  * Fix a seek regression in 1.0.26
-  * Add metadata read/write for CAF and RF64
-  * FIx PAF endian-ness issue
-- Update to version 1.0.28
-  * Fix buffer overruns in FLAC and ID3 handling code
-  (CVE-2017-7585, CVE-2017-7586, bsc#1033054, bsc#1033053)
-  * Reduce default header memory requirements
-  * Fix detection of Large File Support for 32 bit systems.
-- Obsoleted patch:
-  libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch
-- Fix spec file to enable builds on non opensuse OS
-- Update to version 1.0.26:
-  * Fix for CVE-2014-9496, CVE-2014-9756 and CVE-2015-7805.
-  * Add ALAC/CAF support. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
-- Refreshed patches:
-  sndfile-ocloexec.patch
-  libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch
-- Removed obsoleted patches:
-  libsndfile-example-fix.diff
-  libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch
-  libsndfile-paf-zero-division-fix.diff
-  libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch
-  libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch
-  sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch
-  sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch
-- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-7805, bsc#953516)
-  libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch
-  libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch
-- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-8075, bsc#953519)
-  libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch
-- Fix the build with SLE11-SP3 due to AM_SILENT_RULE macro
-- VUL-1: libsndfile DoS/divide-by-zero (CVE-2014-9756, bsc#953521):
-  libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch
-- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
-- Add gpg signature
-- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes
-- VUL-0: two buffer read overflows in sd2_parse_rsrc_fork()
-  (CVE-2014-9496, bnc#911796): backported upstream fix patches
-  sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch
-  sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch
+- Add baselibs.conf: build libsodium23-32bit, which is required by
+  zeromq's -32bit packages.
+- Add gpg signature
+- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner
+- Enable verbose make output when building tests
+- Update to 1.0.16
+  * Signatures computations and verifications are now way faster
+    on 64-bit platforms with compilers supporting 128-bit
+    arithmetic (gcc, clang, icc). This includes the WebAssembly
+    target.
+  * New low-level APIs for computations over edwards25519:
+    crypto_scalarmult_ed25519(), crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base(),
+    crypto_core_ed25519_is_valid_point(), crypto_core_ed25519_add(),
+    crypto_core_ed25519_sub() and crypto_core_ed25519_from_uniform()
+    (elligator representative to point).
+  * crypto_sign_open(), crypto_sign_verify_detached() and
+    crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open` now reject public
+    keys in non-canonical form in addition to low-order points.
+  * The library can be built with ED25519_NONDETERMINISTIC defined
+    in order to use synthetic nonces for EdDSA. This is disabled
+    by default.
+  * sodium_stackzero() was added to wipe content off the stack.
+  * The Salsa20-based PRNG example is now thread-safe on platforms
+    with support for thread-local storage, optionally mixes bits
+    from RDRAND.
+  * Argon2 and scrypt are slightly faster on Linux.
+- Refresh spec-file.
+- Update to 1.0.15.
+  * Release notes:
+  * The default password hashing algorithm is now Argon2id.
+  * The pwhash_str_verify() function can still verify Argon2i hashes without any changes,
+    and pwhash() can still compute Argon2i hashes as well.
+  * The aes128ctr primitive was removed. It was slow, non-standard, not authenticated,
+    and didn't seem to be used by any opensource project.
+  * Argon2id required at least 3 passes like Argon2i, despite a minimum of 1
+    as defined by the OPSLIMIT_MIN constant. This has been fixed.
+  * The secretstream construction was slightly changed to be consistent with forthcoming variants.
+  * The Javascript and Webassembly versions have been merged, and the module now returns
+    a .ready promise that will resolve after the Webassembly code is loaded and compiled.
+  * Note that due to these incompatible changes, the library version major was bumped up.
+- Update to version 1.0.14
+  * Internal consistency checks failing and primitives used with
+    dangerous/out-of-bounds/invalid parameters used to call abort(3).
+    Now, a custom handler that doesn't return can be set with the
+    set_sodium_misuse() function. It still aborts by default or if
+    the handler ever returns. This is not a replacement for non-fatal,
+    expected runtime errors. This handler will be only called in
+    unexpected situations due to potential bugs in the library or in
+    language bindings.
+  * *_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX macros (and the corresponding _messagebytes_max()
+    symbols) have been added to represent the maximum message size that
+    can be safely handled by a primitive. Language bindings are
+    encouraged to check user inputs against these maximum lengths.
+  * The test suite has been extended to cover more edge cases.
+  * crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519() now rejects points that
+    are not on the curve, or not in the main subgroup.
+  * Further changes have been made to ensure that smart compilers
+    will not optimize out code that we don't want to be optimized.
+  * The sodium_runtime_has_* symbols for CPU features detection are
+    now defined as weak symbols, i.e. they can be replaced with an
+    application-defined implementation. This can be useful to
+    disable AVX* when temperature/power consumption is a concern.
+  * crypto_kx_*() now aborts if called with no non-NULL pointers
+    to store keys to.
+  * SSE2 implementations of crypto_verify_*() have been added.
+  * Passwords can be hashed using a specific algorithm with the new
+    crypto_pwhash_str_alg() function.
+  * Due to popular demand, base64 encoding (sodium_bin2base64())
+    and decoding (sodium_base642bin()) have been implemented.
+  * A new crypto_secretstream_*() API was added to safely encrypt
+    files and multi-part messages.
+  * The sodium_pad() and sodium_unpad() helper functions have been
+    added in order to add & remove padding.
+  * An AVX512 optimized implementation of Argon2 has been added.
+  * The crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash() function was added to check
+    if a password hash string matches the given parameters, or if it
+    needs an update.
+  Updates from 1.0.13
+  * An AVX2 optimized implementation of the Argon2 round function was added.
+  * The Argon2id variant of Argon2 has been implemented. The high-level
+    crypto_pwhash_str_verify() function automatically detects the
+    algorithm and can verify both Argon2i and Argon2id hashed passwords.
+    The default algorithm for newly hashed passwords remains Argon2i
+    in this version to avoid breaking compatibility with verifiers
+    running libsodium <= 1.0.12.
+  * A crypto_box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305_seal*() function set was implemented.
+- Update to version 1.0.12
+  * Ed25519ph was implemented, adding a multi-part signature API
+    (crypto_sign_init(), crypto_sign_update(), crypto_sign_final_*()).
+  * New constants and related accessors have been added for Scrypt
+    and Argon2.
+  * XChaCha20 has been implemented. Like XSalsa20, this construction
+    extends the ChaCha20 cipher to accept a 192-bit nonce. This
+    makes it safe to use ChaCha20 with random nonces.
+  * crypto_secretbox, crypto_box and crypto_aead now offer variants
+    leveraging XChaCha20.
+  * SHA-2 is about 20% faster, which also gives a speed boost to
+    signature and signature verification.
+  * AVX2 implementations of Salsa20 and ChaCha20 have been added.
+    They are twice as fast as the SSE2 implementations. The speed
+    gain is even more significant on Windows, that previously
+    didn't use vectorized implementations.
+  * New high-level API: crypto_kdf, to easily derive one or more
+    subkeys from a master key.
+  * Siphash with a 128-bit output has been implemented, and is
+    available as crypto_shorthash_siphashx_*.
+  * New *_keygen() helpers functions have been added to create
+    secret keys for all constructions. This improves code clarity
+    and can prevent keys from being partially initialized.
+  * A new randombytes_buf_deterministic() function was added to
+    deterministically fill a memory region with pseudorandom data.
+    This function can especially be useful to write reproducible tests.
+  * A preliminary crypto_kx_*() API was added to compute shared
+    session keys.
+  * AVX2 detection is more reliable.
+- update version 1.0.11
+  * sodium_init() is now thread-safe, and can be safely called
+    multiple times.
+  * Better support for old gcc versions.
+  * AVX2 detection was fixed, resulting in faster BLAKE2b hashing
+    on platforms where it was not properly detected.
+  * The Sandy2x Curve25519 implementation was not as fast as
+    expected on some platforms. This has been fixed.
+  * The NativeClient target was improved. Most notably, it now
+    supports optimized implementations, and uses pepper_49 by default.
+  * The library can be compiled with recent Emscripten versions.
+    Changes have been made to produce smaller code, and the default
+    heap size was reduced in the standard version.
+  * Decryption functions can now accept a NULL pointer for the output.
+    This checks the MAC without writing the decrypted message.
+  * crypto_generichash_final() now returns -1 if called twice.
+- Update to version 1.0.10
+  * Compile fix update for older GCCs
+- Update to version 1.0.9
+  * A detached API was added to the ChaCha20-Poly1305 and AES256-GCM
+    implementations.
+  * The Argon2i password hashing function was added, and is accessible
+    directly and through a new, high-level crypto_pwhash API.
+    The scrypt function remains available as well.
+  * A speed-record AVX2 implementation of BLAKE2b was added.
+  * Countermeasures for Ed25519 signatures malleability have been
+    added to match the irtf-cfrg-eddsa draft.
+  * The HChaCha20 core function was implemented (crypto_core_hchacha20()).
+  * No-op stubs were added for all AES256-GCM public functions even
+    when compiled on non-Intel platforms.
+  * crypt_generichash_blake2b_statebytes() was added.
+  * New macros were added for the IETF variant of the ChaCha20-Poly1305
+    construction.
+- Update to version 1.0.8
+  * Handle the case where the CPU supports AVX, but we are running
+    on an hypervisor with AVX disabled/not supported.
+  * Faster (2x) scalarmult_base() when using the ref10 implementation.
+- Update to version 1.0.7
+  * Sandy2x, the fastest Curve25519 implementation ever,
+    has been merged in, and is automatically used on CPUs
+    supporting the AVX instructions set.
+  * An SSE2 optimized implementation of Poly1305 was added,
+    and is twice as fast as the portable one.
+  * An SSSE3 optimized implementation of ChaCha20 was added,
+    and is twice as fast as the portable one.
+  * Faster sodium_increment() for common nonce sizes.
+  * New helper functions have been added: sodium_is_zero()
+    and sodium_add().
+- Follow upstream's lead and compile with -flto for > 13.2 on x86
+  and x86-64.
+- Update to 1.0.6
+  * Optimized implementations of Blake2 have been added for modern
+    Intel platforms. crypto_generichash() is now faster than MD5 and
+    SHA1 implementations while being far more secure.
+  * The crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_*() functions have been
+    tagged as deprecated.
+  * sodium_compare() now works as documented, and compares numbers
+    in little-endian format instead of behaving like memcmp().
+  * sodium_runtime_has_ssse3() and sodium_runtime_has_sse41() have
+    been added.
+- Now that gcc 5.2 is available on TW, remove the ARMv7 workaround.
+- Update to 1.0.4
+  * Support for AES256-GCM has been added. This requires a CPU with
+    the aesni and pclmul extensions, and is accessible via the
+    crypto_aead_aes256gcm_*() functions.
+  * ChaCha20 with an extended (96 bit) nonce and a 32-bit counter has
+    been implemented as crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf(),
+    crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor() and crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor_ic().
+    An IETF-compatible version of ChaCha20Poly1305 is available as
+    crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_npubbytes(),
+    crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt() and
+    crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt().
+  * The sodium_increment() helper function has been added, to increment
+    an arbitrary large number (such as a nonce).
+  * The sodium_compare() helper function has been added, to compare
+    arbitrary large numbers (such as nonces, in order to prevent replay attacks).
+- Update to 1.0.3
+  * In addition to sodium_bin2hex(), sodium_hex2bin() is now a
+    constant-time function.
+  * crypto_stream_xsalsa20_ic() has been added.
+  * crypto_generichash_statebytes(), crypto_auth_*_statebytes()
+    and crypto_hash_*_statebytes() have been added in order to
+    retrieve the size of structures keeping states from foreign
+    languages.
+  * The JavaScript target doesn't require /dev/urandom or an
+    external randombytes() implementation any more. Other minor
+    Emscripten-related improvements have been made in order to
+    support libsodium.js
+  * Custom randombytes implementations do not need to provide
+    their own implementation of randombytes_uniform() any more.
+    randombytes_stir() and randombytes_close() can also be NULL
+    pointers if they are not required.
+  * On Linux, getrandom(2) is being used instead of directly
+    accessing /dev/urandom, if the kernel supports this system
+    call.
+  * crypto_box_seal() and crypto_box_seal_open() have been added.
+  * A solutions for Visual Studio 2015 was added.
+- Update to version 1.0.2
+  * The _easy and _detached APIs now support precalculated keys
+  * sodium_free() can now be called on regions with PROT_NONE
+    protection.
+  * Memory allocation functions can now be used on operating systems
+    with no memory protection.
+- Add subpackage mod_spatialite
+  * This library is loaded by sqlite's load_extension by its
+    unversioned '*.so' name -- boo#1185415
+- Update to version 5.0.1
+  Documentation available at
+  + Add Buildrequires to librttopo (mandatory) (new package)
+  + Drop merged libspatialite-deprecated-proj-api.patch
+- Spec cleanup
-- Added CFLAGS="-std=c99" for older compilers
-- Updated to version 4.0.0
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#862
+- log some environment variables
+- 4.4.93
+- Translated using Weblate (French) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.92
+- Translated using Weblate (French) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.91
+- Translated using Weblate (German) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.90
+- Translated using Weblate (Spanish) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.89
+- Translated using Weblate (Italian) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.88
+- Translated using Weblate (German) (bsc#1149754)
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#861
+- allow by-id/mmc-* and by-path/platform-* links for disks
+  (bsc#1195692)
+- 4.4.87
+- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW)) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.86
+- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN)) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.85
+- Translated using Weblate (Italian) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.84
+- Translated using Weblate (German) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.83
+- Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN)) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.82
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#860
+- added integration test
+- use in-class member initialization
+- 4.4.81
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#859
+- Modify mount point if mount_type changes
+- Mount/unmount if needed when mount type changes
+- 4.4.80
+- Translated using Weblate (Finnish) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.79
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#858
+- Add glibc-locale buildrequires for testsuite on SUSE distros
+- 4.4.78
+- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.4.77
-- Update to new upstream release 1.0.3
-  * Resize fixes for Nx1 sizes and the addition of non-opaque
-    alpha values for odd sizes.
-  * Lossless encode/decode performance improvements.
-  * Lossy compression performance improvement at low quality
-    levels with flat content.
-  * vwebp will now preserve the aspect ratio of images that
-    exceed monitor resolution by scaling the image to fit.
-- Update to version 1.0.2:
-  * Lossless encoder speedups.
-  * Lossy encoder speedup on ARM.
-  * Lossless multi-threaded security fix.
-- Changes from version 1.0.1:
-  * Lossless encoder speedups.
-  * Big-endian fix for alpha decoding.
-  * Gif2webp fix for loop count=65535 transcode.
-  * Further security related hardening in libwebp & libwebpmux.
-  * Miscellaneous bug & build fixes.
-- update baselibs.conf for the new soversions
-- update to 1.0.0
-  - lossy encoder improvements to avoid chroma shifts in various
-  - ircumstances (issues #308, #340)
-  - big-endian fixes for decode, RGBA import and
-    WebPPictureDistortion
-  - Tool updates:
-    gifwebp, anim_diff - default duration behavior (<= 10ms)
-    changed to match web browsers, transcoding
-    tools (issue #379)
-    img2webp, webpmux - allow options to be passed in via a file
-    (issue #355)
-- changes from 0.6.1
-  - lossless performance and compression improvements + a new
-    'cruncher' mode (-m 6 -q 100)
-  - ARM performance improvements with clang (15-20% w/ndk r15c,
-    issue #339)
-  - webp-js: emscripten/webassembly based javascript decoder
-  - miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issue #329, #332, #343, #353,
-    [#360], #361, #363)
-  - Tool updates / additions:
-  - added webpinfo - prints file format information (issue #330)
-  - gif2webp - loop behavior modified to match Chrome M63+
-    (; '-loop_compatibility' can be
-    used for the old behavior
-- changes from 0.6.0
-  - lossless performance and compression improvements
-  - miscellaneous performance improvements (SSE2, NEON, MSA)
-  - webpmux gained a -duration option allowing for frame timing
-    modification
-  - new img2webp utility allowing a sequence of images to be
-    converted to animated webp
-  - API changes:
-  - libwebp:
-    WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA
-    WebPPlaneDistortion
-  - libwebpmux / gif2webp:
-    WebPAnimEncoderOptions: kmax <= 0 now disables keyframes,
-    kmax == 1 forces all keyframes. See
-    mux.h and the gif2webp manpage for
-    details.
-- changes from 0.5.2
-  - This release covers CVE-2016-8888 and CVE-2016-9085.
-  - further security related hardening in the tools; fixes to
-    gif2webp/AnimEncoder (issues #310, #314, #316, #322),
-    cwebp/libwebp (issue #312)
-  - full libwebp (encoder & decoder) iOS framework; libwebpdecoder
-    WebP.framework renamed to WebPDecoder.framework (issue #307)
-  - CMake support for Android Studio (2.2)
-  - miscellaneous build related fixes (issue #306, #313)
-  - miscellaneous documentation improvements (issue #225)
-  - minor lossy encoder fixes and improvements
-- changes from 0.5.1
-  - miscellaneous bug fixes (issues #280, #289)
-  - reverted alpha plane encoding with color cache for
-    compatibility with libwebp 0.4.0->0.4.3 (issues #291, #298)
-  - lossless encoding performance improvements
-  - memory reduction in both lossless encoding and decoding
-  - force mux output to be in the extended format (VP8X) when
-    undefined chunks are present (issue #294)
-  - gradle, cmake build support
-  - workaround for compiler bug causing 64-bit decode failures on
-    android devices using clang-3.8 in the r11c NDK
-  - various WebPAnimEncoder improvements
-- disable extras for now. it seems it is not building and
-  installing a library anymore
-- Update baselibs.conf
-- Update to 0.5.0
-  * miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issues #234, #258, #274, #275,
-    [#278])
-  * encoder & decoder speed-ups on x86/ARM/MIPS for lossy &
-    lossless
-    + note! YUV->RGB conversion was sped-up, but the results will
-    be slightly different from previous releases
-  * various lossless encoder improvements
-  * gif2webp improvements, -min_size option added
-  * tools fully support input from stdin and output to stdout (issue
-    [#168])
-  * New WebPAnimEncoder API for creating animations
-  * New WebPAnimDecoder API for decoding animations
-  * other API changes:
-    + libwebp:
-    WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA() (-pre 4 in cwebp)
-    WebPConfig::exact (-exact in cwebp; -alpha_cleanup is now the
-    default)
-    WebPConfig::near_lossless (-near_lossless in cwebp)
-    WebPFree() (free'ing webp allocated memory in other
-    languages)
-    WebPConfigLosslessPreset()
-    WebPMemoryWriterClear()
-    + libwebpdemux: removed experimental fragment related fields
-    and functions
-    + libwebpmux: WebPMuxSetCanvasSize()
-  * new libwebpextras library with some uncommon import functions:
-    WebPImportGray/WebPImportRGB565/WebPImportRGB4444
-- Make building more verbose
-- Update to version 0.4.4
-  * rescaling out-of-bounds read fix (issue #254)
-  * various build fixes and improvements (issues #253, #259, #262, #267, #268)
-  * container documentation update
-  * gif2webp transparency fix (issue #245)
-- Add freeglut-devel build requires
-- Add libwebp-devel to baselibs.conf [bnc#936417]
-- remove aarch64-disable-neon.diff: compiler was fixed, neon
-  can be compiled now
-- Update to new upstream release 0.4.3
-  * lossless decode fix and a multi-threading fix
-  * documentation / vwebp updates for animation
-- Update baselibs.conf: make it match the currently build library
-  packages.
-- update to 0.4.2:
-  This is a binary compatible release.
-  * Android / gcc build fixes
-  * (Windows) fix reading from stdin and writing to stdout
-  * gif2webp: miscellaneous fixes
-  * fix 'alpha-leak' with lossy compression (issue #220)
-  * the lossless bitstream spec has been amended to reflect the current code
-- add aarch64-disable-neon.diff: work around compile failure with
-  neon on aarch64.
-- add libwebpdecoder1 subpackage
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when
+  changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296)
+- 4.3.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Make sure helper apps we start are in path
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to version 4.13+56:
+  * Remove files with non-commercial licenses from sources.
+  * Improve appearance and readability of the addendum.
+  * Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.13:
+  * New language: Vietnamese.
+  * New distribution: Fedora 36.
+  * Fix addendum creation for mdoc based files.
+  * Updated many translations.
+- Drop update path from Leap 15.2 since it has reached EOL.
+- Update license to GPL-3.0-or-later as per Debian packaging.
+- Update to version 4.12.1:
+  * Bugfix: Enable new languages in po/
+- Changes from version 4.12.0:
+  * New languages: Finnish, Greek, Indonesian, Norwegian bokmål,
+    Swedish, Serbian.
+  * Persian (fa) is in a very early state; still disabled.
+  * Updated and added many translations.
+- Upgrade macros: Build for Leap has been upgraded to 15.4 - build
+  for 15.3 has been dropped upstream.
+- Update to version 4.11.0:
+  * Enable Hungarian translation.
+  * Updated and added many translations.
+- Update to version 4.10.0: Updated many translations.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Monitor: print message before quit for no array to monitor
+  (bsc#1183229)
+  0120-Monitor-print-message-before-quit-for-no-array-to-mo.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * [messagecomposer] Do not sign long headers. (kde#439958)
+  * Fix Bug 449809 KMail2 does not resize images (kde#449809)
+- update to version 1.3.1 (bsc#1196814)
+  - Fixed a potential crash in SSDP request parsing.
+  - Fixed a configure script failure on some platforms.
+  - Protect against DNS rebinding attacks. (CVE-2022-26505)
+  - Fix an socket leakage issue on some platforms.
+  - Minor bug fixes.
+- added patch minidlna-1.3.0-1.3.1.patch as the new version
+  was not tagged or released upstream
+- added BR for automake to fix build and readd autogen call
+- drop patch minidlna-multiple_definition.patch (upstreamed)
+- add "su minidlna minidlna" to the logrotate config
-- update to 1.0.24 release
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
-- Add openmotif-2.3.3-multiscreen.patch and
-  openMotif-2.3.3-mwm-screenresize.patch (bsc#1184184) preventing
-  the third party application crashing.
-- motif-2.3.4-implicit-fortify-decl.patch: fix bad use of reserved
-  identifier
-- Use url for source
-- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
-- Remove old ppc obsoletes/provides
-- Add motif-2.3.4-implicit-fortify-decl.patch
-  * Fix implicit-fortify-decl and implicit-function-decl errors
-- add pkgconfig(printproto) as requires to motif-devel
-- openmotif-2.3.1-suse-stipple.patch - forward-port SLE's feature
-  that allows disabling of upstream fix1381. This is necessary
-  in some legacy scenarios, but undesirable in new apps. To enable
-  the stipple feature (disable fix1381), set environment variable
-- merge motif and openmotif
-- add localonly service to recompress
-- please legal-team (bnc#827674) by removing all files that
-  have strange licenses
-- Drop openmotif-libpng14.diff: fixed in upstream
-- Motif 2.3.4 strictly requires Xmu >= 1.1.1 (changed prototypes)
+- Install modprobe.conf file to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
-- version 0.3.2
-- use SPDX shortname lincense and PKG_INSTALLDIR autoconf macro
-- virsh iface-list takes too long with many interfaces (bsc#1179144)
-  - Cleanup netcf functions, include elapsed time in debug messages
-  - Changed to refresh config and system info to keep them consistent
-  - Add (fix or) adaptive refresh caching, set to double refresh-time
-  - Implemented new backend refresh using wicked config/system queries
-- remove packages included in 0.3.2 source archive:
-  [- 0005-bonding-don-t-complain-about-unknown-options.1132794.patch]
-  [- 0004-udev-use-correct-udev-rule-write-lock-directory.patch]
-  [- 0003-sysconfig-fix-segfault-on-missed-end-quote-bsc-10277.patch]
-  [- 0002-Fix-invalid-check-in-route-creation-bsc-1148646.patch]
-  [- 0001-virsh-iface-list-not-working-as-expected-bsc-1029201.patch]
-- bonding: don't complain about unknown options (bsc#1132794)
-  [+ 0005-bonding-don-t-complain-about-unknown-options.1132794.patch]
-- udev: use correct udev rule (write) lock directory
-  [+ 0004-udev-use-correct-udev-rule-write-lock-directory.patch]
-- sysconfig: fix segfault on missed end-quote (bsc#1027736)
-  [+ 0003-sysconfig-fix-segfault-on-missed-end-quote-bsc-10277.patch]
-- fix segfault on invalid check in route creation (bsc#1148646)
-  [+ 0002-Fix-invalid-check-in-route-creation-bsc-1148646.patch]
-- fix virsh iface-list not working as expected (bsc#1029201)
-  [+ 0001-virsh-iface-list-not-working-as-expected-bsc-1029201.patch]
-- Install pkgconfig into libdir instead of datadir
-- version 0.3.1
-- filter devices not supported by libvirt API (fate#320557)
-  [- 0001-blacklist-ifcfg-files-ending-in-.orig-or-tilde-bnc-8.patch]
-- sanitize release line in specfile
-- blacklist ifcfg files ending in .orig or tilde (bnc#871600)
-  [+ 0001-blacklist-ifcfg-files-ending-in-.orig-or-tilde-bnc-8.patch]
-- version 0.3.0
-- Added libnl version configure option and detection
-- Obsoletes 0002-allow-wicked.patch, 0001-use-libnl3.patch
-- Applied a minimal 0002-allow-wicked.patch to accept wicked
-  as the network service (fate#316768).
-- Renamed libnl3.patch to 0001-use-libnl3.patch
-- Add libnl3.patch to build with libnl3 open openSUSE 13.1+, this
-  fixes bnc#845540
+- update to 12.22.10
+  * Upgrade npm to 6.14.16
+    + CVE-2021-23343 - ReDoS via splitDeviceRe, splitTailRe and
+    splitPathRe (bsc#1192153)
+    + CVE-2021-32803 - node-tar: Insufficient symlink protection
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191963)
+    + CVE-2021-32804 - node-tar: Insufficient absolute path sanitization
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191962)
+    + CVE-2021-3918 - json-schema is vulnerable to Improperly
+    Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes (bsc#1192696)
+  * Updated ICU time zone data
+- CVE-2021-3807.patch: node-ansi-regex: Regular expression
+  denial of service (ReDoS) matching ANSI escape codes
+  (bsc#1192154, CVE-2021-3807)
+- versioned.patch: refreshed
+- z15-test-skip.patch: dropped
+- fix_ci_tests.patch: fix tests on z15
+- update to 14.19.0:
+  * crypto: make FIPS related options always available
+  * deps: deps: upgrade npm to 6.14.16
+    + CVE-2021-23343 - ReDoS via splitDeviceRe, splitTailRe and
+    splitPathRe (bsc#1192153)
+    + CVE-2021-32803 - node-tar: Insufficient symlink protection
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191963)
+    + CVE-2021-32804 - node-tar: Insufficient absolute path sanitization
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191962)
+    + CVE-2021-3918 - json-schema is vulnerable to Improperly
+    Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes (bsc#1192696)
+  * module: support pattern trailers
+  * src: make napi_create_reference accept symbol
+- CVE-2021-3807.patch: node-ansi-regex: Regular expression
+  denial of service (ReDoS) matching ANSI escape codes
+  (bsc#1192154, CVE-2021-3807)
+- versioned.patch, nodejs-libpath.patch: refreshed
+- z15-test-skip.patch: dropped, no longer required
+- fix_ci_tests.patch: update tests for z15
+- npm-v6.14.16.tar.gz: update to npm 6.14.16 fixing
+  * CVE-2021-23343 - ReDoS via splitDeviceRe, splitTailRe and
+    splitPathRe (bsc#1192153)
+  * CVE-2021-32803 - node-tar: Insufficient symlink protection
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191963)
+  * CVE-2021-32804 - node-tar: Insufficient absolute path sanitization
+    allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite (bsc#1191962)
+  * CVE-2021-3918 - json-schema is vulnerable to Improperly
+    Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes (bsc#1192696)
+- CVE-2021-3807.patch: node-ansi-regex: Regular expression
+  denial of service (ReDoS) matching ANSI escape codes
+  (bsc#1192154, CVE-2021-3807)
+- test_ssl_cert_fixups.patch: fixup SSL certificates in unit tests
+- fix_ci_tests.patch: fix zlib tests for z15
+- CVE-2021-22939.patch: add unit test only
-- nvmf: Remove --matching from systemd service file (bsc#1195665)
-  * add 0001-nvmf-Remove-matching-from-systemd-service-file.patch
+- Update to version 2.0-rc5:
+  * nvme: passthru bugfix(wrong jump, wrong file descriptor)
+  * nvme-cli: Ignore traddr case (bsc#1194025)
+  * nvme: fix segfault in nvme telemetry-log error handling
+  * fabrics: ensure zero kato for non-persistent controllers
+  * documenation updates
+- Update to version 2.0-rc4:
+  * netapp-nvme: free the nsdescs pointer after use
+  * netapp-nvme: fix ontapdevices segfault in json output
+  * nvme-print: fix 'nvme list -o json' segfault
+  * nvme: get_ns_id command fails on nvme device
+  * wdc: updated products list for telemetry (--type) argument
+  * docs: fix typo in Data Set Management section
+  * Fix ctrlist for attach-ns and detach-ns
+  * netapp-nvme: fix nvme ns desc uuid handling for ontapdevices
+  * wdc: Fix use-after-free access of cbs_data
+  * Fixed regression with 'open namespace exclusive' (bsc#1195945)
+- Update to version v2.0-rc3:
+  * nvme-print: Fix json output for list-subsys
+  * nvme: Allow --verbose flag to increase log level
+  * Added telemetry log fetch support for SN810, SN530 and SN740 series NVMe SSDs through wdc vs-internal-log command
+  * nvmf: Remove --matching from systemd service file (bsc#1195665)
+  * nvme: Fix --force flag inversion (bsc#1195637)
+  * nvme: Add support for data area 4 to get-telemetry-log
+  * nvme: Add Supported Capacity Configuration List log page(LID: 0x11)
+  * nvme: Add Enhanced Controller Meta Data(FID: 0x7D)
+  * nvme-print: Add NVME_FEAT_FID_ENH_CTRL_METADATA to nvme_feature_to_string
+  * nvme-print: remove unused nvme_show_id_ctrl function
+  * nvme: Add nvm-id-ns-lba-format(CNS 0Ah) command from TP4095
+  * nvme: Add NVM Command Set specific identify namespace command
+  * nvme: Add id-ns-lba-format(CNS 09h) command from TP4095
+  * nvme: Add nulbaf(Number of Unique Capability LBA Formats) field on nvmd_id_ns
+- Include precompiled documentation
+- Update to version 2.0~2:
+  * Adapt to logging API changes in libnvme
+  * Adapt to scan API changes in libnvme
+  * Reworked error message handling
+  * Fix 'list-ns' (bsc#1195151)
+  * Add 'gen-tls-key' and 'check-tls-key'
+  * Add Media Unit Status log page support
+  * Cleanups and build fixes
+- Fix path to systemctl (bsc#1193699)
+- Require gtk2 and rsvg in the devel pacakge
+  The built-in contains the output of pkgconfig --libs
+- Update to version 2.18.11
+  Remove obsolete ocaml-lablgtk2.ml_table_extension_events.patch
+- add build conditionals for gl,glade,gnomecanvas,gtksourceview2,
+  gtkspell and rsvg, enable only the latter be default
+- Remove ocaml_native_compiler conditional
+  build native target unconditionally
+- Fix gcc10 build with ocaml-lablgtk2.ml_table_extension_events.patch
+- The filename for rpm *.attr files and the tag used within these
+  files must match. Otherwise rpm will not execute the helper scripts.
+  Use helper 'suseocaml' in addition to 'ocaml' to avoid
+  filename conflicts with rpm-build.rpm (bsc#1154874)
+- Require current ocaml-rpm-macros
+- Remove bogus Requires/Provides override
+- Update to version 2.18.10.
+  prepare for ocaml-4.10
+- Require current rpm macros
+- Use _service file
+- Update to version 2.18.6.
+  * finish transition for applications subdirectory.
+  * prepare for 4.06: -safe-string transition and warnings.
+- Update to version 2.18.7.
+  * Support property "expand" of GtkTreeViewColumn.
+  * ensure we compile on ocaml 4.05.
+  * put examples explicitly in the public domain.
+  * In GToolbox, add support for declaring dialogs transient for a
+    parent.
+  * Add some properties to GText.tag
+  * Add require for threads in META
+- Update to version 2.18.8.
+  * remove -warn-error to allow compilation on future versions of
+    ocaml
+  * mark Gdk.PointArray.t and Gdk.SegmentArray.t as [@@ boxed]
+- Change License to LGPL-2.1-only, as indicated by file headers.
+- Remove non-free applications subdirectory.
+- Drop optional libgnomeui-devel BuildRequires.
-- update to 2.18.2
-  * Revert old commit which broke notify signals
-  * Quote $(FLINSTALLDIR) in Makefile (cf PR#1342)
-  * Update applications/browser for 4.02
-  * Make Float_val an alias for Double_val, since it was used
-    wrongly anyway (Felix Ruess)
-  * Make GObj.misc_ops#add_accelerator polymorphic in the widget of
-    the signal (Erkki Seppala)
-  * Use properties in GtkAdjustment, rather than direct accessors
-  * fix GtkTree.IconView.get_path_at_pos (Thomas Leonard)
-  * add gtksourceview2 to windows binaries
-  * prepare release
-  * update applications for 4.01
-  * various fixes in windows port
-  * add some GTK enumerations and update stock icon list
-  * add properties GtkTreeView.enable_{tree,grid}_lines
-  * add properties GtkEntry.{primary,secondary}_icon_{stock,name,pixbuf},
-    see examples/ for usage
-  * add tags in GtkMovementStep
-  * fix compatibility with ocaml 4.01 (?lab for non-optional arguments)
-  * add handling of new modifiers
-  * detect findlib during configuration
-  * support DESTDIR with findlib-install
-  * indicate that only old-install supports DESTDIR
-  * have old-install copy the META file too
-  * cleanup the two phases of findlib-install
-  * update Windows port, compiles fine on mingw with
-    ./configure --disable-gtktest
-  * lablgtk2 script does not load extra libraries by default
-    (use flag -all to load all extensions)
-  * generate correct lablgtk2 script for findlib.
-  * add old-uninstall target.
-  * support threaded toplevel with Quartz backend, using
-    (runs the toplevel loop in another thread)
-  * remove GtkThInit from META (not portable)
-  * avoid busy waiting by using g_main_context_set_poll_func to
-    make polling non-blocking.
-    busy waiting is still needed for VM threads, and can be activated
-    by setting the environment variable LABLGTK_BUSY_WAIT.
-  * update applications/browser for OCaml 4.00
-  * update applications/camlirc to use GText instead of GBroken.text
-  * improvements to GtkSourceView2.
-  * add cast and assignation functions to GText.nocopy_iter.
-  * add Gtk 2.10 missing key modifiers.
-  * can still install using old-install.
-  * add a high-level API to create keyboard shortcuts.
-  * add several #as_foo methods: entry, notebook, range
-  * new signals for notebook: select_page, reorder_tab,
-    change_current_page, move_focus_out, page_{added,removed,reordered}
-  * add gtk_container_child_{set,get}_property
-  * add gtk_notebook_{set,get}_tab_reorderable
-  * add gtk_signal_new which can be used to create custom keyboard shortcuts
-  * add g_signal_list and g_signal_query
-  * add functions to connect to notify::foo signals which indicate when an
-    object property changes
-  * add foo#connect#notify_bar methods to add callbacks on changes of
-    the "bar" property of the object "foo".
-  * use findlib to install (see README for the list of installed packages)
-  * merge GtkSourceView2 additions by Pierre-Marie Pedrot
-  * add Make_Val_option to wrappers.h
-  * add gtk_accelerator_name/get_label (for Pierre Boutillier)
-  * add gtk_accel_map_foreach/change_entry (ibid)
-  * add gdk_window_clear_area (for DDR)
-  * make gtk_tree_view_get_visible_range version dependent (Thomas Ripoche)
-- Recompress with xz
+- Require current ocaml-rpm-macros
+- Use _service file
+- Build with dune
+- Update summaries
+- Move cmxs files into the main package
+  Applications like Coq may load them at runtime.
+- Ignore dependencies for cmxs files
+- Restore dummy ocaml_native_compiler to allow quilt setup with
+  old packages
+- Rename a single opam file to $dune_release_pkgs.opam
+- Remove ocaml_native_compiler flag, assume native target
+  This flag puts too much burden on pkgs that use ocaml, but build
+  with their buildsystem instead of using dune
+- Use bcond suse_ocaml_use_rpm_license_macro for license in filelist
+- Add suse prefix to ocaml_native_compiler to avoid conflict
+- Create Provides/Requires only for rpm variants which understand fileattrs
+- Fix syntax for chmod of .cmxs
+- Add conditional to disable debug_package macro when building with broken rpm variants
+- Fix regex in file list generator to really match dot and extension
+- Adjust parser of ocamfind() requires
+  Take negative predicates in requires() into account, and ignore them.
+  This is supposed to avoid dependency cycles due to excessive
+  list of dependencies.
+- Adjust injection of version into findlib META files
+  A file VERSION is not handled anymore by dune since 1.11.
+  Remove version: from *.opam files, inject version into dune-project
+- Package also *.v, for Coq
+- Package changelog files
+- Enable native riscv64
-  Stick with tag 'ocaml', rename zocaml.attr to ocaml.attr. (bsc#1154874)
+  Use tag 'suseocaml', rename zocaml.attr to suseocaml.attr to
+  avoid filename conflicts with rpm-build.rpm (bsc#1154874)
+- Rename also ocamlfind to suseocamlfind
+- added baselibs.conf to build 32bit libs for WIne (bsc#1172303)
+- limit usage of update-alernatives to sle15-sp1/Leap 15.1 and newer
+- sle15/Leap15 and newer: switch to usage of update-alternatives,
+  so the package no longer conflicts with nvidia packages
+  (boo#1108304)
+- Recommend pocl when installing libOpenCL to get a better
+  "out of the box" OpenCL experience for (open)SUSE users.
+- Update to version 2.2.11:
+  * Add autoconf option for custom vendors .icd path
+  * Make vendordir relative to
+  * Hack the docs to reflect configured vendordir
+  * Revert "By default, use platforme specific clGetPlatformInfo"
+  * Do not deference the plateform structure before checking it is an ICD
+  * Cleanup --enable-custom-vendordir usage
+  * [doc] ensure that files are correctly distributed and/or cleaned up
+  * [doc] improve doc
+  * [build] add notice message about what is choosen
+- Changes for version 2.2.10:
+  * Suppress warning due to shadowed variable name
+  * Static-const-ify ICD loader info strings
+  * Fallback to dispatch table for clGetPlatformInfo
+  * By default, use platforme specific clGetPlatformInfo
+- Changes for version 2.2.9:
+  * Update clGetICDLoaderInfoOCLICD to report version 2.1.
+  * Report the correct supported OpenCL version when asked
+  * Add support for OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH envvar
+- Fix BuildRequires: ocl_icd.h includes CL/cl_egl.h
+- Update to 2.2.7
+  * See NEWS for full list of changes
+- Update to 2.2.7
+  * See NEWS for full list of changes
+- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
+- update to version 2.1.3
+  * Brice Videau (3):
+    Moved some declarations to the header as they are needed in the generated
+    part now.
+    If we have no valid platforms non can be valid.
+    In case a NULL platform is passed to the loader, the default platform is
+    selected if it exists and is valid.
+  * Vincent Danjean (5):
+    Rewrote initialization comments
+    All generated file ends with "_gen" suffix (but installed once)
+    [build] add tests for default platform selection
+    Refactor code for selection of default platform
+    Release 2.1.3
+- added buildroot define for sle
+- modifying generated and build-in source, for older gcc, removing some
+  pragma GCC diagnostic statements
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix wrong default font string for annotation tools
+- Update opae-missing-shebang.patch as a couple of scripts
+  were using /usr/bin/python and causing dependencies to python2 (bsc#1196764)
-- bsc#1185279, CVE-2020-15078, openvpn-CVE-2020-15078.patch:
-  Authentication bypass with deferred authentication.
-- bsc#1169925, CVE-2020-11810, openvpn-CVE-2020-11810.patch:
-  race condition between allocating peer-id and initializing data
-  channel key
-- bsc#1085803, CVE-2018-7544, openvpn-CVE-2018-7544.patch:
-  Cross-protocol scripting issue was discovered in the management
-  interface
+- Fix license tag in spec file.
-- CVE-2018-9336, bsc#1090839: Fix potential double-free() in
-  Interactive Service (openvpn-CVE-2018-9336.patch).
+- update to 2.5.5:
+  * SWEET32/64bit cipher deprecation change was postponed to 2.7
+  * improve "make check" to notice if "openvpn --show-cipher" crashes
+  * improve argv unit tests
+  * ensure unit tests work with mbedTLS builds without BF-CBC ciphers
+  * include "--push-remove" in the output of "openvpn --help"
+  * fix error in iptables syntax in example script
+  * fix "resolvconf -p" invocation in example "up" script
+  * fix "common_name" environment for script calls when
+    "--username-as-common-name" is in effect (Trac #1434)
+  * move "push-peer-info" documentation from "server options" to "client"
+  * correct "foreign_option_{n}" typo in manpage
+  * README.down-root: fix plugin module name
+- Drop 0001-preform-deferred-authentication-in-the-background.patch
+  Upstream has meanwhile solved this differently and the two
+  implementations interfere (boo#1193017).
+- Obsoleted SLE patches up to this point:
+  * openvpn-CVE-2020-15078.patch
+  * openvpn-CVE-2020-11810.patch
+  * openvpn-CVE-2018-7544.patch
+  * openvpn-CVE-2018-9336.patch
+- Avoid bashisms and use POSIX sh syntax.
+- Use more efficient find commands.
+- Trim marketing filler words from description.
+- update to 2.5.4:
+  * fix prompting for password on windows console if stderr redirection
+    is in use - this breaks 2.5.x on Win11/ARM, and might also break
+    on Win11/adm64 when released.
+  * fix setting MAC address on TAP adapters (--lladdr) to use sitnl
+    (was overlooked, and still used "ifconfig" calls)
+  * various improvements for man page building (rst2man/rst2html etc)
+  * minor bugfix with IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED() use (breaks build on
+    at least one platform strictly checking this)
+  * fix minor memory leak under certain conditions in add_route() and
+    add_route_ipv6()
+  * documentation improvements
+  * copyright updates where needed
+  * better error reporting when win32 console access fails
+- Update to 2.5.3:
+  * Removal of BF-CBC support in default configuration
+    See section "DATA CHANNEL CIPHER NEGOTIATION" in openvpn(8).
+  * Connections setup is now much faster
+  * Support ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher in the OpenVPN data channel
+  * Improved TLS 1.3 support when using OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer
+  * Client-specific tls-crypt keys (--tls-crypt-v2)
+  * Improved Data channel cipher negotiation
+  * HMAC based auth-token support for seamless reconnects to
+    standalone servers or a group of servers
+  * Asynchronous (deferred) authentication support for auth-pam
+    plugin
+  * Asynchronous (deferred) support for client-connect scripts and
+    plugins
+  * Support IPv4 configs with /31 netmasks
+  * 802.1q VLAN support on TAP servers
+  * Support IPv6-only tunnels
+  * New option --block-ipv6 to reject all IPv6 packets (ICMPv6)
+  * Support Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
+  * Netlink integration (OpenVPN no longer needs to execute
+    ifconfig/route or ip commands)
+  * Obsoletes openvpn-2.3.9-Fix-heap-overflow-on-getaddrinfo-result.patch
+- bsc#1062157: The fix for bsc#934237 causes problems with the
+  crypto self-test of newer openvpn versions.
+  Remove openvpn-2.3.x-fixed-multiple-low-severity-issues.patch .
+- update to 2.4.11 (bsc#1185279):
+  * CVE-2020-15078 see
+  * This bug allows - under very specific circumstances - to trick a server using
+    delayed authentication (plugin or management) into returning a PUSH_REPLY
+    before the AUTH_FAILED message, which can possibly be used to gather
+    information about a VPN setup.
+  * In combination with "--auth-gen-token" or an user-specific token auth
+    solution it can be possible to get access to a VPN with an
+    otherwise-invalid account.
+  * Fix potential NULL ptr crash if compiled with DMALLOC
+- drop sysv init support, it hasn't build successfully in ages
+  and is build-disabled in devel project
+- update 'rcopenvpn' to work without /etc/rc.status (boo#1185273)
+- update to 2.4.10:
+  - OpenVPN client will now announce the acceptable ciphers to the server
+  (IV_CIPHER=...), so NCP cipher negotiation works better
+  - Parse static challenge response in auth-pam plugin
+  - Accept empty password and/or response in auth-pam plugin
+  - Log serial number of revoked certificate
+  - Fix tls_ctx_client/server_new leaving error on OpenSSL error stack
+  - Fix auth-token not being updated if auth-nocache is set
+  (this should fix all remaining client-side bugs for the combination
+  "auth-nocache in client-config" + "auth-token in use on the server")
+  - Fix stack overflow in OpenSolaris and *BSD NEXTADDR()
+  - Fix error detection / abort in --inetd corner case (#350)
+  - Fix TUNSETGROUP compatibility with very old Linux systems (#1152)
+  - Fix handling of 'route remote_host' for IPv6 transport case
+  (#1247 and #1332)
+  - Fix --show-gateway for IPv6 on NetBSD/i386 (#734)
+  - A number of documentation improvements / clarification fixes.
+  - Fix line number reporting on config file errors after <inline> segments
+  - Fix fatal error at switching remotes (#629)
+  - socks.c: fix alen for DOMAIN type addresses, bump up buffer sizes (#848)
+  - Switch "ks->authenticated" assertion failure to returning false (#1270)
+- refresh 0001-preform-deferred-authentication-in-the-background.patch
+  openvpn-2.3.x-fixed-multiple-low-severity-issues.patch against 2.4.10
+- update to 2.4.9 (CVE-2020-11810, bsc#1169925O):
+  * Allow unicode search string in --cryptoapicert option (Windows)
+  * Skip expired certificates in Windows certificate store (Windows) (trac #966)
+  * OpenSSL: Fix --crl-verify not loading multiple CRLs in one file (trac #623)
+  * fix condition where a client's session could "float" to a new IP address that is not authorized ("fix illegal client float").
+  This can be used to disrupt service to a freshly connected client (no session
+  keys negotiated yet). It can not be used to inject or steal VPN traffic.
+  CVE-2020-11810).
+  * fix combination of async push (deferred auth) and NCP (trac #1259)
+  * Fix OpenSSL 1.1.1 not using auto elliptic curve selection (trac #1228)
+  * Fix OpenSSL error stack handling of tls_ctx_add_extra_certs
+  * mbedTLS: Make sure TLS session survives move (trac #880)
+  * Fix OpenSSL private key passphrase notices
+  * Fix building with --enable-async-push in FreeBSD (trac #1256)
+  * Fix broken fragmentation logic when using NCP (trac #1140)
+- Modernize openvpn.service
+  * /var/run has been obsoleted since a long time.
+  * on reload, send HUP signal directly rather than relying on
+    killproc to look for the main process.
+- Explicitly requires sysvinit-tools as some of the tools shipped by
+  this package are used in various places regardless of whether
+  openvpn is built for systemd or non systemd systems.
+  For the context: sysvinit-tools was pulled in by systemd since 2014
+  but it's no longer the case so better to be safe than sorry.
+- Fix inconsistency in openvpn.service:
+  * It uses the unescape instance name as config file basename,
+    so use that in the description as well
+- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to
+  shortcut through the -mini flavors.
+- Use %systemd_ordering instead of systemd_requires: in fact,
+  systemd is not a hard requirement for openvpn. But in case a
+  system is being installed with systemd, we want systemd to be
+  there before  openvpn is being installed.
+- Update to version 2.4.8:
+  * mbedtls: fix segfault by calling mbedtls_cipher_free() in
+    cipher_ctx_free()
+  * cleanup: Remove RPM openvpn.spec build approach
+  * docs: Update INSTALL
+  * build: Package missing mock_msg.h
+  * Increase listen() backlog queue to 32
+  * Force combinationation of --socks-proxy and --proto UDP to use
+    IPv4.
+  * Wrong FILETYPE in .rc files
+  * Do not set pkcs11-helper 'safe fork mode'
+  * tests/ Switch sed(1) to POSIX-compatible regex.
+  * Fix various compiler warnings
+  * Fix regression, reinstate LibreSSL support.
+  * man: correct the description of --capath and --crl-verify
+    regarding CRLs
+  * Fix typo in NTLM proxy debug message
+  * Ignore --pull-filter for --mode server
+  * openssl: Fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL 1.1 APIs
+  * Better error message when script fails due to script-security
+    setting
+  * Correct the return value of cryptoapi RSA signature callbacks
+  * Handle PSS padding in cryptoapicert
+  * cmocka: use relative paths
+  * Fix documentation of tls-verify script argument
+- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel:
+  Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.
+- Add p11kit build time dependency for pkcs providers autodetection
+- Clarify in the service file that the reload action doesn't work
+  when dropping root privileges (boo#1142830).
+- Updated openvpn.keyring with public key downloaded from
+- Drop use of $FIRST_ARG in openvpn.spec
+  The use of $FIRST_ARG was probably required because of the
+  %service_* rpm macros were playing tricks with the shell positional
+  parameters. This is bad practice and error prones so let's assume
+  that no macros should do that anymore and hence it's safe to assume
+  that positional parameters remains unchanged after any rpm macro
+  call.
+- Update to 2.4.7:
+  Adam Ciarcin?ski (1):
+  * Fix subnet topology on NetBSD (2.4).
+  Antonio Quartulli (3):
+  * add support for %lu in argv_printf and prevent ASSERT
+  * buffer_list: add functions documentation
+  * ifconfig-ipv6(-push): allow using hostnames
+  Arne Schwabe (7):
+  * Properly free tuntap struct on android when emulating persist-tun
+  * Add OpenSSL compat definition for RSA_meth_set_sign
+  * Add support for tls-ciphersuites for TLS 1.3
+  * Add better support for showing TLS 1.3 ciphersuites in --show-tls
+  * Use right function to set TLS1.3 restrictions in show-tls
+  * Add message explaining early TLS client hello failure
+  * Fallback to password authentication when auth-token fails
+  Christian Ehrhardt (1):
+  * systemd: extend CapabilityBoundingSet for auth_pam
+  David Sommerseth (1):
+  * plugin: Export base64 encode and decode functions
+  Gert Doering (3):
+  * Add %d, %u and %lu tests to test_argv unit tests.
+  * Fix combination of --dev tap and --topology subnet across multiple platforms.
+  * Add 'printing of port number' to mroute_addr_print_ex() for v4-mapped v6.
+  Gert van Dijk (1):
+  * Minor reliability layer documentation fixes
+  James Bekkema (1):
+  * Resolves small IV_GUI_VER typo in the documentation.
+  Jonathan K. Bullard (1):
+  * Clarify and expand management interface documentation
+  Lev Stipakov (5):
+  * Refactor NCP-negotiable options handling
+  * init.c: refine functions names and description
+  * interactive.c: fix usage of potentially uninitialized variable
+  * options.c: fix broken unary minus usage
+  * Remove extra token after #endif
+  Richard van den Berg via Openvpn-devel (1):
+  * Fix error message when using RHEL init script
+  Samy Mahmoudi (1):
+  * man: correct a --redirection-gateway option flag
+  Selva Nair (7):
+  * Replace M_DEBUG with D_LOW as the former is too verbose
+  * Correct the declaration of handle in 'struct openvpn_plugin_args_open_return'
+  * Bump version of openvpn plugin argument structs to 5
+  * Move get system directory to a separate function
+  * Enable dhcp on tap adapter using interactive service
+  * Pass the hash without the DigestInfo header to NCryptSignHash()
+  * White-list pull-filter and script-security in interactive service
+  Simon Rozman (2):
+  * Add Interactive Service developer documentation
+  * Detect TAP interfaces with root-enumerated hardware ID
+  Steffan Karger (7):
+  * man: add security considerations to --compress section
+  * mbedtls: print warning if random personalisation fails
+  * Fix memory leak after sighup
+  * travis: add OpenSSL 1.1 Windows build
+  * Fix --disable-crypto build
+  * Don't print OCC warnings about 'key-method', 'keydir' and 'tls-auth'
+  * buffer_list_aggregate_separator(): simplify code
+- Update to 2.4.6:
+  * CVE-2018-9336, bsc#1090839: Fix potential double-free() in
+    Interactive Service
+  * Delete the IPv6 route to the "connected" network on tun close
+  * Management: warn about password only when the option is in use
+  * Avoid overflow in wakeup time computation
+- Remove --askpass again, because it was also asking for a password
+  when none was needed. As a workaround for keys that need a
+  password, the "askpass" statement should be added to the config
+  file (bsc#1078026).
+- Use Type=notify in openvpn.service to reflect what openvpn is
+  actually doing.
+- Import the new signing key from upstream.
+- Remove obsolete configure switch --enable-password-save .
+- Update to 2.4.5
+  * New features
+    + The new option --tls-cert-profile can be used to restrict the
+    set of allowed crypto algorithms in TLS certificates in mbed
+    TLS builds. The default profile is 'legacy' for now, which
+    allows SHA1+, RSA-1024+ and any elliptic curve certificates.
+    The default will be changed to the 'preferred' profile in the
+    future, which requires SHA2+, RSA-2048+ and any curve.
+    + openvpnserv: Add support for multi-instances (to support
+    multiple parallel OpenVPN installations, like EduVPN and
+    regular OpenVPN)
+    + Use P_DATA_V2 for server->client packets too (better packet
+    alignment)
+    + improve management interface documentation
+    (bsc#1085803, CVE-2018-7544)
+    + rework registry key handling for OpenVPN service, notably
+    making most registry values optional, falling back to
+    reasonable defaults
+    + accept IPv6 address for pushed "dhcp-option DNS ..." (make
+    OpenVPN 2 option compatible with OpenVPN 3 iOS and Android
+    clients)
+  * Bug fixes
+    + Fix --tls-version-min and --tls-version-max for OpenSSL 1.1+
+    + Fix lots of compiler warnings (format string, type casts, ...)
+    + reload HTTP proxy credentials when moving to the next
+    connection profile
+    + Fix build with LibreSSL (multiple times)
+    + Remove non-useful warning on pushed tun-ipv6 option.
+    + autoconf: Fix engine checks for openssl 1.1
+    + lz4: Rebase compat-lz4 against upstream v1.7.5
+    + lz4: Fix broken builds when pkg-config is not present but
+    system library is
+    + Fix '--bind ipv6only'
+    + Allow learning iroutes with network made up of all 0s
+- Includes 2.4.4
+  * Bug fixes
+    + Fix issues when a pushed cipher via the Negotiable Crypto
+    Parameters (NCP) is rejected by the remote side
+    + Ignore --keysize when NCP have resulted in a changed cipher
+    + Configurations using --auth-nocache and the management
+    interface to provide user credentials (like NetworkManager)
+    on client side with servers implementing authentication
+    tokens (for example, using --auth-gen-token) will now behave
+    correctly and not query the user for an, to them, unknown
+    authentication token on renegotiations of the tunnel.
+    + Invalid or corrupt SOCKS port number when changing the proxy
+    via the management interface.
+    + man page should now have proper escaping of hyphen/minus
+    characters and other minor corrections.
+  * User-visible Changes
+    + Linux servers with systemd which use the openvpn-server@.service
+    unit file for server configurations will now utilize the
+    automatic restart feature in systemd. If the OpenVPN server
+    process dies unexpectedly, systemd will ensure the OpenVPN
+    configuration will be restarted automatically.
+  * Deprecated
+    + --no-replay (will be removed in 2.5)
+    + --keysize (will be removed in 2.6)
+  * Security
+    + CVE-2017-12166: Fix bounds check for configurations using
+  - -key-method 1. Before this fix, attackers could send a
+    malformed packet to trigger a stack overflow. This is
+    considered to be a low risk issue, as --key-method 2 has
+    been the default since 2.0 (released on 2005-04-17). This
+    option is already deprecated in v2.4 and will be completely
+    removed in v2.5.
+- Rebase openvpn-fips140-2.3.2.patch
+- Drop 0002-Fix-bounds-check-in-read_key.patch
+  * upstreamed in c7e259160b28e94e4ea7f0ef767f8134283af255
+- Partial cleanup with spec-cleaner
+- Add --askpass to ExecStart, so that the user name and password
+  are correctly being queried from the user.
+  (bsc#1078026, boo#985798, boo#1031748)
+- Use %service_add/del macros throughout (bsc#1038406).
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Corrected a bad directive file which resulted in
+  the "securetty" file to be installed as "macros.pam".
+  [pam.spec]
+- Added tmpfiles for pam to set up directory for pam_faillock.
+  [pam.conf]
+- Corrected macros.pam entry for %_pam_moduledir
+  Cleanup in pam.spec:
+  * Replaced all references to ${_lib}/security in pam.spec by
+  %{_pam_moduledir}
+  * Removed definition of (unused) "amdir".
+- Added new file macros.pam on request of systemd.
+  [bsc#1190052, macros.pam]
+- Added pam_faillock to the set of modules.
+  [jsc#sle-20638, pam-sle20638-add-pam_faillock.patch]
+- In the 32-bit compatibility package for 64-bit architectures,
+  require "systemd-32bit" to be also installed as it contains
+ for 32 bit applications.
+  [bsc#1185562, baselibs.conf]
+- If "LOCAL" is configured in access.conf, and a login attempt from
+  a remote host is made, pam_access tries to resolve "LOCAL" as
+  a hostname and logs a failure.
+  Checking explicitly for "LOCAL" and rejecting access in this case
+  resolves this issue.
+  [bsc#1184358, bsc1184358-prevent-LOCAL-from-being-resolved.patch]
+- pam_limits: "unlimited" is not a legitimate value for "nofile"
+  (see setrlimit(2)). So, when "nofile" is set to one of the
+  "unlimited" values, it is set to the contents of
+  "/proc/sys/fs/nr_open" instead.
+  Also changed the manpage of pam_limits to express this.
+  [bsc#1181443, pam-bsc1181443-make-nofile-unlimited-mean-nr_open.patch]
+- Add a definition for pamdir to pam.spec
+  So that a proper contents of macros.pam can be constructed.
+  [pam.spec]
+- Create macros.pam with definition of %_pamdir so packages which
+  are commonly shared between Factory and SLE can use this macro
+  [pam.spec]
+- pam_cracklib: added code to check whether the password contains
+  a substring of of the user's name of at least <N> characters length
+  in some form.
+  This is enabled by the new parameter "usersubstr=<N>"
+  See
+  [jsc#SLE-16719, jsc#SLE-16720, pam-pam_cracklib-add-usersubstr.patch]
+- pam_xauth.c: do not free() a string which has been (successfully)
+  passed to putenv().
+  [bsc#1177858, pam-bsc1177858-dont-free-environment-string.patch]
+- Initialize pam_unix pam_sm_acct_mgmt() local variable "daysleft"
+  to avoid spurious (and misleading)
+    Warning: your password will expire in ... days.
+  fixed upstream with commit db6b293046a
+  [bsc#1178727, pam-bsc1178727-initialize-daysleft.patch]
+- /usr/bin/xauth chokes on the old user's $HOME being on an NFS
+  file system. Run /usr/bin/xauth using the old user's uid/gid
+  Patch courtesy of Dr. Werner Fink.
+  [bsc#1174593, pam-xauth_ownership.patch]
+- Moved pam_userdb to a separate package pam-extra.
+  [bsc#1166510, pam.spec]
+- disable libdb usage and pam_userdb again, as this causes some license
+  conflicts. (bsc#1166510)
+- Add libdb as build-time dependency to enable pam_userdb module.
+  Enable
+  [jsc#sle-7258, bsc#1164562, pam.spec]
+- When comparing an incoming IP address with an entry in
+  access.conf that only specified a single host (ie no netmask),
+  the incoming IP address was used rather than the IP address from
+  access.conf, effectively comparing the incoming address with
+  itself.  (Also fixed a small typo while I was at it)
+  [bsc#1115640, use-correct-IP-address.patch, CVE-2018-17953]
+- Remove limits for nproc from /etc/security/limits.conf
+  ie remove pam-limit-nproc.patch
+  [bsc#1110700, pam-limit-nproc.patch]
+- pam_umask.8 needed to be patched as well.
+  [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch]
+- Changed order of configuration files to reflect actual code.
+  [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch]
+- Use %license (boo#1082318)
+- Prerequire group(shadow), user(root)
+- Allow symbolic hostnames in access.conf file.
+  [pam-hostnames-in-access_conf.patch, boo#1019866]
+- Increased nproc limits for non-privileged users to 4069/16384.
+  Removed limits for "root".
+  [pam-limit-nproc.patch, bsc#1012494, bsc#1013706]
+- pam-limit-nproc.patch: increased process limit to help
+  Chrome/Chromuim users with really lots of tabs. New limit gets
+  closer to UserTasksMax parameter in logind.conf
+- Add doc directory to filelist.
+- Remove obsolete README.pam_tally [bsc#977973]
+- Update Linux-PAM to version 1.3.0
+- Rediff encryption_method_nis.diff
+- Link pam_unix against libtirpc and external libnsl to enable
+  IPv6 support.
+- Add /sbin/unix2_chkpwd (moved from pam-modules)
+- Remove (since accepted upstream):
+  - 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch
+  - 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch
+  - 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch
+  - 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch
+  - 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch
+- Add 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch
+  - Replace IPv4 only functions
+- Fix typo in common-account.pamd [bnc#959439]
+- Add 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch
+  - readd PAM_EXTERN for external PAM modules
+- Add 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch
+- Add 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch
+- Add 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch
+- Add folder /etc/security/limits.d as mentioned in 'man pam_limits'
+- Update to version 1.2.1
+  - security update for CVE-2015-3238
+- Update to version 1.2.0
+  - obsoletes Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff
+- Re-add lost patch encryption_method_nis.diff [bnc#906660]
+- Update to current git:
+  - Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff replaces Linux-PAM-git-20140127.diff
+  - obsoletes pam_loginuid-log_write_errors.diff
+  - obsoletes pam_xauth-sigpipe.diff
+  - obsoletes bug-870433_pam_timestamp-fix-directory-traversal.patch
+- increase process limit to 1200 to help chromium users with many tabs
-- Adding patch pam_radius-bufferoverflow-CVE-2015-9542-fix.patch
-  to fix buffer overflow in password field (CVE-2015-9542)
-  (bsc#1163933 -  VUL-0: CVE-2015-9542: pam_radius: buffer overflow
-  in password field)
-- Some spec cleanups
-- Update to version 1.4.0
-  * The entry of the ChangeLog for this version is empty
-- Use %configure macro
-- Enable parallel build with %{?_smp_mflags}
-- Remove obsolete patches
-  * pam_radius-1.3.16.diff
-  * pam_radius-md5-ppc-fix.patch
-- Use download Url as source
-- Remove obsolete AUTHORS section
-- Do not copy INSTALL file into the package
-- Fix /etc/raddb attributes to avoid conflict with freeradius-server
-- package baselibs.conf
-- Supplement pam-32bit/pam-64bit in baselibs.conf (bnc#354164).
-- added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages
-  for multilib support
-- Fix MD5 support on PPC (360648).
-- Fix linking of shared library.
-- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
+- Change script to reference Python3 (bsc#1196709)
+  New patch: python3.patch
+- Change script to reference Python3 (bsc#1196709)
+  New patch: python3.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 0.5.1:
+  * changelog from 0.4.0 to 0.5.1:
-- Add decode support for RCECs [jsc#SLE-13735]
-- added patches
-  + pciutils-add-decode-support-for-RCECs.patch
-- Fix lspci outputs few of the VPD data fields are displayed as unknown (bsc#1170554, ltc#185587).
-  Added:
-  * pciutils-VPD-When-printing-item-IDs-escape-non-ASCII-characte.patch
-  * pciutils-VPD-Cleanup.patch
-  * pciutils-Add-decoding-of-vendor-specific-VPD-fields.patch
-- Update to version 3.5.6
-  * MN VPD keyword is decoded correctly.
-  * As usual, updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the
-    database.
-  * FreeBSD back-end: read-only access for non-root, support
-    DragonFly BSD, support extended config space.
-- Update to version 3.5.5
-  * Better decoding of AER capability.
-  * "Slot Implemented" flag is decoded for PCI/PCI-X to PCIe bridges.
-  * Minor fixes of decoding other capabilities.
-  * As usual, updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the
-    database.
-- cleanup with spec-cleaner
-- switch from ftp to https
-- track signature
-- Update to version 3.5.4:
-  * Previous version broke compilation on systems, for which
-    lib/types.h did not provide a 64-bit integer type. It is
-    provided everywhere now.
-- Changes for version 3.5.3:
-  * When lspci looks for Linux kernel modules, it uses the default
-  path to module directory provided by libkmod. Previously,
-  it tried to construct the path explicitly, which need not
-  work on all systems.
-  * Improved formatting of memory and I/O ranges behind a bridge.
-  * PCIe link capabilities now display GEN4 speed (16GT/s).
-  * PCIe device capabilities now show bits related to atomic
-    operations.
-- Changes for version 3.5.2:
-  * The L1 power management capability is now decoded more
-  thoroughly. Thanks to Rajat Jain for the patch.
-  * The table of configuration registers used by setpci
-  had a bug in the definition of SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID.
-- Update to version 3.5.1:
-  * Fixed symbol versioning of pci_init().
-- Update to version 3.5.0:
-  * New capabilities decoded: Downstream Port Containment,
-    Precision Time Measurement. Thanks to Keith Busch and
-    Jonathan Yong.
-  * Domain numbers extended to 31 bits. This will be used by the
-    Linux kernel on some machines in near future.
-  * Enhanced allocation regions are now decoded on Linux.
-  * The NetBSD back-end supports PCIe extended configuration space.
-  * Updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the database.
-- Version update to 3.4.1:
-  * New capabilities decoded: Process Address Space, Page Request
-    Interface, Enhanced Allocation. Thanks to David Daney and
-    David Woodhouse.
-  * DevCap SlotPowerLimit is now decoded for all components with
-    upstream ports.
-- Summary update
-- Update to 3.4.0
-  * On Linux, we report NUMA nodes of devices.
-  * The sysfs back-end does not die on read errors
-    of optional attributes. Instead, a warning is produced.
-  * Fixed several minor bugs.
-  * Updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the database.
-- Update to 3.3.1
-  * Removed hacks for backward compatibility with Linux libc5,
-    which were breaking newer non-glibc Linux systems. Thanks
-    to Felix Janda.
-  * Display VirtIO vendor-specific capability. Patch by Gerd
-    Hoffmann.
-  * Fixed memory leak in name cache.
-  * Updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the database.
-- Version bump to 3.3.0:
-  * Device names exported by BIOS are displayed on Linux.
-  * On Linux systems, HWDB is used to look up device names
-    when our ID database gives no match. (More precisely,
-    HWDB is consulted after local pci.ids, but before using
-    network to query online pci.ids.) Thanks to Tom Gundersen
-    for the initial patch.
-  * Added experimental back-end for OS X / Darwin. Thanks to
-    Richard Yao for providing it.
-  * Filters now support matching by device class. Original
-    patch by Matthew Wilcox, wrappers for ABI compatibility
-    by me.
-  * Interrupt Pin and Interrupt Line registers are displayed
-    for bridge devices, too.
-  * Several portability bugs have been fixed.
-  * Several typos have been fixed. Also, use of questionable
-    constructs in man pages has been reduced.
-  * PCIe link capabilities now include the ASPMOptComp bit.
-  * The "CRS Software Visibility" bit is now decoded properly.
-  * Updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the database.
-- Refresh patch:
-  * pciutils-endianh.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 21.12.2:
+  * Fix build with GCC 12 (standard attributes in middle of decl-specifiers)
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to PostfixAdmin 3.3.11
+  - Fix PHP 8 compatability for crypt() usage
+  - Support $CONF['database_port'] for MySQL databases
+- Fix lsslot showing "Unknown slot type" for recent PCIe slot types (bsc#1196411 ltc#196505).
+  - lsslot-Add-new-DRC-type-description-strings.patch
+- Fix setting HNV primary slave with NM (bsc#1195404 ltc#196259).
+  - 0007-Fix-NM-HNV-setting-primary-slave.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- actually drop remove-backports.patch
+- update to 0.3.4
+  * Fixed #153: Raise warnings in get_distributions() if bad
+    metadata seen, but keep going.
+  * Fixed #154: Determine Python versions correctly for Python >=
+    3.10.
+  * Updated launcher executables.
+- Drop obsolete remove-backports.patch
+- update to 0.3.3:
+  * Removed splituser() function which wasn't used and is deprecated.
+  * Handle version comparisons correctly in environment markers.
+  * Handle a single trailing comma following a version.
+  * Fix incorrect handling of epochs.
+  * Reverted handling of tags for Python >= 3.10
+    (use 310 rather than 3_10). This is because PEP 641 was rejected.
+  * removed unused regular expression
+  * allowed "Obsoletes" in more scenarios, to better handle faulty metadata
+    already on PyPI.
+  * added entry for SourcelessFileLoader to the finder registry.
+  * allowed a trailing comma in constraints, to better handle faulty metadata
+  already on PyPI
+- drop python-distlib-2048-bit-key.patch (obsolete)
+- Update the test self-signed certificate to use 2048-bit key.
+- Add python-distlib-2048-bit-key.patch
+- Update to 0.3.1:
+  * scripts
+    + Fixed #132: Added documentation to help with relative interpreter paths.
+    + Fixed #134: Allowed specifying a different target Python version when
+    generating scripts.
+    + Fixed #135: Exposed the ``enquote_executable`` function previously
+    implemented as an internal function.
+    + Addressed #138: Improved metadata support for newer metadata versions.
+  * wheel
+    + Changed the output of flags in entry point definitions.
+    + Stopped writing JSON metadata. Only old-style metadata is written now.
+- Refreshed remove-backports.patch
+- Add proper Provides/Obsoletes
+- Fix dealing with update-alternatives.
+- Introduce update-alternatives for
+  /usr/share/python-dmidecode/pymap.xml.
+- Brutal simplification of the SPEC file to the standard single-spec
+  Python one.
+- Removal of support for Python 2 (bsc#1193262)
+- Rename huge-memory.diff to huge-memory.patch (i.e., remove
+  huge-memory.diff and add huge-memory.patch).
+- Fix URL of Source0 (their own website is down, use GitHub
+  release).
+- Add 31-version_info-v-version.patch to make tests 3.10
+  compatible.
-- fix segfault in dmi_set_vendor (bnc#823328)
-- fix dmi_decode assertion during client registration
-  (bnc#720885)
-- fix Segfault when decoding DMI data in dmi_processor_id()
-  (bnc#713982)
-- initial release
+- memory-allocation-error.patch: fix a memory allocation error
+- Add CVE-2022-21699-unnecessary-privs.patch confining
+  executed process to have limited privileges. (CVE-2022-21699
+  bsc#1194936).
+- Add ipython-jedi018.patch to make ipython compatible with the
+  jedi version 0.18 (bsc#1195830).
+- update to version 7.16.1:
+  * Noticeable changes:
+    + Exceptions are now (re)raised when running notebooks via the
+    :magic:`%run`, helping to catch issues in workflows and
+    pipelines. :ghpull:`12301`
+    + Fix inputhook for qt 5.15.0 :ghpull:`12355`
+    + Fix wx inputhook :ghpull:`12375`
+    + Add handling for malformed pathext env var (Windows)
+    :ghpull:`12367`
+    + use $SHELL in system_piped :ghpull:`12360` for uniform behavior
+    with ipykernel.
+  * Reproducible Build
+- specfile:
+  * removed opensuse-disable-net-test.patch, wikipedia file is not accessed anymore
+- update to version 7.15.0:
+  * Misc Noticeable changes:
+    + Long completion name have better elision in terminal
+    :ghpull:`12284`
+    + I've started to test on Python 3.9 :ghpull:`12307` and fix some
+    errors.
+    + Hi DPI scaling of figures when using qt eventloop
+    :ghpull:`12314`
+    + Document the ability to have systemwide configuration for
+    IPython. :ghpull:`12328`
+    + Fix issues with input autoformatting :ghpull:`12336`
+    + IPython.core.debugger.Pdb is now interruptible (:ghpull:`12168`,
+    in 7.14 but forgotten in release notes)
+    + Video HTML attributes (:ghpull:`12212`, in 7.14 but forgotten in
+    release notes)
+  * Reproducible Build
+  * NEP29: Last version to support Python 3.6
+  * Highlighted features
+    + Increase Tab Completion Menu Height
+    + Autoformat Code in the terminal
+- Update to version 7.14.0
+  IPython  7.14 is a minor release that fix a couple of bugs and prepare
+  compatibility with new or future versions of some libraries.
+  * Fix compatibility with Sphinx 3+
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12235
+  * Remove deprecated matplotlib parameter usage, compatibility with
+    matplotlib3.3+
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12250
+  * set ``.py`` extension when editing current buffer in vi/emacs.
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12167
+  * support for unicode identifiers in ``?``/``??``
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12208
+  * add extra options to the ``Video`` Rich objects
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12212
+  * add pretty-printing to ``SimpleNamespace``
+    gh#ipython/ipython#12230
+- add opensuse-disable-net-test.patch to disable network access
+  during new test_embed_svg_url
+- update to version 5.2.0 (bsc#1191205)
+  - Add bindep file
+  - Use 'KeyValueAppendAction' from osc-lib
+  - Bump lower constraint of MarkupSafe
+  - Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
+  - Don't look up project by id if given id
+  - Add storage policy option to create container command
+  - Stop configuring install_command in tox and stop use pip.
+  - Update http links in docs
+  - Doc: launchpad => storyboard
+  - Allow setting floating IP description
+  - Deflate .htaccess
+  - Fix network segment range "_get_ranges" function
+  - Fix copypaste errors in access rule command
+  - Remove redundant OpenStackShell.prepare_to_run_command
+  - Remove plugin projects from test-requirements.txt
+  - neutron: autogenerate docs
+  - Incorrect title for service provider
+  - Add plugin doc page for watcher
+  - Show correct name for resource with quota set to zero
+  - Disallow setting default on internal network
+  - Fix openstack server list --deleted --marker option
+  - Add support for app cred access rules
+  - Fix plugin autodoc generation
+  - Switch image to use SDK
+  - Provide stderr in exception when check_parser fails
+  - Microversion 2.79: Add delete_on_termination to volume-attach API
+  - Complete switch from glanceclient to SDK for image service
+  - Use autoprogram-cliff for remaining plugin docs
+  - Bump tox minversion
+  - Add unit tests and release note for dns_publish_fixed_ip
+  - common: autogenerate docs
+  - Update master for stable/train
+  - Create Volume v3 functional tests
+  - Change dockerhub password
+  - Honor endpoint override from config for volume
+  - Fix functional tests for py3
+  - Stop testing python 2 in tox and zuul.
+  - Raise hacking to more recent 2.0.0
+  - Now we can add description for role creation in OSC
+  - Build utility image for using osc
+  - Replace port 35357 with 5000 for "auth_url"
+  - Switch to using osc_lib.utils.tags
+  - Split plugin docs per project
+  - Fix router create/show if extraroute not supported
+  - Add qos_network_policy_id to network port tests
+  - Link to (some) plugin doc pages
+  - Refactor AggregateTests
+  - Remove trailing newline from dockerhub secret
+  - Update a stale doc reference to use :neutron-doc:
+  - Add dns_publish_fixed_ip attribute to subnets
+  - Fix osc-lib interface change: catch osc-lib Forbidden
+  - Use SDK to get compute API extensions
+  - Add placement to known plugins
+  - Update the content about Import Format
+  - compute: autogenerate docs
+  - versions: Fix 'versions show' help message
+  - Add parent project filter for listing projects
+  - Raise flake8-import-order version to latest
+  - Add "fields" parameter to ListSecurityGroup query
+  - openstack.cli: autogenerate docs
+  - Add redirect testing
+  - Stop silently ignoring invalid 'server create --hint' options
+  - Produce complete content for plugin docs
+  - Remove mention of meetings from docs
+  - Update image building jobs
+  - Add 'openstack server migrate (confirm|revert)' commands
+  - Complete "Drop python2 support" goal
+  - Fix faulthy state argument choice
+- add obsoletes
+- remove nonsensical update-alternatives, which leaves an empty file behind
+- switch to python 3.x only package
+- update to version 4.0.0
+  - Batch up minor cleanups for release
+  - Bump min osc-lib to 1.14.0
+  - Fix RuntimeError when showing project which has extra properties
+  - Fix BFV server list handling with --name-lookup-one-by-one
+  - Fix typo: "to and endpoint"
+  - Fix functional.base.TestCase.openstack() to optionally omit --os-auth-type
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in image commands
+  - Add server add/remove volume description for microversion 2.20
+  - Document that server dump create requires 2.17
+  - Remove code migrated to osc-lib long ago
+  - Fix docs bug link to go to storyboard rather than launchpad
+  - Mention compute service set --up|--down requires 2.11 or greater
+  - Update master for stable/stein
+  - Compute: Add description support for server
+  - Remove deprecated volume commands and args
+  - Volume backup functional test tweak
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in network commands
+  - Deprecate openstack server migrate --host option
+  - Ignore case in security group rule --ethertype
+  - Add host and hypervisor_hostname to create servers
+  - Delete the LB object quotas set command in openstackclient
+  - Rename to
+  - Fix: incorrect check when no shared/private input
+  - Remove deprecated image commands
+  - Tweak network segment range fiunction tests
+  - Default to Cinder v3 API
+  - Fix <id> description for --block-device-mapping
+  - Add floating IP Port Forwarding commands
+  - Format aggregate command fields and de-race functional tests
+  - docs: clarify compute service --service option
+  - Fix bug in endpoint group deletion
+  - Format location columns in network commands
+  - Fix --limit option in image list sub-command
+  - Add 'openstack server resize (confirm|revert)' commands
+  - openstack port create support --extra-dhcp-option
+  - Update release table for Train and 4.0.0
+  - Update api-ref location
+  - Add openstack server create --boot-from-volume option
+  - Microversion 2.73: Support adding the reason behind a server lock
+  - Aggregate functional test tweak
+  - Bump lower constraint of python-zunclient
+  - Follow-up: fix the invalid releasenote link
+  - Change default security group protocol to 'any'
+  - Followup opendev cleanup and test jobs
+  - OpenDev Migration Patch
+  - Fix link to new opendev repo
+  - Remove token_endpoint auth type
+  - Allow "server migrate" (not live) to take "--host" option
+  - Add 'security_group' type support to network rbac commands
+  - Bump hacking version
+  - Fix: set invalid None project_id on range creation
+  - Stop leaving temp files after unit test runs
+  - Support type=image with --block-device-mapping option
+  - Remove races in floating ip functional tests
+  - Remove deprecated network options
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in volume v1 commands
+  - Fix compute service set handling for 2.53+
+  - Add changes-before attribute to server list
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in identity commands
+  - Support IPv6 addresses better
+  - Fix service discovery in functional tests
+  - Serialize more aggregate functional tests
+  - Update the constraints url
+  - Add CLI argument tests before making changes
+  - More aggregate functional race chasing
+  - Dropping the py35 testing
+  - Remove deprecated compute commands
+  - Add Python 3 Train unit tests
+  - Blacklist Bandit 1.6.0 due to directory exclusion bug
+  - Remove deprecated identity commands and args
+  - Microversion 2.77: Support Specifying AZ to unshelve
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in object storage commands
+  - Document 2.53 behavior for compute service list/delete
+  - document the --timing option
+  - Add server event command documentation for compute API 2.21
+  - Update sphinx requirement.
+  - Fix module paths for volumev3 volume backup commands
+  - Make configuration show not require auth
+  - Before writing object data to stdout, re-open it in binary mode
+  - Add doc and relnote for review 639652
+  - Clean up app initialization and config
+  - Use cliff formattable columns in volume v2 commands
+- update to version 3.18.0
+  - Fix missing trailing spaces in network help messages
+  - Add volume backend capability show command
+  - Add metavar for name parameter in subnet create
+  - Modify the help message for 'registered limit set'
+  - image/v2: support multiple property filters
+  - Add note about version 2.5 when listing servers using --ip6
+  - Add dns-domain support to Network object
+  - Fix broken gate jobs
+  - Fix 'project purge' deleting wrong project's servers and volumes
+  - Support enable/disable uplink status propagation
+  - Allow endpoint filtering on both project and project-domain
+  - Add --key-name and --key-unset option for server rebuild API.
+  - Remove invalid 'unlock-volume' migration arg
+  - Default --nic to 'auto' if creating a server with >= 2.37
+  - Add monascaclient to `not plugins` list
+  - import zuul job settings from project-config
+  - Add DNS support to floating IP commands
+  - More state handling in volume transfer requests functional tests
+  - Updated the take_actions for unified limits
+  - More volume functional test fixes
+  - Use devstack functional base job
+  - Add --property option to 'server rebuild' command
+  - This fix removes an erroneous underscore found within the function named
+  - Partially Revert "Add command to unset information from Subnet-pools"
+  - API microversion 2.69: Handles Down Cells
+  - Don't display router's is_ha and is_distributed attributes always
+  - trivial: modify spelling error of project
+  - Disabling c-backup service for osc-functional-devstack-tips job
+  - Detailed help message for QoS max-burst-kbps value
+  - Update release note version reference table
+  - Update reno for stable/rocky
+  - Update the Neutron CLI decoder document
+  - Make use of keystoneauth service-type filtering for versions
+  - add python 3.6 unit test job
+  - Deprecate volume create --project and --user options
+  - trivial: remove commented-out code
+  - Typo fix
+  - Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss
+  - Remove str() when setting network objects names
+  - Add Python 3.6 classifier to setup.cfg
+  - Replace assertEqual(True/False, expr) with assertTrue/assertFalse
+  - Remove testr.conf as it's been replaced by stestr
+  - Add py36 env
+  - add lib-forward-testing-python3 test job
+  - Fix inconsistency (nit)
+  - osc-included image signing (using openstacksdk)
+  - Update the URL in doc
+  - Add possibility to filter images using member_status
+  - Handle multiple ports in AddFloatingIP
+  - Mention 2.51 in help for openstack server event show
+  - Add osc repo to the base job definition
+  - Add --name-lookup-one-by-one option to server list
+  - switch documentation job to new PTI
+  - Add floating IP filter to floating IP list command
+  - Address issues from volume backend commands
+  - Paginate over usage list to return all usages
+  - fix tox python3 overrides
+  - Fix i18n issue
+  - Add network segment range command object
+  - Improve document 'openstack complete'
+  - Add volume backup import/export commands
+  - Supports router gateway IP QoS
+  - Add volume backend pool list command
+  - fix multiple server delete produce multiple new lines
+  - Fix some spaces in help messages
+  - Fix: Restore output 'VolumeBackupsRestore' object is not iterable
+  - Fix help message for subnetpool default-quota value
+  - Use os-cloud instead of OS env vars for functional tests
+  - Fix help message of image add project
+  - Handle not having cinderclient.v1 available
+  - Mention compute API 2.50 in openstack quota show --class
+  - Add support for get details of Quota
+  - Add --attached / --detached parameter to volume set
+  - add python 3.7 unit test job
+  - Remove python-ceilometerclient
+  - Use templates for cover and lower-constraints
+  - Add project param in LimitList parser
+- update to version 3.16.2
+  - Fix 'project purge' deleting wrong project's servers and volumes
+  - Allow endpoint filtering on both project and project-domain
+  - Handle multiple ports in AddFloatingIP
+  - Default --nic to 'auto' if creating a server with >= 2.37
+- update to version 3.16.1
+  - Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/rocky
+  - Update .gitreview for stable/rocky
+  - import zuul job settings from project-config
+  - Fix broken gate jobs
+- update to version 3.16.0
+  - Implement support for registered limits
+  - Prevent "server migrate --wait" from hanging
+  - Pass volume snapshot size to volume create
+  - Update reno for stable/queens
+  - neutron: add --mtu for create/set network
+  - Make osc-functional-devstack-tips actually use tips
+  - Update role document to include system parameter
+  - Imported Translations from Zanata
+  - Format port_details field of Floating IP
+  - Rename python-openstacksdk to openstacksdk
+  - Fix limits show command without Nova and Cinder
+  - Clean up W503 and E402 pep8 errors
+  - Correct application credential usage doc
+  - Use Server.to_dict() rather than Server._info
+  - Support filtering port with IP address substring
+  - Retry floating IP tests
+  - Remove deprecated ip floating commands
+  - Fix volume type functional tests
+  - Display private flavors in server list
+  - Fix server show for microversion 2.47
+  - compute: host: expand kwargs in host_set() call
+  - Zuul: Remove project name
+  - Add release note link in README
+  - Fix docs from I0dc80bee3ba6ff4ec8cc3fc113b6de7807e0bf2a
+  - Add support for endpoint group commands
+  - Fix crashing "console log show"
+  - Add project tags functionality
+  - Fix additional output encoding issues
+  - Add ability to filter image list by tag
+  - Replace pbr autodoc with sphinxcontrib-apidoc
+  - Add help for nova interface-list to decoder
+  - Slow down and retry aggregate create/delete to lessen race
+  - Add --image-property parameter in 'server create'
+  - Change bug url to a correct one
+  - Add support for "--dns-domain" argument
+  - Add cliff project link
+  - Update command test for volume.v3
+  - Fix the `role implies list` command.
+  - Add command to show all service versions
+  - compute: limit the service's force down command above 2.10
+  - Update help text for encryption provider
+  - Update links in README
+  - Trivial: Update pypi url to new url
+  - Add system role functionality
+  - Remove duplicated network attributes
+  - Fix tox -e venv -- reno new <slug>
+  - Implement support for project limits
+  - Add bgp commands to neutron decoder
+  - Add support to list image members
+  - Release note cleanup for 3.16.0 release
+  - Allow setting network-segment on subnet update
+  - Use find_ip from openstacksdk
+  - Network: Add tag support for security group
+  - Skip calls to glance and nova when got no servers
+  - Network: Add tag support for floating ip
+  - Fix typo in 'floating ip associate' command and doc
+  - Fix functional job failed
+  - Cleanup error messages on failure
+  - Don't sent disk_over_commit if nova api > 2.24
+  - Add CRUD support for application credentials
+  - Optimize _prep_server_detail to avoid redundant find_resource
+  - Fix error with image show when image name is None
+  - Make max_burst_kbps option as optional for bw limit QoS rule
+  - Fix subnet host_routes error
+  - add lower-constraints job
+  - Re-implement novaclient bits removed in 10.0
+  - Adding api_version to FakeApp
+  - Make functional-tips job voting
+  - Do not require port argument when updating floating IP
+  - Support --community in openstack image list
+  - Fix lower-constraints.txt
+  - Compute: Add description support for flavor
+  - Updated from global requirements
+  - Make Profile fallback go bye-bye
+  - Fix urls in README.rst
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Allow --domain to be used for identity commands without lookup
-  * Add domain parameters to user show for Identity V3
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Support for keystone auth plugins
-  * CRUD operations for federated protocols
-  * Update for cliff commandmanager >=1.6.1
-  * Pass in domain and project as positional args, not kwargs
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Implement CRUD operations for Mapping objects
-  * Fix issues with object related commands
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Update gitignore
-  * Add some code-blocks to the docs
-  * Place the command to generate docs on one line
-  * Remove duplicate env function in
-  * Create a whole slew of functional tests for identity
-  * Add functional tests to osc
-  * Move object-store commands to low-level API
-  * Add low-level API base class
-  * Test top-to-bottom: object-store containers
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * utils.find_resource does not catch right exception
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Remove unused reference to keyring
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * v3 credential set always needs --user option
-  * Use oslo.utils
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Change help text for image save command
-  * Fixing typo and improving docstring of find_domain
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * Acknowlege git.o.o as OpenStack's git server
-  * Add service catalog commands
-  * Return current user/project for user/project show commands
-  * Add support for 'file' format objects
-  * Add preliminary save container support
-  * Add preliminary support for downloading objects
-  * Stop using intersphinx
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  0.4.1
-  * Use Keystone client session.Session
-  * Multiple args for object and container commands
-  * Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing
-  * Add network extension list
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Update docs and release notes for 0.4.1 release
-  * Add action 'user password set' for identiy v3
-  * Unordered dicts and lists causes variable results
-  * Leverage openstack.common.importutils for import_class
-  * Sync with oslo-incubator and add importutils
-  * assertEquals order wrong
-  * Make Identity client load like the others
-  * Fix server add security group
-  * Fix security group list for non-admin
-  * Change app.restapi to app.client_manager.session
-  * Network use enable/disable vs admin state up/down
-  * add service/interface/region filter for endpoint v3
-- Update BuildRequires and Requires
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Add i18n module to openstackclient
-  * Create message variables for exceptions
-  * Add oslo.i18n as a dependency
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * add tests for identity v3 endpoint
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * add tests for identity v3 domain
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * a mistake in tests/identity/v3/
-  * Add commands for object upload and delete
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * test_find_resource fails if run alone
-  * Use oslosphinx to generate documentation
-  * user create v2.0 depends on tenantId in response
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * v3 endpoint set shouldn't always need service option
-  * Add container create and delete support
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Cleanup README.rst
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * fix typo in identity/v3/
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * More make_client() logging cleanup
-  * Add more columns to image list output
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Change V2 image tests to actually run V2 image code
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Normalize more help strings
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fix PEP8 E302 errors
-  * Change object API_NAME to 'object_store'
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fix IDP commands
-  * Update help text for some network commands
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Add Python 3 support
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fix server resize
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Add basic timing support
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Domain administrator cannot do project operations
-  * Allow network find to use alternate name
-  * Add support to list volume extensions
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Clean up make_client() logging
-  * Python 3: do not compare a list to a zip object
-  * Catch SystemExit for parse args
-  * Python 3: remove a useless code to safe_encode()
-  * Add support to list compute extensions
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Replaced some UTF-8 characters with ASCII characters
-  * Move network stuff to v2 instead of v2_0
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Remove keyring support from openstackclient
-  * trust authentication
-  * Python 3: do not use __builtin__
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * Remove backslash usage from a few tests
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Sort/clean setup.cfg
-  * Rename token classes to match command
-  * Fix PEP8 E126 and E202 errors
-  * Fix PEP8 E265 errors
-  * Fix PEP8 H405 errors
-  * Fixed typos in the identity client
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Network CRUD
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * sync oslo bits
-  0.4.0
-  * Update docs and release notes for 0.4.0
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * Complete Identity v3 list command filters
-  * Change the token verb to issue/revoke
-  * Update docs template
-  * Add a docs job to tox.ini
-  * Fix find_resource for keystone and cinder
-  * Refactor role list subcommand for identity v3 api
-  * Add token delete command for identity v2
-- add python_requires service
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Image create and set command updates and tests
-  * Refactor oauth1 code for updates
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Clean up logging levels
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Ignore most of the new hacking 0.9.2 rules
-  * Add support for extension list
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Add role assignments list support to identity v3
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * replace string format arguments with function parameters
-  * Add tests for identity endpoints
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fixed several typos throughout the codebase
-  * Fix server image create
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Change volume create --volume-type to --type
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Implement CRUD operations for Identity Providers
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Display all server log when --lines option is None
-  * Fix help message for `ip floating delete`
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * volume type create should display properties
-  * Skip auth in cinderclient
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * Fix the project option to user list so it filters
-  * Make endpoint commands more consistent
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Pass arguments to v3 keystoneclient by kwarg
-  * Make bash comple command best effort to authorize
-  * In anticipation of network agents, rename compute
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * move read_blob_file_contents to utils
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Correct display of project/tenant id on display of credentials
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Produce a useful error message for NoUniqueMatch
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * identity v3 allow project list filtering by domain
-  * Add ability to set key value pairs in projects
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fix 'keypair show' command output
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * add interface and url to endpoint list
-  * Fixed spelling error, compatability to compatibility
-  * Fixed Spelling errors - compatability to compatibility
-  * Fixed spelling errors - occurance to occurence
-  * Updated from global requirements
-  * Add --volume option to image create command
-  0.3.1
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Update release notes for 0.3.1
-  * Fix format errors in nova security group rule list
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Use cacert values when creating identity client
-  * Fix volume commands with multiple regions
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Fix some help strings
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Add ability to prompt for passwords for user create and set
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Update oslo incubator bits
-  * Rename Openstack to OpenStack
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * Python 3: the content of a FakeResponse must be bytes
-  * Glance client no longer isa http client
-- Run testr directly
-- Update to version python-openstackclient-
-  * FakeResponse: use a default status code
-  * Python 3: fix a syntax error
-  * Fix misspellings in python openstackclient
-- Replace git_tarballs source service with download_files and set_version
-  + Use upstream URL as source (enables verification)
-- Update to version
-  + Add token create subcommand for identity v3 api
-- Update to version
-  + Fix keyring issue where there were name space problems
-  + Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Add token create subcommand for identity v2 api
-  + Remove remaining print statements
-  + Remove copyright from empty files
-- Update to version
-  + Fix image set properties error
-  + Sync with global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Displaying curl commands for nova and cinder calls
-  + Fix errant underscores
-- Update to version
-  + Add support for specifying custom domains
-- Update to version
-  + Closes-Bug: #1262322 Make links clickable
-- Update to version
-  + Release notes for 0.3.0 release
-  + Closes-Bug: #1262321
-- Update to version
-  + Remove mox3 requirement
-- Update to version
-  + Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Update docs for plugins and release notes
-  + Bring RESTApi closer to ithe imminent keystoneclient.Session
-- Update to version
-  + Update OSC's CommandManager subclass
-  + Add missing requests and six requirements
-  + Add module list command
-- Run testsuite during build (%check section) and obsolete the test
-  package. An overall simplification of the test process
-- Fixed totally broken dependencies
-- Update to version
-  + Add return Closes-Bug: 1246356
-- Update to version
-  + Restore Object API name 'object-store'
-- switch to python-setuptools
-- Update to version
-  + Expand support for command extensions
-- Update to version
-  + Support building wheels (PEP-427)
-  + Fix typo
-  + change execute to run
-  + Complete basic test infrastructure
-  + Add server image create command
-- Update to version
-  + Update URL for global hacking doc and fix typos
-- Update to version
-  + Remove httpretty from test requirements
-  + Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Do lookups for user, project in volume create
-- Update to version
-  + Adjust to non-deprecated names in Keyring 1.6.+
-- remove 0001-Adjust-to-non-deprecated-names-in-Keyring-1.6.patch
-- add 0001-Adjust-to-non-deprecated-names-in-Keyring-1.6.patch
-- fix requires
-- Update to version
-  + Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Add options to support TLS certificate verification
-  + Add to clientmanager tests
-  + Sync oslo-incubator for py33 fixes
-- Update to version
-  + Updated from global requirements
-- Update to version
-  + Add object-store show commands
-- Update to version
-  + Fix security group entrypoints
-  + Sort entrypoints in setup.cfg
-  + Update release notes for 0.2.2
-- Update to version
-  + Delay authentication to handle commands that do not require it
-- Update to version
-  + Update tox.ini for new tox 1.6 config
-  + Prepare for Identity v3 tests
-  + Identity v3 tests
-- Update to version
-  + Update requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt
-  + Refactor fake data for projects and users
-  + Add Identity v2 role and service tests
-- Update to version
-  + Object API commands using our REST API layer
-- Update to version
-  + Create a new base REST API interface
-- Update to version
-  + Re-order oauth commands and sync with keystoneclient
-- Update to version
-  + Add Identity v2 user tests
-- Update to version
-  + Add Identity v2 project tests
-- Update to version 0.2.1:
-  + Sync with global requirements
-  + Add release notes in docs
-- Update to version 0.2.rc1.2.gaf87489:
-  + Modify to just run tox
-  + Change version reporting to use pbr
-- Only require discover on SLE
-- added python-keyring to requires
-- fix requires
-- Initial package
+- removed 0001-Fix-typo-in-logger.warning-call.patch
+- update to version 2.0.2 (bsc#1191205):
+  * [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing
+- switch to stable/ussuri spec template (bsc#1191205)
-- Add CVE-2021-3572-split-unicode-separators.patch stopping the script
-  from splitting references on Unicode separators (CVE-2021-3572,
-  bsc#1186819).
+- Switch this package to use update-alternatives for all files
+  in %{_bindir} so it doesn't collide with the versions on
+  "the latest" versions of Python interpreter (jsc#SLE-18038,
+  bsc#1195831).
+- Add CVE-2021-3572-split-unicode-separators.patch stopping the script
+  from splitting references on Unicode separators (CVE-2021-3572,
+  bsc#1186819).
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1175297, jsc#ECO-3035, jsc#PM-2318)
+- Skip virtualenv tests that are pinned to old virtualenv 16
+- update to 20.0.2
+- add setuptools-45.1.0-py3-none-any.whl for testsuite
+- drop pytest5.patch
+  * Fix a regression in generation of compatibility tags
+  * Rename an internal module, to avoid ImportErrors due to improper uninstallation
+  * Switch to a dedicated CLI tool for vendoring dependencies.
+  * Remove wheel tag calculation from pip and use packaging.tags. This should provide more tags ordered better than in prior releases.
+  * Deprecate builds that do not generate an .egg-info directory.
+  * The pip>=20 wheel cache is not retro-compatible with previous versions. Until pip 21.0, pip will continue to take advantage of existing legacy cache entries.
+  * Deprecate undocumented --skip-requirements-regex option.
+  * Deprecate passing install-location-related options via --install-option.
+  * Use literal "abi3" for wheel tag on CPython 3.x, to align with PEP 384 which only defines it for this platform.
+  * Remove interpreter-specific major version tag e.g. cp3-none-any from consideration. This behavior was not documented strictly, and this tag in particular is not useful. Anyone with a use case can create an issue with pypa/packaging.
+  * Wheel processing no longer permits wheels containing more than one top-level .dist-info directory.
+  * Support for the git+git@ form of VCS requirement is being deprecated and will be removed in pip 21.0. Switch to git+https:// or git+ssh://. git+git:// also works but its use is discouraged as it is insecure.
+  * Default to doing a user install (as if --user was passed) when the main site-packages directory is not writeable and user site-packages are enabled.
+  * Warn if a path in PATH starts with tilde during pip install.
+  * Cache wheels built from Git requirements that are considered immutable, because they point to a commit hash.
+  * Add option --no-python-version-warning to silence warnings related to deprecation of Python versions.
+  * Cache wheels that pip wheel built locally, matching what pip install does. This particularly helps performance in workflows where pip wheel is used for building before installing. Users desiring the original behavior can use pip wheel --no-cache-dir
+  * Display CA information in pip debug.
+  * Show only the filename (instead of full URL), when downloading from PyPI.
+  * Suggest a more robust command to upgrade pip itself to avoid confusion when the current pip command is not available as pip.
+  * Define all old pip console script entrypoints to prevent import issues in stale wrapper scripts.
+  * The build step of pip wheel now builds all wheels to a cache first, then copies them to the wheel directory all at once. Before, it built them to a temporary directory and moved them to the wheel directory one by one.
+  * Expand ~ prefix to user directory in path options, configs, and environment variables. Values that may be either URL or path are not currently supported, to avoid ambiguity:
+  - -find-links
+  - -constraint, -c
+  - -requirement, -r
+  - -editable, -e
+  * Correctly handle system site-packages, in virtual environments created with venv (PEP 405).
+  * Fix case sensitive comparison of pip freeze when used with -r option.
+  * Enforce PEP 508 requirement format in pyproject.toml build-system.requires.
+  * Make ensure_dir() also ignore ENOTEMPTY as seen on Windows.
+  * Fix building packages which specify backend-path in pyproject.toml.
+  * Do not attempt to run clean after a pep517 build error, since a may not exist in that case.
+  * Fix passwords being visible in the index-url in "Downloading <url>" message.
+  * Change method from shutil.remove to shutil.rmtree in
+  * Skip running tests which require subversion, when svn isn't installed
+  * Fix not sending client certificates when using --trusted-host.
+  * Make sure pip wheel never outputs pure python wheels with a python implementation tag. Better fix/workaround for #3025 by using a per-implementation wheel cache instead of caching pure python wheels with an implementation tag in their name.
+  * Include subdirectory URL fragments in cache keys.
+  * Fix typo in warning message when any of --build-option, --global-option and --install-option is used in requirements.txt
+  * Fix the logging of cached HTTP response shown as downloading.
+  * Effectively disable the wheel cache when it is not writable, as is the case with the http cache.
+  * Correctly handle relative cache directory provided via --cache-dir.
+  *
+- Update to version 19.3.1
+  * Document Python 3.8 support.
+  * Fix bug that prevented installation of PEP 517 packages without
+  * Remove undocumented support for un-prefixed URL requirements pointing to SVN repositories.
+  * Remove the deprecated --venv option from pip config.
+  * Make pip show warn about packages not found.
+  * Abort installation if any archive contains a file which would be placed outside the extraction location.
+  * pip's CLI completion code no longer prints a Traceback if it is interrupted.
+  * Ignore errors copying socket files for local source installs (in Python 3).
+  * Skip copying .tox and .nox directories to temporary build directories
+  * Ignore "require_virtualenv" in pip config
+- Update to version 19.2.2:
+  * Merge pull request #6827 from cjerdonek/issue-6804-find-links-expansion
+  * Fix handling of tokens (single part credentials) in URLs (#6818)
+  * Simplify the handling of "typing.cast"
+- Update to version 19.2.1:
+  * Fix a ``NoneType`` ``AttributeError`` when evaluating hashes and no hashes provided
+  * Drop support for EOL Python 3.4.
+  * Credentials will now be loaded using keyring when installed
+  * Fully support using --trusted-host inside requirements files
+  * Update timestamps in pip's --log file to include milliseconds
+  * Respect whether a file has been marked as "yanked" from a simple repository (see PEP 592 for details)
+  * When choosing candidates to install, prefer candidates with a hash matching one of the user-provided hashes
+  * Improve the error message when METADATA or PKG-INFO is None when accessing metadata
+  * Add a new command pip debug that can display e.g. the list of compatible tags for the current Python
+  * Display hint on installing with --pre when search results include pre-release versions
+  * Report to Warehouse that pip is running under CI if the PIP_IS_CI environment variable is set
+  * Allow --python-version to be passed as a dotted version string (e.g. 3.7 or 3.7.3)
+  * Log the final filename and SHA256 of a .whl file when done building a wheel
+  * Include the wheel's tags in the log message explanation when a candidate wheel link is found incompatible
+  * Add a --path argument to pip freeze to support --target installations
+  * Add a --path argument to pip list to support --target installations
+- from version 19.2.0
+  * Drop support for EOL Python 3.4. (#6685)
+  * Improve deprecation messages to include the version in which
+    the functionality will be removed. (#6549)
+  * Credentials will now be loaded using keyring when installed. (#5948)
+  * Fully support using --trusted-host inside requirements files. (#3799)
+  * Update timestamps in pip’s --log file to include milliseconds. (#6587)
+  * Respect whether a file has been marked as “yanked” from a simple
+    repository (see PEP 592 for details). (#6633)
+  * When choosing candidates to install, prefer candidates with a
+    hash matching one of the user-provided hashes. (#5874)
+  * Improve the error message when METADATA or PKG-INFO is None
+    when accessing metadata. (#5082)
+  * Add a new command pip debug that can display e.g. the
+    list of compatible tags for the current Python. (#6638)
+  * Display hint on installing with --pre when search results
+    include pre-release versions. (#5169)
+  * Report to Warehouse that pip is running under CI
+    if the PIP_IS_CI environment variable is set. (#5499)
+  * Allow --python-version to be passed as a dotted
+    version string (e.g. 3.7 or 3.7.3). (#6585)
+  * Log the final filename and SHA256 of a .whl file when done building a wheel. (#5908)
+  * Include the wheel’s tags in the log message explanation when
+    a candidate wheel link is found incompatible. (#6121)
+  * Add a --path argument to pip freeze to support --target installations. (#6404)
+  * Add a --path argument to pip list to support --target installations. (#6551)
+  * Set sys.argv[0] to the underlying when invoking via
+    the setuptools shim so setuptools doesn’t think the path is -c. (#1890)
+  * Update pip download to respect the given --python-version
+    when checking "Requires-Python". (#5369)
+  * Respect --global-option and --install-option when installing
+    from a version control url (e.g. git). (#5518)
+  * Make the “ascii” progress bar really be “ascii” and not Unicode. (#5671)
+  * Fail elegantly when trying to set an incorrectly formatted key in config. (#5963)
+  * Prevent DistutilsOptionError when prefix is indicated in the
+    global environment and --target is used. (#6008)
+  * Fix pip install to respect --ignore-requires-python when evaluating links. (#6371)
+  * Fix a debug log message when freezing an editable,
+    non-version controlled requirement. (#6383)
+  * Extend to Subversion 1.8+ the behavior of calling Subversion
+    in interactive mode when pip is run interactively. (#6386)
+  * Prevent pip install <url> from permitting directory traversal if e.g. a malicious
+    server sends a Content-Disposition header with a filename containing ../ or ..\\.
+    (#6413) (bsc#1176262, CVE-2019-20916)
+  * Hide passwords in output when using --find-links. (#6489)
+  * Include more details in the log message if pip freeze can’t generate
+    a requirement string for a particular distribution. (#6513)
+  * Add the line number and file location to the error message when reading an
+    invalid requirements file in certain situations. (#6527)
+  * Prefer os.confstr to ctypes when extracting glibc version info. (#6543, #6675)
+  * Improve error message printed when an invalid editable requirement is provided. (#6648)
+  * Improve error message formatting when a command errors out in a subprocess. (#6651)
+- Add patch to build with pytest5, also sent upstream:
+  * pytest5.patch
+- Update to version 19.1.1+git.1557777841.63878672:
+  * Update news file to match usual style
+  * fix-5963: assert error message
+  * Simplify CandidateEvaluator.evaluate_link().
+  * Fix 6486 mac gitignore (#6487)
+  * Store instances in the VcsSupport registry instead of classes.
+  * Remove unused cls argument from VcsSupport.unregister().
+  * fix-5963: Add news file
+  * fix-5963: fail elegantly on missing name or section in config set / unset
+  * Remove unnecessary slices.
+  * Fix typo.
+- Switch to multibuild, so testing is separate from the building
+  of the package itself.
+- Update to version 19.1.1+git.1557521541.a731e7e3:
+  * Docs: capitalize "URL"
+  * Upgrade Sphinx version for Read the Docs (#6477)
+  * Upwrap import
+  * Remove utils/'s dependence on the current environment.
+  * Improve import error handling Fix --no-index usage Fix missing type annotation type
+  * Rename _link_package_versions() to evaluate_link().
+  * Move _link_package_versions() to CandidateEvaluator.
+  * Refine return type of _package_versions() and find_all_candidates().
+  * Fix mismerged import
+  * Issue #5948: Enable keyring support
+  * Move run_with_log_command() after run_stderr_with_prefix().
+  * Change to never allow logging errors during tests.
+  * Add failing test.
+  * Respect --global-option and --install-option for VCS installs.
+- Start using upstream git checkout instead of the released
+  tarballs so we can get tests/ directory (gh#pypa/pip#6258).
+- Enable tests.
+- Update to 19.1.1:
+  - Restore pyproject.toml handling to how it was with pip 19.0.3
+    to prevent the need to add --no-use-pep517 when installing in
+    editable mode. (#6434)
+  - Fix a regression that caused @ to be quoted in pypiserver
+    links. This interfered with parsing the revision string from
+    VCS urls. (#6440)
+  - Configuration files may now also be stored under sys.prefix
+    (#5060)
+  - Avoid creating an unnecessary local clone of a Bazaar branch
+    when exporting. (#5443)
+  - Include in pip's User-Agent string whether it looks like pip
+    is running under CI. (#5499)
+  - A custom (JSON-encoded) string can now be added to pip's
+    User-Agent using the PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA environment
+    variable. (#5549)
+  - For consistency, passing --no-cache-dir no longer affects
+    whether wheels will be built. In this case, a temporary
+    directory is used. (#5749)
+  - Command arguments in subprocess log messages are now quoted
+    using shlex.quote(). (#6290)
+  - Prefix warning and error messages in log output with WARNING
+    and ERROR. (#6298)
+  - Using --build-options in a PEP 517 build now fails with an
+    error, rather than silently ignoring the option. (#6305)
+  - Error out with an informative message if one tries to install
+    a pyproject.toml-style (PEP 517) source tree using --editable
+    mode. (#6314)
+  - When downloading a package, the ETA and average speed now
+    only update once per second for better legibility. (#6319)
+  - The stdout and stderr from VCS commands run by pip as
+    subprocesses (e.g. git, hg, etc.) no longer pollute pip's
+    stdout. (#1219)
+  - Fix handling of requests exceptions when dependencies are
+    debundled. (#4195)
+  - Make pip's self version check avoid recommending upgrades to
+    prereleases if the currently-installed version is stable.
+    (#5175)
+  - Fixed crash when installing a requirement from a URL that
+    comes from a dependency without a URL. (#5889)
+  - Improve handling of file URIs: correctly handle
+    file://localhost/... and don't try to use UNC paths on Unix.
+    (#5892)
+  - Fix utils.encoding.auto_decode() LookupError with invalid
+    encodings. utils.encoding.auto_decode() was broken when
+    decoding Big Endian BOM byte-strings on Little Endian or vice
+    versa. (#6054)
+  - Fix incorrect URL quoting of IPv6 addresses. (#6285)
+  - Redact the password from the extra index URL when using pip
+  - v. (#6295)
+  - The spinner no longer displays a completion message after
+    subprocess calls not needing a spinner. It also no longer
+    incorrectly reports an error after certain subprocess calls
+    to Git that succeeded. (#6312)
+  - Fix the handling of editable mode during installs when
+    pyproject.toml is present but PEP 517 doesn't require the
+    source tree to be treated as pyproject.toml-style. (#6370)
+  - Fix NameError when handling an invalid requirement. (#6419)
+  - Make dashes render correctly when displaying long options
+    like --find-links in the text. (#6422)
+- update to version 19.0.3:
+  * Fix an IndexError crash when a legacy build of a wheel
+    fails. (#6252)
+  * Fix a regression introduced in 19.0.2 where the filename in a
+    RECORD file of an installed file would not be updated when
+    installing a wheel. (#6266)
+- Avoid name repetition in summary. Summary should not be a
+  sentence (let alone three).
+- Update to 19.0.2 (2019-02-09):
+  + Bug Fixes
+  * Fix a crash where PEP 517-based builds using --no-cache-dir
+    would fail in some circumstances with an AssertionError due
+    to not finalizing a build directory internally. (#6197)
+  * Provide a better error message if attempting an editable
+    install of a directory with a pyproject.toml but no
+    (#6170)
+  * The implicit default backend used for projects that provide a
+    pyproject.toml file without explicitly specifying build-
+    backend now behaves more like direct execution of,
+    and hence should restore compatibility with projects that
+    were unable to be installed with pip 19.0. This raised the
+    minimum required version of setuptools for such builds to
+    40.8.0. (#6163)
+  * Allow RECORD lines with more than three elements, and display
+    a warning. (#6165)
+  * AdjacentTempDirectory fails on unwritable directory instead
+    of locking up the uninstall command. (#6169)
+  * Make failed uninstalls roll back more reliably and better at
+    avoiding naming conflicts. (#6194)
+  * Ensure the correct wheel file is copied when building PEP 517
+    distribution is built. (#6196)
+  * The Python 2 end of life warning now only shows on CPython,
+    which is the implementation that has announced end of life
+    plans. (#6207)
+  + Improved Documentation
+  * Re-write README and documentation index (#5815)
+- Update to 19.0.1 (2019-01-23):
+  + Bug Fixes
+  * Fix a crash when using –no-cache-dir with PEP 517
+    distributions (#6158, #6171)
+- Update to 19.0 (2019-01-22):
+  + Deprecations and Removals
+  * Deprecate support for Python 3.4 (#6106)
+  * Start printing a warning for Python 2.7 to warn of impending
+    Python 2.7 End-of-life and prompt users to start migrating to
+    Python 3. (#6148)
+  * Remove the deprecated --process-dependency-links option.
+    (#6060)
+  * Remove the deprecated SVN editable detection based on
+    dependency links during freeze. (#5866)
+  + Features
+  * Implement PEP 517 (allow projects to specify a build backend
+    via pyproject.toml). (#5743)
+  * Implement manylinux2010 platform tag support. manylinux2010
+    is the successor to manylinux1. It allows carefully compiled
+    binary wheels to be installed on compatible Linux platforms.
+    (#5008)
+  * Improve build isolation: handle .pth files, so namespace
+    packages are correctly supported under Python 3.2 and
+    earlier. (#5656)
+  * Include the package name in a freeze warning if the package
+    is not installed. (#5943)
+  * Warn when dropping an --[extra-]index-url value that points
+    to an existing local directory. (#5827)
+  * Prefix pip’s --log file lines with their timestamp. (#6141)
+  + Bug Fixes
+  * Avoid creating excessively long temporary paths when
+    uninstalling packages. (#3055)
+  * Redact the password from the URL in various log messages.
+    (#4746, #6124)
+  * Avoid creating excessively long temporary paths when
+    uninstalling packages. (#3055)
+  * Avoid printing a stack trace when given an invalid
+    requirement. (#5147)
+  * Present 401 warning if username/password do not work for URL
+    (#4833)
+  * Handle requests.exceptions.RetryError raised in PackageFinder
+    that was causing pip to fail silently when some indexes were
+    unreachable. (#5270, #5483)
+  * Handle a broken stdout pipe more gracefully (e.g. when
+    running pip list | head). (#4170)
+  * Fix crash from setting PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=yes. (#5385)
+  * Fix crash from unparseable requirements when checking
+    installed packages. (#5839)
+  * Fix content type detection if a directory named like an
+    archive is used as a package source. (#5838)
+  * Fix listing of outdated packages that are not dependencies of
+    installed packages in pip list --outdated --not-required
+    (#5737)
+  * Fix sorting TypeError in move_wheel_files() when installing
+    some packages. (#5868)
+  * Fix support for invoking pip using python src/pip ....
+    (#5841)
+  * Greatly reduce memory usage when installing wheels containing
+    large files. (#5848)
+  * Editable non-VCS installs now freeze as editable. (#5031)
+  * Editable Git installs without a remote now freeze as
+    editable. (#4759)
+  * Canonicalize sdist file names so they can be matched to a
+    canonicalized package name passed to pip install. (#5870)
+  * Properly decode special characters in SVN URL credentials.
+    (#5968)
+  * Make PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR disable the cache also for truthy
+    values like "true", "yes", "1", etc. (#5735)
+  + Vendored Libraries
+  * Include license text of vendored 3rd party libraries. (#5213)
+  * Update certifi to 2018.11.29
+  * Update colorama to 0.4.1
+  * Update distlib to 0.2.8
+  * Update idna to 2.8
+  * Update packaging to 19.0
+  * Update pep517 to 0.5.0
+  * Update pkg_resources to 40.6.3 (via setuptools)
+  * Update pyparsing to 2.3.1
+  * Update pytoml to 0.1.20
+  * Update requests to 2.21.0
+  * Update six to 1.12.0
+  * Update urllib3 to 1.24.1
+  + Improved Documentation
+  * Include the Vendoring Policy in the documentation. (#5958)
+  * Add instructions for running pip from source to Development
+    documentation. (#5949)
+  * Remove references to removed #egg=<name>-<version>
+    functionality (#5888)
+  * Fix omission of command name in HTML usage documentation
+    (#5984)
+- Fix patch pip-8.1.2-shipped-requests-cabundle.patch
+  this version is long gone
+- Rename patch to pip-shipped-requests-cabundle.patch
+- Fix and show shebang removal
+- Fix fdupes call
+- specfile:
+  * remove devel from noarch
+- update to version 18.1:
+  * Features
+    + Allow PEP 508 URL requirements to be used as dependencies.
+    + As a security measure, pip will raise an exception when
+    installing packages from PyPI if those packages depend on
+    packages not also hosted on PyPI. In the future, PyPI will block
+    uploading packages with such external URL dependencies
+    directly. (#4187)
+    + Upgrade pyparsing to 2.2.1. (#5013)
+    + Allows dist options (–abi, –python-version, –platform,
+    –implementation) when installing with –target (#5355)
+    + Support passing svn+ssh URLs with a username to pip install
+  - e. (#5375)
+    + pip now ensures that the RECORD file is sorted when installing
+    from a wheel file. (#5525)
+    + Add support for Python 3.7. (#5561)
+    + Malformed configuration files now show helpful error messages,
+    instead of tracebacks. (#5798)
+  * Bug Fixes
+    + Checkout the correct branch when doing an editable Git
+    install. (#2037)
+    + Run self-version-check only on commands that may access the
+    index, instead of trying on every run and failing to do so due
+    to missing options. (#5433)
+    + Allow a Git ref to be installed over an existing
+    installation. (#5624)
+    + Show a better error message when a configuration option has an
+    invalid value. (#5644)
+    + Always revalidate cached simple API pages instead of blindly
+    caching them for up to 10 minutes. (#5670)
+    + Avoid caching self-version-check information when cache is
+    disabled. (#5679)
+    + Avoid traceback printing on autocomplete after flags in the
+    CLI. (#5751)
+    + Fix incorrect parsing of egg names if pip needs to guess the
+    package name. (#5819)
+  * Vendored Libraries
+    + Upgrade certifi to 2018.8.24
+    + Upgrade packaging to 18.0
+    + Add pep517 version 0.2
+    + Upgrade pytoml to 0.1.19
+    + Upgrade pkg_resources to 40.4.3 (via setuptools)
+  * Improved Documentation
+    + Fix “Requirements Files” reference in User Guide
+    (#user_guide_fix_requirements_file_ref)
+- update to 18.0
+- refresh pip-8.1.2-shipped-requests-cabundle.patch
+  * drop python 3.3 support
+  * Remove the legacy format from pip list.
+  * Remove support for cleaning up #egg fragment postfixes
+  * Remove the shim for the old location
+  * Introduce a new --prefer-binary flag, to prefer older wheels
+    over newer source packages.
+  * Improve autocompletion function on file name completion
+  * Add support for installing PEP 518 build dependencies from source
+  * Improve status message when upgrade is skipped due to only-if-needed strategy
+- Update to version 2.0
+  + Removed support for the alternate usage. The recommended usage (as a
+    distutils command) is now the only supported usage.
+  + Removed support for the --junitxml parameter to the ptr command.
+    Clients should pass the same parameter (and all other py.test arguments)
+    to py.test via the --addopts parameter.
+- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
+- There are no docs to build, drop Sphinx dependency
+- initial package of version 1.2
+- Update to 0.15:
+  * Stop relabelling stable partitions, tests on power, doc fixes
+- Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.
+- update to version 0.14
+  * Replace RandomState.permutation with RandomState.shuffle
+  * include resolution parameter in __modularity calculation
+  * docs fixes
+- Prevent root owning of /var/lib/libuuid/clock.txt
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-prevent-root-owning.patch).
+- Make uuidd lock state file usable and time based UUIDs safe again
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-fix-lock-state.patch).
+- Fix "su -s" bash completion
+  (bsc#1172427, util-linux-bash-completion-su-chsh-l.patch).
+- Use BuildRequires python3-qt5-sip for Leap 15.4
+- Add upstream change (boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255):
+  * qprocess6-2.diff
+- Install qt6-core-private-devel when installing qt6-core-devel
+  (boo#1195368)
+- Add upstream change (boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255):
+  * qprocess6-2.diff
+- Install qt6-core-private-devel when installing qt6-core-devel
+  (boo#1195368)
+- Update to 0.4.0
+  * Fixes build
+  * No further upstream changelog
+- Use upstream version schema ( instead of arbitrary 0.0
+- Update to version 2021.04.29
+  * Add support for NVMe to the bootloader with a new NVMe boot mode
+  * Add support for [cm4] and [pi400] config conditionals filters.
+  * TFTP - reply to duplicate ACKS
+  * Skip rendering of HDMI diagnostics display for the first 8 seconds
+    unless an error occurs.
+  * Add support for the BCM2711 XHCI controller - BOOT_ORDER 0x5
+  * XHCI protocol layer fixes for non-VLI controllers
+  * Avoid USB MSD timeout of there is only one device
+  * Fix recovery.bin error handler so that the LED error pattern
+    is still displayed even if HDMI or SDRAM fail.
+  * Fix GPIO expander reset issue on some Pi4B 1.1 to 1.3 boards
+  * Fix regression for GPIO expander reset change which caused PMIC
+    reset to get card out of 1V8 mode to be missed.
+  * Timeout USB MSD commands and move to the next boot mode if a device
+    stops responding.
+  * Add support for booting from the BCM2711 XHCI controller which is
+    the USB-C socket on Pi 4B / Pi 400 and the type A sockets on Compute
+    Module 4 IO board.
+  * Validate SDRAM in recovery mode.
+- Fixes bsc#1194950.
+- Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- Update to version 0.12.2
+  * Add support for shared thumbnail repositories
+    (gxo#apps/ristretto#82)
+  * Add thumbnail flavor support (gxo#apps/ristretto#81)
+  * Use TreeModel IFace to walk the image list
+  * Add index and list link to RsttoImageListIter
+  * Switch to GQueue in RsttoImageList
+  * Cleanup and simplifications around thumbnail size
+  * Redistribute thumbnail sizes uniformly
+  * Disable debug checks in release mode
+  * Remove unused APIs in RsttoImageList
+  * Fix and complete file change monitoring
+  * Thumbnailer: Rework queue management
+  * Thumbnailer: Properly set the number of visible items
+  * Take the device scale into account to limit rendering quality
+  * Avoid multi-threading issue with X11 (gxo#apps/ristretto#76)
+  * Translation Updates
+- Enable nginx configs to serve on IPv6
+- Fix build using ruby 3.x (boo#1195318).
+- Version 2.7.1
+- Remove products with a negative ID during migration
+- Changes to RMT/connect API: RMT returns HTTP status code 422 whenever a system
+  tries to register/activate a product with an expired subscription.
+- Mirror metadata retry. This fixes bsc#1188578
+  PubCloud:
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- install modprobe.conf files into %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)
+- Add salt-ssh with Salt Bundle support (venv-salt-minion)
+  (bsc#1182851, bsc#1196432)
+- Fix issues found around pre_flight_script_args
+- Restrict "state.orchestrate_single" to pass a pillar value if it exists (bsc#1194632)
+- Fix salt-call event.send with pillar or grains
+- Update generated documentation to 3004
+- Added:
+  * add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch
+  * state.orchestrate_single-does-not-pass-pillar-none-4.patch
+  * prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch
+  * fix-salt-call-event.send-call-with-grains-and-pillar.patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- version 4.2.15-1
+  * require python macros for building
+- Remove unneeded build dependency.
+- Make dependencies of spack and spack-recipes symetrical.
+- Add openssl-devel, xz-devel and libzip-devel as recommends
+  bsc#1195789.
+- Fix script: RPM macros are not expanded
+  in external scripts.
+  * Rename: to
+- Fix list of recommended packages.
+- Add support for container building using a SLE base container.
+  * Add-support-for-container-building-using-a-SLE-base-container.patch
+- updated to spack 0.17.1 with following chnages:
+  * Allow locks to work under high contention (#27846)
+  * Improve errors messages from clingo (#27707 #27970)
+  * Respect package permissions for sbang (#25764)
+  * Fix --enable-locks behavior (#24675)
+  * Fix log-format reporter ignoring install errors (#25961)
+  * Fix overloaded argparse keys (#27379)
+  * Allow style commands to run with targets other than "develop" (#27472)
+  * Log lock messages to debug level, instead of verbose level (#27408)
+  * Handle invalid unicode while logging (#21447)
+  * spack audit: fix API calls to variants (#27713)
+  * Provide meaningful message for empty environment installs (#28031)
+  * Added opensuse leap containers to spack containerize (#27837)
+  * Revert "patches: make re-applied patches idempotent" (#27625)
+  * MANPATH can use system defaults (#21682)
+  * Add "setdefault" subcommand to `spack module tcl` (#14686)
+  * Regenerate views when specs already installed (#28113)
+- removed leap-container.patch as incoperated upstream
+- fixed the configuration files /etc/skel/.spack/{config|modules}.yaml
+  so that spack writes to $HOME if started as user
+- made objects.inv (Source5) to be static as the online version is changed
+  dynamically
+- added leap-container.patch which adds leap15 as os to the
+  spack containerize command.
+- updated to version 0.17.0
+  (Upstream feature/bug references (<ID>) are relative to
+  * New concretizer is now default
+    The new concretizer introduced as an experimental feature in v0.16.0
+    is now the default (#25502). The new concretizer is based on the
+    clingo logic programming system,
+    and it enables us to do much higher quality and faster dependency solving
+    The old concretizer is still available via the concretizer: original
+    setting, but it is deprecated and will be removed in v0.18.0.
+  * Binary Bootstrapping
+    To make it easier to use the new concretizer and binary packages,
+    Spack now bootstraps clingo and GnuPG from public binaries. If it
+    is not able to bootstrap them from binaries, it installs them from
+    source code. With these changes, you should still be able to clone Spack
+    and start using it almost immediately.
+  * Reuse existing packages (experimental)
+    The most wanted feature from our
+    2020 user survey and
+    the most wanted Spack feature of all time (#25310). spack install,
+    spack spec, and spack concretize now have a --reuse option, which
+    causes Spack to minimize the number of rebuilds it does. The --reuse
+    option will try to find existing installations and binary packages locally
+    and in registered mirrors, and will prefer to use them over building new
+    versions. This will allow users to build from source far less than in
+    prior versions of Spack. This feature will continue to be improved, with
+    configuration options and better CLI expected in v0.17.1. It will become
+    the default concretization mode in v0.18.0.
+  * Better error messages
+    We have improved the error messages generated by the new concretizer by
+    using unsatisfiable cores. Spack will now print a summary of the types
+    of constraints that were violated to make a spec unsatisfiable (#26719).
+  * Conditional variants
+    Variants can now have a when="<spec>" clause, allowing them to be
+    conditional based on the version or other attributes of a package (#24858).
+  * Git commit versions
+    In an environment and on the command-line, you can now provide a full,
+    40-character git commit as a version for any package with a top-level
+    git URL. e.g., spack install hdf5@45bb27f58240a8da7ebb4efc821a1a964d7712a8.
+    Spack will compare the commit to tags in the git repository to understand
+    what versions it is ahead of or behind.
+  * Override local config and cache directories
+    You can now set SPACK_DISABLE_LOCAL_CONFIG to disable the ~/.spack and
+    /etc/spack configuration scopes. SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH allows you to
+    move caches out of ~/.spack, as well (#27022, #26735). This addresses
+    common problems where users could not isolate CI environments from local
+    configuration.
+  * Improvements to Spack Containerize
+    For added reproducibility, you can now pin the Spack version used by
+    spack containerize (#21910). The container build will only build
+    with the Spack version pinned at build recipe creation instead of the
+    latest Spack version.
+  * New commands for dealing with tags
+    The spack tags command allows you to list tags on packages (#26136), and you
+    can list tests and filter tags with spack test list (#26842).
+  * Copy and relocate environment views as stand-alone installations (#24832)
+  * spack diff command can diff two installed specs (#22283, #25169)
+  * spack -c <config> can set one-off config parameters on CLI (#22251)
+  * spack load --list is an alias for spack find --loaded (#27184)
+  * spack gpg can export private key with --secret (#22557)
+  * spack style automatically bootstraps dependencies (#24819)
+  * spack style --fix automatically invokes isort (#24071)
+  * build dependencies can be installed from build caches with --include-build-deps (#19955)
+  * spack audit command for checking package constraints (#23053)
+  * spack can now fetch from CVS repositories (yep, really) (#23212)
+  * spack monitor lets you upload analysis about installations to a
+  * spack monitor server (#23804, #24321, #23777, #25928))
+  * spack python --path shows which python Spack is using (#22006)
+  * spack env activate --temp can create temporary environments (#25388)
+  * --preferred and --latest options for spack checksum (#25830)
+  * SPACK_PYTHON environment variable sets which python spack uses (#21222)
+  * SPACK_SKIP_MODULES lets you source faster if you don't need modules (#24545)
+- removed following patches as incomperated upstream:
+  * added-dockerfile-for-opensuse-leap-15.patch
+- removed as not needed any more:
+  * basic-exclude-pattern-for-external-find.patch
+  * Fix-documentation-so-that-parser-doesn-t-stumble.patch
+- updated patches:
+  * Adapt-shell-scripts-that-set-up-the-environment-for-different-shells.patch
+  * added-target-and-os-calls-to-output-of-spack-spec-co.patch
+  * Fix-error-during-documentation-build-due-to-recursive-module-inclusion.patch
+  * fix-tumbleweed-naming.patch
+  * Make-spack-paths-compliant-to-distro-installation.patch
+- added:
+  * Fix-Spinx-configuration-to-avoid-throwing-errors.patch
+  * Set-modules-default-to-lmod.patch
+- updated requires to actual sphinx version, so that the documentation
+  builds
+- Included source:
+  objects.inv
+- Fix sysuser file name.
+- Utilize sysuser infrastructure to set group spack.
+- update to version 0.16.3 (JSC#SLE-22137):
+  * clang/llvm: fix version detection
+  * Fix use of quotes in Python build system
+  * Ensure all roots of an installed environment are marked explicit in db
+  * Fix fetching for Python 3.8 and 3.9
+  * locks: only open lockfiles once instead of for every lock held
+- added tar and make as requirement
+- added README-oo-wiki which is the raw version of the opensuse wiki
+- update to version 0.16.1
+  * Major performance improvement for spack load and other commands.
+  * spack fetch is now environment-aware. (#19166)
+  * Numerous fixes for the new, clingo-based concretizer.
+  * Supoprt for automatically bootstrapping clingo from source.
+  * Python 3.10 support:
+  * Fix import issues by using __import__ instead of Spack package import.
+  * Bugfixes and --source-dir argument for spack location.
+  * Better support for externals in shared prefixes.
+  * spack build-env now prefers specs defined in the active environment.
+  * Remove erroneous warnings about quotes in from_sourcing_files.
+  * Fix clearing cache of InternalConfigScope.
+  * Bugfix for active when pkg is already active error.
+  * Make SingleFileScope able to repopulate the cache after clearing it.
+  * Channelflow: Fix the package.
+  * More descriptive error message for bugs in
+  * Use package-supplied
+  * Respect -k/verify-ssl-false in _existing_url method.
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- version 4.2.5-1
+  * require python macros for building
+  * Do not build python 2 package for SLE15 and higher
+- Update to version 0.0.6~git9.33e5847:
+  * Delegate free() calls back to Go (bsc#1195729)
+  * Pass "insecure" to zypper addservice
+  * Workaround system cert reloading after import (bsc#1195220)
+  * Extract setupHTTPClient for easier reuse
+  * Exit with code 64 on connection refused like Ruby
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Change shebang of two Python scripts to /usr/bin/python3
+- Update to 1.6.1:
+  * This new release adds compatibility with wlroots 0.14, and
+    contains a few bug fixes.
+  * See for details
+- Update to 1.6:
+  New features:
+  * Input method editor (IME) improvements: better support for CJK IMEs,
+    allow IMEs to work on desktop UIs (such as panels and lockscreens)
+  * Smoother interactive move/resize operations
+  * Allow Flatpak and snap applications to better integrate with the
+    system via the xdg-foreign protocol
+  * Improved i3 compatibility for commands changing the window layout
+  * Add an option to hide the cursor when typing
+  * Add tray icon support to systems without systemd/elogind
+  * X11 clipboard reliability improvements
+- Add subpackage contrib with all files from the contrib/ subdirectory.
+- Update to 1.5.1:
+  * This is a bugfix release which adds support for wlroots 0.12.0.
+- Update to 1.5:
+  New features:
+  * Headless outputs can now be created dynamically via the create_output
+    command, and can be used with WayVNC
+  * Input method editors (IME) are now supported via the input-method and
+    text-input protocols
+  * Adaptive synchronization (aka. variable refresh rate, VRR) can be enabled
+    to reduce stuttering in games
+  * Support for the viewporter protocol, allowing older X11 games to work
+    better and improve performance
+  * Allow virtualization and remote desktop software to inhibit keyboard
+    shortcuts
+  * Support for the wlr-foreign-toplevel-management protocol, allowing
+    custom docks and window switchers
+  * For details see:
+- Remove 0001-Fix-compiling-with-fno-common.patch: in new release
+- Remove file %{_sysconfdir}/sway/security.d/00-defaults
+- Update to 1.5~RC2:
+  * output: simplify loop over layer surfaces
+  * tree/view: Make foreign-toplevel app_id fallback to class
+  * transaction: Mark client resize immediately ready
+  * seat: Refocus seat when wlr_drag is destroyed
+  * input/pointer: correctly handle bindings for synthetic events
+  * tree/view: fix smart borders with tabbed/stacked ancestor
+- Update to 1.5~RC1:
+  New features:
+  * Headless outputs can now be created dynamically via the create_output
+    command, and can be used with WayVNC
+  * Input method editors (IME) are now supported via the input-method and
+    text-input protocols
+  * Adaptive synchronization (aka. variable refresh rate, VRR) can be enabled
+    to reduce stuttering in games
+  * Support for the viewporter protocol, allowing older X11 games to work
+    better and improve performance
+  * Allow virtualization and remote desktop software to inhibit keyboard
+    shortcuts
+  * Support for the wlr-foreign-toplevel-management protocol, allowing
+    custom docks and window switchers
+  * For full list of changes see:
+- package shouldn't require specific branding version, just a package
+- Add -fno-common patch in order to address boo#1160244
+  * 0001-Fix-compiling-with-fno-common.patch
+  *
+- Add separate branding package
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Fix the default target when it's been incorrectly set to one of the runlevel
+  targets (bsc#1196567)
+  The script '' used to initialize the default target
+  during migration from sysvinit to systemd. However it created symlinks to
+  runlevel targets, which are deprecated and might be missing when
+  systemd-sysvcompat package is not installed. If such symlinks are found the
+  script now renames them to point to 'true' systemd target units.
+- When migrating from sysvinit to systemd (it probably won't happen anymore),
+  let's use the default systemd target, which is the one. In
+  most cases it will do the right thing anyway.
+- systemd.spec: minor simplification by assuming that %{bootstrap} is always
+  defined.
+- Make sure to create 'systemd-coredump' system user when systemd-coredump is
+  installed (follow-up for the split of the sysusers config files).
+- Fix the default target when it's been incorrectly set to one of the runlevel
+  targets (bsc#1196567)
+  The script '' used to initialize the default target
+  during migration from sysvinit to systemd. However it created symlinks to
+  runlevel targets, which are deprecated and might be missing when
+  systemd-sysvcompat package is not installed. If such symlinks are found the
+  script now renames them to point to 'true' systemd target units.
+- When migrating from sysvinit to systemd (it probably won't happen anymore),
+  let's use the default systemd target, which is the one. In
+  most cases it will do the right thing anyway.
+- systemd.spec: minor simplification by assuming that %{bootstrap} is always
+  defined.
+- Make sure to create 'systemd-coredump' system user when systemd-coredump is
+  installed (follow-up for the split of the sysusers config files).
+- The default theme is now Flat, Dark will come back in a new package
+- openSUSE Branding now has a colorscheme so use that as the default
+- Fix colorscheme loading
+  * fix-colorscheme-name-typo.patch
+- Update to 1.12.1
+  * New Deafult theme (Not the default in openSUSE)
+  * Colorschemes generate their own configuration file, allowing
+    for easy management of outside contributions
+- bump to 1.11.0
+- BuildRequire python3-base instead of python3: the cheaper build
+  dep is sufficient.
+- 20220219 - Now also includes colorschemes, not the best color
+  scheme ever but the default will get a change soon.
-- require edje instead of all efl
-- beautify spec
-- replace dependency with new EFL migration
+- Apparently we lost the changelog, this version works with 1.12
+  Its our old default because we are changing default again soon.
+- Use python3-base instead of python3
-- add missing dependency (ImageMagick)
+- Update to version 0.07:
+  * Update README to use markdown (
+  * Minor updates to other files to modernize
+  * Add license information relating to Launchpad's new terms
+  * Updated strings: Khmer (km), Thai (th)
+- x11vnc: no longer explicitely require python3, since it's already
+  required implicitely via autogenerated RPM requires
+- x11vnc requires python3 (bsc#1196623)
+- Skip test_meta_schedule_local_runner_time_out and
+  test_meta_schedule_local_runner_exception tests on Leap/SLE
+  since they require python 3.7+
+- Add deps on python3-tvm and python3-setuptools for tvmc - boo#1196646
+- Add 'Requires: python-cloudpickle' - boo#1195952#c1
+- Update to v0.8
+  * PaddlePaddle frontend
+  * TVMScript: round-trippable python-based syntax for TIR
+  * TorchScript integration
+  * TensorIR scheduling language
+  * TensorRT and CUTLASS integration via BYOC
+  * Int4 TensorCore support in AutoTVM
+  * MicroTVM Project API and Zephyr, Arduino support
+  * AOT executor
+  * Robust Windows support
+  * Affine analysis infra: iter-affine-map
+  * Improved Vulkan backend
+  * CUDA graph support in TVM runtime
+- Hopefully fixes boo#1195952
+- Drop Patches merged upstream:
+  * tvm-fix-catch.patch -- gh#apache/tvm#7319
+  * tvm-fix-llvm12.patch -- gh#apache/tvm#6717, gh#apache/tvm#6738
+- Add patches
+  * tvm-fix-relay-test.patch -- gh#apache/tvm#10402
+  * tvm-disable-vulkan-test-check.patch
+- Skip Python 3.9+ -- gh#apache/tvm#8577
+- Trim future plans/marketing from description.
+- Build fails with LLVM 13, so still use LLVM 12 on Tumbleweed
+- Backport patches to fix build on Tumbleweed with llvm12:
+  * tvm-fix-llvm12.patch
+- NEP 29: Last minorversion bump deprecated Python 3.6
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Fix build for Leap and SLE by using newer gcc version
+- update to 1.1.0
+  * Added
+  - Started building with C++17
+  - Tree-like list-devices output
+  - Added CAP_AUDIT_WRITE capability to service file
+  - Added support for lower OpenSSL versions prior to 1.1.0
+  - Added a new signal: DevicePolicyApplied
+  * Fixed/Changed
+  - Moved PIDFile from /var/run to /run
+  - Fixed linker isssues with disable-static
+  - Enhanced bash-completion script
+  - Make username/group checking consistent with useradd manual page definition (with addition of capital letters)
+  - Fixed multiple IPC related bugs
+  - Fixed race condition when accessing port/connect_type for USB devices
+  - Using bundled catch v2.13.8
+  - Using bundled PEGTL v3.2.5
+  - Fixed usbguard-rule-parser file opening
+  - CVE-2019-25058: Fix unauthorized access via D-Bus (boo#1196460)
+- remove applied upstream
+- Prevent root owning of /var/lib/libuuid/clock.txt
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-prevent-root-owning.patch).
+- Make uuidd lock state file usable and time based UUIDs safe again
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-fix-lock-state.patch).
+- Fix "su -s" bash completion
+  (bsc#1172427, util-linux-bash-completion-su-chsh-l.patch).
+- Prevent root owning of /var/lib/libuuid/clock.txt
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-prevent-root-owning.patch).
+- Make uuidd lock state file usable and time based UUIDs safe again
+  (bsc#1194642, util-linux-uuidd-fix-lock-state.patch).
+- Fix "su -s" bash completion
+  (bsc#1172427, util-linux-bash-completion-su-chsh-l.patch).
+- version 4.2.6-1
+  * Read modularity data from DISTTAG tag as fallback (bsc#1192487)
+  * require python macros for building
+- Minimal fix for Bug 1195004 - (CVE-2022-0318) VUL-0: CVE-2022-0318: vim:
+  Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2.
+  / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1190570 CVE-2021-3796: vim: use-after-free in nv_replace() in
+  normal.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3796.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1191893 CVE-2021-3872: vim: heap-based buffer overflow in
+  win_redr_status() drawscreen.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3872.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1192481 CVE-2021-3927: vim: vim is vulnerable to
+  Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3927.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1192478 CVE-2021-3928: vim: vim is vulnerable to
+  Stack-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3928.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1193294 CVE-2021-4019: vim: vim is vulnerable to
+  Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4019.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1193298 CVE-2021-3984: vim: illegal memory access when C-indenting
+  could lead to Heap Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3984.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1190533 CVE-2021-3778: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in regexp_nfa.c
+  / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3778.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1194216 CVE-2021-4193: vim: vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read
+  / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4193.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1194556 CVE-2021-46059: vim: A Pointer Dereference vulnerability
+  exists in Vim 8.2.3883 via the vim_regexec_multi function at regexp.c, which
+  causes a denial of service. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-46059.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1195066 CVE-2022-0319: vim: Out-of-bounds Read in vim/vim
+  prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0319.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1195126 CVE-2022-0351: vim: uncontrolled recursion in eval7()
+  / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0351.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1195202 CVE-2022-0361: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim
+  prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0361.patch
+- Fixing bsc#1195356 CVE-2022-0413: vim: use after free in src/ex_cmds.c
+  / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch
+- Wireshark 3.6.2:
+  * CVE-2022-0586: RTMPT dissector infinite loop (boo#1195866)
+  * CVE-2022-0585: Large loops in multiple dissectors (boo#1195867)
+  * CVE-2022-0583: PVFS dissector crash (boo#1195868)
+  * CVE-2022-0582: CSN.1 dissector crash (boo#1195869)
+  * CVE-2022-0581: CMS dissector crash (boo#1195870)
+- Further features, bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in:
+- seatd is no more optional, see upstream commit 95b657ba80f6128eefd
+- Update to 0.14.1:
+  * surface: accept commits with buffer size not divisible by scale
+  * buffer: make enum wlr_buffer_cap public
+  * surface: allow locking pending state in commit handler
+  * Revert "backend/drm: populate cursor plane's current_fb"
+  * backend/drm: don't clear pending cursor FB on failed commit
+  * output: detach buffer from renderer before commit
+  * output-damage: fix output swapchain handling
+  * tablet-v2: fix pad and tool object versions
+  * backend/drm: force linear layout for multi-GPU buffers
+- Update to 0.14.0:
+  Release highlights:
+  * Renderer refactoring work is well underway: everything now uses the new
+    infrastructure under-the-hood except the DRM backend's primary plane.
+  * The Pixman renderer has been merged, alongside new allocators (shared
+    memory for Wayland/X11 and DRM dumb buffers).
+  * Session management is now completely offloaded to libseat.
+  * Support for the xdg-activation-v1 protocol has been merged.
+  * For details see:
+- Remove logind/systemd dependency and use libseat instead for (e)logind
+  and seat support
+- Use named source tarball
+- Fix meson version requirement
+- Update to 0.13.0:
+  * Replace wlr_key_state with wl_keyboard_key_state (#2446[1]):
+    enum wlr_key_state has been replaced with enum wl_keyboard_key_state
+  * Use uint32_t in wlr_renderer_begin signature (#2433[2])
+  * Remove unneeded includes from wlr_input_device.h (#2470[3])
+  * Renderer v6, incremental version (#2240[4]): some implicit assumptions about
+    wlr_renderer's EGL context no longer hold true. Compositors not using EGL
+    directly shouldn't be affected.
+    + wlroots' framebuffer no longer is the EGL default framebuffer
+    + wlroots' framebuffer no longer has a depth attachment
+  * Remove wlr_create_renderer_func_t (#2561[5])
+    + wlr_backend_autocreate, wlr_drm_backend_create, wlr_headless_backend_create,
+    wlr_wl_backend_create, wlr_x11_backend_create no longer take a
+    wlr_renderer_create_func_t parameter
+    +The wlr_renderer_create_func_t type has been removed
+  * backend/noop: listen to display destroy and destroy the backend (#2583[6]):
+    the noop backend should no longer be manually destroyed after the wl_display
+  * xdg shell: remove wlr_xdg_surface_for_each_popup (#2610[7])
+    wlr_xdg_surface_for_each_popup has been removed, use
+    wlr_xdg_surface_for_each_popup_surface instead.
+  * layer shell: rename popup iterator for consistency (#2617[8]):
+    wlr_layer_surface_v1_for_each_popup has been renamed to
+    wlr_layer_surface_v1_for_each_popup_surface.
+  * Keyboard interactivity options (#2555[9]):
+    wlr_layer_surface_v1_state.keyboard_interactivity has now the type
+    enum zwlr_layer_surface_v1_keyboard_interactivity to reflect protocol changes.
+  * output: remove scale/transform events (#2631[10]): the scale and transform
+    output events have been removed, compositors should use the commit event instead.
+  * output: send commit event after pending state is cleared (#2630[11]):
+    compositors can no longer read the to-be-committed state from wlr_output.pending in
+    an output commit event handler. Instead, use the current state and
+    wlr_output_event_commit.
+  * render/wlr_texture: clamp texture coordinates to edge by default (#2476[12]):
+    the GLES2 renderer no longer wraps textures with GL_REPEAT. If you want to repeat a
+    texture, manually change wlroots' default via glTexParameteri.
+  * text_input_v3: correct typo in enum field (#2735[13]):
+    WLR_TEXT_INPUT_v3_FEATURE_CONTENT_TYPE has been renamed to
+  * Stop using wl_shm_format (#2744[14]): the renderer functions take DRM_FORMAT_* values
+    instead of WL_SHM_FORMAT_*. Make sure you don't have any remaining WL_SHM_FORMAT_*
+    enum values in your compositor.
+    + wlr_renderer_read_pixels now takes a DRM format code instead of an enum
+    wl_shm_format
+    + wlr_renderer_get_shm_texture_formats now returns DRM format codes instead of an
+    enum wl_shm_format
+    + wlr_renderer_read_pixels now takes a DRM format code instead of an enum
+    wl_shm_format
+    + wlr_output_preferred_read_format now returns a DRM format code instead of an enum
+    wl_shm_format
+- Update to 0.12.0:
+  breaking changes:
+  * render/gles2: remove gles2_procs global (#2351)
+    The wlr_gles2_texture_from_* family of functions are no longer
+    public API.
+  * Remove xdg-shell-unstable-v6 support (#2391)
+    wlr_xdg_shell_v6 has been dropped and is superseded by wlr_xdg_shell.
+  * output: fix blurred hw cursors with fractional scaling (#2107)
+    For backends: wlr_output_impl.set_cursor now takes a float scale
+    instead of an int32_t.
+  * Introduce wlr_output_event_commit (#2315)
+    The event now has a data argument of
+    type struct wlr_output_event_commit * instead of struct wlr_output *.
+  * For details see:
+- Update to 0.11.0:
+  * build: replace version with soversion (#2005)
+  * Fix wl_output_transform rotation direction, and composition (#2023)
+  * backend/drm: add support for custom modes (#1881)
+  * Introduce wlr_client_buffer (#2043)
+  * Augment wlr_buffer to support swapchains (#2044)
+  * output: remove wlr_output_impl.schedule_frame (#2046)
+  * output: replace wlr_output.damage with a damage event (#2065)
+  * Implement the viewporter protocol (#2092)
+  * output: introduce wlr_output_test (#2097)
+  * output: fix blurred hw cursors with fractional scaling (#2107)
+  * Texture improvements (#2139)
+  * xwayland: split server (#2175)
+  * Make wlr_xcursor_manager_load() return a bool (#2195)
+  * output: make wlr_output_set_gamma atomic (#2196)
+  * Allow keyboard and pointer grabs to hook clear_focus() (#2217)
+  * backend/drm: atomic improvements (#2238)
+  * render: choose DMA-BUF texture target via eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT (#2255)
+  * output: fix dangling renderer context after wlr_output_preferred_read_format (#2292)
+  * layer-shell: remove unused surface list (#2309)
+  * For details see:
+- Remove 0001-Declare-wlr_seat-globals-as-extern.patch: in new release
+- Remove viewport-implementation.patch: in new release
+- Set -Dlogind-provider=systemd
+- Add viewport-implementation.patch:
+  To be able to compile sway 1.5 RC1 which depends on unreleased
+  wlroots
+- Add -fno-common patch in order to address boo#1160244
+  * 0001-Declare-wlr_seat-globals-as-extern.patch
+  *
+- Add CVE-2022-23303_0001.patch, CVE-2022-23303_0002.patch,
+  CVE-2022-23303_0003.patch, CVE-2022-23303_0004.patch
+  SAE/EAP-pwd side-channel attack update 2
+  (CVE-2022-23303, CVE-2022-23304, bsc#1194732, bsc#1194733)
-- Update to (boo#1180492):
-  * Workaround for the problem with overflowing maximum command
-    line length in MinGW builds not using configure.
-  * Fix for a problem with wxSpinCtrl in wxGTK, see
-- Changes from version 3.0.5:
-  * Bug fixes, see
-- Refresh soversion.diff.
-- Remove 0001-spinctrl.patch: Merged upstream.
-- Build wxWidgets-3_0-nostl variant with LTO disabled to fix
-  boo#1162418.
-- Update relax-abi.diff for new upstream patch.
-- Bump soversion.diff for 3.0.4
-- update to 3.0.4
-  * Don't crash on trailing '%' in wxDateTime::Format().
-  * Fix various problems when parsing invalid ZIP files.
-  * Fix generic wxTimePickerCtrl to accept max values from
-    keyboard.
-  * Multiple surrogate-related fixes in UTF-16 support.
-  * Fix reading wide character data in wxFile::ReadAll().
-  * Make parsing WAV data more robust.
-  * Fix copy ctor in numeric validators classes.
-  * Fix memory leak when wxDataViewCtrl is deleted.
-  * Avoid some GTK+ run-time errors when using
-    wx{File,Dir}PickerCtrl.
-- rebase patch soversion.diff
-- Prevent breaking binaries, if C++11 is enabled
-  Add 0001-18034-stick-with-compile-settings-detected-at-config.patch
-- Rework provides/conflicts between -devel variants.
-- Rework language package dependencies with base library.
-- Replace otherproviders() by regular Conflicts.
-- Unify packaging
-- Backport spinctrl patches: 0001-spinctrl.patch
-  0002-spinctrl.patch
-- Fix SLE12 build with SDL1.
-- Make use of %is_opensuse to select SDL1 for SLE12
-- Disable building WebView (the built-in browser widget),
-  as pkconfig(webkit-1.0) (= webkit1gtk2) is going away.
-- update to 3.0.3
-  See:
-- change source url to github
-- rebase patch soversion.diff
-- remove following patches, because they are now in upstream:
-  0001-avoid-passing-invalid-rect-to-Refresh-closes-16819.patch
-  0001-Ensure-the-PangoFontFace-type-is-loaded.patch
-  0001-Fix-wxPrintDialog-when-used-directly-see-16821.patch
-  0001-set-transient-parent-for-about-dialog-closes-16823.patch
-  0001-Avoid-refreshing-not-currently-visible-items-in-gene.patch
-  0001-Avoid-Gtk-Message-GtkDialog-mapped-without-a-transie.patch
-  0001-Fix-wxSpinButton-best-size-for-GTK-3.12-and-later-se.patch
-  0001-Fix-drawing-checkbox-and-radiobutton-in-checked-stat.patch
-  0001-Provide-trivial-GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY-definition-for-GT.patch
-  0001-Fix-spurious-assert-in-wxGTK-wxDataViewCtrl-EditItem.patch
-  0002-Don-t-defer-wxTLW-initialization-in-wxGTK-when-not-u.patch
-  0003-Don-t-use-frame-extents-when-not-using-X11-in-wxGTK.patch
-  0004-Don-t-crash-when-switching-to-full-screen-in-non-X11.patch
-  0005-Don-t-use-X11-only-functions-when-not-using-X11-in-w.patch
-  abs.diff
-  wxWidgets-3_0-gstreamer-1.0.patch
-- Bump __GXX_ABI_VERSION to 1011 for gcc7
-- Add 0001-Fix-spurious-assert-in-wxGTK-wxDataViewCtrl-EditItem.patch
-  to resolve crash [boo#1034350]
-- Fix devel package description.
-- Bump (SUSE-local) SO version to force rebuild.
-- Add relax-abi.diff
-- Also apply wxWidgets-3_0-gstreamer-1.0.patch to -nostl specfile,
-  and switch its BR to gstreamer-1.0 too; this was missed in the
-  previous submission.
-- Add wxWidgets-3_0-gstreamer-1.0.patch to port functions to use
-  gstreamer 1.0 instead of the unmaintained 0.10 branch; patch
-  taken from upstream issue:
-- Created wxWidgets-nostl to enable audacity updates in openSUSE
-  because all of the other Linux distributions prefer to build
-  wxWidgets without STL and audacity developers have no intention
-  of fixing audacity to build against wxWidgets built with STL.
-- Add abs.diff to reenable successful gcc6 build
-- Add patches from upstream to resolve crashes in normal conditions,
-  and when running under non-X11 wxGTK3.
-  0001-avoid-passing-invalid-rect-to-Refresh-closes-16819.patch
-  0001-Ensure-the-PangoFontFace-type-is-loaded.patch
-  0001-Fix-wxPrintDialog-when-used-directly-see-16821.patch
-  0001-set-transient-parent-for-about-dialog-closes-16823.patch
-  0001-Avoid-refreshing-not-currently-visible-items-in-gene.patch
-  0001-Avoid-Gtk-Message-GtkDialog-mapped-without-a-transie.patch
-  0001-Fix-wxSpinButton-best-size-for-GTK-3.12-and-later-se.patch
-  0001-Fix-drawing-checkbox-and-radiobutton-in-checked-stat.patch
-  0001-fix-crashes-in-wxGTK3-when-running-with-non-X11-back.patch
-  0002-Don-t-defer-wxTLW-initialization-in-wxGTK-when-not-u.patch
-  0003-Don-t-use-frame-extents-when-not-using-X11-in-wxGTK.patch
-  0004-Don-t-crash-when-switching-to-full-screen-in-non-X11.patch
-  0005-Don-t-use-X11-only-functions-when-not-using-X11-in-w.patch
-  0001-Provide-trivial-GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY-definition-for-GT.patch
-- Fixup Provides/Conflicts: wxWidgets-3_0 is wxGTK2, not wxGTK3,
-  and should conflict against experimental variants that are
-  shipping concurrently.
-- Add missing directives to baselibs.conf, and also
-  remove wxGTK3 from baselibs.
-- Reenable standard dependency generator. We no longer have
-  overlapping library SONAMEs.
-- Update to new upstream release 3.0.2
-  * Fix silent data loss in wx[F]File::Write(wxString) if conversion
-  fails.
-  * Make wxString::FromCDouble() work when the global C++ locale is
-  not the C one.
-  * Fix mouse handling in wxNotebook containing wxListCtrl.
-- Bump SONAME due to changed ABI, add soversion.diff.
-- Don't let wxGTK3-3_0.spec build the SDL plugin (already done
-  by wxWidgets-3_0.spec)
-- Restore libwx_base*.so devel symlinks [boo#904098]
-- Replace broad Requires: Mesa-devel by pkgconfig(gl)
-  [Mesa-libGL-devel]
+- Update to version 1.2.7
+  * Use locale-independent floats in configuration files
+  * Fix translations not showing in the GUI
+  * Translation Updates
+- Update to version 1.2.6
+  * Prevent cur_freq sysfs reads from stalling plugin initialization
+  * Enable fractional update internals
+  * Prevent sysfs read latency from interfering with GUI updates
+  * Improve static type-safety of signal handlers
+  * Replace C pointers with reference-counted pointers
+  * Cleanup configuration files
+  * Bump libxfce4panel requirement from 4.12 to 4.14
+  * Update copyright year
+  * Bump required xdt-autogen version to 4.14.0
+  * Update syntax
+  * Update and sort the list of authors
+  * Manually update %d to %zu in translations
+  * Translation Updates
+- Update to version 1.2.6
+  * Fix translations not showing in the GUI
+  * Don't save some defaults to configuration files
+  * Fix visibility of the associated-command configuration
+  * Update syntax
+  * Translation Updates
+- Update to version 1.4.3
+  * Fix translations not showing in the GUI
+  * Use locale-independent floats in configuration files
+  * Translation Updates
+- Update to version 2.7.1
+  * Fix not selecting second icon in search results.
+    (gxo#panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin#50)
+  * Fix incorrect selection when leaving treeview.
+  * Fix skipping first treeview item.
+  * Fix unnecessary button size changes.
+  * Translation updates
+- U_xfree86-Fix-NULL-pointer-dereference-crash.patch
+  * Fix a regression in
+    u_xfree86-Change-displays-array-to-pointers-array-to-f.patch
+    (boo#1196577)
+  * Credits go to Simon Lees <> for finding the fix!
+- renamed u_xfree86-Change-displays-array-to-pointers-array-to-f.patch
+  to U_xfree86-Change-displays-array-to-pointers-array-to-f.patch
+  since it's a backport from an upstream patch
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Reverted LD_PRELOAD change (GitHub PR#1236) (bsc#1196326)
+- 4.4.46
+- New doc: Invoking External Commands in YaST (in doc/)
+- Set the name of the auto client in the desktop file
+  (bsc#1196590).
+- 4.4.2
+- Avoid terminal login prompt when running Second Stage service
+  (bsc#1196594 and related to bsc#1195059).
+- 4.4.47
+- Fixed crash when starting the expert console (bsc#1196724)
+- 4.4.46
+- Fixed the start of the VNC server during installation. Done by
+  Joan Torres López <> (bsc#1196201).
+- 4.4.45
+- Use the default UI theme in SSH installation, the
+  "installation_slim" theme does not exist anymore (bsc#1196287)
+- memsample-archive-to-csv - handle "ps" errors in the data file
+- 4.4.44
+- Modified Second Stage service dependencies fixing a root login
+  systemd timeout when installing with ssh (bsc#1195059)
+- 4.4.43
+- Do not create a Btrfs snapshot at the end of the installation
+  or upgrade when the root filesystem is mounted as read-only
+  (jsc#SLE-22560).
+- 4.4.42
+- Write NetworkManager s390 options to the ethernet section instead
+  of the connection one (bsc#1196582)
+- 4.4.44
+- Added connection config writers for Qeth and Hipersocket
+  devices (bsc#1196582)
+- 4.4.43
+- Revert last change going back to skip DHCP setup completely if
+  the network is already configured through iBFT (bsc#1194911)
+- 4.4.42
+- Related to bsc#1194911:
+  - Skip iBFT interfaces as DHCP candidates but configure DHCP if
+    there is no active and ifcfg file configured interface
+- 4.4.41
+- Fixed active configuration detection (bsc#1196276, bsc#1194911)
+- 4.4.40
+- bnc#1195714
+  - slaves removed from UI and replaced by workers
+- 4.4.2
+- Properly set the repository alias for the Full medium add-ons
+  (bsc#1193214)
+- 4.4.24
+- Adapt test code for work with Ruby >= 3 (related to bsc#1193192)
+- 4.4.17
+- Makes the addon selector more "themeable" (bsc#1196362).
+- 4.4.16
+- Fix format of unformatted disks after activation (bsc#1196559).
+- 4.4.5
+- Stop using 'lsm' kernel boot parameter even for the
+  "None" Major Linux Security Module (bsc#1194332, bsc#1196274).
+- 4.4.12
+- Include the light SLE installation theme
+  (jsc#SLE-20547, jsc#SLE-20564)
+- SLE theme fixes:
+  - Fixed partly hidden push buttons in some popups (bsc#1184778)
+  - Fixed missing logo and "SUSE" label in the header in the
+    non-default installation themes (bsc#1196312)
+  - Fixed CheckBoxFrame indicator size (bsc#1184780)
+- 4.4.7
+- Update to version 84.87.20220305.ba29422b84:
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'.
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+- Update to version 84.87.20220227.6bd7ce0ef2:
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
+- Leap 15.4 Beta translations poo#99990 bump to version 84.87.20220224.fc95951c18:
+  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * New POT for text domain 'registration'.
+  * New POT for text domain 'nis_server'.
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * New POT for text domain 'installation'.
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * New POT for text domain 'installation'.
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (French)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+  * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'.
+  * Translated using Weblate (German)
+  * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN))
+- Update to 21.12.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 21.12.2
+- Fix build
+- Python3 compatibility
+  * Add patch v0.2-Port-to-Python3.patch
+- Added CVE-2019-20044.patch: fixes insecure dropping of privileges when
+  unsetting PRIVILEGED option (CVE-2019-20044 bsc#1163882)
+- Added CVE-2021-45444.patch: fixes a vulnerability in prompt expansion which
+  could be exploited through e.g.  VCS_Info to execute arbitrary shell
+  commands (CVE-2021-45444 bsc#1196435)